The terrain began to lower, and the field of vision in front of him became much wider. Noah stood on the deck of the bow of the ship, looking at the values ​​​​on a light and shadow screen. The personnel of Section 10 behind him were all talking about these values.

"Not ideal."

Li Chu muttered, and Noah nodded. They had just sailed for less than an hour, and the distance was currently 103 kilometers.

But the problem is very obvious. The reason why three electromagnetic engines working at the same time are used is to stabilize the speed and altitude of the spacecraft, and the three engines can also be retracted and work alone at the bottom of the ship. The current energy consumption is It has exceeded expectations by 238%.

Moreover, the energy consumption continues to rise. If this continues, the previously calculated energy consumption will be completely unable to meet this trip. If excessive energy is carried, the carrying capacity of the spacecraft will be reduced.

Everyone is looking for the reason, where the energy is wasted pointlessly. The energy consumed by the spacecraft flight is currently at a relatively constant value, but where is the extra energy consumed? It has not been detected yet.

"I think it may be an engine problem. There is a flaw in a certain design link, resulting in excessive energy consumption."

Someone has raised it, but the engine problem cannot be verified now. We can only wait until the trip is over, simulate the flight data, and then test the engine condition to know in detail whether it is an engine defect. caused.

"Everyone will sort out the issues they have doubts about, and I will categorize them immediately."

Soon everyone got busy. Everyone started to list and submit some problems according to their respective responsibilities. Noah began to organize them. They must do everything possible to solve the problems of the spaceship in the city. Once they leave the city If anything goes wrong, the trip may be over.

The spacecraft that went out to search for resources in the past few times cannot be compared with this time. The size has increased hundreds of times. The larger the size, the bigger the problems will be if something goes wrong.

"It's the adapter."

At this time, a voice sounded, and everyone saw the yellow particles emerging from your face, and then gathered into Rose little by little. Noah immediately smiled happily and nodded.

"Don't work in vain."

Soon Noah gathered all the members of the team responsible for the adapter. Rose talked based on the feeling of just entering the spacecraft. Soon everyone knew roughly what the problem was.

"Direct on-site inspection."

Following Noah's order, many staff members put on professional maintenance uniforms, and the engineers who followed them out this time also put on protective clothing. After all, this on-site inspection was to ensure a smooth journey.

Jean looked down at the ground quietly, with a blue light in his eyes. Tang Rao on the side did the same, as did several other gods. The mutant people all turned on the ability to see far, because below is a human... Broken city.

Many people connected to optical equipment, turned on the light and shadow screen and looked at a city with almost only its foundation visible. The appearance of the streets could also be seen, but the city had been destroyed for more than 200 years.

There were signs of industry in some places, but even metal had long since corroded and dissipated in such a dark world. Jean remembered that the overall area of ​​the city was very large.

"Remember when we passed through this city?"

Tang Rao asked. Of course Jean remembered it very clearly. It was here that he met Angus Hawke, a simple and honest middle-aged man. It was a pity that he died on this land.

And his son led many people to establish the Angus family. Gene still clearly remembers that the war for survival broke out in the city, which was staged every day, and in the end... Few people can only go higher, because the nearby land plants are dying rapidly, and the endless battles have made some people choose to flee.

In the end, they climbed over many mountains before finally arriving at a land where the sun's rays had not yet dissipated. However, everything seemed to be reincarnating. When the sun's rays dissipated, everything returned to its original appearance.

"Maybe we shouldn't have had so many people gather at that time."

Tang Rao muttered something, and Gene smiled and said.

"Who knows."

It is true that too many surviving people gathered on this land. In the end, the land that could originally support millions of people for decades was only enough for hundreds of millions of people to survive for a few years, so brutal and endless fighting would come.

"But it takes so many people to build this city up and keep the cold and death out of the barrier."

Jean said and Tang Rao laughed.

"There are pros and cons. By the way, there is a question I want to discuss with you in advance."

Jean looked at Tang Rao doubtfully, and she talked about the kangaroo country.

"Do we really have an obligation, or need to save the humans over there?"

Jean also knew why Tang Rao said that, because it was true that in a country where all human beings had been eliminated, even if those humans were rescued, they still could not get over everything they had experienced since childhood, and the brilliant city There may be a huge price to pay, and Tang Rao should have doubts about all this.

At this time, both Gu Yi and Werther came closer.

"It depends on the situation. We will make judgments and assessments after we see the real situation on the ground."

"Bringing back a bunch of useless waste will only increase the burden on the city."

Deguna muttered, and Jean smiled.

"Isn't it? Why should we spend everything we have built and resources to save a group of humans who have been lost to wild animals? For the so-called great love? It doesn't exist. After you two go there and investigate carefully, you can find out Just use the skills of those animals. If you think it’s enough, it’s better to physically destroy them directly to avoid problems in the future.”

Gu Yi and Werther smiled awkwardly, and Rose came over and said with a smile.

"Physical destruction will take a while for you two, but it shouldn't be difficult."

Jean shook his head.

"This is not something we can decide. It will be better for the child to decide at that time. We can only provide limited help, and how much help we can provide depends on the value of the child in this city."

"Can I join your conversation?"

Noah came over with a smile.

"You don't have to worry. There will be many problems in the city in the future, and you can't leave."

