Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2433 Old and New (Part 1)

In the early morning of March 6, it was another weekend, and the streets were full of people. At 7:20 in the morning, the outside of the 5th Section headquarters was already overcrowded.

Many people come here to buy admission tickets. It was difficult to sell tickets in the past few days, but today's tickets will be sold starting at 8 o'clock, and they are divided into online and offline. Many people know that online tickets may be available in an instant. Being sold short.

So most people came to Section 5 early in the morning and lined up, planning to buy offline so they could have a chance to attend. Many people bought full tickets today.

The 100 yuan ticket is relatively expensive for many people, but many people are willing to spend it, because today the 13th subject will take the exam, and this time the business department has cooperated with many small vendors, 100 yuan Tickets include some drinks and snacks.

It was okay in the morning, but in the afternoon, the fighting was the most exciting. In order to facilitate the public to watch, the Acting Department set up an independent venue for the 13th subject examination, which could accommodate 50,000 people.

The exams for subject 13 were arranged in the evening, so that many people who bought tickets could watch. The martial arts exams in the past few days were like a grand event. The undifferentiated and ruleless martial arts opened the eyes of many viewers.

In the past, except for the mutant rating examination, the examinations in the business department were closed, so many people had certain concerns about whether there was fraud during the examination.

The members of the envoy arrived at the headquarters of Section 5 early in the morning to wait. They planned to stay here for a day. These few days had opened Nigel's eyes and they also understood what mutants were like.

"Sir Harry, what do you think of tonight's battle, the battle between Mr. Butler and Mr. Le Xiao?"

Nigel asked and Harry smiled and shook his head.

"I don't know about this. Master Le Xiao is very strong."

Harry is a director of the General Affairs Section. Alpha appointed him to receive the envoys. When Harry said these words, he felt frightened. After all, the senior officials knew about Le Xiao.

Helt looked at the situation at the gate quietly. Now they have basically understood everything about Brilliant City. The next step of cooperation is very important. All aspects have been negotiated, but Asgard is still making adjustments. , so Brilliance City’s visit to Asgard can only be postponed.

"By the way, Mr. Harry, I have a question. If you sell tickets like this, aren't you afraid that someone will sell the tickets at a high price?"

Nigel asked and Harry smiled and shook his head.

"This kind of ticket is bound to everyone's identity information. If it is sold to others at a high price, it is a crime."

Nigel smiled and nodded. The recent large-scale surrenders shocked Nigel because he really couldn't understand that these criminals would actually surrender.

After gradually coming into contact with Alpha, the current manager, Nigel roughly understood that she was a capable and strict woman, and she probably left a very strong impression on the people in the city.

When Nigel and the others went shopping before, they heard many people talking about the manager and some of her past events. Nigel and the others gradually learned about it through some information released by the business department.

Any country will encounter the problem of a big family controlling the lifeblood of a country, and Asgard is no exception. Basically, Asgard is controlled by the founder family.

If there were no clones, the entire society would have collapsed long ago. Asgard has experienced many riots due to friction between major families.

Nowadays, Asgard is safe and sound because of its large base of clones.

After a while, everyone saw Niya, the section chief of Section 5, walking out of the lobby of the building. Nigel turned around and said.

"Let's go down and have a look too."

There are 100 offline ticket windows, and 30,000 tickets are sold offline, including 2,000 VIP tickets, which cost 1,000 yuan each.

A large number of small and medium-sized businessmen have been hiring mountain workers since yesterday to bring their products over. The district where the 5th Division headquarters is located has been extremely busy in the past few days.

There are many individual businessmen selling food on the street. They all carry special shelves. This kind of shelf was invented by 10ke. Through the offset of force and force, it can allow ordinary people to easily carry hundreds of kilograms of things on their backs.

Niya looked at the situation at the gate and shouted directly with the loudspeaker equipment.

"Please wait in line for me to come in quietly, no pushing."

