January 13, 2278

Just after 5 o'clock, Lexiao climbed out of bed. Her sleepiness quickly disappeared. She quickly got up and sorted everything out. Jamie was still sleeping soundly, but there was something very important this morning. Jean and the others were going to Officially set sail.

Le Xiao had been feeling uneasy for several days. She never thought that this day would come so quickly and that it would be impossible for Jean to come back in a short time.

Le Xiao looked at the window in a daze. Jean was still there last night, but Jean left after drinking a lot of wine together last night. Le Xiao said that he must go to Section 10 to see them off this morning.

Seeing that it was already 5:20, Le Xiao went out directly. She had already asked for leave with Michelle last night. After Le Xiao went out, she rushed directly to the General Affairs Department. She told the chef last night that she was going to have lunch this morning. What to eat.

Attracted by the food, Le Xiao walked quickly and quickly ran directly to the canteen of the General Affairs Department. As soon as he reached the food table, the head chef asked someone to bring the food over.

"I knew you would come at this time, just a few minutes after it was made."

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly and started eating with big mouthfuls. Xiao was very happy and finished the meal. It was just 5:45. Le Xiao happily took a cup of black tea and planned to rest for another 10 minutes before going to Section 10.

"Lord Jean and the others are going out today."

Le Xiao hummed.

"Come on, Master Le Xiao."

Le Xiao nodded with a smile. She still felt vaguely uneasy in her heart. She was very happy and Xiao got up and walked out of the General Affairs Department and went straight up the steps of the Congress Square.

After arriving at the Capitol Square, Le Xiao ran quickly to the right. As soon as he passed by, Le Xiao saw Locke and Michelle already here. A door that appeared out of thin air was open. Le Xiao looked inside in shock. It was like a fantasy world with many animals. Le Xiao was completely stunned.

"What's this?"

"Biological stuff."

Le Xiao hurriedly ran in and looked at a clear and clean river in front of her. The green grass was covered with flowers, and butterflies and bees were flying. Le Xiao hurriedly ran over and looked at these lifelike animals and plants, not far away. A puppy with a wagging tail ran over and stood on tiptoes affectionately. Le Xiao wiped its head and exclaimed in disbelief.

"This is real?"

Le Xiao couldn't believe it at all. The puppy was rolling on the ground. Le Xiao touched its warm and round belly and exclaimed happily. At this time, a bee was collecting nectar from a flower next to it. Le Xiao came closer. He went over and looked at it with his hands on his chin, but suddenly a bee stung Lexiao on the forehead.

Immediately Le Xiao stood up in shock and covered her head.

"It hurts."

Locke ran over quickly.

"Have you never taken biology class?"

Le Xiao looked awkwardly at the dead bee that had fallen to the ground.

"What's going on, Controller? Are these all true?"

"Everything here is made of bionic technology. Except for the real plants, everything else is bionic technology, including the bugs in the soil."

Le Xiao swallowed and pressed his swollen forehead. Locke laughed. Le Xiao grinned, and then Michelle explained.

This bionic project was started thirty years ago to make human society more colorful. Although everything was successful, the price and cost were too high, so this is used as an experimental park, especially in the future. If human beings set foot in the universe and look for a place to live elsewhere, without these colors during the long space voyage, it will be very easy for human psychology to have problems.

So this bionic plan must exist, Le Xiao asked excitedly.

"If Jean can bring back enough resources, can these things be brought into the city?"

Locke laughed.

"It's impossible. This technology can be researched all the time, but it can't cover it. After all, it's too expensive."

Le Xiao was a little disappointed, but her forehead started to hurt. Then Locke looked at the door. The chiefs and secretaries of each department came over one after another. Soon, when everyone was almost complete, they would go to the place where the spacecraft set off, and send them off. Jean and the others leave.

Some congressmen also came over at this time. Many of them came here for the first time. Although many people had heard about this bionic technology, they still felt it was very incredible.

