It's approaching dusk.

Le Xiao felt her legs were weak. Wu Lei was still demonstrating the dance steps. Le Xiao watched carefully. She didn't expect that she had really learned it in just one afternoon.

"See, it's not difficult, you just have to pay attention."

Le Xiao hummed. Although she was already very hungry, Le Xiao still planned to practice slowly for another hour to ensure that there would be no big problems if there was a misunderstanding.

"Well, thank you. You go out to rest for a while and eat something. I'll rest for a while and continue practicing slowly."

After Le Xiao finished speaking, Wu Lei shook his head.

"Do you think I can rest?"

After Le Xiao rested for a while, the two continued to practice.

As the time approached, the show started to end again outside, and the show on the stage also started while dining.

Locke was still discussing some things with Hert, mainly around some agricultural products from the two countries. Hert also directly expressed his love for liquid food.

"Is that so? General, I didn't expect that storing food in space would be so inconvenient."

Locke said, and Hert nodded.

"It's really inconvenient. By the way, manager, what is the maximum shelf life of your liquid food?"

Locke smiled.

"As long as the temperature is at a constant value, there won't be any big problems for thirty or forty years. To be honest, this time we cleared out part of the liquid food inventory from forty years ago so that we can satisfy everyone when the disease breaks out. The need for food.”

Helt smiled and nodded. He had indeed heard that a disease broke out in the city, and it was large-scale, but it was not contagious, but caused by pollution.

Dealing with pollution is a thorny issue for all countries. What the Sky Space Country does is to directly discharge pollutants away from the space station cluster. However, every once in a while, these pollutants floating in space will return to the cluster. Nearby, we can only continue to send clones to clean up, and then discharge them to a farther place.

This approach has become more and more difficult in recent years, because many pollutants accumulated on the periphery will slowly move with the moon's gravity, and some will even fall on the lunar surface afterwards, and even aggregate into huge particles in the universe. After it becomes solid, the army needs to go directly to deal with it.

"We are also having a headache here. The waste treatment plant currently under construction will build a line to the outside of the barrier, directly rely on the transmission device to transport the waste that can no longer be recycled, and then throw it outside the barrier. Those monsters Maybe we can break down the waste."

Hurt laughed.

"It is indeed a good idea. It would be more troublesome for us. If it is sent to a place too far away, it will take a long time to take the spacecraft, but this has certain risks, because there have been many failures in the past, and even a slight error in the universe Failures can lead to big problems.”

Locke looked at the branch of Angus's house next to the stage in the distance. Nigel had gone there and hadn't come back yet. It seemed that he was already discussing something with Avano.

At this time, in the living room of the annex, Nigel looked at some construction models on the light and shadow screen. Many of them were designed by Avano himself and looked very good.

"It is indeed very impressive, Mr. Avano. I am also very interested in architecture. I majored in architecture when I was a student."

Nigel said, looking at the exquisite architectural models one after another. These are all designed by Avano every day. Many designs can be used directly and only need to be modified in details during the construction process. .

"If possible, I would really like to go to space if I have the chance."

Avano said and Nigel nodded.

"Definitely, we have positioned many places on this trip and actually tested the speed. An unusually many problems did occur. The entire crew of the spacecraft did a lot of work when landing. Although in the end It landed smoothly, but the spacecraft was damaged and is still being repaired."

Avano nodded.

"There will indeed be too many problems. These problems can be solved slowly through testing. After everything is stable, I think we can use some of our technologies to build a directional floating rail that goes straight to the sky. This way we can save money. A lot of unnecessary trouble, one of us can be responsible for the maintenance and energy supply in the universe, and the other is responsible for the maintenance of the ground part."

Nigel stood up, feeling goosebumps rising, and he bowed respectfully.

"Mr. Avano, I didn't expect you to have thought so deeply."

Avano smiled and directly called up a model. A line starts directly from the ground and enters the universe through the atmosphere. It can reach a maximum distance of 900 kilometers. In this way, there will not be too much danger and it can be completed in a few days. Arrived in the universe.

"It is indeed a very good design Mr. Avano, I really respect you."

Nigel looked at the model tremblingly. Avano had been researching a lot of things since a long time ago, whether it was materials or construction. He would lead the scientific research team to carry out development and research in various aspects when he had nothing to do.

After the research, some results with preliminary research conclusions will be submitted to Section 10. Section 10 will arrange tests and then obtain specific parameters, and Avano can continue research.

"General Nigel, let's go to dinner. Everyone is already seated. And the performance has also started. These performers have been rehearsing at my house day and night for several days."

Avano said, the two got up and walked out of the mansion. It was extremely lively outside. Nigel met a lot of businessmen today. The one with the most mature liquid food technology is the Chen family. They are the largest food company in the city. family.

Nigel and Chen Qiao talked happily for about half an hour today. Basically, Nigel and the others had already decided who to order liquid food with first. Other companies with less strong technology were not considered by Nigel. Inside.

But today Nigel heard that Sanlian Company had the best technology in the past, but this company has now gone bankrupt and was acquired by Chenqiao Group. When this company was mentioned, many people had bad expressions.

Nigel didn't ask anything specific, so he asked after taking the seat.

"By the way, where is Mr. Le Xiao?"

King Xue smiled.

"There are more urgent matters in the city, and she has already gone over to deal with them."

Nigel laughed.

"It's really hard work."

Niya helped.

"She is the youngest here. If she doesn't go, who will? Why should we older people go?"

The dishes are all quite good, and everyone in the delegation praised them. The show will continue until it stops near 8 o'clock, and then misunderstandings begin.

After the one-hour dance, there will be performances and a barbecue party.

