Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2434 Old and New (Part 2)

Just after 12pm.

Zi Yuer put down the work at hand, and with her somewhat dizzy head, she planned to go to eat first, and then deal with the mountain of work. Alpha's large-scale rectification caused a huge burden on the entire department.

Section 1 has fallen into an extreme shortage of manpower. Although some staff have been recalled, this number is far from enough. Now Section 1 needs to deal with a large number of product qualification issues.

Because Section 1 has opened up the small-scale economic market, in such a good economic environment, many individual businessmen can make money, and because people from the barrier areas have entered the urban fringes, stimulating consumption at the bottom level. Most of the older items sell very well.

After all, people living in barrier areas do not have many requirements for many commodities. It takes a lot of energy to deal with such a chaotic market.

Now some inferior products have begun to appear on the market. The punishment given by Zi Yu'er is a fine and a warning. If he commits the crime again, he will not be allowed to do business for life.

Such heavy fines have worked recently. No one dares to deceive consumers with shoddy products, but more individual operators are applying for sales licenses every day.

All these require people from Section 1 to implement the relevant qualifications on the spot, and then submit the sale of this product to Section 9 for review. Section 9 will be based on the types of commodities in the relevant sales areas and some local economic flows.

Only after a reasonable analysis will the merchant be issued a sales qualification, so as not to affect the normal operations of merchants in the area.

Zi Yu'er came all the way to the canteen downstairs. There was no one in the canteen at this time. As soon as Zi Yu'er passed by, the chef came over and asked.

"Master Ziyu'er, is it quite early today?"

Zi Yu'er nodded and asked for some meat and vegetables, then found a place to sit down and started eating. Her mind was on tonight's duel between Le Xiao and Alpha. This duel attracted the whole city's attention. Zi Yu'er She also felt a little itchy and wanted to go and have a look.

But there is a lot of work in Section 1 today, and it should be completed at 12 o'clock in the evening. Zi Yuer sighed. Although it can be seen through the video, it is much better to go to the scene than to watch it on the video.

After a while, Zi Yuer finished eating and returned directly to the office. King Xue was already waiting.

"Section Chief, is there anything urgent?"

King Xue nodded.

"There have been some speculators at the bottom recently."

As soon as King Xue said this, Zi Yu'er felt something. Then she immediately brought up the light and shadow screen and took a look at some of the product qualifications she reviewed this morning. There was nothing wrong with them.

The reason why many key documents in the executive department need to be reviewed and submitted by the section chief or secretary is to prevent corruption in some key positions.

Zi Yuer opened another qualification document report and reviewed it, then asked.

"Section Chief, you are talking about investors going to the bottom to invest in some individual businessmen, and then supply them with cheaper similar products on the market. Impact on sales?"

King Xue nodded. The capital in the city was still so eager to make money, and would seize every loophole. Zi Yuer's face was solemn, and she said angrily.

"These guys are really pervasive."

King Xue smiled and said.

"As soon as the door for individual street sales was opened, they came in one after another."

Zi Yuer also feels that it is difficult now, because it is very difficult to judge whether these individual merchants are agents of capital or real individual merchants.

Seeing the uncomfortable look on Zi Yuer's face, King Xue said.

"Just leave today's matters to me, and you can investigate them one by one."

King Xue knew as soon as Zi Yuer nodded and stood up.

"If you want to go see it tonight, you can go there by yourself at about o'clock, and I will go there too. After all, this is a major event for our Brilliant City."

Zi Yu'er nodded awkwardly, and then Zi Yu'er left Section 1 directly and drove the lift to Area 98 on the bottom floor, where 23 people had just applied for sales qualifications in the past few days.

Soon the section officers in the area gathered. Many people on the street looked at Zi Yu'er walking in front of a bunch of section officers and felt that something big was about to happen.

Zi Yuer went directly to the nearest individual businessman's home. After knocking on the door, a middle-aged man came out. He shouted in panic.

