Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2564 Heading towards the future

"Why did you go so long? What happened?"

Ellie asked with concern. It was already the fourth day before Gene came back. Others also looked confused, but it could be seen from Gene's expression that something bad must have happened on the grassland.

After Gene lit a cigarette, he thought for a moment and said.

"The dispute has already begun. There have been many small-scale conflicts, which may soon evolve into large-scale conflicts."

Gene described in detail everything he had seen on the grassland these past few days, and Li Chu laughed.

"I've told you a long time ago that we don't need to worry about them. No matter what we do, they will always go back to their old ways. I don't plan to get over it anyway. It's their business to make trouble as much as they like."

Gene looked at the others. Except for Ellie, everyone basically no longer planned to care about things on the grassland because they had lost confidence.

"Don't think about it Gene, let's have a drink."

As Gu Yi said, everyone nodded and started working on their own.

Gu Yi wanted to help the people on that grassland at first, but after some time, his attitude began to change after he had this special power.

Guyi is different from others. This place was once part of his motherland, so he has very strong feelings for this land, but now Guyi has understood the facts clearly.

No matter what they do, they can't change the status quo. Everything on the grassland is uncontrollable.

"Put yourself together Gene."

After Tang Rao finished speaking, he stood up and started preparing to cook.

"Now we must devote ourselves to research, Jean, put away those little thoughts of yours."

Deguna took out a cigarette case and handed one to Gene, who nodded.

Not everyone is happy to see such a result, but there is nothing we can do about it. In the future, humans will inevitably fall into a situation of scarcity of resources, and resources will become the primary target of human competition in the future.

After a while, the eight people had dinner and began to discuss some issues. The most important of these was the future energy situation. Although Li Chu could use power to generate electricity, if he wanted to prevent energy from being exhausted in the future, They must establish a complete energy chain.

"The best solution now is bacterial energy."

Tang Rao said, and Rose nodded. She dipped her hands in water and drew something on the table casually. Rose is an expert in this area. She has been committed to the development of bioenergy in the past, and has successfully developed Several bioenergy sources.

Unfortunately, putting these bioenergy sources into practical applications is much more complicated than many people think.

"Any good ideas? Werther."

Tang Rao looked at Werther and asked. Under the smoke, Werther's expression looked a little complicated. Everyone else could see that Werther actually had a solution.

And Rose seemed to have thought of something. She had been watching Werther tinkering with something in the past few days, and Rose knew that Werther must have thought of a solution.

"Come on, Werther, stop hiding it."

Li Chu said with a smile, held up the wine glass and leaned over, sitting next to Werther. Werther thought for a moment and then said.

"Bacteria Batteries."

"That's a good idea."

Rose immediately stated that the best option at present is bacterial batteries. Although some people have studied it in the past, they have not studied it in depth. The potential of bacterial batteries is very great, but there are very high risks.

"I can make some culture fluid that supplies energy to bacteria, just use some plant parts, so that I can generate electricity continuously."

Rose continued, her seemingly immature face showing great confidence, because she had made some culture fluids for many kinds of bacterial energy sources in the past, so she was relatively familiar with this matter.

Werther hummed, he didn't want to hide it from everyone.

“I actually end up growing bacteria.”

Ellie frowned slightly. Indeed, some of the research she had seen Werther doing in the past few days was not drug research. She didn't expect that he had already started it.

"Ordinary bacteria definitely won't work because they don't have enough energy to provide powerful electrical energy, so we have to cultivate new high-efficiency bacteria. We will continue to study over and over again and mix various bacteria. This is a long-term It’s a complicated job, but it has to be done. After all, it’s impossible to rely on Li Chu alone to generate electricity in the future, so he will have to sit in the power generation device 24 hours a day.”

Tang Rao concluded and teased Li Chu, who smiled disapprovingly.

"Then the question is, Werther, what do you think?"

Li Chu looked at Witte randomly and asked, because this guy developed an insect with super fecundity and super survivability in order to eliminate the kind of plants that bring disaster to people. As a result, the whole world The world was struck by an insect plague of unknown origin.

"Actually, when I was studying insects before, I used a special kind of bacteria. This kind of bacteria can combine with many bacteria to give birth to some different bacteria. And if you want to get enough electricity, you have to use Only powerful bacteria will do. Bacteria are difficult to control. Once a leak occurs, it will be a disaster for the surrounding environment and humans."

"We can prepare countermeasures in advance and know what methods are useful for this bacteria. As long as we understand clearly in advance, when problems arise, we will at least have a plan to deal with them."

Ellie said and Werther nodded.

"Okay, I will start the formal research tomorrow. The whole process will be very long. Are you sure you want to make a bacterial battery?"

After seeing everyone nodding, Witte smiled helplessly, and Tang Rao began to summarize and organize. After all, these things must be resolved.

Then the second topic started, which was about energy. Only one energy method is not enough. Even if measures are taken to deal with the dangers of bacterial batteries from the beginning, there is no guarantee that there will be no danger at all.

"Light energy."

Gu Yi said with a smile, and everyone else nodded. Gu Yi is a scientist who studies high-mass energy photons. They have successfully researched high-mass-energy photons. The quality of these photons is very high and can be used as energy. use.

Unfortunately, it is still very difficult to achieve, but now there are conditions.

"Jean, Deguna, you guys have to help me. I'm not an expert on many mechanical things."

Gu Yi's eyes were full of hope. Jean and Deguna both nodded. They also knew that Gu Yi's research was very important.