Time passed by, and everyone was immersed in the wonderful performance. Tian Ai yawned and sat at the table. She actually didn't like dance parties. She was invited every time, and it was difficult to refuse many times. .

"You can let Tian Hen join you later."

Hawke murmured to the side, holding the ice cream and licking it, Tianai sighed and said.

"I talked to a few people from the mission today and I feel pretty good. It seems like there's nothing to worry about."

Hawke chuckled.

"It's certainly a good start, and there will definitely be a honeymoon period, but there will definitely be some degree of disagreement in the future."

Tian Ai lies on the table tiredly. In order to perform these performances these days, Tian Ai has not slept for several days. Most of the time, she just takes a nap.

Tian Ai looked around and then asked.

"Where did that stinky girl go?"

Hawke whispered a few words, Tianai got up and left the seat, and went directly to the main residence of the Angus family. It was already 7:05, and the dance would start in a little while.

As soon as Tian Ai passed by, the two directors said that the interior was still being renovated. Tian Ai looked around and then said.

"Let me in, I am the consultant of Section 13 after all."

As soon as Tian Ai entered, he saw Le Xiao sleeping soundly, Wu Lei signaled in a low voice.

"Don't wake her up and let her sleep for half an hour. She has been practicing all day today."

Tian Ai frowned slightly. She didn't want to wait outside anymore and planned to wait until the misunderstanding started.

"It's very tiring to follow her, isn't it?"

Wu Lei said, Tian Ai pressed his forehead, sat down comfortably and smiled.

"I'm tired. I've never worried so much, but I'm quite motivated. I used to be weak in everything I did because I knew no matter what I did, it wouldn't make much difference. But it's different now. I just have to work harder." , you will see very obvious changes.”

Wu Lei smiled.

"You have finished saying everything I want to say, Miss Tianai."

At this time, Hawke also walked in, holding ice cream, and Wu Lei took one. They had just eaten.

The three of them were waiting for Le Xiao to wake up. Looking at the empty hall, which had been decorated, Tian Ai licked the ice cream and said.

"By the way, have you noticed that everyone seems to be a little strange recently?"

After Tian Ai finished speaking, Wu Lei nodded and said.

"Indeed, everyone's ideas are different now from before. In the past, they were afraid of some riots, so they kept suppressing them, but now they are different."

When Tian Ai and Hawke came out of the bar early this morning, someone had set up stalls in some places. It was obvious that many streets were not allowed to set up stalls. They only found out after asking.

It turns out that Section 1 has issued a document that allows small stalls to be set up during certain time periods as long as it does not affect road traffic, so many people set up stalls to sell breakfast in the morning.

Especially in some places where there are almost no breakfast shops, many small vendors have appeared, and those places are on the middle floors, and the situation on the ground floor should be similar.

"Because the economy has begun to show very obvious growth, and everyone now has money in their hands, this small-scale economy will be opened up in order to consume some commodity stocks and prepare to produce new batches Of course, merchants hope to use up their inventory quickly to usher in the era of huge economic dividends in the future."

Wu Lei's words made Tian Ai understand, and Hawke smiled.

"It's much better now than before. The whole city has become very lively, unlike before, which was a bit cold. Once the agricultural base and waste treatment plant in the barrier area are completed, the city should usher in more rapid development. Especially when Jean and the others bring back the light and shadow material, that’s when the city will enter the next high-speed era.”

All three of them realized that there would be an era of continuous economic growth and dividends, and the most critical issue of aging would be solved. Now many places have opened up a large number of reproductive rights.

The shortage of labor in the future will also be alleviated by biochemical mechanical transformation technology.

What is happening now may be a once-in-a-century opportunity for Bright City to solve many problems in the past. As long as the agricultural base is cultivated, after the food problem is solved in the future, the gap between the rich and the poor will be too large. problems will be alleviated, and the pressure on the entire society will be reduced.

As time passed, Le Xiao woke up and saw that it was already 7:40. After hurriedly washing her face, she grabbed Wu Lei and started practicing.

More than ten minutes later, the dance was about to start, Le Xiao also stopped, she said with a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I caught up."

The door opened and several people left through the back door. Then the guests began to enter. Most of them changed into more grand dance clothes. The people from the envoys were the first to enter the dance scene accompanied by the senior management of the business department.

The band that came in from one side immediately started playing music.

Fortunately, there was no need to change clothes. Le Xiao went directly to wash up and followed the family members into the venue. Everything was completely fine now.

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, how is the matter handled?"

Nigel asked as soon as he entered, and Le Xiao replied with a smile.

"The processing is over. I'm sorry General Nigel, there are really too many things today."

Nigel also saw the tiredness on Le Xiao's face. After the two chatted for a while, the dance officially began. The people from the envoy also invited some men and women to enter the dance hall in the middle.

Le Xiao stood aside and no one invited her. Just when Le Xiao felt relaxed, Hert came over and said with a smile.

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, please."

Le Xiao walked over slightly embarrassed, but Maggie was already dancing with someone else. Le Xiao could only bite the bullet and dance. Fortunately, there was no big problem with the dance steps. Compared with the stiffness this morning, it was really good. too much.

The senior management of the business department looked on, their worries finally relieved.

They all knew that Nigel would definitely invite Le Xiao. This would eliminate the last doubt in their hearts about Le Xiao, so Nigel would definitely invite Le Xiao.

You can tell a lot from the level of dancing, because there has been a long history of holding dance parties in Bright City, so if Le Xiao doesn't know anything, it is very likely that her secret will be exposed.

Locke breathed a sigh of relief. Michelle on the side was invited by Nigel. She smiled and took Nigel's hand, and the two of them jumped up.

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