Deguna said, and Noah sighed. He really wanted to follow Gu Yi and Witte to see what was in that country and how far their technology had developed. Although from the mecha It can be judged that their technology may not be as good as that of Brilliant City, but the structure of some mechanical parts is superior to the mechanical technology of Brilliant City.

Especially what Jamie said about blue-blooded people, Noah was very curious about this. There was no record of blue-blooded people in the mecha’s data, and Jamie also got it from that one. I heard it from the kangaroo named Freddo.

"Don't discuss it that far yet. After all, it will be very difficult to deal with this issue, so it is very necessary to be prepared."

Rose said, everyone else nodded, and Noah smiled.

"Principal, does the child have anything else to say?"

Noah asked. He noticed when he heard Jamie say something. Jamie would deliberately avoid Tasia's affairs. He was not good at lying. It was certain that he had hidden something about Tasia. .

"Yes, but I promised him not to tell anyone."

Tang Rao frowned slightly.

"What exactly happened?"

Jean just smiled and shook his head. Gu Yi patted Tang Rao on the shoulder. Tang Rao stopped asking questions because they all knew that once Jean agreed, he would never break the contract.

Everyone said nothing and looked at the world in the distance in darkness without any light. Many people who went out for the first time felt that there should be no other life in such a world.

At this time, a bridge could be seen not far away under the light of the spacecraft, Jean said with some nostalgia.

"We came over that bridge back then."

Gu Yi nodded. When they came here, the entire bridge had been blocked. Some guys with firearms blocked the bridge. If they wanted to cross, they had to hand over the supplies they carried, or use their bodies. to exchange.

An extremely serious conflict occurred at that time, and tensions were rising on both sides of the bridge. The people on the other side of the bridge were armed, and more and more people were blocked near the bridge.

Gu Yi still clearly remembered that it was then that the abilities in their bodies were fully awakened. Then Jean led them to the opposite side and directly eliminated the gang. In the end, in order to avoid such a thing from happening, Jean and the others stood guard near the bridge. It took a month for a large number of people to cross the bridge before leaving.

At that time, everything was unknown to people. Even if they went to a place where there was still sunshine, how would they survive? Many people took the attitude of living one day at a time and enjoying themselves as much as possible.

Many people choose this method, but it is not the solution after all. Jean and the others discussed many plans at that time, but the final plan still had to find a way to grow crops in places where the sun can still shine, so that most people can grow crops. Man survives.

Then Jean and the others began to continuously search for some scientists among humans, and began to gather them in a small area. After experiencing many crises, they came to this land. Finally, Jean and the others determined that they must develop a method that can The people on this land have only the technology to survive.

Fortunately, there used to be an abandoned military base here, and they began to enter the base to conduct research. They also opened up some planting land in the mountains and forests, conducted seed cultivation and experiments, and developed various equipment. .

Fortunately, everything finally passed, and when this land had light again, humans had already established a foothold here.

"Section Chief, come here."

A clerk shouted, and Noah turned around and walked over. He noticed a touch of sadness on the faces of the seven gods. Although Noah didn't know what they had experienced, he knew that from the world From the time of crisis to coming all the way to this land and finally building the Brilliant City, one must go through huge hardships.

"what happened?"

Noah looked at the set of values ​​in front of him. The problem this time was the flight navigation system. There was a certain confusion. Li Chu came over immediately.

"It seems there are still many problems."

Noah hummed, because the spacecraft itself used an optical and acoustic detection system, and Noah immediately realized that it was probably some metal ions floating in the air that caused certain problems in the detection system.

Noah directly led a team, put on a single-person aircraft, and went directly to several navigation detection systems of the spacecraft to check. Sure enough, when the detector emitted sound waves and broad waves for detection, the particles in the air were disrupted. Signal.

"This is also a big problem, and it seems difficult to solve for a while."

Noah scratched his head and looked at the light and shadow screen of the air detector held by several staff members. Many types of particles existing in the air will have a certain impact on the detection system. Because the spacecraft is too large, these The particles will be naturally attracted.

Light and sound were blocked in these particles floating around, Noah said, scratching his head.

"Let more people come down immediately, and we must conduct a large-scale test to detect the normal propagation distance of sound waves and light waves."

Noah immediately thought of a solution, because it is impossible to carry out any large-scale re-architecture operations now. The only way is to place some floating robots and float in places where signals can be transmitted normally, so as to ensure that feedback The signal coming back will not be cut off by the twists and turns of these particles.

Soon hundreds of technicians were wearing flying machines and began actual measurements around the spacecraft.

This time is the most complex construction activity that Noah has ever participated in. The entire spacecraft represents the technology of Brilliant City, and the technology applied is the most cutting-edge technology in Brilliant City, whether it is transportation or attack, including detection and flight.

The amount of materials consumed by such a large spaceship is very staggering. Noah must ensure that any current problems that may exist with the spacecraft can be completely solved in the city.

At this time, the spacecraft has flown 150 kilometers, but this problem seems to be unable to be solved in a short time. Noah immediately ordered the spacecraft to hover at this altitude. Although the dynamic test may be more accurate, dynamic changes are impermanent. , this distance can only be fixed at a constant value through static distance testing, and then the AI ​​can self-correct.

Soon Noah returned to the deck and explained his idea to Li Chu. Li Chu immediately began to rewrite the detection system.

"There should be no other major problems. Then we can directly simulate and test the loading situation when we return."

Deguna said, and Noah hummed.

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