Le Xiao fearfully grabbed Wu Lei's hand, and Wu Lei looked at Le Xiao with a serious expression. It could be seen that some of the remaining members of the mission seemed to be attracted by the movie, although it didn't seem like much.

This movie is indeed well-made, and it's not clear what's going on until the last second.

Wu Lei remembers that the first time he watched it was when he was more than ten years old. It really shocked him so much that many years later, Wu Lei was still a little numb at night and looked at Le Xiao's nervous look. , Wu Lei smiled easily.

"Don't watch it if you're afraid. Haven't you watched it many times?"

Le Xiao looked at Wu Lei awkwardly and said.

"I was too scared to look at it several times."

Wu Lei was shocked and asked softly.

"Have you never finished reading it?"

Le Xiao said.

"I have watched it, but only a few times. There was no one to watch it with me many times."

At this time, a scene from the movie flashed, and everyone was frightened.

Wu Lei sighed, this movie is still very long, nearly 3 hours, and it is the most highly rated horror thriller in Bright City.

dong dong dong

The knock on the door rang again, and the man stood up in horror and ran to the door in confusion. Tonight, the man kept an eye on it. He used money to borrow a camera from the neighbor downstairs and placed it on the door.

The knocking on the door continued, and the man waited to open the door. Sure enough, there was no one at the door, and the knocking time was still 1:11 in the morning.

The man took off the camera and took out the tape. He went downstairs and knocked on the door of his neighbor on the 9th floor. The neighbor on the 9th floor was a fat man who lived alone and worked in a meat factory in the town.

The man borrowed some food from the fat man to borrow the video recorder. There were many cardboard boxes stacked up in the fat man's home, and he would also help the meat factory fold some large boxes on weekdays.

Soon the man put the tape into the tape recorder at Fatty's house, and the picture appeared. The man held the remote control and fast-forwarded the tape. At 1:11 in the morning, he found that there was no one outside the house.

"I wonder if you have a brain problem due to drinking."

The fat man laughed mockingly, and the man said angrily.

"Shut up."

The man's behavior made the fat man very dissatisfied, so he dragged the man and pushed him out of the house.

After returning to the room on the 10th floor, the man pressed his forehead in annoyance. He didn't know what was wrong with him. Maybe as the fat man said, he drank too much, so he had auditory hallucinations, but the man shook his head.

The man pressed his forehead anxiously and looked at the food in the room. Many of the things the man had not eaten for several months. The money Curly Hair gave the man helped him survive the most critical moment.

Now the man is thinking about the benefits of curly hair. He no longer holds grudges about the unpleasantness that happened before.

After picking up a bottle of wine, the man fell asleep under the anesthesia of alcohol.

In a state of confusion, the man stood in the fog. In front of him was the cemetery outside the town. The man was a little scared. He looked at the graves in the fog and felt chilled all over. The man felt as if he was dreaming.

The man wanted to wake himself up, but at this time a person appeared in the mist. The man tried to shout, but the person in the mist did not respond.

The man stepped forward step by step and walked into the mist. The person in the mist turned out to be Curly Hair. The man sat on the ground in horror. Curly Hair was the same as when he died. His head was tilted, his mouth and eyes were bleeding, and his mouth was still hanging. With a weird smile.

Curly walked over step by step and said.

"It will be your turn next. When visitors come from the abyss, it will be your turn."

Curly's words were gloomy and creepy. The man shook his head. At this time, he woke up and his whole body was wet with sweat. The man didn't know why Curly appeared in his dream, and what he said was extremely clear.

Just when the man was at a loss what to do, there was a knock on the door of the room. The man walked over and opened the door. It turned out to be a fat woman from the supermarket. She said angrily.

"The money you gave me yesterday was counterfeit."

The man said hurriedly.

"How can it be?"

The woman took out the counterfeit money, then pinched her nose and said.

"You rotten person."

The man had not showered for many days and his whole body was full of odor. The fat woman dragged the man and wanted to send him to the police station in the small town. The man said.

