"Hurry up, we have to shovel the ice away from the water pipes before night comes."

Allen looked at the people working in front of him. A large amount of ice had formed near the water pipes in the entire fortress. The temperature was a bit low today, and the water pipes might be frozen at night.

This is what Allen doesn't want to see. Now there is a short-term food crisis in the fortress. Because of the low temperature, some crops in the exposed farmland in the fortress have been frozen to death. Although Allen wants to build a constant temperature shed directly outdoors. houses, but there is a complete shortage of raw materials.

Some confidants advised Allen to stop selling guns and use resources to build shacks, but Allen did not agree. Guns were the only items they could exchange for brilliant coins. Now Allen has accumulated a large amount of brilliant coins. coins, almost 10,000 yuan.

Such a huge amount of wealth is very important for the future development of the fortress. Because prices are very stable nowadays, it is very cost-effective to hoard Brilliant Coins. When the time is about the same, use the Brilliant Coins to travel to distant towns. To trade, just buy a lot of goods.

Although it is a little more difficult now, it is impossible for Allen to join this kind of financial system. Only outside the system can he be free. Once it is included in the financial system, only those outside guys can unite to use the economy. Destroy this fortress.

This is the reason why Allen is unwilling to join the financial system. Although many people are complaining now, Allen will make it clear to them every time.

But if this continues, the situation will get worse, but Allen doesn't want to use the money in his hand to buy food for the time being, after all, large purchases will attract the attention of those guys.

Where Allen and the others are, there is very little area for cave cultivation, most of which are used to process some weapons. Now the weapons made by Allen and the others are enough to equip everyone in the entire fortress.

"Alan, hurry up and get off, there are many people coming to the gate of the fortress."

Allen looked tense, then nodded with a smile, and then told people to bring weapons.

After a while, Allen came to the front of the fortress. A car was parked in front of the fortress. Hundreds of people were standing at the entrance of the fortress with weapons in their hands. Among them, many mayors could be seen. Allen signaled to the city wall that they were holding weapons and were at war with each other. The men put away their weapons.

Allen soon walked out of the fortress, and as soon as he walked out, a man accused him angrily.

"You bastard, how many weapons have you sold to our town?"

Allen immediately acted innocent and said with his hands raised.

"Mr. Glick, what do you mean by such groundless accusations?"

Allen watched as several mayors approached. They were wearing bright clothes, including Jade and Su Kang.

"Alan, stop selling weapons to our town. We are here today just to warn you. If you continue to ignore such warnings, we will take tough measures."

Allen laughed, then shook his head.

"I'm not selling weapons to the people in your town, I hope you understand that."

As soon as Allen finished speaking, Su Kang couldn't bear it anymore. He walked over and grabbed Allen's collar.

"You bastard, the guns you sold into our town have killed hundreds of people."

There were curses all around, and Allen knew that paper could not cover the fire, but he had already dealt with everything, and there was no evidence to prove that they sold weapons to people in the town.

"Allen can tell with his toes that you must have sold it to people in our town."

A leader said angrily. Jade walked over and pulled Su Kang over directly. The problem of weapons has seriously threatened the security of the town. Many people bought weapons for safety, but little did they know that holding weapons would Let yourself become unsafe, because everyone wants to have weapons. When a conflict occurs, everyone will take out weapons. This will only make the disputes never stop.

In the past, countries where gun control was not strict in human society, too many people died from weapons in recent years. Now Jed and other leaders are discussing that the possession of weapons must be strictly restricted except for managers, even if they are Their managers also have to control it.

But Allen obviously did it on purpose. From time to time, their people would take brilliant coins to nearby towns to buy something. They couldn't explain this because they had not joined the financial system, but in their hands But he holds a brilliant coin.

"Then how do you explain that your people hold brilliant coins?"

Su Kang asked, and Allen smiled and said.

"Because our people will use some of the materials produced to sell them in nearby towns. Isn't it allowed?"

"Then please join the financial system."

Jade said, Allen refused again, and many of the leaders around him looked particularly angry.

Then Jade sighed.

"In that case, there's nothing we can do about Allen."

Then the people around began to disperse, and many people began to take some things from the truck, which turned out to be some cement. Soon a large number of people began to move, and they began to build a wall.

Allen's face was solemn, and one of the leaders stood up and said.

"From today on, no one from your fortress will be allowed to pass through my town. The roads outside the town will be blocked directly. Your people must get my approval if they want to pass through my town."

The mayors of some other places also said that Allen and the others were prohibited from passing through the town.

Allen looked at the people who started to move around. They moved very quickly. In less than a few minutes, they had built a 3-meter-high wall. Their fortress was surrounded. Many of Allen's men behind him started to move. He seemed helpless at times.

"Either join the financial system or die on your own, Alan hopes you have thought clearly."

After Jed finished speaking, he left with the leaders. The problems caused by Allen had affected many towns. It was certain that Allen and the others had imported a large amount of weapons and ammunition into the town.

Shooting incidents of varying degrees have occurred in many towns recently, and these incidents will become more and more frequent, so Jed summoned the leaders. It is impossible to prevent Allen from selling guns into the town, and now No one is willing to start a war, so physical containment is the most effective method.

The effect should be immediate, as long as a blockade is set up and some people are arranged to guard the blockade day and night.

