Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2578 The thing of change

The wind blew violently across the wilderness. Jean and Tang Rao stood on a frozen road. They continued to walk forward. After a while, they saw a large number of buildings. From a distance, they could see that one side was being built. wall.

"Things look much better."

Tang Rao said with a tired face. This month of traveling back and forth was really tiring. Tang Rao found a stone on the roadside to sit down, took out a cigarette and lit it. Jean walked forward and looked at the grassland. At first glance, some of the mountains and forests of the endless houses have disappeared, and a lot of earth and stone have been turned into building materials for the houses.

The scale of construction now is even greater than before. When Gene and the others left, some houses were still being built, and a month later some new houses had been erected.

"Why don't you go in and take a look?"

Tang Rao asked, and Jean shook his head after thinking for a moment.

"No need, these things we discovered are more important. They may be able to advance human technology hundreds of years."

Tang Rao looked at a big backpack with joy. Inside was the crystal stone they brought back from the center of the Pacific Ocean. Just a few days ago, when Jean opened the backpack, the crystal stone had undergone a shocking change. This change made As scientists, the two were extremely excited, so they sped up and came back.

Jean just looked at the town quietly. He didn't want to step in, because there was no need at all now. They could see the economic situation of the town every day, because the AI ​​was constantly adjusting the economic values ​​in all aspects. The town looks much livelier now.

"Jean, what do you think will happen if this thing is really what we think?"

Jean smiled gently and looked at the distant mountain peaks.

"It will probably become the dividing point of human technology."

After the two stood up, they began to move. Gradually, their figures disappeared into the air. The particles released by these alienated genes could also help them become invisible.

After a while, the two entered Jed's town. It seemed that it already had a commercial atmosphere. There were many shops selling items near the center of the town. There were many businessmen carrying big bags and holding money in their hands. , shopping for goods, very lively.

Jean and the others chose to pass through the edge with less people. Jean was always looking at the people who were trading in the town. He felt that although the situation was better now, he always felt that something was wrong because he couldn't see the expressions on people's faces. Joy, many people look miserable.

"There's probably something wrong."

Tang Rao muttered, and Gene nodded.

"Maybe, let's speed up. We have to go back to the base first and tell everyone what we found."

Now this planet has become extremely strange. There are many non-living things that can move, not only on the ground, but also in the ocean. These things do not have biological cells, but instead have some unanalyzable substances in their bodies. and metal atoms.

This was enough to shock Tang Rao and Jean, and those black and red tentacles were even more chilling. They would swallow up a lot of things.

All tangible things will be quickly swallowed in front of these black and red tentacles, and where the things they swallow is another question.

Including that humans originally launched so many nuclear bombs, the high concentration of radioactive materials released after the nuclear bombs exploded also disappeared. Jean and the others did not detect any radioactive materials on the sea surface. This is obviously not scientific.

It has only been 6 years since the incident, and it is impossible for the radiated energy to disappear so quickly. This may have something to do with those black and red tentacles, and there is a very strong magnetic field in the sky, which is also difficult to understand.

This planet is undergoing changes, and humans may face even greater problems in the future. Therefore, Jean and the others plan to use the discovered new substances to conduct rapid research after returning. Only by continuously improving human technology can we Humanity survives the coming massive changes.

Soon the two came to the edge of the town. Jean carried Tang Rao on his back and jumped up quickly. Some towns also appeared in the mountains, and Jean and the others heard many babies crying along the way.

When survival stabilizes, organisms will begin to reproduce on a large scale, and the same is true for humans. The number of newborns is already very large, which is both a good phenomenon and a bad phenomenon.

The good thing is that the future of mankind can continue. The bad thing is that unless human society can continue to develop steadily without any major changes in the middle, it will be difficult to feed so many humans with the existing resources.

At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Gene and Tang Rao returned to the base and gathered the other six people.

"Why did you come back so soon? I thought it would take two months."

Li Chu muttered, Gu Yi and Werther were silent. They could tell from their expressions that something must have happened. Ai Li came to Jean's side and glared at Tang Rao fiercely.

"What are you staring at me for? What do you think we can do?"

Tang Rao said immediately, and Deguna laughed.

"What exactly did you find?"

Gene took out the contents of the bag first.

"What is this, a big ball of cloth?"

Rose looked at the items in the backpack strangely. It was very heavy. When she picked it up, it weighed at least 1 ton. It was obviously just cloth, but it was so heavy. What made Rose feel the difference most was that the atomic structures of these cloths were exactly the same. of.

"what's up?"

Rose asked, and Tang Rao said with a smile.

"Do you believe that this ball of cloth was originally a stone? A shiny crystal stone."

Tang Rao's words made everyone unimaginable. Deguna squatted in front of the cloth, and then she tried to lift it. It was indeed very heavy.

Tang Rao first took out a video, which showed colorful crystal stones. She explained that these stones were things they found in the center of the Pacific Ocean and brought them back for study.

"Why did it turn into cloth when I brought it back?"

Li Chu couldn't understand it at all, so Gene said.

"I originally put it in this big bag, but I didn't open it for a while. When I opened it, there was only this ball of fabric left in it."

Then Tang Rao called up another video, one of those black and red tentacles. In the video, Jean struggled with those tentacles for a long time.

"What are these?"

What they saw in front of them was unimaginable. When Jean took out the captured thing, everyone was stunned.

