"Don't shoot, we won't do it again."

Bang bang

Gunshots rang out, and people fell to the ground one by one. Jed's face was solemn, and he held a gun in his hand. The gunfire continued, and more than 20 people soon fell to the ground motionless.

"I say it one last time, anyone who does this again will be executed on the spot."

Just now, these people took the lead and rushed into the warehouse, robbing some materials that were still being produced. In the chaos, they also destroyed an extraction pool. Jed ordered the fire on the spot. After the warehouse calmed down, Jed fired the More than 20 people were pulled out and publicly executed.

It has been half a month, and the grassland is full of white. Many places have frozen, and some crops have been frozen to death. This situation is unimaginable to everyone.

Some people froze to death while sleeping at night. The outdoor temperature is now minus 3 degrees. Many people have frostbite and the situation is getting worse. Not only here, but also in other places.

Chaos has begun. In order to survive, many people can only rob some supplies, especially supplies for keeping warm, which many people are currently eager to obtain.

Although Jed has ordered everyone to squeeze into the same room as much as possible to withstand the severe cold, problems still occur frequently. Now Jed is about to collapse. He can't stand it anymore. Several important facilities are damaged every day. A new problem arises.

Especially at the mine, there have been many conflicts. Such conflicts were between gangs. Now because of the cold, the signal has been completely interrupted. If you want to talk to the leaders of other gangs, you can only go through it, but now it is very difficult. It’s hard to go out, and you’ll freeze after being outside for a while.

Some grains that have not yet been processed have begun to become moldy during the cold wave. Some people have even been poisoned by eating moldy food. Many people have become sick, and medicines have become increasingly scarce.

Jade looked at the hazy sky. The clouds were still very thick. Although it looked different from the black in the distance, no one knew when the sun would come out. If it didn't come out, there would be chaos on the grassland.

Many people hope that the gods will appear, but the gods have not set foot on this land for a long time.

After packing everything up, Jed immediately ordered his men to keep an eye on several important facilities in the territory. If anyone disobeys, he will open fire directly.

Jed returned to the tent. He also knew that this approach could only suppress him for a while, so Jed gathered his men together. There were many men in the tent now, and everyone was talking about something. Jed found someone Looking at the sky outside from the window.

Jed didn't understand why this was happening. In fact, when he proposed that everyone build a stronger shelter together, Jed also raised issues that might arise in the future, including the issue of cold waves, but in the end everyone disagreed. Of course there is nothing we can do.

At this time, there was another shouting outside. Jade stood up hurriedly, and several people under his hands said with frightened expressions.

"Boss, there's a riot at the pharmaceutical factory. The pharmaceutical factory has been breached."

Jed's face was solemn and he immediately shouted. Everyone was holding weapons. After a while, hundreds of people passed towards the pharmaceutical factory. Jed held the automatic rifle in his hand, and the cadres around him were holding crossbows.

Soon Jed saw that there were sounds and people everywhere in the pharmaceutical factory, and some of his men had fallen into a pool of blood.

"Fire, fire."

Jade angrily rushed over with his men, and soon the battle began. Many people who were still searching the pharmaceutical factory woke up from their dreams. Some people knelt down and begged for mercy, but Jed did not intend to give these people any chance.

People kept falling down, and many people were running around trying to escape in the chaos, but Jed's eyes were red. He didn't wake up until he finished two magazines. There were still many people in the factory, so Jed rushed in. I saw some doctors also lying on the ground, dead.

Moreover, some equipment in the pharmaceutical factory was damaged. Jed looked at the people holding their heads with their hands. He took the crossbow of one of his men and shot it directly at a man. He fell in a pool of blood.

"What on earth do you want to do? If you destroy the pharmaceutical factory, no one will have medicine in the future. What on earth are you thinking? You all will die."

As soon as Jed gave the order, the massacre began. The men began to shoot without explanation, or rushed forward with weapons. Cries were everywhere. Some people saw that begging for mercy was useless, so they stood up and fought back.

Time passed by, and the commotion in the pharmaceutical factory stopped. There were corpses everywhere. Jed looked at some of his dead men angrily. The conflict was over, but the entire pharmaceutical factory could basically shut down. .

Jade didn't know who took the lead, and whether those who followed had any brains. They didn't even think about such an obvious thing and chose violence.

Soon some of the nearby men came over, and Jed asked them to start cleaning. Many people didn't want to move at this time, because everyone had been deprived of their thoughts and their will by the cold.

Jed looked at the sky, clenching his fists angrily.

"Why is this happening? It shouldn't be this way."

Jade kept mumbling. After cleaning up for a while, the factory was temporarily closed. Hundreds of people stayed in the factory. The body was stripped of its clothes and loaded onto a truck.


Jed returned to the tent. He just wanted to have a good sleep. Such a serious problem happened today, which he could not imagine. If this continues, this grassland will be completely messed up. Jed clenched his fists .

Not only Jed's side, but also in Su Kang's territory, there was also a problem of looting of supplies, and there were many bloody conflicts.

Although it is a good idea to let everyone squeeze into a room to rest, using some straw mats to block the cold also has a certain effect.

Especially those excavated cellars, it was indeed very warm inside, but all this still seemed so powerless in front of the huge number of people.

"Brother Su Kang, what should I do?"

Nick looked at the dead people in front of him. They had just resolved a conflict. The two sides opened fire without any hesitation. They fought over a small issue.

The future may be even worse. Su Kang now clearly realizes this. They have already lost water and electricity here, and the water pipes transporting water have frozen. They can only brave the severe cold, or bring the ice cubes indoors to wait for them to melt. There will be water to drink, but this will make the indoor temperature even lower.

