Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2472 Full Operation (Part 2)

8 o'clock in the morning.

Le Xiao had just finished her daily exercise and went directly to the canteen of the General Affairs Department. This was her most comfortable moment every morning. The AI ​​incident did not cause chaos, which made Le Xiao feel at ease.

Everyone around us is discussing AI. What most people are discussing the most now is how to work or live well without relying on AI.

This topic has become an extremely large and important topic in the city, and many scholars have begun to study it, because now work requires the use of urban AI, especially to calculate some things, AI can accurately calculate numerical value.

Although many schools teach detailed calculation and derivation processes, the speed of calculation cannot be compared with AI. For a difficult engineering mechanics problem, if you want to calculate the correct value and then apply it to practice In the construction of a building, many engineers are required to coordinate calculations.

It takes at least two or three days to properly calculate all factors of a building with more than 10 floors, and AI calculation does not even take 1 second.

Engineers only need to be responsible for reviewing the accuracy of these numbers, and they can immediately start the next step of construction planning. The construction process can also be calculated using AI.

The AI ​​demonstration system can be used to build a house layout on a certain square meter of land. Multiple layouts can be quickly built for the client to choose from.

Originally, the cycle from design to construction took at least half a month, but now the cycle can take just one day, because AI helps handle many time-consuming and tedious things.

Humans can devote more time to other things, but this is different now. AI may stop working at any time.

"Lord Le Xiao, just stay the same."

The head chef asked, Le Xiao nodded. After a while, Le Xiao's food was brought out. There were still many kinds of food, a little bit of each kind, and Le Xiao started to eat.

At this moment, a lot of people from the family came in. As soon as Le Xiao finished eating the omelette, she stood up and looked at it in confusion. The patriarchs of the big family were here, and there were also other small families, big and small. A large number of people came over in a mighty manner.

"What's wrong? What are you doing here?"

Le Xiao walked over and Honghong said with a smile.

"Of course I'm here to talk about something."

Le Xiao looked at it unclearly. Honghong looked at Le Xiao's breakfast and then said.

"I advise you to eat less. Food that is too fatty is not good for your health."

Le Xiao pursed her lips and said.

"I am young and can digest it after eating it."

Everyone in the family is waiting in the hall. The patriarchs of several big families have sent a negotiation letter to the General Affairs Department. The reply received asked the family members to wait in the lobby of the General Affairs Department early this morning. .

At this moment, Lexiao's phone rang. As soon as she picked it up, Alpha said.

"Le Xiao, please entertain the family members when they come. Michelle and I have already gone out. If you have any questions, just ask Latis."

After hanging up the phone, Le Xiao swallowed and looked at the family members. Then Le Xiao stood directly on the chair and shouted.

"Everyone, please be quiet. Sister Alpha asked me to receive you. If any of you haven't had breakfast, you can eat it here. Wait until you finish eating."

A bunch of people looked at Le Xiao in confusion, Honghong was also a little surprised, she asked.

"Where's the steward?"

Le Xiao said.

"She went out with the secretary-general."

Some members of the family were not polite and came directly to the food table. The head chef also asked the chefs to move.

The hall became lively, and many family members and some people they knew from the business department started talking.

"What? You want building rights in the north?"

Le Xiao curled her lips and looked at Honghong. She chewed the brittle bone with a bit of displeasure, and Honghong frowned slightly and said.

"We have already given in so much. The north was originally going to be developed, and there are so many people in the barrier area. If we slowly enter the city, only the north can accommodate so many people."

Le Xiao said.

"You are really unstoppable. I think the bidding competition is fair."

Honghong smiled.

"Only our family in the entire city has the ability to build the entire northern part. If it were ordinary businessmen, they would probably have funding problems, but our family will not have funding problems. You want to see some poor quality products." If it’s a building, you can definitely do that. Or if the architectural style is completely inconsistent, you can just bid.”

Le Xiao could only smile awkwardly. It is true that if some businessmen who only want to make money are allowed to bid, there will indeed be the quality problem mentioned by Honghong. The most important thing is that if the bid is made, the city will be busier, which will increase the number of bids. The work of the business department.

"You didn't take it down just to make money."

Le Xiao said.

"Yes, what are we doing here if we don't make money?"

Honghong's words made the patriarchs of several surrounding families feel embarrassed, including Angus and his wife. Their Angus family will also participate in this construction. Their family is mainly responsible for contracting water, electricity and light and shadow material interfaces. , including the construction of some logistics stations.

The Angus family will not be directly involved in the construction of the house. These constructions will be handled by other large and small families. It depends on how much each family contributes, and then the land use will be allocated according to the overall proportion.

Now, the families have to find someone to acquire some land in the old city in the north, because they need to start construction directly after the overall planning and design, and rebuild the old north directly, so that the population of the barrier area can move in. Only then can we better integrate into the city.

Basically, it is certain that the 7 million people in the barrier zone will move into the city. The only question is when they will start moving in. Basically, the review has already reached a preliminary conclusion.

Although criminals account for 30% of the entire population in the barrier area, those who commit serious crimes only account for less than 10% of the 30%. Nearly 50% of the other population were born in the barrier area, and 20 % are people who were originally residents of the city and were expelled from the city.

Therefore, at least 5 million people will move into the city in the future. In this case, the 15 major regions in the north should be able to fully bear the burden, because there are currently less than 1 million people in the north.

After the demolition, construction and renovation of these large areas, a new regional urban pattern needs to be formed, so inter-regional economic planning, including various aspects of issues, will take a very long time.

Once construction begins, with the family's huge financial resources and capabilities, construction can begin soon. The most critical issue is the labor force. Although the gap is relatively large at present, there is still sufficient labor force.

