Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2473 Full Operation (Part 2)

The sound of rumbling machinery sounded, and the workers in the factory were waiting. Alpha watched as several people from Section 10 were dismantling some AI-related parts on the machinery. In the future, this factory will rely on semi-automatic artificial intelligence and workers to operate.

Many workers are worried, because if the AI ​​is dismantled, their work will be even more arduous. Congress has passed a bill that will reduce taxes for factories that cooperate with the experiment, and workers will directly pay for medical insurance. , and increase certain wages.

Michelle is still looking at the company's current average daily output provided by the supervisor of Factory No. 1, and has selected 50 factories in 50 factories to conduct such experiments.

The data obtained in this way is very accurate. As long as these data are carefully recorded, if you encounter similar things in the future, you can have a solution.

"What's going on with the data?"

Michelle said.

The supervisor on the side looked solemn, and she said hurriedly.

"Ms. Michelle, it's like this. Some data may appear during recording."

"How much production capacity did you conceal? This matter is very important. If there is no real production capacity data, our experiments will be biased."

The supervisor's face turned pale, and the boss beside him was wiping his sweat. He concealed the production capacity in order to avoid part of the tax, so that the profits of the products produced would be higher.

This is very common in many factories, but the data is fraudulent. If you calculate it carefully, you will find that this data does not match the original electricity consumption and workers' working hours.

There can only be one such situation, underreporting production capacity, Michelle said.

"Please answer my question seriously. The penalty for underreporting production capacity can be temporarily shelved, but the data must not be bad."

Looking at the serious face of Michelle, the boss hurriedly came over and said.

"Ms. Michelle, we did hide part of the story."

Michelle said after watching them admit it.

"We will make up for the part of the tax that was underreported. This will not happen again."

The boss breathed a sigh of relief. Alpha looked at some data on the machine and was listening to a report from a member of Section 10. The parts related to the city's AI have been dismantled. These parts of the machine need to be rebuilt and will be installed with independent Semi-artificial intelligence that doesn’t require an internet connection.

The overall function is the same as before, but the computing speed may be greatly reduced, and the accuracy may also be problematic. The most critical ones are the consumption of electrical energy and the need to install a mechanical cooler, etc.

In the past, AI was calculated through the network, and there was no machine server module, but now it is necessary to install a module server in the machine.

The overall steps seemed a bit cumbersome. Alpha looked at Michelle talking to the boss of the company about the concealment. She has changed a lot now. If in the past, this kind of concealment would have caused the 1st Department and the Section 7 came over to conduct a joint investigation directly.

Alpha glanced at the time. It was almost 11 o'clock. The family members should have gathered in the General Affairs Department, but this matter was very important, so Alpha planned to wait with Michelle for the official start of the machine operation and the on-site assessment. , let other manufacturers participating in the trial start again.

After a while, all the components were finally installed, and workers began to come over. The factory was about to officially start construction.

Alpha took the people from Section 10 and stepped aside. The supervisor began to explain some things to the workers, and soon the workers began to work.

There were no problems after the machine was started, and the processing started very smoothly. This factory produces a type of joints that are needed in construction.

Each connector needs to be screened by machine after the parts come out. The part that the workers are responsible for is the assembly of the connector, which needs to be assembled according to the different needs of different companies. It is quite uneconomical to get a set of mechanical assembly equipment. Yes, because if it is made of solid metal, hundreds of connectors are needed, and Xu Yao has hundreds of assembly machines.

The maintenance cost and construction cost of these machines are a lot of money. If they are constructed with light and shadow materials, the amount of other parts of the factory that require light and shadow materials will be reduced, which is very detrimental to the factory.

So this part was done manually. Sure enough, an alarm sounded on the parts conveyor belt. As usual, there were irregular parts after manufacturing. A worker quickly went over and began to take out the parts that had been marked by laser printing.

Many workers found that it looked exactly the same as before, with almost no major changes. The boss walked to Alpha and said.

"Master Manager, I have prepared the food. Do you think we should go and eat first?"

Alpha shook his head.

"No need, we are just waiting here for the end of the work, and we have to go back to the General Affairs Department to do something else."

After Alpha finished speaking, he lit a cigarette, and Michelle stood up and said.

"General manager, it doesn't look much different from the city's AI network calculations in daily life."

Alpha nodded, but then a worker who was assembling the adapter shouted.

"What's going on? How could such substandard parts come here?"

Immediately the foreman went over to take a look, and Alpha and Michelle jumped directly. After the two passed by, looking at the specifications, dimensions and type of the joint required by the customer, Michelle picked up the unqualified parts.

Sure enough, the error is about two millimeters. Even if such a joint is assembled, it will not work. Because it is used in construction, this kind of collector cannot have errors.

After a while, many workers started shouting, and all the parts with problems were put directly into the melting furnace on the other side and recast.

Although the semi-AI inside the machine has started to make corrections, there is still no way to avoid such an error rate. We can only wait for the semi-AI to collect a certain amount of data and correct it to close to zero error.

This process probably took a long time. In less than half an hour, hundreds of problematic parts appeared on the production line. This was a problem with the core casting mill for manufacturing parts, because when the metal liquid was poured into the mold, The temperature may be unstable, and coupled with the influence of gravity, there may be errors.

Although many engineers have tried to improve the mold unit, the error cannot be eliminated because there is gravity here, unless there is no gravity.

There is basically no way to solve this problem. We can only rely on AI to control the casting time and the time when the parts are produced, as well as the time when the temperature of the parts drops during cooling.

These need to be strictly controlled. This high-precision collector is the focus of the building, so it requires very high precision and strength so that the house can be stable.

