"What should we do?"

A man looked at the withered crops, and a lot of people behind him looked desperate. Only a little of the surviving crops were left. They looked desperately at the situation in the shed. This was the best shed. , but the crop still died.

No one here knows what the previous land nutrient solution technology is, as well as some advanced planting and breeding technologies. These things are missing in this town.

This town is still under the control of the Hillman family, but the previous civil war destroyed a lot of things, and some technicians ran away with their families.

There are only a few people left who are struggling to survive, and many people can no longer bear it, because if this continues, many people will starve to death.

The current patriarch of the Hillman family, Pollock, is extremely cruel. He requires each town to pay something every week. It is obvious that everyone is having a hard time, but if they do not pay, the disobedient will be executed.

Only the town where the Hillman family lives and three nearby towns have enough food and clothing, while some other towns have become unviable.

Many people were already intolerable to Pollock, but they had no choice but to resist. Anyone who resisted Pollock would be brutally executed.

Cannibalism has already occurred on the grasslands. Such things are appalling.

The situation is getting worse and worse, and no one can fix it.

The people in the town were completely desperate this time. The Hillman family had just come, and they would come again next Monday. Many people gathered together and discussed countermeasures.

But soon some people chose to leave, because if they turned in their things again, they would really starve to death, either by starvation or by the Hillman family.

But in such a large grassland, they can't go anywhere if they can escape.

At this moment, a truck came over not far away. The truck looked a bit old. Many people looked at it with vigilance. After a while, the people in the truck got off. They were a group of exiles. After they entered the town, they He started looking around with his weapon in hand.

Soon they directly threatened some people to hand over their things. Many people cried and shouted, but their things were still taken away. The Hillman family's army would not come to such a fringe area because it was easy to be attacked. , the army is the favorite of many exiled gangs, because killing them can get a lot of supplies, whether it is food or weapons and ammunition.

Soon the group left, and someone who was unwilling to hand over the food was shot dead.

Many people were helpless. The family members of the deceased were crying and blaming others for not coming forward.

Many people had no choice but to go home, and some people had given up on themselves and bluntly said that they just wanted to wait to die.

The world is hopeless, many people think so.


In the main town of the Hillman family, a singing competition is being held. Many people on the street are brightly dressed and full of energy. The streets are also clean, tidy and beautiful.

Many people live a very good life here. Most people will not pay attention to the misery outside, because they just need to continue to enjoy and survive.

Everything now does not matter to most people, because it is not easy to live in the present.

Behind the stage is the Hillman family mansion, where the event was hosted.

Because it is still during the Chinese New Year, such activities are very common, and the streets and alleys are in a festive atmosphere.

At this time, in a large office on the third floor of the Hillman family mansion, there was a young-looking man sitting in his 20s, with a handsome face and a gentle smile.

Pollock Hillman was the 17th son of Allen Hillman and the youngest son. However, Pollock killed 16 of his brothers and married several of his sisters. wife.

Pollock had not been talkative since he was very young, but he was extremely smart. Even his father Allen did not know that his youngest son would be so smart and extremely cruel, spying on the family throne.

Moreover, Pollock himself is also an extremely powerful mutant. During the family civil war a year ago, Pollock first helped several brothers who were vying for the throne and eliminated their competitors.

Repeatedly jumping between the five brothers, as a multi-faceted spy, he finally planned everything, cannibalized everything step by step, and finally succeeded in killing all Allen's sons.

"That's how the world is, isn't it, Father."

In the corner, Allen was sitting in a wheelchair. He nodded. He had fully approved of what his youngest son Pollock had done, because he really didn't expect to see such a monster born.

Allen was extremely shocked by Pollock's actions. He seemed to be the evil fruit of the Hillman family and controlled everything.

He even violated the bottom line of morality and trampled everything under his feet. It was crazy and terrifying. Now the entire Hillman family is firmly under the control of Pollock.

No one dared to oppose Pollock, and Pollock adopted extremely cruel management and asked other towns to support them. This approach would only make towns disappear one after another, and the Hillman family's territory would become less and less.

"Father, there is no need to worry about the territory. I think it's almost done. The gods will come out to take care of everything themselves, and we will become the supreme beings of the city built by the gods."

Allen nodded. He almost didn't have the strength to speak, but his eyes were excited. At this time, the door of the room opened, and several wives came in. Allen kindly went over and hugged them.

"Take dad back and rest."

Allen looked at his daughters with frightened eyes. They did not dare to resist his brother, because if Pollock was angered, they would die miserably.

Pollock watched his father go out and sat quietly on the edge of the office. Looking at the current situation, only the strong deserved to survive. Now it was a huge survival knockout. Being able to survive was luck. Being able to survive as always There will always be strong ones.

Pollock was thinking about something recently, how would the gods come out from that base and clean up everything in advance. Finally, Pollock came up with the idea of ​​letting people gather near the base.

In order to survive, people will definitely launch an attack, because as long as they attack the base, there will be food and drink, and hunger will make humans fall into final madness.

Pollock has already spread rumors that the gods have very rich food reserves in their base, and there will be food in the past.

The hungry people will only slowly approach the base of the gods. Faced with such a threat, what will the gods do? This is something Pollock wants to take a closer look at.

"Let me see how long you are going to hide."

