
The door to the room opened, and a man came out of the room, wearing white pajamas. The man glanced at the clock at the end of the corridor, and it was 1:11 am again.

Click click click

The clear sound of the clock stimulated the man's nerves, and he roared angrily.

"Why do you come to play pranks every night? Why? Who is it?"

The man's roar echoed in the empty spiral stairwell. The man slapped the guardrail of the stairs. He was extremely angry. He walked to the side wall, took off the wall clock, and then threw it to the ground.


The man stepped on the wall clock vigorously until it stopped completely and made no sound. Then the man tiredly entered the house. This was a small building with only one room on each floor, and there were 20 households living there.

"Asshole, what are you doing?"

Someone started cursing upstairs, and someone came out downstairs. There were a lot of noisy sounds in the originally quiet corridor. The man kept saying sorry, but his eyes were still angry. He kept looking up and down. People in the corridor The voice-activated light turns off and then lights up again.

The man saw the person at the top and their eyes met. The man immediately got up and ran upstairs. Regardless of the neighbors' complaints, the man arrived on the 17th floor. The person who had just seen him had returned to the room.

The man knocked on the door angrily. The person who opened the door was a curly man with his head lowered and wearing glasses. He looked very scared. The man grabbed Curly Hair by the collar and asked.

"Did you do it, knocking on my door at this time every night?"

Curly hair kept shaking his head. At this time, several neighbors came over and watched the excitement. The man explained that for a month, someone would always knock on their door at this time every night, and the sound would be loud.

"You should all have heard it."

Because the corridor space here is narrow, the sound is very clear, but the neighbors shook their heads and did not hear any sound.

The man asked the neighbors who came out, but no one heard the knock on the door at night, and the man also broke the clock in the hallway. Everyone was very dissatisfied with the man.

The man still doubts Curly Hair, because Curly Hair and the man are on the same page again.

A few months ago, when Curly was carrying garbage downstairs, the garbage in the bag spilled out. Curly happened to see it. It was a lot of disgusting food covered with insect repellents. He said a few words.

As a result, Curly Hair became angry and threw the garbage directly at the man's feet. The man held down Curly Hair angrily, and the two struggled with each other. Finally, the administrator came over and finally pulled the two apart.

For this reason, the two never spoke again, and Curly Hair also hated men very much, but was afraid of this violent man.

The man grabbed Curly Hair again and talked about what happened a few months ago. The old administrator was also awakened and he came up to mediate.

Until half an hour later, the man closed the door angrily. His home was empty, with few pieces of furniture left, only a simple small table and chairs, a refrigerator, and some dishes.

The man had been involved in serious gambling and alcoholism. His wife and daughter were overwhelmed, and she divorced him in the previous year.

In order to pay off the debt, the man sold most of the things in the house. The man sat at the table, pressing his head in annoyance, his throat constantly moving. He looked at the sink in the kitchen. The man walked over and drank. After taking a sip of water, he wanted to drink again.

The man had just left the rehab center for a few months. He trembled and walked to the only remaining bedside table. He opened the cabinet tremblingly and there was a bottle of wine inside. The man swallowed it, hungry and thirsty.

Finally, the man opened the wine and drank it hard until he drank the entire bottle. The man felt relaxed. He lay on the bed on the ground and fell asleep quickly.

At this moment, a shadow flashed past, and water flowed out of the faucet that had been turned off.

The man's consciousness was blurry. He felt as if someone was beside him. He tried his best to support himself and looked at a black figure beside him. He could see the face clearly. The black figure grinned at the man and smiled in a weird way.

the man asked.

"Who are you? Why are you at my house?"

The man could no longer bear the drowsiness, and he fell down.

Early in the morning, the man got up and recalled his dream last night. He pressed his aching head listlessly and went out to buy groceries.

This is a gray-black street. The walls have long been covered in black so that they cannot be seen clearly. The streets in the town are full of potholes and there are very few cars.

Pedestrians on the street came and went in a hurry, all with their heads lowered. Many people just wanted to go home quickly.

The same goes for men. Braving the cold wind, the man came to the supermarket near the apartment. There were always a lot of goods lacking on the supermarket shelves. It was the same every time. After the man took some noodles that he liked, when he paid, the cashier said The fat woman always said angrily.

