The music was still going on. Le Xiao had already danced with many people in the envoy. There were no problems during the dance. The dance was about to end. Le Xiao felt relieved at this moment.

"Fortunately, no problem."

Wu Lei said, Le Xiao was sitting on the chair, and her heart began to beat violently at this time. This was really the first time for her to attend such an occasion. Le Xiao basically did not attend many parties before, because she was afraid that there would be people at the party. Bargain yourself with various benefits.

"It's really uncomfortable. No matter how many times I do this, I never get used to it."

Le Xiao said, pressing her somewhat empty stomach. After exercising for a while, she felt hungry again. The main reason was that she was too nervous. Le Xiao felt like her head was dizzy the whole time, and often went blank.

"Have something to eat later, have a drink and then have a good night's sleep."

Wu Lei said and Le Xiao nodded. At this time, Locke came over and sat next to Le Xiao and spoke directly.

"It's up to you to discuss the food issue with them tomorrow."

Wu Lei looked solemn, Le Xiao smiled and said.

"Small question, what do they need, what do we provide, right, and then see what they use in exchange, so we exchange things first, and then both parties start to customize the price and make foreign exchange coins, right."

Le Xiao had made up for some things in the past few days. She would look at it from time to time, and with Wu Lei always nagging beside her, she naturally understood what the deal between the two countries was about.

However, Wu Lei was a little scared at this time. Locke Jiahui also saw Wu Lei's worry, and he smiled.

"Secretary Wu Lei, if there are specific professional issues tomorrow, it's up to you to explain them. I'll let this girl handle other transactional talks."

Wu Lei panicked. Le Xiao had no trading experience at all. If she was rashly asked to discuss food transactions with the other party, problems might arise. It would be better to leave this kind of matter to a capable businessman. This is what Wu Lei is thinking now, he said directly.

"Director, I think it would be better to leave the food talks to a capable businessman."

Locke also noticed Wu Lei's worry, patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Don't worry. It's good if the negotiation is successful. If the negotiation fails, just leave it to the next round. It doesn't have to be done overnight."

After Locke finished speaking, he stood up, but his words did not make Wu Lei relax his vigilance, because this was not a simple transaction. Looking at Le Xiao, who looked relaxed, Wu Lei sighed.

"Why, you're looking down on me. When I was a kid, I often helped my mother set up a stall to sell things to help support the family. I'm good at bargaining, so don't worry."

Le Xiao confidently said, Wu Lei shook his head. The dance was about to end at this time. Wu Lei felt a little pain in his head because a summary of various aspects of the conversations between Tianji Space Country and Bright City over the years had been sent to his phone.

Wu Lei was not sure why the section chiefs would hand over such an important start to an inexperienced person, but orders were orders, and Wu Lei could only follow them.

The current situation is not optimistic. Wu Lei has to read these materials quickly tonight. Seeing that Le Xiao is still enjoying the dance, Wu Lei drags her out.

"What are you doing?"

Le Xiao looked at Wu Lei who looked nervous in confusion and smiled.

"Let's find a place where no one is around."

Le Xiao blinked, and then said with a smile.

"What, what do you want to tell me?"

Seeing Wu Lei's serious face, Le Xiao put away her smile. She knew what Wu Lei was going to say, and soon they returned to the second floor of Angus's annex. Violet was sitting next to her, she said with a serious expression.

"Why would the manager entrust you with such an important matter?"

Le Xiao looked at the two people with solemn expressions suspiciously, and then said.

"You can't trust me that much?"

Seeing the two of them nodding at the same time, Le Xiao's cheeks turned slightly red and she whispered.

"Although I am a bit lazy on weekdays, I still carefully read what I need to read, so it should be fine."

Violet said with a helpless smile.

"This is not something you can decide simply by thinking about it and just discussing the price."

Le Xiao asked doubtfully.

"Isn't it possible?"

Wu Lei said.

"How high do you think our demand for their products is?"

Le Xiao shook her head and Wu Lei asked again.

"How does our national power compare with theirs?"

Le Xiao said.