Pollock laughed. He was very clear about the problem now. Everyone was about to be unable to hold on any longer, and if the gods didn't come out, people would gather in front of the gods' base and launch the final attack.

As for what the gods would do, Pollock really wanted to see. Pollock had arranged for people to walk on the grassland day and night. There were already many people carrying the last food and heading towards where the gods were. The bases are closer.

Many towns in those mountains were completely destroyed due to years of war.

Pollock stood up, looked at the lively crowd outside, and then laughed.

"Enjoy the last feast."

At this time, many people knocked on the door. They were all members of the Hillman family. One of them stood up and said.

"Pollock, if we continue like this, there will be problems. The surrounding towns have begun to resist."

Pollock laughed.

"Then suppress it immediately and execute those who launched the rebellion. If that doesn't work, I will personally lead them there."

Among them was Kramer, the teacher who taught Pollock all the mutant fighting skills. At this time, Kramer couldn't bear it anymore and he stood up and said.

"What you do is equivalent to causing the entire Hillman family to die slowly."

Pollock stood up crazily, spread his hands and smiled.

“To live or not to live is not up to us, but to God.”

Pollock's words shocked everyone present. He told his plan. Kramer looked at Pollock in astonishment.

"If the gods really want to crush us, it would be like crushing ants."

Pollock asked rhetorically.

"Then why do the gods spare no effort to research artificial sun technology?"

Kramer couldn't refute this, and then Pollock laughed maniacally.

"Because the gods want to let humans continue to survive, and this time it is not like the past, but to allow humans to continue in a long-term and stable manner."

After Pollock finished speaking, everyone present fell silent. He looked at Kramer and said.

"Teacher, you should know more about the things of the gods than I do, so just watch quietly. When the sun rises, everything on this grassland will change."

As time passed, the cold began to fall, and by 5 p.m., the temperature was already very low.

People in many places have returned to their houses, and the cold wave is sweeping across again.

Many people are looking forward to the light appearing. As long as the light appears, it will dispel the cold. But usually when the temperature drops too much at night, the light will appear, but it still has not appeared now.

In the territory of the Angus family, Tuke stood on the city wall, just like his father often did in the past, with Avano beside him who was 10 years old.

Tuke was feeling uneasy because he had heard news recently. It was rumored that there was a large amount of food stored in the base of the gods, and he could be saved as long as he went there.

Although he didn't know who spread such rumors, Tu Ke knew that the matter was definitely not simple. Now the Angus family only has 7 towns left. The consumption of food has long been greater than the output. A lot of the food in stock has been almost eaten. .

Due to war in recent years, food production has been unstable.

The worst moment on this grassland is coming, and now many people know that survival is everything.

The Angus family can no longer withstand the war, but facing the alliance of some small and medium-sized families, the Angus family must suppress them, otherwise they will definitely show their fangs.

There are naturally instructions from other big families behind this, and everyone is holding on. Whoever fails to hold on first will be eliminated early.

"Father, what should we do now?"

Avano asked, and Tuke smiled and shook his head.

"It's okay, Avano. You can study with peace of mind. You don't like creating inventions very much, so you have to focus on your studies. Our family will hold on. As long as we continue to hold on, the gods will definitely come out."

Avano was still a little worried, but at this moment, he couldn't calm down and study.

Avano's grades were very good, and Tuke was very proud. His son always had some fantastic ideas and was extremely interested in inventions and creations.

Seeing that his son was still feeling a little uncomfortable, Tuke encouraged him.

"Only by studying seriously can you change everything. What this grassland lacks most is scientists. Avano studies hard. No matter what happens, I will do everything possible to keep the Angus family going."

Avano looked at his somewhat thin father. Recently, he often saw his father in a daze and often getting up at night. His health was not good and he was sick a while ago.

At this moment, a man from the army ran up and said with a solemn expression.

"A grain field on our eastern edge was attacked, and our past grain field has been destroyed."

In an instant, Tu Ke coughed violently, and he asked angrily.

"How many people did you send to garrison?"

The military man lowered his head and said.

"Only about 200 people were sent. The other party had a premeditated plan. Their number was several times greater than ours. All the food was stolen by them, and they also destroyed the fields."

Tuke slapped the handrail at the edge of the city wall. He was completely angry now. They only robbed food and destroyed farmland. Don't they know how important a mature farmland is to their survival?

"Trace it to me immediately. If you find them, you must deal with them."

The people in the army seemed a little embarrassed. After a while, Tu Ke calmed down. He also knew that it would be too difficult to track down, because the periphery of the territory was full of exiled gangs, and he had no idea who did it.

But Tu Ke knew that there must be some family members behind the scenes. Tu Ke immediately asked his son to go back first, and then went directly to the military headquarters. Tu Ke summoned some commanders and spoke directly.

"In the future, we will directly open fire on anyone approaching our territory, no matter who they are, without warning."

Many people nodded in acquiescence. The current situation is like this. Some mutants disguised as hungry people come over and launch sudden attacks not once or twice. The Angus family's army has been damaged by such sudden attacks. Too much.

Most people have broken through the bottom line of being human. They no longer believe in anything. The only things they believe in are the weapons in their hands and the food they can see.

At this moment, Tu Ke felt extremely sad. The situation had deteriorated to such an extent in just one year after his father's death. The last moments of this grassland were coming far sooner than Tu Ke thought.

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