"You haven't paid for the things you took last time. When will you pay?"

The man lowered his head and looked at the bottle of wine in his hand, and the fat woman said sternly.

"Didn't you quit drinking?"

The man ignored it, paid in a hurry and left. The man's throat was thirsty again. He looked at the gray barren mountains in the distance. The whole town was in a dilapidated state, just like the people who were struggling to survive in the town.

The man is a worker at a sawmill not far away, but there has been little work at the sawmill recently, so the man can only wait at home for work to start, and he doesn’t have much money left.

As soon as the man passed a street corner, a group of people gathered around holding drinks and smoking cigarettes, and one of them shouted.

"Let's play together?"

The man shook his head and refused. He used to hang out with these people and got involved in gambling and serious alcohol addiction.

Back in the apartment building, the man was relieved. The old administrator took out a list of compensation, and the man said after reading it.

"I understand. When the sawmill starts working, I will give you some time."

The man went upstairs without looking back. This apartment made him feel at ease. Perhaps it was because it was too small and had a pillar-like structure. It made him feel safe after entering.

When he got home, the man made some fried noodles, opened the wine and ate them with the fried noodles.

There is also a small TV in the house, but the signal is not very good because it is too old. The man can only watch TV programs accompanied by noise every day to relieve his boredom.

"Where did they go?"

The man couldn't help but wonder, his wife and daughter had not contacted each other for a long time. The man lowered his head dejectedly. He was drunk and fell asleep soon.

The breeze opened the old curtains, and the man felt the coolness. He pulled the quilt to cover him, and a gray shadow always loomed under the curtains.

The sky has been gloomy for a long time, and the sun has disappeared.

It was already afternoon when the man woke up. Looking at the half bottle of wine left, the man took out some noodles, made other flavors of fried noodles, and started drinking again.

As night fell, the man was already drunk. He was lying on the bed, talking nonsense, and the world in front of him was spinning, without color, but getting darker and darker.

Suddenly, a strange human face appeared in front of the man. The man opened his eyes in horror. It was the dark figure in his dream last night, with only a strange grinning mouth.


The man asked. He stood up and closed the window. At this time, there was a ticking sound behind him. The man went over and took out the bowl and put it under the faucet. Water dropped from time to time.

The condition of the faucet is not very good. The man has repaired it many times, but it always leaks because the things inside need to be replaced, which costs a lot of money.

Finally, the sound of water drops disappeared and the man fell asleep. In the darkness, shadows would flash by the sink from time to time, and there was always a rustling sound in the darkness.

dong dong dong

The fierce knocking on the door rang out, and the man woke up. The knocking was very hard. The man came to the door. The knocking on the door continued. The man clenched his fists angrily. He suddenly opened the door and the knocking on the door suddenly stopped.

In a daze, a black shadow appeared behind the man. A strange white smiling mouth and a pair of reddish eyes appeared in the darkness.

There were exclamations.


The lights came on and the video stopped. Wu Lei stood up and looked at several of the frightened women in the envoy. Among them, Maggie stood up and was already unsteady. Helter said softly.

"If you can't stand it anymore, you can go back and rest first. I think this movie is quite interesting."

In the end, several women left together, leaving only some men, Nigel said with a helpless smile.

"This is a very exciting film. There are so many things hidden in the camera. It's really good, Mr. Le Xiao."

Le Xiao said in surprise.

"Yeah, this film will definitely surprise you in the end."

Wu Lei breathed a sigh of relief. The film had only started for half an hour. Although it seemed dull, there were always many exposed details in the film, indicating that big things would happen.

The lights went out, the theater fell into darkness, and the movie started again.

The man gasped and kept wiping the sweat from his cheeks. He was awakened again. At this time, the sound of water dripping sounded. The man turned around and closed the door and turned on the light. The moment the light came on, the man saw a person beside the sink. Something, he hurried over and found nothing.

The man saw that the bowl used to catch the dripping water in the sink was full, and the speed of the dripping water was getting faster and faster. The man slapped the water pipe irritably, but then the water flow became stronger and stronger.