"Master Ziyu'er."

Zi Yuer said directly.

"Let me see where your mint milk juice is."

The man swallowed and said hurriedly.

"It's in the back room."

Zi Yu'er went straight in. The man's face was solemn. There were a lot of new furniture in the man's house. Zi Yu'er watched the man tremblingly open the door to the back patio. As soon as he looked in, he saw buckets of furniture that he didn't know where they came from. Come here, juice without production label.

The man's shelf was placed aside, and he could carry 200 bottles of juice to sell at one time. Zi Yuer ordered someone to open the vat, then took some and tasted it.

"This should not be produced by you. Where is your production equipment?"

The man soon confessed that it was someone from a juice factory in the city who found the man and provided him with juice. The man only had to apply for the qualifications and then sell it. Every time he sold some men, he would get a good commission and profit.

This approach has seriously damaged the interests of some businessmen who have formally signed contracts with this juice factory.

Zi Yuer looked at the noise outside the house with a headache. She went to the next store, and the result was the same. There were manufacturers that directly supplied the men. The men only needed to obtain qualifications to sell, and they only had to lie to the outside world that they were Just make it yourself.

Zi Yuer now understands that no wonder many products made by qualified people have easily passed the qualification inspection.

The purpose of opening up such self-employed businesses is to allow these ordinary people with skills to know and sell some products on their own. In principle, some businessmen are not allowed to sell through such individual channels.

"Immediately ask the persons in charge of these two companies to go to Section 1 to explain clearly. They will be issued a fine of 100,000 yuan and suspended for a month for rectification."

After Zi Yuer finished speaking, many of the council officers beside her were stunned. Such a punishment would be fatal to many businesses today.

"What's wrong? Can't you hear what I said clearly?"

Zi Yuer does not intend to give these businessmen any room for maneuver. In the past, it gave them too much room for maneuver, causing them to push their limits.

"Check it for me, check it thoroughly. If you find any business that is not self-produced and sold by individual traders, you will be directly fined heavily, especially those that have already started selling in the market. It will be counted from the first day of official sales, and one day will be counted. Ten thousand yuan.”

Zi Yu'er didn't expect that capital would find a new way so quickly. Although she didn't know how King Xue noticed it, once it was opened, it would be like planting a bombshell for the future city.

As long as the merchants have mastered the production, when the time is right, they can launch new products or use some tricks to supply some hot-selling products, they can have a good grasp of the entire product sales market.

By using products from individual merchants below the market price to impact merchants, merchants will have to accept capital conditions and put new products on the shelves. By then, manufacturers can make a lot of money.

What was being harmed was the entire economic market, which was unbearable for Zi Yuer.

And individual merchants will also become a new channel for capital. This is exactly the same as what merchants did in the past. As long as there is a slight loophole, they will sneak in and keep testing. When the time is right, they will promote it in an all-round way and force the businessmen to obey the merchants. suggestions.

The merchants in Brilliant City are all cunning, and they have done this kind of thing not once or twice.

Control the market through commodities, and let the market economy no longer be free, but follow their pace, so that after everything is stabilized, they can just sit back and make money.

At this moment, Zi Yuer received a call from a director. Some individual merchants who had applied for sales qualifications suddenly withdrew their applications.

"Let those who withdraw their applications take the initiative to come to Section 1 to explain. Otherwise, let Section 7 directly investigate."

Zi Yuer was already furious. Not long after the ban was relaxed, the merchants gathered together again.

Time passed by, and Zi Yuer visited 23 individual businessmen in the area. In the end, only one of them produced and sold their own products, while the other 22 had already reached cooperation agreements with some manufacturers.

Zi Yuer was furious. She didn't know how many individual businessmen with big capital behind them had entered the market with goods, but it was certain that the number was very large.

Zi Yuer directly issued an order to conduct a thorough investigation on these individual businessmen. Starting from tomorrow, all self-produced and self-sold individual businessmen with sales qualifications are not allowed to sell any goods, and they need to accept 2 of the 1st subjects. review.