"Listen clearly Allen, the blockade will not be lifted until you join the financial system. If you don't want to serve the whole, then why should we serve you as an independent individual?"

Jade's words made Allen extremely angry, Su Kang said with a smile.

"You only want to win the bet, and never think about a win-win situation. In this case, I think it is better for us all to develop independently. It is better not to be too adventurous, Allen. The gods have already said that if anyone wants If you start a dispute, they will definitely destroy them."

Looking at the people who dispersed and the people who built a separation wall more than 20 meters away from his fortress, Allen gritted his teeth. He could only lead his men behind him back to the observation deck of the fortress.

"We'd better join."

"I've said it many times, we have to be patient at this stage."

Allen still wants to continue as always, because he knows very well that although such days are stable, stability will begin to become unstable as resources continue to be consumed.

"You just need to be patient for three to five years."

Allen stared coldly at the leaders who entered the town in the distance. He knew that no matter how angry he was at this moment, it was useless.

These guys gathered together and used this move to block their fortress. Allen did not expect this, but such a blockade was not tight. Even if the wall was established, such a blockade would be meaningless.

Now each town has begun to gradually form a family-based unit, so while they are developing, their military force also needs to be developed.

Because of the checks and balances between towns, getting more weapons and ammunition must be discussed by the town mayors, so it is difficult for many towns to continue to get more weapons and ammunition.

Allen had already thought about this very clearly, so every town needed a large amount of weapons and ammunition. This market was very huge. Allen immediately ordered his subordinates to step up the production of weapons and ammunition, and the speed must not be slowed down.


A large number of town mayors gathered in the town in front of Allen Fortress. They were all talking about some of the recent events in the towns under their jurisdiction, and they basically pointed the finger at Allen.

Jade looked at the people discussing and said.

"We ourselves must be self-disciplined. If someone secretly purchases weapons and ammunition from Allen, I'm afraid such a blockade is meaningless."

Jed's words made many people nod. Now, the manufacturing of weapons and ammunition in the town is controlled by several large families. The weapons and ammunition will be distributed to each town, so that they can solve problems and disputes when they arise. It's time to have enough firepower to solve these problems.

So now the manufacturing speed of weapons and ammunition is very slow, Su Kang shouted next.

"I hope everyone will resolutely not trade with Allen and the others. If anyone breaks such a rule, don't blame me for being rude."

Jed pulled Su Kang. Everything now has no reference significance for the future. Now the unit is a town, and towns are divided into big and small, strong and weak, good and bad, as well as the increase in population and resources. Problems such as being constantly consumed.

These problems will actually affect everything in the future. At present, we can only wait and see when the gods can come out of the mountains and lead the people on this land to build a city. Only in this way can we solve the problems that will arise after the decentralization of rights. Various questions.

The local mayor began to greet other mayors to prepare for dinner. Jade and Su Kang found a place with few people.

"I have discovered that some towns have made deals with Allen and the others."

Su Kang said and Jade nodded.

"I also found it here."

Both of them have been worried recently, because the population has indeed begun to grow slowly, and many people have given birth to children. Although many towns have continued to restrict the population, there is nothing they can do.

A new round of crisis may come within a few years. Although food reserves can keep up, the consumption of other resources is huge.

"How about we find a time to go to the gods and talk to them?"

Su Kang said, and Jade nodded after thinking for a moment.

"That's all we can do."

Humanity has now begun construction on a large scale in the mountains and forests. Now they have discovered the base where the gods are located, which is less than 20 kilometers away from the nearest human activity point. They can first go to the town under construction in the mountains, and then Go directly to the base to find God.

Soon the leaders gathered in a hall in the town and started to eat. During the dinner, everyone discussed many issues, and many mayors of the town were discussing transactions.

Although the current financial system is stable enough, there are certain drawbacks, that is, resources are not unlimited. Many towns that rely on the production of resources have begun to gradually slow down the sale of resources.

Every town has something it lacks, and it is impossible to meet the needs of all towns. Recently, AI has begun to increase prices. This is something that many people are worried about. Some towns have already begun to cancel original transactions.

After a few minutes, many people in the hall began to argue, and some even quarreled. No one could stop this situation. Today, we gathered everyone, firstly, to solve Allen's problem, and secondly, for trade. The problem.

The conflict is mainly between towns that focus on resource output and towns that focus on food output. Towns that focus on industrial production will not encounter problems because both of them need industrial products.

Although the gods left behind very complete technical record information, many towns would not be able to cultivate technical talents without teachers.

Nowadays, most technical talents are only concentrated in a few towns. They not only have to teach the people in the towns, but also improve the construction in the towns, so it is impossible to go to some towns with backward technology.

"It's finally stabilized, but it's like this."

Su Kang couldn't help but sigh, Jade on the side just watched silently.

"Take care of yourselves and don't expect to be able to develop together."

Now Jed's town is the most developed town with the most technical staff. A lot of industrial products are produced every day. Many people from the town come to buy them. They have nothing in short supply.

Jed has actually made a lot of restrictions secretly. He will not let technicians go to other towns to teach others and train technical talents for other towns.

Because Jade knows very well that this kind of thankless approach will get nothing. Not only will the other party not thank you, but they will also use some tricks secretly.

Many town mayors came to Jade and asked their people to help make some equipment, but Jade shook his head.

"Sorry, we are short of manpower right now, some major construction is going on!"

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