9 a.m.

Allen got off Gene's back. He was the last one to jump over on Gene's back. The 28 gang leaders were still waiting. They were waiting in a shed below the base.

Li Chu was explaining everything to these bosses, who were all bosses near Jade and the others. Many of them had been taught a lesson by Jean yesterday, and now they were submissive.

"Mr. Jean, thank you very much."

Allen bowed respectfully, and after Gene led him over, the leaders all stood up, and then a group of people followed Gene and they walked away, no one carrying weapons.

After arriving at the gate of the base, everyone became a little nervous. As a red light swept across, the small door soon opened, and a scent of fragrance wafted out.

Everyone was a little surprised. It smelled like a mixture of vegetables and some fruits. There were bright lights inside. A group of people looked at the not too long passage in front of them and could already see the fields.

Li Chu and Gene walked in first, and a group of people followed. Allen and Jade walked together, and soon they came to a huge and empty cave.

"Am I dreaming?"

One of the leaders rubbed his eyes, and everyone couldn't believe it, because they saw the robot walking back and forth in the middle of the field, watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, and weeding.

There are not only ordinary crops in the fields, but also fruits and vegetables. There are also many harvested crops piled next to them. Li Chu began to explain to everyone that many things in this base have been AI-enabled and machined. instead of manpower.

"After all, there are only eight of us, but we don't have time to do some physical work."

Allen swallowed. He could not imagine this kind of place. Many people felt it was extremely incredible. Everything here was far more shocking than what they had seen in modern civilized society in the past.

Jed asked.

"Mr. Jean, have you found a way to achieve high yields on these crops?"

Gene nodded, and some of the leaders walked to the harvested crops. Some crops had not been processed yet, but it could be seen that the fruits of these crops were very full and the quantity was very large, similar to the crops they planted in the grassland. What comes out is simply a world of difference.

"Mr. Jean, can you give us some of these seeds?"

Jed said what all the leaders were thinking now, and Allen also wanted the seeds of this high-yielding crop very much. Li Chu said with a smile.

"Don't think about it. Many of them are for experiments and cultivated using genetic technology. Currently, eating them may be harmful to the body. We have to find a way to solve the potential impact of some genetic crops on humans before we can give them to you."

Immediately the leader said tentatively.

"Even if it's an impact, it's better than starving to death."

Immediately some leaders agreed, and Li Chu said unhappily.

"If you want to die early, we don't care."

They have already eaten some of these genetic crops, and their bodies will have different reactions. Such reactions are very bad for humans, so they must continue to study them.

"Okay, you guys are hungry. Go to the kitchen and get you something to eat."

The group of people followed Li Chu and the others around the farmland, and then came to a kitchen where many cans were piled up.

"I haven't eaten meat for a long time."

Gene rolled up his sleeves, walked over and took out some fresh flour.

"Noodles are okay."

Many people nodded, and then went over to help open the cans. The aroma immediately wafted into the air, and many people could not help but wipe their saliva. Many of them had not eaten meat in months.

Although Allen had only eaten it last month, the taste was really average. Because there was not enough seasoning, many captured prey could only be roasted over fire. When cooked into soup, the fishy smell would be very strong and difficult to swallow.

Soon Li Chu poured some cans directly into a large pot, then added water and some fresh seasonings, and started to heat it up.

After a while, the room was filled with aroma, and Gene's noodles had begun to cook. All the bosses were hungry. They hadn't eaten any normal human food for a long time.

Even if they grow food, they can only cook the crops and eat them directly. Especially recently, there is always a smell in the water. No matter how it is filtered, it is still there, and the taste of the food has become unpleasant.

Either crush the food directly and eat it raw. Such raw eating only makes people feel full, but it is very uncomfortable at first. Some vegetables also taste bitter, but they can only eat them.

Soon Li Chu brought some people in to pull some edible vegetables from the vegetable field, and then put the vegetables into the boiling pot. Jean had already started to cook the noodles.

Jade kept swallowing, and at this time Li Chu came over with another box of spicy fish.

"Who wants a drink?"

Everyone raised their hands. After a while, Li Chu brought a big wooden bucket, and soon the first bowl of noodles was served. At this time, the leaders also obeyed the rules and did not fight. One leader took a bite first. Tears fell instantly.

"I almost forgot, the noodles taste so delicious."

Although it is just some canned processed food, for these people, it is already the best.

"The reason why I ask you to find a way to mine is that you need to make some canned food so that the food can be stored for a long time. Otherwise, if any problem occurs and the sun disappears, the food will become less and less."

As Li Chu said, the leaders had already started to drink. Such a rich breakfast was really delicious for them. Jean asked Li Chu to bring them some canned fruits. These cans were produced by Jean. They made it themselves.

After a while, everyone ate the noodles, and they kept saying thank you. Allen looked at his trembling hands, as he had not eaten normal food for more than a year.

Since the disaster, the world has never been normal again.

"If you want to make cans, you need a lot of metal, and you have hoarded so much food now. Food can easily become moldy if it is not stored properly."

Gene said, and some of the leaders said that it was true that some of the food they had stored had become moldy, and problems often occur when crops are stored when it rains.

“Vegetables may be canned, but how are crops canned?”

Jed asked as Gene took out some cookies sealed with plastic film from the cabinet.

"You only need to use paraffin and this kind of film to make all the food into compressed biscuits, and it can be stored for a long time. It can guarantee that it will not go bad for at least 20 to 30 years."