Yincai watched Zi Yuer pick up the puppy and hold it in her arms. She stood aside and watched, and several secretaries also leaned over.

"It's really amazing."

Letty murmured and stretched out her hand to touch the puppy's head. At this time, several cats came out of the bushes not far away. They looked a little curious. Letty and Ye Jiao immediately ran over. , but the cats quickly hid.

Everything here truly simulates the habits of animals in the past, so it is very lifelike. However, many people noticed the big bump on Le Xiao's forehead at this time, and Zi Yu'er giggled.

"You really are."

Le Xiao covered her head, and many people laughed. Locke saw that most of the people had arrived, so he closed the door and said.

"Everyone, let's go there."

A door on the opposite side of the bridge has been opened. Under the leadership of Locke, everyone walked in. Once inside, there was a long corridor. The corridor was only three meters wide, and everyone walked closely together.

It’s just that this passage seems a bit long. I have walked for nearly 10 minutes and still can’t see the end. Le Xiao is behind Michelle, she asked.

"How long is this?"

"About 3 kilometers."

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly. Finally, at 6:30, everyone came to a huge metal hall. The traveling spaceship was in the hall. There were people around. Le Xiao soon saw Jean. and several other gods, they were talking about something.

Everyone gathered around, and Le Xiao ran to Ji En's side. At this time, Tang Rao walked over with a slight frown on his brows.

"Little girl, I remember I reminded you."

Le Xiao was completely stunned and looked at Tang Rao and smiled awkwardly.

"Too much."

Everyone around laughed, Le Xiao looked at Jean, and Jean nodded at her.

"It's up to you to start the launch later."

Le Xiao hummed. Originally, Le Xiao had a lot to say to Jean, but she also said a lot last night. On the day of the trip, Le Xiao didn't plan to say anything anymore. She just planned to say it silently. Just watch them leave.

"about there."

Noah ran over and said, everyone spread out in twos and threes, Le Xiao was brought to a stage by Noah, and then a light and shadow screen was directly adjusted.

"You can just choose to launch here later."

Le Xiao hummed, and Jean and the others began to climb up from a disk placed at the bottom of the spacecraft. Le Xiao closed her eyes.

After everything was prepared, Le Xiao opened her eyes and looked at the people leaving around the spacecraft. She thought for a long time and then said.

"Gene, I hope you have a safe trip."

As soon as he finished speaking, Le Xiao pressed the launch command. Along with a roar, the ceiling began to slowly open, the lights in the room went out, replaced by the sun shining in, and the spacecraft lifted off little by little amid the roar. , at this time everyone raised their heads. Although the sun was very dazzling, everyone's eyes were on the spacecraft.

Gradually the spaceship flew into the air, and then hovered in the air. Le Xiao sighed and closed her eyes again. The spaceship began to slowly pass towards the distance, and at this time the ceiling began to slowly close, and soon in a short period of time. After the darkness passed, lights came on in the hall. On a giant light and shadow screen, the entire spaceship could be clearly seen from many angles.

Le Xiao saw Jean and Tang Rao standing on the bow of the deck. Le Xiao looked at the scene getting further and further away. She felt a little uncomfortable at this time because it was too short. The time she spent with Jean was too short. Just half a year.

After the spaceship completely left the city limits, everyone present began to applaud, and then Deguna spoke.

"Please come to the Congress Hall later. We have to have a brief meeting. After all, the mission from the Skyspace Nation will arrive the day after tomorrow."

Only then did Le Xiao remember that the accommodation was settled, and the next step was to arrange their itinerary. Le Xiao had not thought about this yet, after all, reception was the job of Section 13.

I will do a good job Jean, and when you come back, everything will be fine here!

Le Xiao said silently in her heart, and she began to follow the crowd into the passage she had just come from. She looked back at the light and shadow screen that was gradually dissipating, and then showed a smile.

7 o'clock

Jean stood on the deck facing a strong wind, and asked Tang Rao next to him.

"Don't you want to say something to her?"