Niya kept shouting, and the crowded crowd on the street began to clear up on its own. At this time, people from the envoy also came over.

"Your Excellency Niya, it really opened our eyes. In such a crowded place, people actually have such a sense of self-control."

Niya scratched her head and laughed.

"General Nigel, our Section 5 mobilizes residents in the area to participate in various trainings every month. If there are problems such as disasters or congestion, we will clearly let the residents in the area practice."

Nigel sighed.

"It's indeed a good idea."

Nigel looked at the streets that were crowded just now and began to become tidy. Many people took the initiative to stand on both sides of the streets and made way for the queues in the middle.

Many people are very satisfied with everything now. Bright City has entered an era where everyone feels happy.

As soon as 8 o'clock arrived, people who had already queued up began to enter the 5ke headquarters to buy tickets. Many people bought family tickets. The price for children was the same. There was no discount, but the children received some gift bags and toys. , more than adults.

The business department has considered all aspects. The long queue extends to the corner of the street. Many people came here just after 0 o'clock last night to queue up. In the early morning, the whole street was full of people. Many people were almost there. I slept all night wrapped in a blanket in my own place.

8:40 in the morning.

At Le Xiao's house, she was lying on the table in pain. Gu Ningning was massaging her. Le Xiao's body was already bruised and bruised.

"Be patient, you should get better tonight. After all, you have to fight the manager tonight."

Le Xiao didn’t know how things turned out like this. Fighting in the metal room underground in Section 10 every night was a disaster for Le Xiao. Her body was like a robot, controlled by Deguna. Many Le Xiao Actions that would be impossible to do in ordinary times are all displayed one by one.

"What should I do, Ning Ning? I asked Sister Alpha yesterday and asked her to be merciful, but she said she would go all out."

Gu Ningning smiled.

"Of course you have to go all out. After all, this is a live broadcast across the city."

Le Xiao grinned and pressed her forehead. She didn't know why Alpha would end up personally. This was really a disaster for Le Xiao.

"Okay Lele, turn around and let me press your thighs to relax your muscles as much as possible."

Le Xiao hummed. Recently, Le Xiao also found that her muscles had become stronger. Exercise was indeed effective, but what Le Xiao wanted to do most now was rest.

The door to the room was opened, Luo Ziyun ran in, pulled out a document, pointed the screen at Le Xiao's eyes and said.

"Sister Le Xiao, please take a look quickly. This document is urgent and needs your signature."

Le Xiao said yes, and after Gu Ningning took a glance, basically there was no big problem, all he needed to do was sign, but Le Xiao still read it carefully word for word, and when he encountered something he didn't understand, Luo Ziyun explained it from the side. .

Gu Ningning felt that Section 13 was really the weirdest section among all the subjects. After all, except for Le Xiao, all the subjects were elites, but only Le Xiao still didn't know everything.

"Lele, you should read more when you have free time."

Gu Ningning reminded, Le Xiao blushed with embarrassment, but then she stood up and said.

"How can I have time to look at those things? Every day is a mountain of work."

Gu Ningning smiled helplessly.

"Get used to it slowly."

After the massage ended soon, Le Xiao felt much more relaxed, and she asked doubtfully.

"I thought today was over. Because I still went to exercise in the morning."

Gu Ningning smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm a professional."

After Le Xiao left home, he went directly to the office. Everyone in Corey had already left today, and Xiong Dabiao and the others went to the barrier and could not come back until night because there were some problems with the agricultural base in the barrier area and they needed their help. .

Xiong Dabiao and his group will come back in the evening after finishing their work.

Lexiao was a little worried because they had to come back to take the exam after a busy day.

9:33 am.

In the agricultural base in the barrier area, long pipelines are being built. Xiong Dabiao and the others are busy working on them. Because they will not be able to find mutants who are strong and good at pipeline construction and installation for a while, they can only let Xiong Dabiao and the others come over to install them. .

