In the dark night, a touch of light blue particles floated in the air. Gene stared quietly at the grassland in the distance. He was near Allen's fortress, and Jed had just left.

Jean leaned against the wall of the fortress and lit a cigarette. He had been in the grassland for a few days and had witnessed everything on the grassland. Jean did not stop him.

This is Jean's newfound ability. They can become invisible directly. This is very convenient. After Jean learned about it for a while, he roughly understood the actual situation on the grassland now.

Resources have been severely under-allocated. Those gangs have not allocated them according to the very detailed rotational rationing method planned by Jean and others. If they allocated them according to this method, many people would not have too many complaints.

But obviously they missed the best opportunity. Gene originally thought that the situation would not deteriorate so quickly, but now the situation has begun to deteriorate. The gang members basically adopted Jade's approach. Anyone who dissatisfied will be punished. Kill who.

"Why does this always happen?"

Gene felt disappointed. He didn't want to ignore anything here. Now large gangs are bound to have disputes around reservoirs, mines, power plants and pharmaceutical factories.

Originally, Jean and the others just wanted to help humans so that they could solve some problems in life, which would alleviate the conflicts, but now it has only intensified the conflicts.

Memories from his childhood emerged in Jean's mind. Such fights were the same no matter where he went. Jean smiled bitterly.

"Why is it always like this?"

Gene threw away the cigarette butt in his hand. He just wanted to take a look and then go back. He thought about many things. In fact, Gene was hesitating. He wanted to establish order in this land.

Jean only talked about this matter with Ellie. The original plan was to wait until the technology research was almost complete and the human area here was basically stable before finding a way to establish order, but now Jean could no longer stand it.

If no one comes to manage this land, this grassland will completely become a battlefield. Now human food has basically been hoarded. There is no need to fight for survival, but the current chaos makes Jean a little confused. Like hemp.

Originally, Jean had seen countless chaos and chaos. He thought he would never think about these things again, but what Jean thought of most recently was Li Ji, who brought him out of the abyss of despair.

Especially in the past few days, Jean often thinks of Li Ji and his teacher Weiner. These two people have influenced Jean's life. Jean often thinks of the past when Li Ji forcefully pulled him up from the edge of despair. .

Li Ji often warned Jean that this world is not cruel, but has more good sides. Helping others is far more meaningful than gaining anything. Jean cannot do this because he knows very well that helping others is very tiring. , and it requires too much effort.

Even if you help others, you still won't get a good word in the end. This is something that Gene understands deeply. It's like the humans on this grassland have told them time and time again that if they want to live in peace, they have to do what they want. The way to say it.

Although there may indeed be some problems, and these problems must be solved slowly, they are not unsolvable. Jean is hesitant. If he does nothing, a war will definitely break out here after he returns.

"Let's wait and see."

Gene planned to wait until tomorrow to see what they talked about during the meeting.

"But it still doesn't work."

Jean thought about the aerodynamics research he was currently doing. If the research is successful, humans will be able to abandon traditional energy sources in the future and obtain a clean and effective energy source. Jean was discussing this with his teacher a long time ago. Weiner discussed this issue.

"Let's see another day."

After feeling someone patrolling, Jean disappeared into the darkness.

noon the next day

Just after 1 o'clock, Jed was waiting quietly in the tent. The leaders of some large gangs nearby were arriving. They should have known what happened yesterday, but Jed was not going to compromise anything with them.

At this time, Jade heard some noises outside the tent. A leader should have come over, but he did not come in. Jade did not intend to go out. He would wait for them to come in and talk slowly.

After Zhang Qi came in, he told Jade Lai's leaders that they were all talking about what happened yesterday. Although they didn't say it explicitly, the smell of irony was very strong.

"No matter what they say, it doesn't matter anymore. They were the ones who started it."

A while later, at around 3 o'clock, hundreds of people gathered outside the tent. The number of people brought by the bosses today was obviously several times more, and all of them were fully armed. All the bosses who came in were carrying firearms. , Jade looked at them coldly.

"Everyone, there is no need to bring a gun."

At this time, Zhang Qi muttered something, and one of the leaders laughed.

"We don't want to have someone suddenly shoot a cold arrow while we're in a meeting."

Zhang Qi was a little angry, and Jade motioned for him to go out.

Everyone is well aware of the current situation. The small gangs in Jed's territory were cleared out by Jed overnight, and all seven to eight hundred people were slaughtered overnight.

This incident shocked many of the leaders who heard about it, because they did not expect Jade to do this at all, but it has already happened, and they have no reason to pursue anything. After all, strength is king in this land. .

"Mr. Jed, I have a question. I hope you can answer me."

One of the leaders said, Jade nodded.

"Go ahead, Mr. Rum."

The leader named Rum laughed.

"We don't know the situation of the pharmaceutical factory recently because it's too far away. We haven't received the medicine four times in a row. Several doctors here are working very hard, but why don't we get a share? I hope you can explain it."

Jed said immediately.

"The distribution of medicines is in accordance with the rules set by the gods before. It is not your turn yet. You can find out by looking at the order documents issued at that time. It will not be your turn until next month."

Immediately Rum laughed.

"But your people have access to medicine every day. Why is that?"

Jade immediately shook his head.

"Please don't believe those rumors. After all, we have never done this. This is just a myth. If you don't believe it, you can look at the yield of drugs. The growth cycles of crops that can provide medicinal value are slow. The yield of natural drugs It won’t be too high.”

Immediately one of the leaders burst into laughter.