The current situation does not look good. There are more and more faulty parts. The subsequent factory tests will not only include parts for the construction industry, but also some daily necessities. At that time, we can only test them one by one. .

This problem may not be solved in a short time. Although new AI is being developed internally in Section 10, it is almost impossible to apply it to every corner of the city in a short time.

The only way now is to keep experimenting, and only after finding a more balanced solution can we proceed to the next step.

At 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Alpha and Michelle made a detailed report on the factory test and then left the factory.

The group of people got on the lift and flew quickly towards the General Affairs Department. Starting tomorrow, based on today's field results, such tests will be conducted in the buildings of 49 other factories.

Alpha closed his eyes and planned to take a short rest for a few minutes. Michelle did the same. Taking a short break of about ten minutes could give her tired brain some rest.

The group planned to go directly to the canteen of the General Affairs Department to eat, and Michelle had already contacted the chef in advance.

At this time, in the general affairs department, many businessmen were taking a nap in the conference room. Le Xiao was also a little sleepy. She stood up and said.

"Everyone, wait here. I have something to do when I go out."

Le Xiao left after saying that. Le Xiao now wanted to go to the manager's lounge and take a nap for half an hour. Then she came down. She handed over several directors and department members and started running quickly.

Le Xiao had just entered the manager to rest and was about to sleep when Wu Lei called.

"Come back quickly, we have to have a meeting to discuss the next few things."

Le Xiao muttered.

"Can you wait a moment? I have something to do today."

As soon as he heard Le Xiao's voice, Wu Lei laughed and said.

"You want to sleep, wash your face, and come over first to finish the meeting."

Le Xiao was a little puzzled, but she could only stand up and wash her face and go straight downstairs. As soon as Le Xiao came down, she saw that Alpha and Michelle were back, and she hurried over.

"Sister Alpha, let me tell you, those businessmen have already thought about how to develop it."

After Le Xiao finished speaking, he told Alpha the general meaning of the merchants. Michelle listened in detail, and some directors also came over.

"The results of it?"

Alpha smiled.

Le Xiao said.

"Of course I refused. If they do this, the people in the barrier area will be even more unwilling to leave the city. We will still have such a huge land to build in the future. Didn't Mr. Jean say that the barrier area agricultural base It’s the future of this city, I remember it.”

Alpha nodded.

"Indeed, you did the right thing. Now you can go and rest."

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly.

"I have to go back to Section 13 for a meeting."

After watching Le Xiao leave, a director came over and showed the two of them some of what Le Xiao and the businessmen had just discussed. Alpha said with a smile.

"Sure enough, that girl can understand it at a glance."

Michelle nodded.

"This issue is indeed worthy of our consideration. After all, if we only focus on the present, we may lose the future."


Le Xiao came to the building of Department 13. She was more energetic. As soon as she walked in, she saw that the hall was crowded with people. There were only a few people from Department 13 receiving them. Luo Ziyun looked tired. Ran Zai and Ran Zhi The same goes for the grandfather and grandson, and Eric looks even more miserable.

"Hurry up, everyone is waiting for you."

Ran Zai said, Le Xiao hummed, and as soon as he went upstairs, he saw Xiong Dabiao and the others sitting in the conference room. Wu Lei saw Le Xiao coming back and said.

"Now we have found many construction teams, and construction will officially start today. The main reason for you to come here is to take a look at the plans and then sign."

Le Xiao sighed and looked at the renovation plan for the wedding site in District 29. The wedding will last for 5 days, because this kind of construction is one-time, and the wedding site will have to be demolished after the construction is completed.

Le Xiao took a look and felt that there was no problem at all, and then signed some documents directly. Le Xiao glanced at the sleepy-looking clerks.

"Please be energetic."

Olivia said.

"You go to the construction site from morning to night and work for five days and you will know."

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly and said.

"Sorry, how about everyone take a short break?"

Xiong Dabiao stood up and said, slapping his cheeks.

"Take a rest, we can't meet the construction deadline now. If it weren't for the damn AI thing, this wouldn't be the case."

Le Xiao listened to Wu Lei talking about some things about the wedding scene, and kept nodding. Basically, everything was planned very well.

"It's no problem. I want to take a nap. I have to go downstairs to have a look later."

Le Xiao hasn't been to the mechanical ball experience store for many days, and she still has to watch the cinema on the ground floor. Now she really doesn't have any rest time from morning to night every day.

"I will ask Xiaoyun to accompany you later and take notes on all aspects for you. I have already shown her the specific motion."

Le Xiao hummed, and after signing, he planned to go home and rest. Everyone stood up immediately, but Le Xiao still advised them.

"Forget it, everyone should rest in case there is any health problem."

Hydra sighed and said.

"Unlike little girls like you, we can hold on."

When Le Xiao returned home, she saw Jamie playing games. She leaned over and asked with a yawn.

"It's interesting, it's a game I played when I was a kid."

Jamie nodded excitedly, this game is really fun, he feels very happy, Le Xiao said.

"I can only play for a little while. Although it's a holiday, you can go out for a walk. If you encounter any problems, just go to the people in Section 5. Got it?"

Le Xiao nodded.

"I understand, Sister Le Xiao, go and have a rest. But is it okay for you to work so hard? I feel that you are all too tired."

Lexiao closed the bedroom door, lay down and fell asleep.

Jamie has also discovered recently that the whole city is busy, and has been busy for a long time. Most people are busy and walking very fast. Jamie has never seen such a busy scene.

Jamie remembered that when he was in the kangaroo country, the kangaroos were very leisurely and lived leisurely every day. He had never seen them busy.

Jamie played for a while and then turned off the light and shadow screen, because Le Xiao said that you can only play for a maximum of 1 hour a day, and now it is exactly 1 hour.

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