One section of the pipeline weighs more than 3 tons. If it weren't for mutants like Xiong Dabiao and the others, they wouldn't be able to carry it. Heavy machinery would have to be used. Now that the temperature in the agricultural base has finally stabilized, the water supply pipeline must be removed as soon as possible. Set up.

Ye Chunwang walked out of an experimental field. The crops in the experimental field are growing very well now. Artificial watering is always not an option, and if you go in manually, you will trample on the land that has finally recovered.

"Old man Ye, what are you eating today?"

Xiong Dabiao asked as soon as he saw Ye Chunwang, and Ye Chunwang smiled.

"I've asked them to bring the shank of beef, so it's okay."

Xiong Dabiao nodded.

"Okay, I want to eat three."

Ye Chunwang looked a little helpless. They all came to help for free. Xiong Dabiao only made one request, the food must be good.

After a while, the construction of a pipeline was completed. Xiong Dabiao put down his tools panting, and Ye Chunwang walked over and asked.

"Is there any problem with the exam tonight?"

Xiong Dabiao laughed.

"If there is any problem, even if the secretaries come to serve as examiners, I can still beat them down."

Ye Chunwang nodded helplessly. Indeed, there is no doubt about the strength of the people in the Lightning Skeleton Guild. Especially Xiong Dabiao and Olivia, their strength can already compete with the chiefs of the business department.

"But this construction speed is not good. I think it is better to let the sun shine into the barrier area earlier. In this way, when that bastard Jean comes back, we can start full-scale construction."

After Xiong Dabiao finished speaking, Ye Chunwang looked a little helpless. He had already discussed this matter with the gods, but the gods still did not allow the sun to radiate into the barrier area because they had to consider future transactions with Asgard.

Moreover, the materials will definitely not be shipped back in the short term. If the factory is fully operational in the future, resources will definitely be supplied to the factory first.

Ye Chunwang also understands this. After all, the reserved resources cannot be moved in order to be able to respond immediately when any changes occur.

"Old man Ye, I heard from Niya that you were from before this city was built. How was this place before?"

Ye Chunwang smiled.

"It was fine when I was born, but as the sun disappeared, the land began to deteriorate. In short, there are many things that I don't want to think about."

Xiong Dabiao laughed.

"Are you going to do this until the day you die?"

Ye Chunwang frowned slightly and slapped Xiong Dabiao on the waist with such force that Xiong Dabiao grinned in pain.

"I don't plan to lose to you young people yet. I still have lots of energy."

After Ye Chunwang left, he went to another experimental field, where fruit trees were planted. If they could be planted in a large area, Ye Chunwang also planned to plan an orchard area for the entire barrier area. In this case, the food in the city would be much richer.

Ye Chunwang only hopes that in his lifetime, he can see this land full of flowers, farmland and trees. Ye Chunwang has seen some images and pictures from 200 years ago, and he is quite envious, because in the past this planet was covered with plants.

At this time, Larry brought some directors over, and everyone began to discuss improvement plans for some short-term crops that had poor harvests.

Ye Chunwang rejected several methods and said.

"You must first consider safety. Everything we do now needs to be responsible for the next few generations in the future. If there is a danger, if the danger cannot be eliminated, it will be abandoned directly."

Everyone nodded and Larry laughed, he said.

"Section Chief, you should go to Section 5 later. Why don't you go to the planting areas in the family area early to take a look. There are a lot of documents that you need to sign."

Ye Chunwang shook his head.

"I won't go tonight. My old bones won't mean anything if I go. Let's continue to discuss the plan. We need to solve the problem of several vegetables with poor harvest today."

Larry nodded. He glanced back at Brilliant City. He wanted to go see the battle between Lexiao and Alpha tonight. After all, it was rare. In fact, Alpha had to face three gods.

Ye Chunwang saw Larry's thoughts and said.

"You can go by yourself later. If you want to go, go. After all, you are a young man, so of course you will want to see it."

Larry nodded awkwardly.

"Well, section chief, let's finish the work quickly."

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