As soon as the news came out, the whole city was shocked. Many people didn't know why Section 1 would suddenly announce such a thing. This made many people feel extremely angry. Many people accused Section 1 of changing the order overnight.

But soon Zi Yu'er announced the reason on Section 1's page. There were shouts and shouts everywhere on the street. Many people were angry. They felt that these businessmen were really pervasive and too cunning.

The abuse started, and some merchants were extremely angry. They didn't expect that the merchants would go behind their backs, find other agents, and sell the goods at much lower prices than theirs.

The city once again became turbulent because of this incident, especially those normal individual businessmen who produced and sold their own goods. They were the most angry. It was at this time that because of those black-hearted businessmen, they had to be killed again. Under review.

Half an hour later, Section 1 issued a more specific review situation. As long as you can take people from Section 1 to your home to inspect the production site within the same day, you can continue to operate.

"It's weird, the department seems to be quite humane now."

Someone muttered, and many people nodded in agreement. Many people really didn't expect that the Business Department would come up with a solution to the problem so quickly.

At this time, many reporters were waiting outside the headquarters of Section 13. Le Xiao was surrounded by reporters as soon as he went out. The reporters were all asking Le Xiao what he thought of the investigation announced by Section 1. .

"I think this is a good thing. They have already made enough. If they take advantage of such a loophole this time, I think they must be severely punished. Okay, get out of the way quickly. I have something to do at the General Affairs Department."

Le Xiao didn't answer anything about tonight's battle because she didn't know what to say. Although the reporters still wanted to ask something, they obediently stepped aside.

Le Xiao ran all the way to the General Affairs Department and came to Alpha's office, where she was dealing with things.

At this time every day, Le Xiao must come to the General Affairs Department, sit next to Alpha and listen to her talk about something, and then take notes carefully. If there is anything he doesn’t understand, Alpha will explain it to Le Xiao in detail.

Le Xiao asked after a while.

"Sister Alpha, is it really okay tonight?"

Alpha glanced at Lexiao and said.

"Didn't you practice well with the gods these days? There will be no problem."

Le Xiao hummed, then Le Xiao asked.

"By the way, Sister Alpha, how did you discover Section 1? It's hard to find this kind of thing."

Alpha smiled.

"How productive do you think an ordinary person is?"

Le Xiao thought for a while and said.

"When my mother used to do some handicrafts at home, she would only do a little bit from morning to night."

Le Xiao also realized it after finishing speaking.

"It's just because some people sell goods every day, right, Sister Alpha."

Alpha nodded.

"Ordinary people also have their own lives. Anyone can do it if they sell things day and night every day, and many things cannot be mass-produced. They can only rely on themselves or their family members, and it is impossible to sell in large quantities from morning to night. And those People who can sell large quantities of goods from morning to night will naturally reveal their secrets once checked.”

Le Xiao nodded and smiled.

"Indeed, they simply do not have the time or ability to produce goods that can be sold from morning to night every day."

After a while Le Xiao yawned and Alpha said.

"You have some time to rest today, and try to be as energetic as possible tonight."

Le Xiao hummed, got up and planned to go back to Section 13 to continue working.

Watching Le Xiao leave, Alpha opened some documents submitted by Section 1. After reading for a while, it became clear that self-employment has been essentially penetrated by capital.

Alpha directly approved the document, and this matter must be thoroughly investigated. These all-pervasive capital must be tightly controlled, otherwise it will definitely cause big problems.

At this time Michelle came in and said.

"Director, I think you should take a good rest for a few hours. You have exams tonight."

Alpha didn't hesitate and stood up directly.

"I'll leave these matters to you for now, Michelle. I'll go downstairs and rest for two hours."

There is only one main reason why Alpha wants to serve as Le Xiao's examiner tonight, which is to bid farewell to the old era completely. And the reason why the gods allow it is because they should know Alpha's true intention.

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