At least the pressure at the bottom level will be less now, because during construction, wages and benefits are often very high, and many people will definitely come here because of the increase in wages and benefits.

In addition, the barrier area has a huge labor force population, so construction can be carried out very quickly.

"You guys are really good at calculating."

Le Xiao muttered. After listening for a long time, she probably understood what the family wanted to do now. As long as it was approved, planning and construction could begin immediately.

"Think about it, this is a good thing."

Honghong continued, Le Xiao scratched her head and looked at Honghong.

"It's a good thing for you."

Honghong smiled.

"People in the barrier area are now eager to enter the city. It will take a long time for the agricultural base outside to be fully constructed, but they have been waiting outside the light for so long. If the construction starts at this time, such a huge labor force will Gaps, do you think we will hire people from the barrier area?”

Le Xiao nodded hurriedly. It is true that this matter is a good thing for many people, but Xiao Xiao was very happy to think of it.

"Good guys, you hire people from the barrier area and let them pay for their labor. You occupy good commercial locations and develop some industries. Then you sell your houses to people in the barrier area and lease shops to them."

Honghong smiled helplessly.

"After all, we can't work in vain, right? We have handed over such a large market share, allowing many people to have food. Can't we get a little benefit?"

Le Xiao was too lazy to discuss with Honghong and continued to eat. After a while, at 9 o'clock, Le Xiao told Wu Lei the current situation. She could only take her family members directly to the conference room.

"You should read our proposal first."

After Honghong finished speaking, Le Xiao opened the light and shadow screen, received the document sent by Honghong, and read it carefully. After reading it for a long time, she basically found one question, which was to get the development rights in the north.

"I can't make the decision on this matter. I'll wait until the manager comes back."

After Le Xiao finished speaking, Wang Degui in the audience said.

"We are idle as long as we are idle. Even if you can't make the decision, we can discuss it."

After Wang Degui finished speaking, he stood up in person, opened a light and shadow screen, and passed a piece of information to Le Xiao, which turned out to be a 3D planing diagram.

Le Xiao took a look and saw that it turned out to be the architectural pattern of the north. She looked at the things on the picture and Wang Degui said.

"The north has been in decline since it was built a long time ago, because there is no industry. The only thing it relies on is the mining resources of Montenegro. But now mining is no longer allowed, but now some mineral deposits have been discovered in the north outside the city. So I think the north can be directly planned as an area for rough processing of raw materials. In this case, when combined with the west, our city's production capacity will be higher."

After Wang Degui finished speaking, many people nodded, and Le Xiao asked.

"What about pollution? The pollution caused by processing is huge."

Wang Degui nodded.

"There is no waste treatment plant under construction now. In the future, we will find ways to minimize the pollution and then discharge it into the gully, or directly build a pipeline directly to the barrier. I think it is also possible to put some that cannot be reused. The waste is discharged directly out of the city through pipes.”

Le Xiao listened to Wang Degui's words. There were many pipelines to the barrier on the picture, which looked pretty good, because now the waste treatment plant is also building pipelines to the barrier, which will directly discharge the waste that cannot be reused. Outside the barrier, those plants will digest the waste.

"This is a good strategic plan for the future. Now most of our factories need to process raw materials, which will lead to a reduction in production capacity, and the need to deal with troublesome waste. There is also the risk of leakage, and the machines sometimes When overloaded, big problems will occur. So I think we can separate the raw material processing factory from the finished product production factory, and build the same factory in the north. What do you think, Secretary Le Xiao? This can also create production capacity for the north. , providing employment positions can solve the problem of many people in barrier areas finding jobs after entering the city."

Le Xiao nodded and touched her chin with one hand. She was thinking about a problem now. This seemed like a good plan, but it always felt unreliable. Le Xiao always felt that there was something wrong. Honghong saw Le Xiao's look of confusion. , and then asked directly.

"What else is unclear?"

Le Xiao thought for a while and said.

"It's really nice to hear you say that, but I always feel like something is wrong."

After Le Xiao finished speaking, many members of the family started talking about possible aspects of this plan. Listening to the rapid-fire speeches of these family members, Le Xiao felt a little dizzy.

"Stop, stop talking, wait for me to look at it in detail and think about it."

Le Xiao looked at the architectural pattern on the plan, thought about it and said.

"If the north really becomes like this, won't it become the same as the previous mining industry? You all say that processing raw materials is prone to pollution problems. If pollution problems really occur in the future, who will be responsible? You? Or you? Or you?"

Le Xiao asked, no one can guarantee this problem. Pollution will definitely exist. In the western factory area, the probability of pollution is very high. Many workers must undergo light and shadow surgery regularly to eliminate the harmful substances in the body that cannot be excreted by human metabolism. Something harmful.

"Besides, if you can provide employment opportunities, won't you tie up many people in the barrier areas to death in the city? When the agricultural department needs to develop agricultural bases outside the barriers, who will be willing to build them? In short, I think your The plan doesn’t work, Mr. Wang Degui.”

After Le Xiao finished speaking, Wang Degui looked solemn. Many people in the family also realized that this was indeed a big problem. If they did this, few people would be willing to return to that cold land in the future, but that land It requires a lot of labor to cultivate land. After all, this must be done in order to achieve more food production. This is related to the future survival of the city.

"We will wait until you think of a more appropriate plan. I think you are too perfunctory and only think about yourself. What will happen in the future? We have to consider the future of the city."

After Le Xiao finished speaking, everyone in the family silenced their voices. Now they could only wait for Alpha to come over. After Le Xiao sat down, Honghong said helplessly.

"Thank you for wanting it."

Le Xiao glanced at her and said.

"Do you really think I'm a fool? Since we can't come up with a suitable plan, it's better not to start construction in the north yet."

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