In the past few days, people have frozen to death every day, and some have fallen ill. If this continues, chaos will occur.

"Go back to the fortress and admit your mistake to your uncle. You should be able to go back and take your wife with you."

Nick shook his head and Su Kang laughed.

"If you don't think about yourself, you should also think about your wife. That place is the most suitable place for survival at the moment."

Nick lowered his head. He also knew that the situation in the fortress was definitely much better than that on the grassland.

The biting cold wind is beating the people on this grassland all the time, because there is no place to block the cold current.

At this time, there were snowflakes in the sky, and Nick lowered his head helplessly. He looked at the chaos around him, and finally shook his head.

"If we keep at it and see, maybe there will be a turn for the better. I don't think the sun has disappeared, but the weather is like this, because we have never seen rain all the way here in the past, right?"

Su Kang naturally knew this. There was no rain anywhere they passed, there was only black sky, and it was gray during the day.

Su Kang smiled helplessly and asked his men to cheer up. They patrolled the territory in groups of 30 people and helped those who needed help. Now they can only continue to endure.

No one knows what this bad weather will be like. If the sun really disappears, they should fight for survival.

"One thing I hope you understand Nick."

"Brother Su Kang that I know, my uncle has taught me through words and deeds countless times. Once the situation changes, prioritize yourself and never put down your weapons. Once you encounter a threat, you must first deal with the other party."

Su Kang hummed, and everything in front of him seemed to have returned to the months when the disaster occurred. Many people looked grim, and the two of them continued walking.

At this time, outside Allen's fortress, many people were still begging and there were many corpses. They hoped to enter the fortress, but Allen had strictly ordered not to let anyone in.

Under the barrier, some people were frozen to death, and some were beaten to death for trying to break open the door. Many technicians were begging, hoping that Allen and the others would open the door.

Snowflakes are constantly falling, the air is biting, and frosty winds are constantly blowing, which is unbearable for many people.

The biggest problem is the lack of facilities to keep out the cold. Even though many people are wrapped in thick clothes, they still cannot resist the cold.

Allen was sitting at the lookout, watching the falling snow, and listening to the chaotic pleading below. He was holding a glass of strong liquor in his hand. On such a winter day, it was very good to drink some strong liquor.

His wife Anne was wrapped in a thick fur coat, which was made from the skin of a bear and had a very good thermal insulation effect.

"Aren't you cold, dear?"

Annie held Allen's cold hand and hurriedly pulled it into her arms.

"It's okay, I have to keep an eye on it myself."

Allen knew that some gangs were already ready to move, and a war was very likely to break out. They wanted to break into the fortress.

The situation inside the fortress is much better than outside. There are no problems with water and electricity, as well as medicine and food. The caves where food is stored are warm.

"How about letting some people in?"

Annie said, and Allen smiled and pulled his wife over and let her sit on his lap.

"No, once this gap opens, more people will come. When forced to the death line, everyone will fall into madness."

Annie hummed, and Allen patted her back.

"Go back, I'll be back later."

Seeing that his wife was feeling a little depressed, Allen continued.

"No matter how many times you see this situation, you feel uncomfortable, right?"

Annie nodded, especially since there were some children down there who had been frozen to death.

"Even if we are sad, we have to live well. If they had any brains a year ago, they would have built a shelter near the mountains and forests. But if the opportunity is missed, it will be gone. I have reminded Get past them."

Allen did warn many people a year ago, but they did not take his words seriously, or they disagreed, so naturally they could not start work.

The situation will continue to worsen. At this time, some people rushed over outside the fortress. Allen felt something was wrong and immediately shouted. The people on the wall immediately raised their weapons and told them not to get close, but a few people did not. listen.

"Fire, fire."

Allen shouted. Several drunken snipers in the watchtower nearby were holding guns. As the gunfire rang out, the people who rushed over fell down. They had something in their hands. After Allen took the telescope, , and saw the grenades tied together.

Allen felt scared when he thought of this. He immediately ordered his men to reinforce the door directly and move some things behind the door. Although other places were reinforced, the door was relatively weak. If an explosion was used, Objects can explode.

Soon under Allen's order, everyone in the fortress started to move. Allen went down personally and asked everyone to block the door of the fortress. Even if the door was blown open, they could not come in.

At this moment Nick's mother ran over and she held Alan's hand.

"Let Nick come back, I'm begging you Alan."

Allen looked solemn.

"I didn't say he was not allowed to come back. As long as he is willing to come back, I will open the door for him."

Obviously this was not going to work. Allen immediately asked people to go to the mountain to get some sand and gravel and put it in a truck. He planned to fill the gate directly with sand and gravel. In these extraordinary times, if something went wrong, they would be doomed. of.

Later, Allen personally led people and planned to start patrolling along the city wall to check every possible problem place, because once night fell, it would not be impossible if someone climbed up from the city wall in the dark.

Although Allen has placed some spikes outside the city wall and it is impossible to climb up, but to be on the safe side, Allen must take a look before he can feel at ease.

The chill in the air has made people's limbs numb. Allen came to the city wall on the back mountain. He looked at the spikes outside the city wall with a solemn face. He had been hit by something, and many of the spikes had been smoothed. Some of his men They were about to go down to check, but Allen stopped them.

"You immediately allocate manpower to find a place to guard. If someone comes up tonight, just open fire."

It was too late to repair it now, so he could only pretend not to notice it. Allen checked the traces of the spikes being removed, probably within the next day or two.

Ai Lu quickly asked people to bring the searchlight over. Once the fire started, he would turn on the searchlight so that the enemy would have nothing to hide. He continued to lead the inspection.

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