jingle jingle

Near the gray stone field by the lake, a large number of work sheds are being built, and many people are working according to Jean and Deguna's requirements. It has been nearly two months since the bosses returned from visiting the base.

The boss also integrated everything according to Jean's requirements. Now that the construction has begun in full, there are a lot of problems that need to be solved first.

Water sources and mineral deposits were the top priority, followed by electricity. Jean was near the cave that Rose had used her power to drill in just a few days, explaining how the people who entered would install some supports so that they could start mining some raw ore. It has been excavated, and a smelting furnace nearby that was manufactured in the base has begun to smelt ore.

Jean and the others have used power beyond ordinary people time and time again, and have convinced everyone here that they are gods, and everyone's attitude towards Jean and the others is now very respectful.

"Lord Jean, it seems a little loose inside."

A gray-faced man ran out. After taking a puff of cigarette, Gene threw away the cigarette butt and walked in. Soon Gene saw that many people inside looked a little panicked.

"No need to worry."

Gene looked around, and soon discovered that there was something wrong with one of the support brackets that had been laid all the way in. Gene immediately asked someone to bring the new bracket, and he carefully removed the broken bracket. , and then replace it with the new one.

After a while, the loose soil and rocks in front disappeared, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Now they have to dig forward bit by bit, transport the ore up and smelt it. The metal obtained in this way can be used to make a lot of materials.

At this time, on the left side of the lake, in an open space that had been cleared, Deguna was directing a group of people to make human power generators.

Gene and the others spent nearly two weeks to design a device that can allow 100 people to generate electricity at the same time. They only need to step on it. The amount of power generated is considerable, as long as people take turns stepping on it every day.

This can guarantee daily electricity for dozens of square kilometers. Jean and the others plan to help the humans here build a certain level of facilities before continuing to return to the mountains for research. From then on, they only need to come here from time to time.

Deguna took the drawings and explained the situation to several engineers, and they would lead others to start the construction. The reason why it was built next to the reservoir was to allow electric energy to be transported to the lake as soon as possible, because The large-scale filtration equipment in the reservoir requires very sufficient electrical energy.

Construction has just started for two days, and the situation is very good. The leaders have also divided the personnel in detail. Some people with sufficient labor force have come to build, while some old, weak, sick and disabled people have gone to take care of the fields.

If today's lakes are not treated, many people will die of thirst.

In order to ensure drinking water, Jean and the others built several large-scale filtration equipment when they came down, which could quickly filter the lake water, and also added some disinfectants to temporarily ensure drinking water until the construction of the reservoir was completed.

There is a very clear plan for the construction of the reservoir, which requires many complicated steps.

And it needs to be considered for at least half a century in the future, so a waste treatment plant is necessary.

Because if the waste filtered out of the water is not treated, it will have an impact on the land and nearby ecology.

So the best way now is to put the processed waste directly into metal cylinders, and then transport it to a place where there is no sun and dump it. This is also a helpless move.

The wastewater that seeps out of farmland must also be treated. The first thing that needs to be done is to build an isolation channel on the four walls of the lake. After the wastewater is treated, the waste is directly cleaned and packed into barrels.

As long as the construction is completed step by step, Deguna explained for a while, then took a group of engineers to some delivered materials. She explained the specific implementation of these materials based on the situation on the drawings, and the engineers I also took notes carefully.

The time is now completely ripe, and people on the entire grassland are moving. Even people from other newly reclaimed areas have come to help, because everyone wants to complete the construction as soon as possible, so that at least their lives can be guaranteed.

Many people have died of illness due to drinking water problems, and many others have become sick due to long-term consumption of fire-roasted food.

Nowadays, many people's wish is to at least be able to drink safe water and eat hot food.

At this time, on Jed's original territory, some planting areas had just finished harvesting. Ellie was squatting on the field, surrounded by some experts in sowing and farming. Ellie was holding some medicinal plant seeds.

"Everyone, remember, these plants may be much slender than crops. If they are not taken care of properly, they can easily get sick and die."

The people around her listened carefully. Ellie held a laptop and explained to everyone what might happen after planting these drugs. She needed everyone to keep it in mind so that when problems occur in the future, these people can Quick response.

Soon after Ellie finished explaining, she took out the seeds and started to demonstrate planting them herself. Most of these plants are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. They can extract medicinal ingredients and make anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medicines.

"Remember, don't plant too densely. If you plant too densely, the effective medicinal ingredients of the plants will be reduced, and the gain will outweigh the loss."

After a while, Ellie distributed the seeds to them, and said something seriously and patiently, and everyone began to plant them carefully according to what Ellie had just said.

A simple shack has been set up near the drug cultivation area, and Werther is inside. A large number of doctors are holding notebooks, and several small pharmaceutical machines are placed on the table.

Witte was explaining the detailed process of making drugs to the doctors. Every step was very detailed. There were so many crops here, many of which could be used to make drug tablets.

There are also some drugs that are antibiotics. Witte has already brought several active bacterial strains. He will guide these doctors step by step in cultivating antibiotics and then making the antibiotics suitable for injection into the human body.

"I hope everyone can pay attention to the dosage when making medicine. This is very important because everyone has different levels of drug resistance. If the dosage is too high, it will lead to drug poisoning."

Several small pharmaceutical machines were made by Jean and Deguna. As soon as the fields where the medicine is grown start to be harvested, they can start making medicine. With medicine, the survival rate of human beings on this grassland will be greatly increased.

Now at least the human beings on the grassland have enough food and clothing. From now on, it is enough to have everything they need to continue living well.