"This money was given to me by Curly Mao. He gave it to me. I didn't know it was a counterfeit currency."

The argument between the two brought many neighbors out, and many people came to the tenth floor to listen to the two's arguments.

"It's okay if you don't want to go. Now I want you to give me the money for the things you bought yesterday immediately."

The fat woman looked at the man's room. There were still a lot of things left from the pile of things she bought yesterday. She walked directly in, quickly collected the pile of things, threw the counterfeit money to the man, and then left with the things in her arms.

The man couldn't save his face, so he returned to the room and became hungry again. Now he really didn't have a dime in his pocket.

It was just 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and the water was gone. The man huddled in the house in despair. He didn't know what would happen to him next. Looking at the counterfeit money in his hand, the man had an idea. Since this counterfeit money could deceive the fat woman, Then you can also fool other people.

The man went downstairs and borrowed tools from the administrator, then returned to the room to repair the broken water pipe.

However, at this time the man discovered that there was no water in the water pipe. He opened the water pipe and found that there was not a drop of water.

The man went to the administrator angrily, and the administrator told the man that he had owed water bills for six months, and it was possible that someone from the water plant had cut off his water supply.

At the man's request, the administrator gave the man a glass of water. After drinking it, the man felt much better and went out.

The man bypassed the fat woman's supermarket and went to another small store nearby. He held the curly money in his hands and looked at the salesperson carefully. He seemed to be an honest young man.

The man asked for a bunch of things and took out a large amount of super bias. The young clerk took it in his hand and looked at it several times. The man said impatiently.

"What are you looking at?"

The young clerk nodded and started to give change. The man got the food and a lot of money. He ran out of the store happily, but at this time the clerk in the store showed a weird smile.

Many people on the street looked at the running man. The man returned home in great excitement, gave the administrator some money, and bought a lot of water with him.

After returning to the apartment, the man began to take out the frying pan, put the sausage in the frying pan, and unscrewed the wine on the side.

When the night came again, the man was already unconscious. He smiled happily. He was so lucky to be able to enjoy the wine and food for free. This was the most comfortable thing for the man at this stage.

dong dong dong

The annoying knock on the door sounded again, and the man stood up. He opened the door angrily, and when he was about to speak, he found a man standing outside wearing an old gray windbreaker, a round hat and a mask, with extremely sharp eyes.

"It's you, it's you who knocks on my door every night."

The man tugged on the collar of the expansion man angrily, but the other man said with a smile in his eyes.

"Sir, your rent is already due. I have been here many times. Please pay the rent quickly, otherwise I will have to kick you out."

The man looked at the masked man in confusion. He tried his best to open his eyes, but found that it was a sunny day and the sky outside was clear. The man turned around and ran home suspiciously. He looked at the clock at home and found that it was really 2:31 in the afternoon. .

"Rent? Yes, rent."

The man in the mask coughed. He was indeed the landlord of this apartment. The man already owed two months' rent. He could no longer pay it. He took out the change he had obtained with counterfeit money from his pocket and begged the landlord for more mercy. a period of time.

The landlord nodded and said.

"I will give you a grace period of one week at most, and I will come back in a week. If you cannot pay the rent, you are not eligible to live here."

The man nodded, and after watching the landlord leave, the man sat by the window, enjoying the long-lost sun. He always felt that something was wrong, because he remembered that he was obviously asleep, but it was daytime now.

The chaotic memory made the man feel at a loss. He looked at the bright street outside, full of people talking and laughing, and the man pressed his head against his dizziness.

Looking at the food and wine in the house, fortunately he bought a lot. The man felt that it should be no problem to last for a week, and he should be able to think of a way.

The man went to the sawmill and found that the sawmill was actually in operation. The man entered excitedly and found the boss, but the boss looked at the man indifferently and said.

"You've been absent from work for three months and you still want to go to work? Get lost."

The boss said coldly, and the other workers laughed. The man shook his head and wanted to explain, but the smell of alcohol in his mouth made the boss extremely disgusted. The boss directly told the man to get out, saying that he would never hire a drunkard with no credibility like the man.

