"what happened?"

Jade looked at the black clouds in the sky with confusion. The current black clouds were a bit weird because they looked too thick. It had rained a few days ago. It was very windy these days and the temperature was very low every night.

"That's right. Su Kang said that he hopes we can cooperate to build some houses with stones. After all, the situation is different now. The temperature is very low at night, some crops have problems, and some people have suffered from frostbite."

Jed nodded. He really had to find a way now, because many houses now have no heating measures. When the cold wave comes, many people can't stand it. Some people have already become sick due to the sudden change in temperature.

They have lived on the grassland for more than three years now, but the situation this time is a little different. It was cloudy and rainy before, the temperature was not as low as this time, and they have not seen the sun for a week.

Many people are afraid of what will happen if the sun disappears. This is a problem that everyone is worried about. A large-scale cold wave will come, and many of them will freeze to death.

Although major groups have now distributed some warm clothing, it is obviously not enough. Many people's clothing is thin. If this continues, the situation will be very bad.

There was still a lot of noise outside. Jed walked out of the tent and saw many people talking about their difficulties. Jed and his people were distributing some clothes made of fibers extracted from crops.

Many people are not eligible to receive it because supplies are limited and their productivity is very limited.

In the past nearly 2 years, the gods only came down a few times, helped them with some small favors, and then taught them how to extract plant fibers to make clothes. Other than that, the gods said nothing.

Jed looked at the situation in front of him and felt that the chaos had just begun. He had talked to Gene before, but Gene didn't say anything and went back directly.

Looking at the thick black clouds in the sky, many people were making noises in fear. Even if someone fired a gun, the noise still did not stop.

Many houses are built of wood, which is very unstable. Although there is a lot of hay inside, the warmth is not enough.

Many people need clothes and blankets, because even Jade felt the cold at night. At this time, chaos broke out. A person who received clothes took a few steps, and the clothes in his hand were snatched away. Riots occurred.

Jed immediately took out his pistol and fired into the sky, but it had no effect. Many people rushed to the place where the supplies were distributed and started grabbing them crazily.

"Are you looking for death?"

One of Jed's men had just picked up the weapon, but before he could fire, the man had already fallen. Jed felt that something was wrong, but if he fired now, he would accidentally injure his men. Jed immediately took out the magnifier. He asked everyone not to grab the speaker, but it was useless. Jade could only ask his men to retreat.

It's only been a short week, and it's already driving people crazy. Jade didn't expect it to be so fragile. Because there is electricity in the can house, some people used a simple heating rod to keep the temperature It continuously emits and maintains the indoor temperature at night, similar to the effect of air conditioning.

The looting ended soon, and a large number of Jed's men came over. They were armed, but many of the people who had robbed the supplies had already run away, because they all knew that the law does not punish everyone, and the situation was so chaotic that it was impossible to tell the difference.

Jed's distribution criteria are based on whether there are children or the elderly. Some young people are not eligible to receive clothing. There are voices of dissatisfaction everywhere. Although Jed has promulgated laws in their territory, most of these laws are difficult to implement and the situation is still very serious. confusion.

Jade shouted through a megaphone.

"Let me say it one last time, if anyone does this again tomorrow, no matter who it is, I will definitely hang him."

Jade's voice was so loud that many people turned around and left. Some people who had not received the supplies could only turn around.

The situation now has become extremely serious. Jade looked at the sky and prayed in his heart that the sun would not disappear at this time. Although there were still frictions with other big gangs over the years, the situation is much better now.

The food reserves in each place are completely sufficient for the local people in the next four to five years, but the current problem is the cold wave. The cold has made many people lose their minds. Some people even lit hay to keep warm, causing fire.

A few months ago, many people in Jed had discussed building concrete houses, but the other leaders only talked about it, and in fact everyone was not unified.

Because if you do this, a lot of labor will be needed to reclaim some rocks in the mountains and forests, and there are only a few crushers now. It is not easy to build a reservoir, let alone build some houses.

Everyone knows that if we really do this, the crowd will naturally suffer a loss, because it has been the same over the past few years.

The most important thing is that except for the gangs themselves, the management of the place is relatively chaotic for ordinary people. Problems occur frequently on this grassland.

Jed felt the cold, so he returned to the tent and turned on the heating rod. After a while, the tent became warmer.

Zhang Qi walked in.

"It looks a little bad. It's like this today. What should we do tomorrow?"

"How many more clothes are there?"

Zhang Qi glanced at the list in his hand and said.

"The maximum number is 1,000 pieces, and our own people have given priority to keep them."

The progress of the plant extracting plant fiber is very slow and very difficult, so in a few months there are only more than 10,000 pieces of clothing in stock, which is the amount that can be produced 24 hours a day.

But among the 10,000 pieces of clothing, Jed first gave one piece to each of his own people, and then distributed the rest to ordinary people in the local area.

"What to do?"

"Bring the phone."

Zhang Qi walked outside and quickly brought over a basket of phone numbers dedicated to contacting other gang leaders. Then Jade started to contact them. Because signal communication lacks technical and hardware support, it is impossible to dial the number to contact them directly. These appear to be telephones but are actually nothing more than remote communicators.

Jed plans to have the bosses come over for a meeting and build a circle of houses around the farmland so that they can withstand the cold. By mixing some hay into the houses, the houses built will be very breathable and not very warm. Difference.

"I find it very difficult."

Zhang Qi said, he was pacing in the room, some of the leaders had not yet been contacted, Jade thought for a moment and then said.