"I'm not too sure, but our population must be larger than theirs, so our national strength should be stronger than theirs. So I think in such a deal, we should get more of what we need and less of what they don't need. They need it." We can give you as much as you want."

Violet laughed and covered her mouth, Le Xiao blushed and still looked confused, Wu Lei sighed and said.

"You really think everything is too simple. The simplest question is that the pricing of goods is determined by the market, but what about the production cost? How much is it? We know the production cost of all our goods, they don't know, and we We also don’t know their production costs, and these figures are core factors that will determine the size of future transactions.”

Le Xiao blinked and asked.

"How about a deal?"

Violet said.

"So we have to enjoy the talks. There is only one purpose for the talks at this stage, which is to determine the needs of both parties, and that's it. But we need to have very specific discussions on the practicality of the goods, so that we can know the value of each other's goods to our own people. So. I was very worried when you came in at the beginning. Your lack of knowledge about business is extremely serious."

Le Xiao hummed, and Wu Lei continued.

"This is not a simple business transaction, exchanging things for things. For example, if you have 100 kilograms of rice at home, but lack of salt, and the house opposite happens to have a lot of salt, how many kilograms do you plan to use? exchange each other's rice for salt."

Le Xiao thought for a while and said.

"Exchange 10 kilograms for a few kilograms of salt. Anyway, you can bargain, so that should be fine."

Wu Lei continued to assume.

"So what if the other party is only willing to give you 100 grams of salt in exchange for 10 kilograms of rice?"

Le Xiao blinked and then said.

"Then I definitely won't change it."

Violet said.

"You have been suffering from physical problems due to insufficient salt intake in your body for a long time. Do you want to change it or not?"

Le Xiao said awkwardly.

"Of course I can only change it. But this is too deceiving and goes too far."

Wu Lei smiled.

"Next time, when you run out of salt, the other party asks you to exchange 40 kilograms of rice for 100 grams of salt. What will you do?"

Le Xiao was stunned, and then said directly.

"Of course it's impossible to replace it, but if you don't take in salt, your body will have problems."

Wu Lei nodded.

"Yes, you have to exchange with each other, so this is the biggest difficulty in transactions between two countries. Because our two countries have been closed for almost two centuries, the situations in humanities and social life are different. Food wants to be in the short term If it is transported to the Tianji Space Country, the original harvested food will definitely not work. It also needs to be confirmed whether there will be any problems with the food after entering space. There will be a lot of complicated things."

Wu Lei said and opened the light and shadow screen. This is the record of conversations with Tianji Space Country over the years compiled by Section 2 Chief Mo Xiaolan. Many of the key points are highlighted. You can know some important points by looking at the conversations before and after. thing.

"It does seem a bit complicated."

Le Xiao felt a headache. Looking at some of the information above and listening to what Wu Lei and Violet said just now, she already felt the seriousness of such a meeting.

"To put it bluntly, it is the first round of business confrontation between two countries. If the negotiation is successful, both parties will naturally be very happy. If the negotiation does not go well, either the two sides will fall into a deadlock, or one party will feel uncomfortable. This kind of thing It is very common in business transactions, let alone ordinary business transactions, this is a dialogue between countries."

After Violet finished speaking, Le Xiao stood up and then said hurriedly.

"How about I go to the manager and ask him to arrange for others to talk."

Le Xiao hurried downstairs and the dance had just finished. A large number of people came out of the mansion, preparing to watch the show that would last until 1 o'clock in the morning, during which there would be a party.

Although the program is for entertainment, it has already achieved the highest ratings in the city. Nearly 90% of the people are watching tonight's program, and few people pay attention to some interviews and reports about the banquet, as well as the envoys and businessmen. some conversations.

As soon as Le Xiao passed by, he saw Nigel and Helt. They bowed slightly very happily, and Le Xiao also bowed hurriedly.

"I'm really looking forward to the talks that will officially start at noon tomorrow, Your Excellency Le Xiao. Please give me more advice."

Nigel said, and Hurt nodded.

"Actually, we have already thought that the first round of talks should be led by His Excellency Le Xiao."

Le Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

"I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Two generals, please enjoy yourself. I have something else to do."