"It's not a problem with the growth cycle, but someone secretly took a lot of drugs."

The leader looked at some leaders, including Jed, as he spoke. The leaders present knew very well that they had done this kind of thing before, and no one was clean. But after the leader brought it up, many people Started to push back.

The debate began, from pharmaceutical factories to power plants, to reservoirs, and finally to the issue of mines that everyone was most concerned about.

"Mr. Jed, the mine is within your sphere of influence after all, but everything has become opaque now. I think you all know where a lot of metal has gone."

Jade just looked at the leader who spoke coldly. Everyone had their own hidden agendas. No one wanted to raise some issues in the distribution, and they were all waiting for others to raise them.

"The purpose of your visit today is probably about the distribution of minerals and medicines."

Jade spoke, and everyone began to become silent.

"There are some problems that we must solve. In addition to water, there are also problems with mines and drugs. I have already drawn up a plan."

Rum asked as Jed said and stood up.

"What kind of distribution method?"

"Each of our major gangs will send personnel to supervise. How about each gang taking turns to come a week? The allocated amount is fixed, so everyone will have nothing to say."

This is the safest approach that Jed thought about all night last night. Instead of continuing to argue with them, it is better to just let the big gang distribute it, and then it is their business whether they are willing to distribute it to other people in their territory.

"I think this method is okay."

One leader immediately agreed, and then another leader agreed, but soon several leaders started talking, because there were also some small gangs in their territory. If they were distributed like this, those small gangs would inevitably come out. questionable.

"I think this distribution plan is the best distribution method at present. If you have any objections, please come up with a solution for yourself. For those who are willing to accept it, starting from tomorrow, we can make detailed statistics on the daily production of minerals and the production of drugs. This tally is for a week, and then the question of how much to allocate starts to formulate.”

Immediately after Jed finished speaking, the gang leader suggested that if there were other gangs in the territory, they should share more.

"Strength is king! Please find your own way. You can only ration according to the big gangs. As for the small gangs, you either absorb them or get rid of them, just like I did last night."

As soon as Jed finished speaking, the tent was silent for a moment, and several leaders stared at Jed fiercely.

"It's useless for you to stare at me. I'm going to say it here today. If you want to use these small gangs to cause trouble in my territory, no matter who it is, I will kill whoever causes trouble."

Jade's words were so firm that Rum laughed.

"Aren't you afraid that people in your territory will turn against you?"

"Afraid? Of course I'm not afraid anymore. If anyone continues to cause trouble, I will kill them. Only by getting rid of these people who want to cause trouble, will this land usher in real peace, so everyone, please consider this plan. If you don’t think it’s possible, that’s fine. Anyway, the mines and pharmaceutical factories are in my territory. If you want to use force, we are ready for everything.”

After Jed finished speaking, he stood up directly. He didn't intend to give them any chance to refute. As expected, after a while the leaders all raised their hands and agreed.

"Okay, tomorrow everyone will send your people over, and everyone will be counted on site. After a week, the distribution will officially begin. The distribution will be distributed to each group in turn according to the weekly amount. Please come back after a week, we Negotiate the amount allocated.”

After the leaders left, Jed breathed a sigh of relief. The situation was temporarily stable, but the gangs who had received the rations would definitely try their best to make weapons.

When they feel that they have the strength to eat each other, they will definitely do it. Jed was lying on the bed tiredly. He wanted to take a rest. At this moment, the smell of cigarette smoke appeared. As soon as Jed looked over, he saw Jade. kindness.

"Mr. Jean, why would you?"

"I'm just here to hear what you plan to do. I've been watching here for three days."

After Jed stood up, he happily took out the wine.

"What do you think of what I just did?"

Gene smiled.

"A very reasonable approach."

Jade hummed. He also knew the current situation. If he didn't take the initiative, he would become very passive.

"I'll give you a suggestion. When the distribution is about the same, communicate with them carefully. They don't want it to develop into a war."

Jade nodded, and then Gene put away his smile and said seriously.

"The person who started the dispute instead was Allen."

Jade frowned slightly, knowing what Gene meant. Indeed, the current disputes in this land were somewhat related to Allen.

"What do you want me to do Mr. Jean? I have already agreed to cooperate with Allen."

Gene exhaled a puff of smoke and said.

"No matter what you do, Allen will definitely continue to stir up disputes, because he wants to see disputes and he can get a lot of benefits from them. I think you should know this better than me."

Jed nodded. Indeed, in that city in the past, Allen's approach was exactly the same as it is now. He would always get very large benefits after disputes occurred, so Jed hated this guy at first because he was somewhat I heard that many disputes were deliberately caused by Allen.

"For someone who keeps stirring up disputes, what do you think he wants to do in the future?"

Jed seemed to understand what Gene was saying.

"Want to be at the top."

Jean nodded.

"Be careful yourself, I'm going back."

Jed walked over immediately.

"Are you really leaving, Mr. Jean?"

Jade could feel that Jean was leaving this time and would not return to this grassland for a long time.

"Even if I stay here, I can't solve anything or change anything."

Gene said and his body disappeared in the air. With a breeze, Jade held the wine in his hand. He could see the disappointment on Gene's face.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jean, I think it will be much better next time you come back here."

Jade has now thought clearly and cannot continue to be entangled with Allen, because Allen is constantly creating disputes. Once the disputes are almost created and everything becomes chaotic, Allen will take action when the time is right and then seize everything. .

But now everything that Allen has decided has begun to ferment, and everyone is being coerced and moving towards where Allen wants to go.

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