The man's head hurt. He didn't know what was wrong with him. As he walked, many people pointed at the man on the street. The man quickly returned to the apartment, because only the apartment could make people feel at ease.

As soon as he entered the apartment, the man was grabbed by the administrator. The administrator asked the man to return the tools he had borrowed to repair the water pipes. The man hurriedly went upstairs.

However, there were no repair tools anywhere in the room. The man looked around, and even the food and wine he had bought with the clerk were gone. The man frantically searched in the empty room, but found nothing.

The man pressed his head in horror and let out a maniacal laugh. He rushed out of the apartment like crazy and came to the street. He looked around, the world spinning.

When the sun was about to set, the man returned to the apartment. The administrator asked the man to return the tool, but the man said that he had not found it yet.

"What on earth are you doing at home all day instead of going to work?"

The man looked at the administrator strangely and asked.

"Do I go out to buy food every day?"

The administrator shook his head.

"You stay at home every day. I have never seen you go out except today."

The man didn't believe it at all. He returned to the empty home. His stomach was very hungry and his throat was thirsty. The man didn't know what to do.

The man fell asleep in a state of confusion. After being woken up by the hunger in his stomach, the man looked at the rising sun with dull eyes. He got up and planned to go out to find a job.

The man went to the pub where he used to go, hoping that the boss would give him a job. He was too hungry.

Seeing that the man was pitiful, the boss agreed to let the man clean the tavern and provide him with a meal and a small salary every day.

After the man had something to eat, he cleaned up hard. He worked from morning to night. With the wages he received, the man went to the fat woman's store. There were enough goods on the shelves in the store. The man took some wine and some food. .

The fat woman reminded.

"Three months ago you took something from my store and ran away, and you haven't paid me yet."

The man was stunned, and the fat woman smiled.

"Remember to give me the money in a few days."

The man returned home with the food and wine. He unscrewed the bottle and drank a lot, then started making food again.

Until he was drunk and fell asleep.

dong dong dong

A knock on the door woke the man up. It was 1:11 am again. The man opened the door angrily, but there was no one outside.

However, just when the man returned to the house, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the administrator's tools were back, and the wine and food were also bought from that store in his memory that day. During the day, the man earned money from working to buy food and wine. Gone.

The man happily ate and drank until he was drunk.

When he woke up, the man looked at the gray sky and returned the administrator's tools. The man went to the street and went to the tavern, but today the tavern was closed and the man went to the sawmill.

The door of the sawmill was closed, and the man still remembered that work had only started yesterday.

The sky was as gray as ever, and pedestrians on the street no longer pointed, but instead ran with their heads down. The man returned to the apartment.

When he first arrived on the 10th floor, the man felt something was wrong, because he saw the wall clock on the wall. It had been destroyed by him a few days ago. When the man went over, the clock was still the same as before.

The man cocked his head and read on. The administrator didn't mention the wall clock again.


As soon as the man opened the door, he was startled. Someone was at home. When the man turned on the light, it turned out to be Curly Hair. He was sitting unharmed on the small chair where men usually drink and was eating something.

The man hurried over and asked in horror.

"You haven't already"

Curly turned his head, and the man covered his mouth and screamed in horror. Curly's rotten cheeks were covered with insects, and he was stuffing the fallen insects into his mouth. Curly said with a strange smile. .

"You took my chance."

After saying that, Curly Ma stood up and grabbed the man's neck. The man screamed in horror, feeling suffocated.

Suddenly the man found himself lying on the floor. He saw a pair of red high heels. The man gasped and stood up from the sun-drenched floor.

It turned out to be his wife who came back. The man swallowed a gulp and looked at a lot of food. His wife was dressed very beautifully, and she said softly.

"You haven't eaten for several days."

A smell came, and the wife was actually cooking for the man.

"Where's my daughter?"

The wife smiled.

"She lives at her grandparents' house."

The man walked over and hugged his wife apologetically, and the wife shook her head.

"As long as you can get rid of your addiction to alcohol and gambling, we can live together in the future."

The man nodded reassuringly.

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