After Witte explained, he immediately took out some crop powder, and then the doctors gathered around. Witte showed them the process of making pills, and he took out some pharmaceutical powder ingredients.

Then he put the powder on the measurer and carefully added the corresponding amount of medicine with a small spoon. Soon some tablets were produced, which were anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

After a while, a box of pills was ready, and the doctors also tried it themselves. The whole process was not complicated, but you need to be very careful when doing it manually. But now there is no Internet on the grassland, and there is nothing else that can be done. Yes, this kind of work is not difficult for many people, but they feel full of motivation.

Time passed by, and after a box of medicine was prepared, several doctors took the medicine and planned to distribute it to some patients. Witte asked the doctors to take a break, and then took out several medicine ingredients and asked the doctors for a while. Try making it yourself.

Not far away, near the tent where Jed and the others live, some long poles are neatly placed. Li Chu is holding a laptop and testing the signal. There is no long-distance communication on this grassland, so it must be Build some cell towers to at least make communications easier.

If there is a problem anywhere, he can be informed immediately. Li Chu looked at a large pile of boxes on the ground. These are signal converters. He plans to establish communication within a 100-kilometer range of the grassland. As long as the power is ensured, the power will be turned on. You can start immediately.

"Master Li Chu, do these things really don't need to be waterproofed?"

Li Chu laughed.

"We have already considered the issue of waterproofing when making it. The inside of the machine has already been waterproofed. If the outside is waterproofed, there is no condition here. We can only start from the inside."

This place is exposed to wind and sun, so you must consider the damage of the equipment. Most equipment damage starts from the inside, so do a good job of protecting the inside first, and when something goes wrong, open the signal converter. Just replace the box from the inside.

Li Chu looked at the eyes around him that admired him and felt very happy. This was the first time he enjoyed such a feeling. Although he had experienced it before, it was only in a small area. Now everyone is full of admiration for him. Respect.

"As long as you listen to us carefully, we will ensure that you can survive well on this grassland."

There were nods and echoes all around. Li Chu nodded with satisfaction and directed them to start building the first signal tower. This kind of signal tower is 10 meters high, which is an ideal location. The materials can only wait for the mine. After being mined and manufactured at the site, they were sent over and slowly built.

The whole process takes a very long time. Li Chu estimates that it will take about half a year to cover 100 kilometers. One signal tower will be needed every 5 kilometers, which is 20 signal towers.

"Okay, you guys, let's do this first, I'll go look elsewhere first."

Li Chu said and started walking. Although he was very happy doing it, Li Chu was still more willing to write his own AI program.

Not far away, Rose was directing a group of people to dig a hole. Li Chu walked over. Rose was holding a cigarette in her mouth, sitting on a chair and watching comfortably.

"Can you use your power to help them?"

Rose laughed.

"If you ask me to do everything, and what else they need to do, the most I can do is take action when they are helpless. This is what God should be like, learn from it, idiot."

Li Chu laughed and squatted next to Rose. Many people were digging hard. Rose planned to build a biological nutrient culture tank. Although her research was not mature yet, she should be able to conquer it soon.

If you build such a pond earlier, you only need to put the unnecessary parts of the crops into it, convert it into biological nutrients, and then act on the fields. This kind of biological chain is better, and at least it can make many fields unnecessary. There will be a lack of nutrients.

Nowadays, the crops in many fields are no longer good for planting, and some have even begun to reduce production because the fertility of the land is no longer enough. If effective fertilization cannot be obtained, these lands will be on the verge of death in a period of time. The beginning of desertification.

It is necessary to ensure sufficient biofuel. Now Rose plans to let them dig the pit first, and then wait for the mine to have materials, and then use the metal to make some corrosion-resistant alloys, and then use them as pool barriers to wait for her. Now that the research is done, we can start putting the pool into operation.

"You take your time and direct, I'll go look elsewhere."

Li Chu wanted to go to Gu Yi's place to have a look. Gu Yi was now near the jar house on the highway. Many people were there and were taking classes.

As soon as Li Chu walked over, he saw Gu Yi writing something on the blackboard. Many people immediately took small notebooks to write down.

Gu Yi is explaining some chemical knowledge to them, which are used in life, especially what kind of substances will be produced by some chemical reactions. This is extremely important. Gu Yi has chosen many chemical knowledge. People with common sense or smart brains teach them from the basics.

This kind of teaching seems a bit too hasty to Li Chu, but there is no way to make them grasp it once. After all, life is already comfortable now.

Li Chu also saw the leader named Allen who was at the base that day. He was also very interested in chemistry, but Li Chu didn't like this guy very much because he felt that this guy was a bit sinister. Li Chu saw everything that happened in the base that day. In my eyes, this guy was never arrogant, but every time he spoke he was just right.

Such guys are very insidious, and Li Chu has come into contact with many such guys.

Moreover, this guy led people to attack the grassland they originally planned to build. He also chose to leave as soon as it became overcrowded and ran to the foothills to reclaim a fortress. Li Chu went in to see the fortress. Everything inside was for Survival has been considered and planned, very good talents.

This guy must have foreseen the crisis in advance. If Jean and the others didn't come down, this grassland would start to become chaotic due to water problems.

"I hope everyone will remember that these things can make many daily necessities. As long as everyone keeps these in their minds, they can then put them into practice."

Gu Yi seemed very happy, Li Chu said with a smile.

"How come you used to give lectures a lot?"

Gu Yi nodded.

"Yes, I often gave lectures in universities at that time."

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