"No wait, we have to take action. Turn on those crushers. We have to make some cement. If we continue like this, there will be big trouble."

Jed quickly gathered his men and got them moving, but soon one of his henchmen spoke.

"If we use the automatic machine privately, it will violate the agreement."

"I can't control that much now."


Nick was in his hut, shivering from the cold. His wife beside him was knitting something with grass. This woman's name was Ella. She was the woman Nick met when he first came here. She was beautiful, enthusiastic and bold, and she laughed. so cute.

"Get dressed."

Ella stood up and planned to take off her old coat, but was stopped by Nick.

"It's okay. It's totally fine with me. You have to do manual work. I can't do this kind of work."

Ella is making a kind of straw mat, and now everyone here is doing it, because using the straw mat to block the wall will make the room warmer.

Su Kang came up with this idea after brainstorming. Although it was very cold at night, many people slept together in the same room, which made it much warmer. The people here were very united.

"Come here."

Ella said, pulling off one sleeve and pulling Nick to her side. The two looked at each other with a smile, full of love.

Nick had no plans to go back to the fortress. Although his mother came several times during this period, he had already made his attitude clear. His uncle Allen never came once. Nick felt that his uncle might have forgotten him.

"It's so cold, and there's nothing to do anyway. Come and let me teach you."

Ella said and took Nick's hand, and the two continued to do it. At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the room, and Nick walked out. It was Su Kang and the others, and the cold air from outside came in.

"Ella, go to the big house and do it. I'll lend you my husband."

Su Kang said with a smile, Ella picked up the tools and left the house, Nick didn't know what Su Kang was going to do.

"Go to Jed's territory. He just called me and wanted us to go over and talk."

The land on both sides is the closest, and it only takes an hour to walk there. Ella returned the clothes to Nick, and Nick is much warmer now.

A bunch of people couldn't help but look up at the sky. The situation was a bit bad now, because the sky was still like this after a week. If it continued like this, the situation would be very bad.

"Brother Su Kang, do you think the sun will still come out?"

Su Kang thought for a moment and then smiled.

"It should be possible, but I'm not sure. If it really disappears, we have to prepare for the worst."

Su Kang thought of a trick. The best way was to dig a hole in the ground and fill it with hay. This would at least keep them warm. He had already started asking everyone to do this.

The several excavated caves are very warm. After all, the external temperature is only about seven or eight degrees. If it continues like this, once the temperature drops below zero, it will be fatal to many people on this grassland.

"You really don't plan to take your wife back?"

Su Kang asked, and Nick shook his head.

"I don't plan to go back. I live happily here and that's enough."

In the face of such a cold wave, it was obvious that the fortress where Allen and the others were located was the most comfortable, and they had built a small power station there with hot water every night.

The life in the fortress is the envy of many people now. Some people have proposed to follow Allen's example and build a house near the mountain, but it is obviously not realistic now.

In Su Kang's view, the cold will make people stop thinking and become crazy. Fortunately, they came up with the idea of ​​straw mats, but this is not necessarily the case in Jed's territory, because in Su Kang's serious situation, Jed is a bit dead. brain.

Su Kang had tried to persuade Jed several times, but it obviously had no effect, probably because he was too tired.

After a while, Su Kang and the others stepped into Jade's territory, and sure enough they saw a fight. Two groups of people were fighting. It seemed that it was because of clothes. Su Kang and the others ignored it and left directly.

Su Kang could see very clearly that the people in Jed's territory had become more and more hostile since Jed cleared out some gangs last time, and no one trusted anyone.

There is no room for maneuver on these commonplace issues. Coupled with the current deterioration of the environment, the future will be very difficult for many of them.

Nick on the side looked at the distance, because a corner of the fortress could be seen over there.

"How about you go back?"

Nick thought for a moment and then shook his head.

"Forget it, what can I do when I go back?"


Allen sat quietly in the house. It was raining outside. Some people were busy in the yard, and some people were sitting in the warm house, preparing meals for the evening.

Beside Alan, his son is playing with some wooden toys, and Anne is also preparing dinner in the kitchen. Tonight's dinner will include meat, which is the best for their family. Some relatives are listening to music upstairs. , chatting happily.

The electricity here is sufficient. Allen has not accepted new members for nearly half a year. Even technicians will not accept them if they do not have special skills.

Every step Allen made was extremely correct. He glanced at the sky outside the window, and then smiled helplessly. Now the front of the fortress has been reinforced. The 50-centimeter-thick wall can completely resist attacks, and there are many more. The automatic repeating crossbow weapon serves as a defense for the main entrance of the fortress. If others want to attack, they will definitely pay a heavy price.

Of course, Allen knew about the chaos outside. He had expected this early on. Many places in the mountains and forests were already frozen, indicating that the cold wave would become more severe. At this time, Annie came out and prepared everything needed for dinner. of ingredients.

Among these ingredients, there is pork. Today, two wild boars raised were slaughtered to celebrate the completion of the fortress reinforcement. Everyone got their share of meat, which made everyone extremely happy.

"What's wrong? You look very sad."

Allen held his wife's hand, smiled and said.

"I don't know. The war may break out soon. If the sun refuses to come out, the war will break out soon."

Annie's face was serious, and Allen said with a smile.

"We're safe, don't worry honey."

Allen looked at a thermometer outside. The temperature was only 4 degrees. Yesterday it was 6 degrees, but today it is 4 degrees. After tonight, the temperature will drop.

Once the temperature drops below zero, the entire grassland will fall into chaos.

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