"There is no need to say anything more, this chick has grown up now."

Tang Rao sat directly on the guardrail on one side. They had entered the barrier area and would cross the barrier in a few minutes.

The tests in the past few days have solved all the problems. Next, they only need to follow the originally planned route and clean up the monsters as they go.

At this time, Ran Zai ran up. He came to the two of them and said with a smile.

"It's really exciting. I've already explained the matter. They will all go to Section 13."

Gene nodded. Tang Rao also told Locke about this matter. Locke and the others also thought it was pretty good. Gene looked back at the city behind him quietly. He was a little worried at this moment.

Because Jamie relayed some things that Tasia said, these things Gene actually wanted to tell Tang Rao and the others, but because Tasia said, these things could only be told to Gene alone, and he also asked Jai to tell them. Mi told Jean that he should never disclose it to anyone.

Because Tasia said that one thing that makes Jean extremely worried is that in the future, Jean will destroy Brilliant City with his own hands. This is something that Jean himself did not expect, but what exactly is the future in Tasia's mouth? mean.

This reminded Gene of the dream that Billy had had many years ago, or the spiritual world that he had entered. Gene didn’t understand why, but the most important thing Tasia warned Gene was, Let Jean be determined not to interfere with anyone's trajectory.

So after Gene heard what Jamie said, he no longer gave anyone any advice. What was going on in this world? This time Gene had to investigate thoroughly.

"What's wrong? You look worried?"

Ran Zai asked, and Gene just shook his head.

Gene looked at Ran Zai, remembered what Tasia said, and killed Ran Zai.

Jean did not do this, and did not plan to do so for the time being. Maybe the girl named Tasia saw the future, but the future has not happened yet, so Jean did not plan to do anything to Ran Zai.

"it's nothing."

Jean said as the spacecraft began to cross the barrier. The original speed was a little slower than this, but when the numerical correction was finally made, the speed of the spacecraft heading to the plains was still increased.

"What are you going to do if we do find the country across the sea?"

Ran Zai asked, Gene scratched his head and said.

"Let's investigate the situation on their side first."

Ran Zai shook his head.

"My personal thought is that if there really is a country across the sea, maybe they have already negotiated something with the Sky International Space Country."

Many people have thought of what Ran Zai said, because there are things in Bright City that they dream of, and these things cannot be given away. In many meetings, everyone nodded unanimously.

"So I personally think that if we really find out that they have some kind of agreement with Tianji Space Country, it would be better to take action directly."

Gene smiled.

"It's impossible to do it just because it's easy."

The spaceship has begun to pass over the mountains, and the brilliant city behind it is no longer visible. So far, everything is normal.

In the captain's room, Tamai is talking about some numerical values ​​with the people in the group who came out together. Gu Yi and Witte are still looking at the lines. It is not difficult to see from the image files of the mecha that the combat effectiveness of Kangaroo Kingdom is really average. , although the possibility that they have weapons of mass destruction is not ruled out, generally speaking, their combat capabilities are very weak.

This time when Guyi and Witte went to the Kangaroo Kingdom, they mainly investigated blue-blooded people. These were liquid-shaped people that had been discussed by the gods from the beginning. This had also appeared in the past.

This is a secret from a long time ago. Only the gods know that after being infected by the annihilation virus, human beings who can still move occasionally appear, just like mutants. It is very likely that they have something different from mutants. Unknown variations.

In the past, they have tried to study the phenomenon of human body liquefaction, but unfortunately, the sample died in the end. The impact of the annihilation virus on humans is much greater than what humans know now, because the life-span vaccine also contains part of the annihilation virus. .

The blight disease, including the phenomenon of mutants self-destructing after going berserk, is all related to the annihilation virus. Fortunately, they have now adjusted the vaccine and found a way to solve it. This shortcoming has been completely solved more than ten years ago.

"Two adults, call Sir Jean and the others down. Let's have a drink to celebrate setting sail!"

Tamai said respectfully, and Werther nodded.

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