The leaders all nodded happily. It was indeed a good idea to turn the excess crops into biscuits.

However, the most lacking things on the grassland now are sugar and salt, because the yield of crops that can extract sucrose is not very good, and salt is very scarce.

"There is a salt mine in a mountainous area somewhere on the grassland. I will guide you how to mine it when the time comes."

After Jean finished speaking, the leaders cheered again, and Li Chu said with a smile.

"The materials in the mountains and forests are far more abundant than you think, but the materials must be used properly and cannot be over-exploited. If you cannot ensure this, you will only destroy yourself."

Allen nodded. He very much agreed with what Li Chu said. Failure to exercise restraint is the most terrifying thing. Allen also often warned his subordinates that if it is not a priority, they should try not to move it, especially some supplies in the mountains and forests. trees as well as some animal habitats that have been found.

Now, except for the mountain forest where their fortress is located, other mountain forests have been destroyed. This kind of destructive felling will bring very serious consequences.

"When you go back, tell everyone not to cut down the forest again. If you continue to cut down the forest, there will be ecological problems on the grassland, and the water and land will die."

Of course Jed knew this, but there were still people who secretly cut down trees in the mountains and used the wood to build houses.

"Mr. Jean, do you have any machines that can make cement?"


Jade nodded happily.

"As long as cement can be produced, houses can be built with stone, which is far more reliable than wood."

Jean then told everyone that what they had to do was to go back and carefully allocate the personnel, and then they had to cooperate with each other. The primary purpose now was to ensure the safety and reliability of the water source.

Therefore, it is necessary to build a reservoir. A reservoir with water storage and water purification functions can solve the drinking water problem of hundreds of thousands of people nearby.

Gene took out the water quality that he had tested before. The water source has been severely polluted. If you drink it for a long time, you will definitely be poisoned, because many fermentations in the farmland will eventually produce toxins, which will seep into the lake through the land, and the poisons will begin to spread. pollute.

If people consume it for a long time, it will definitely cause liver poisoning, and they will have to wait for death in the end.

Many of the leaders looked at each other in confusion. Jade had discussed some issues with them from the beginning, not to cut down some trees by the lake, but in the end the trees by the entire lake were cut down.

"If you want to prevent this from happening, you must work together when you return. At least make a protective belt around the lake. You can also use some crop poles to do it. At the very least, some waste in the wind can be blocked from the outside. "

Jean then began to talk to the bosses. Regarding the situation of the mine, it was obviously difficult for humans to dig, so Jean and the others planned to use their power to directly help them dig out the mine, and then provide some mining equipment, and Smelting technology and so on.

After the mine begins to operate stably, the construction of the reservoir can be started, because the two must be synchronized. As long as there is metal, it is not difficult for Jean and the others to create some equipment.

The bosses all nodded. Li Chu was sorting out everything that the bosses needed to do in detail. He would print it out and ask the bosses to take it back and follow the list.

"Then there's the medical care that you're most concerned about."

Jean said, and many of the leaders nodded.

"Gather all the doctors you have, and then we will plan an area and directly lead the doctors to make medicines and diagnoses. This is much better than you taking the doctors for your own benefit. "

Sure enough, as soon as Gene proposed this, he saw the displeasure on the faces of many leaders, and Allen immediately said.

"I think it's pretty good. When we gather the doctors together, they are not breaking away from the original gang. They are just gathering together to provide medical treatment for all of us. They still belong to the gang, and the gang that provides the doctors will naturally have priority in getting some drugs. , right Mr. Jean."

Seeing Jean nodding, many people gave up their doubts, because no one would suffer in this case, and if the doctors mastered pharmaceutical technology, it would be beneficial to many groups.

"If you want to live a better life, you have to take it step by step."

Jean said, the leaders continued to eat and drink, some of them were already a little drunk, Jean then said.

"One more thing, I hope you can work together to build a railway track."

Many people were a little surprised, but then Gene took out a map.

"There are ready-made materials. More than 200 kilometers away from here is a railway track that is thousands of kilometers long in the past. However, our grassland only needs a few hundred kilometers, and in a short time it can be dozens of kilometers. And There is coal in many places, so our plan is to build a railway track first and then use coal-burning trains for some transportation. Whether it is food or some supplies, it can be transported quickly."

Allen felt very happy when he heard such a plan, but he still felt that there was something wrong.

"Mr. Jean, you have mastered so much technology and have so much power. Those of us here will naturally listen to you, but if you are not here, I am afraid we will be in disarray again."

Allen's intention was obviously to let Jean and the others lead the people on the grassland. Jade immediately said so, and the other leaders also agreed.

"Sorry everyone, we are currently doing some extremely complex and high-precision research, and it is necessary."

The leaders all looked at Jean in confusion.

"Because we don't have time to manage these studies. According to our calculations, if we do nothing, humans are very likely to be completely extinct in thirty years. But if we provide humans with the corresponding technology and help humans build Only by building a city can mankind continue into the future."

Li Chu laughed.

"Eat quickly. After eating, you go and have a good rest. We will slowly talk about other things at noon. Starting with you first, and then spreading to other parts of the grassland, at least let you get a certain degree of life security. , to continue the human race."

Only now did everyone finally understand what these gods wanted to do.

"I have a proposal, two gods."

Gene and Li Chu looked at Allen.

"I hope we can be given the status of God's agent, which will be much more convenient."

Gene immediately understood what Allen meant, and he said after thinking for a moment.


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