"Let's talk about our experiences along the way first, and then we can all discuss it for a while."

Werther and Ellie immediately became interested in this moving thing that looked like some kind of creature. Tang Rao told them that this thing did not have biological cells, but was made up of a large number of metal atoms. There were a lot of metal atoms. Metal.

After two hours, Jean and the others finished talking about what they had seen and heard along the way, and everyone began to prepare for the welcome party.

The moving things were put aside for the time being. The most important thing now was to figure out why the crystals turned into cloth, which was very difficult for them to understand.

After Gu Yi and Rose tested the material of the cloth bag and the fabric, they found that the two were from the same batch, which was very puzzling.

The cloth has been cut, and the situation inside the cloth is the same. Such a large ball of cloth with such a high density is impossible to produce because it is of no use. And the most incomprehensible thing is that even if it is It is impossible to produce such high-density fabrics using machines.

After a while, a sumptuous dinner was prepared, including a lot of meat for experiments. This was extremely happy for everyone.

Everyone started discussing while drinking, and everyone put forward their own opinions. Li Chu even spoke.

"Could it be that you two were confused in your sleep and something touched these stones, and then the stones became like this."

Gu Yi and Rose were still analyzing some things while drinking, but they still couldn't figure it out. At this time, Deguna suggested.

"Just try it with high heat."

This was of course the best way. Then Li Chu brought a high-temperature induction cooker, which was used for experiments and could dissolve a lot of metals, which was more convenient.

Soon they cut a piece of cloth and put it in the induction cooker. The induction cooker started to heat up, and the cloth really started to burn.

"Look, it's just ordinary fabric!"

As Li Chu said, everyone looked at the cloth that had turned into dust and sighed helplessly. Jean and Tang Rao looked confused, thinking about the problem and recalling what happened along the way.

Rose pressed her forehead, thinking about various possibilities. As time passed by, Rose suddenly saw the inside of the induction cooker, and she stood up in shock.

"Don't think about it, hurry up and watch."

Everyone gathered around the induction cooker, and eight people looked at the situation inside in shock. The cloth that had been burnt to ashes disappeared and was replaced by a pile of metal, and the shape was exactly the same as the black embers.

Immediately, Li Chu opened the induction cooker and broke it off with all his strength. However, no matter how he broke it, the thing integrated with the induction cooker, as if it had existed from the beginning.

"Reheat it and see."

As Gu Yi said, Li Chu turned off the induction cooker and started to continue heating. However, when the temperature reached 2000 degrees, the contents inside were still the same as before.

"Could it be that this thing can become the same as the things around it? The melting point of this high-temperature resistant alloy is 3000 degrees."

Only then did everyone react, and then they immediately took out another piece of cloth and began to burn it on the ground. After burning, the embers turned into a pile of paste, and the material that dissolved into metal in the induction cooker was also cut off. After some research, I found that their metal atoms are exactly the same as the material of the induction cooker.

"Look, this is magic."

Li Chu shouted loudly, and everyone looked at the ground. The burning embers were fading black, and then began to become the same color as the floor, and then gradually turned into a part of the floor, as if this cement floor originally existed. The excess cement remains the same after it sets.

Everyone was completely shocked. They began to cut pieces of cloth and began to conduct experiments. Sure enough, the cloth could be restored after being burned, and then placed in front of anything, these things would slowly turn into corresponding things. This Let them be unimaginable.

And after some things are cut, burned and dissolved, and placed in other places, they can become other things.

"It's like a chameleon. It can simulate the atoms of all materials."

Rose said in surprise, and then she began to use her power to mobilize the atoms of these substances little by little, and then gathered them together.

Such a discovery gave everyone goosebumps all over their body. If the research on this mimicking substance is successful, it can help them solve many problems.

This is something that no one can imagine. There is no limit to what this kind of thing can do and the technology it can produce.

"It's better now. I feel that our experimental research will make a great breakthrough."

Gu Yi cheered, dancing like a child.

Such a discovery is so exciting. The controllable nuclear fusion they wanted to develop has become a reality in the blink of an eye.

"Now we have to find a way to restore them to crystal stones."

Rose said, and Tang Rao immediately took out various data on the ice. Everyone planned to study this thing thoroughly first, and put all other scientific research aside for the time being.

But soon they discovered that the only thing this thing couldn't simulate was living things. Tang Rao and Witte were a little helpless. The two of them could only continue to study biology, while the other six people were responsible for thoroughly understanding this substance.

"I think this thing can simulate all substances. We use flames to burn it, and the fabric material is fixed. After burning, it becomes embers, but these substances can autonomously simulate nearby materials. I think burning is not good. The method may be able to be restored depending on the conditions on the ice at the time.”

Gu Yi immediately put forward his own ideas, and others also began to express their opinions. Then everyone decided to work together to simulate the situation on the ice at that time, and then put these substances on it. Why did these substances not turn into ice cubes? After knowing that they could not simulate living things, they came to the conclusion that even if the ocean is frozen, there are still some living microorganisms in the water.

The most urgent thing at the moment is to restore these materials to their original state. Tang Rao recorded various data in great detail, such as air density, air pressure, wind speed, temperature, etc.

So now they have to build a refrigeration device, then create a simulated space, and then place materials in it to see if the reductase reaction will occur.

"What an exciting discovery."

Deguna said with a smile and Gene nodded.

"Yes, if we can discover the secret of this substance, humans will definitely survive in the future."

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