The man can only look around for tools, but the tools have been sold by the man, so he can only borrow them from the administrator tomorrow.

The moment the man turned around, he saw black water flowing out of the water pipe from the corner of his eye. The man wiped his eyes. He was dazzled, but immediately he saw some black on his hands. He walked to a mirror. , looking at the blackness around the eye sockets, and his cheekbones have protruded.

The man looked at himself who was decadent and thin, and couldn't help but grinned in a weird way.

The man turned around, but the image of the man in the mirror did not disappear at this time. Instead, he was still smiling. This smile looked cruel.

The man started rummaging, but there was nothing left in the house. He looked at the little money left in his pocket, which was enough to last for three days at most. The man coughed dryly and looked at the empty wine bottle. He couldn't bear it anymore. The man opened the door. , the dark corridor lit up, and the man quickly went downstairs.

The man came to the first floor and knocked on the door of Room 1. There was an old woman in the door, and she asked.

"What's wrong?"

The man swallowed.

"Is there any wine?"

The old woman nodded and stretched out her hand. The man gave her some money. There was a cough in the room with warm yellow light. The old woman took the crumpled money, turned around and entered the room, and took out a bottle of wine. , the man took it in his hand happily.

At this time, the figure in the light of the room pressed his neck in pain, whimpering, picked up something, and stabbed it into his chest. Something sprayed out, and then the shadow in the light disappeared.

The man didn't notice all this. He just stared at the wine in his hand happily. The man saw the old woman closing the door and said.

"Is there anything to eat? With so much money, I can buy more than just a bottle of wine."

The old woman nodded and closed the door. After a while, the door opened and she handed the man a piece of shriveled meat and some pickled radish.

The man returned to the house, unable to sleep, with a large bottle of wine, meat and pickled radish. The man tore the dried meat, ate the pickled radish, and drank the wine. He looked very happy.

The man was drinking all night, and he didn't go to bed until dawn.

When he woke up, the sky was still gray. The man staggered in the sink and wanted to take a drink of water, but found that the water was gone. The man slapped the water pipe angrily, and then he could only pick up the dishwasher that had not been washed and still had a lot of oil stains. bowl and drink the dirty water inside.

His stomach started acting up, so the man spent all his money buying the old woman wine and food last night.

In the whole apartment, only the old woman had a good relationship with the man, because the man had helped the old woman and her husband.

The man went out and walked to the door of the sawmill. The rusty door was tight and there were a lot of sawdust in the wasteland around it. The man walked over and pulled the door lock.

The man just wants to beg his boss to give him an advance on his salary. He can hardly survive.

The man pulled the door lock, but no one responded. After a while, the man returned to the town disappointed.

The street is still the same, everyone has his head lowered, as if he wants to go home early.

At this time, the man looked at the supermarket not far away. He walked in and used a pleading tone, hoping that the fat woman would give him some food. He promised to pay it back as soon as the sawmill started working.

The fat woman ignored her and held the rolling pin beside her, trying to drive the man away. The man begged.

"Please, give me something to eat, or I'll starve to death."

The fat woman didn't have any sympathy. The man left the supermarket and he looked casually on the street. Finally, the man's eyes were fixed on the trash can, and he started rummaging around while there was no one around.

There was nothing in the trash can except plastic products that were impossible to eat. At this moment, the man saw Curly coming with garbage. He glared at Curly angrily and walked over step by step.

Suddenly Curly took out some money from his pocket, nodded and handed it to the man.

The man didn't know why, but the money in Curly Hair's hand was full of temptation.

The man took the money and Curly Hair said.

"This is for you, have a drink."

The man ran to the supermarket, but Curly Hair was smiling sinisterly. At this moment, Curly Hair felt a chill running down his spine. He threw away the trash and turned around to go back. At this time, a dark shadow flashed by, and Curly Hair ran away in horror. stand up.

The man returned to the supermarket and bought a lot of things and a lot of wine with Curly Money, which was equivalent to several months' salary. The man happily returned to the apartment with his things in his arms, but as soon as he came outside the apartment, he I was shocked because there were many people standing outside the apartment. As soon as the man walked over, he was stunned.

Curly's mouth was open in pain, and his neck was broken. It looked like he fell down the stairs and died.

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