This is related to the future of human energy. Gu Yixian told everyone about the basic concepts of this energy, and everyone listened attentively.

"One thing I hope everyone can pay attention to is that this energy can also be used to make weapons."

"What do you do to make weapons?"

Li Chu asked with a smile, and the others also laughed.

Then the eight people exchanged some experimental research results in recent days, and then began to work separately. Gene returned to the room. He wanted to rest for a while before continuing to work. The lingering thought in Gene's mind It’s everything on that grassland.

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door of the room. Gene stood up and opened the door. Ellie stared at Gene worriedly.

"You can go back anytime you want, Jean."

Ellie seemed to be comforting, Gene smiled and shook his head, and the two hugged each other.

"If you were indifferent after seeing those tragic things, you wouldn't be you, Jean. We all know that you are very fast and it's easy to get back and forth, right?"

Gene hummed.

Ellie gently leaned against Gene's chest.

"It's okay Gene, we can definitely build a human city here."


Allen put down the tea cup. This was the new tea that had just been harvested recently. Now every day would be very pleasant. Allen looked at the fields that had begun to turn yellow, and many crops had reached harvest time.

Everything has been calm in the past half month. Jed came here once and talked about some things in the future. Allen expressed his support for Jed. He has now started doing business with some gangs again.

The construction of the fortress has become more and more stable. Basically, the reinforcement of the wall directly opposite the fortress has begun. Some materials found in the mountains can be used to make reliable cement, which is better than anything else for Allen.

What is needed here in the future is a solid city. Allen plans to make the city wall thicker, at least three or four meters wide. Although it will take a lot of time, it is certain that this place will become a paradise for mankind.

Recently, there are still many technicians who want to join Allen and the others, but Allen has not agreed. After all, at times like this, those big gangs still want to make trouble, which can be seen from the fact that their own people go there to work every day. When they came out, many of them deliberately looked for trouble.

Allen knows what they're trying to do and kicks his own gang out of the allocation so the others can get more.

At this point, although Jed did not clearly stand on his side, Allen did not flinch at all. He had already argued with other leaders about some things, and in the end those leaders could only nod.

Now I have to say how correct Jed's previous actions were. Allen thought of many plans at that time, because Jed's approach was very likely to develop into a war, but in the end the war did not break out. Instead, everyone ushered in peace. Because Jed's distribution plan satisfied many people.

However, in Allen's view, this approach cannot last long, because the order issue will still cause some friction. Allen recently sent people to further places to contact other gangs.

At the east end, some water reservoirs have been built. After a while of going upstairs, my nephew Nick ran up with a smile. He had just come back from outside.

"Uncle, good news."

Allen was stunned at first, but then asked.

"What kind of good news?"

"It's that guy Su Kang who said he agreed to form an alliance with us."

Allen stood up and looked at his happy nephew. The peace on his face was disappearing little by little.

"What did you do?"

"It happened that Su Kang was here, so I chatted with him for a few words and found that he was a very nice person, so I proposed an alliance. He agreed without saying a word and said he would come over tonight to discuss specific matters."

Allen's cheeks began to look ferocious, and Nick was still chattering about how he was talking to Su Kang, completely unaware of the anger that was already showing on Allen's face.

"How about it, uncle, I'm smart."

Nick said happily, and at this time, one of Allen's confidants saw the problem, and just as he was about to come over, Allen suddenly slapped him.


Nick looked at Allen differently, his eyes widened, and he looked at his uncle in disbelief. This uncle had taken good care of him since he was a child. Because Nick's father passed away very early, Nick always followed Allen. He is very good, more like a son.

"Uncle, I."

"I already told you to study more, why did you talk to them about the alliance without permission?"

Nick covered his mouth in embarrassment, the slap was very powerful, and he finally noticed the angry look on his uncle's face.

"I just thought it would be better if we had more friends, and Su Kang is that person."


Allen pressed his sore forehead and sighed.

"Do you know who is the rumor maker in Jade's territory? It's Su Kang and the others. Do you know who made the statement that we were threatening before? It was Su Kang who made it."

Nick realized that something was wrong, and Alan sighed and patted Nick on the shoulder.

"Why do you take the decision without permission?"

Nick lowered his head, and the others also persuaded him. Allen seemed a little scared when he looked at his nephew.

"I'm not beating you because you make your own decisions, but because you don't use your brain. Have you forgotten that we and Jed are already allies? If you do this, it will cool down the relationship between us and Jed and the others. , do you know that the gain outweighs the loss?"

Nick nodded and Alan continued.

"In any case, the reservoirs, mines and power plants are all in Jed's territory. That is our most ideal partner. There have been too many frictions between Jed and Su Kang. You are so To do so would be to break up our relationship with Jed.”

Allen said, and suddenly he asked.

"Were any of Jade's men present?"

Nick nodded.

Allen stood up immediately, because he had to explain it to Jed in person, otherwise there would be cracks in their alliance, and Jed was completely different from before.

After what happened last time, Jed already didn't trust other gangs. Allen quickly led the people and planned to go directly to Jed's side, but before they even stepped out of the fortress, some vehicles and motorcycles appeared not far away. Coming this way is Su Kang and his group.

Allen realized that something was wrong. He could place some people as informants, and Jed could do the same. If they didn't handle it well now, they would most likely be isolated.

Allen smiled and led the people out of the fortress. He had to handle this matter well.

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