Le Xiao felt the pressure increase instantly. She didn't know why the section chiefs assigned her to talk about it. After all, it was such an important matter. If she was assigned, what would happen if something went wrong.

Happy Xiao found Locke. He and Michelle were talking about the show. Le Xiao hurriedly sat over and asked.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Manager, why do you want me to talk to them tomorrow? I still don't understand many things."

Locke smiled.

"Girl, don't worry, Wu Lei will help you throughout the process tomorrow."

Le Xiao looked around anxiously and whispered.

"Then you have to give me a reason. What if the secret is exposed?"

Michelle frowned slightly.

"There is only one reason why I want you to talk directly, because you are the host. You have had a good time getting along with them in the past seven days, and you have become more familiar with them. It will be easier to talk to them this way, and those of us have not had much actual contact with them. People who interact with each other often may be wary of others.”

Le Xiao blinked and said in surprise.

"Then what if something goes wrong?"

Locke frowned slightly.

"There is no chance. You have something to eat and a drink tonight. Get up early tomorrow and come to the Congress Hall at least at 9 o'clock. Michelle will tell you something by then."

Le Xiao swallowed and could only nod. After all, there was really nothing he could do now.

Locke smiled.

"Don't worry, girl. The first round of talks won't involve too complicated issues. The main thing is that you are very familiar with each other, so it will be easier to talk."

Looking at Le Xiao who looked uncomfortable, Locke smiled.

"Girl, tonight's big dish, grilled lobster, is here. Go quickly. Isn't it your favorite?"

Le Xiao saw a lot of chefs fishing out lobsters from the water tanks put down by the mutants. The production of this stuff was usually low, so the price was sometimes very expensive to eat.

In the past, Le Xiao had only eaten some at a party at a relatively wealthy classmate's house, but she hadn't eaten it at all since then. It was really delicious.

Seeing Le Xiao's excitement, Michelle said.

"Don't you often eat slippery shrimp in the general affairs department?"

Le Xiao shook his head.

"This is different, Secretary General, this is lobster."

Michelle doesn't like eating this thing very much. The meat is average and not as delicious as the small shrimps.

Le Xiao immediately went over and led the envoys there. Many people from the middle and lower levels cheered, Avano said with a happy smile.

"Don't worry, everyone. There is enough food for tonight, at least one for two people. It is ready. If it is not enough, I will have it flown over immediately."

Everyone cheered. Everyone in the envoy ate a lot of miscellaneous food today. They only had a little bit of everything and were not too full. After the misunderstanding, everyone’s stomachs were empty now. Moreover, they had only seen this thing in video materials. .

I can’t imagine how this kind of lobster tastes, Maggie happily held Le Xiao’s arm and said.

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, such a big lobster must be delicious."

Le Xiao smiled.

"I didn't do anything"

"It's like this, Miss Maggie. This kind of lobster is a special test of the chef's skill when cooking, and there are many ways to do it, but tonight we mainly bake it, and the process will be more complicated when grilling."

As Wu Lei spoke, Maggie held the chefs' knives and began to skillfully handle the lobsters. Many people in the mission couldn't help but swallow, because the peeled meat looked very good.

"It just tastes a little bit woody, because the meat of this kind of lobster is very firm, so chefs will perform a lot of complicated processing when handling it."

Soon a smell of aroma came, and Le Xiao looked at it with greedy eyes. Wu Lei took the opportunity to use telekinesis to poke Le Xiao's back. She stared at Wu Lei sideways. After a while, the people from the envoy came forward first, and they asked the chef They expressed their gratitude.

"so good."

Wu Lei said.

"You haven't eaten it?"

Le Xiao shook his head.

"It's so expensive. Where can I eat it? One in the market costs about 100 yuan. My monthly salary was only 2,000 yuan. If I eat it, I will starve."

Wu Lei smiled helplessly.

"It's really not very delicious. To be honest, the grilled lobster will taste better after peeling off the meat and frying it or making some dried shrimp and making soup."

Seeing Le Xiao's expectant look, Wu Lei said nothing more. He knew that tomorrow was officially coming, and tomorrow's meeting would determine many things in the future.

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