Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2347 What did you see! (Down)

"How did you two convince them? You shouldn't have informed me about this kind of thing first?"

Niya was a little helpless because she didn't expect that people in the family would agree just because of his parents' words.

"This is the best outcome we can think of."

Niya took her parents back to the General Affairs Department first, while Le Xiao had already gone to the 7th Department.

Locke hasn't come yet. He is still in the office. Michelle is also busy. No section chief knows about this yet. Niya asked Le Xiao to go to Section 7 first and talk to that guy Li Ang first.

Niya also knows that the solution her parents came up with is indeed the best. As long as the family is willing to provide planting land, the food pressure in the city will be relieved immediately, and the planting land can accommodate more people in the barrier area.

If people in the barrier area want to return to living in the city, the south and west can no longer carry such a large population. Only the old north will be left. And if construction and development begins in the north, the funds in the hands of businessmen will be reduced. Large-scale mobility will usher in a new round of economic growth for the city.

This is very good for the city as a whole, but all this can only be based on the success of the agricultural base in the barrier area.

Doing this now is best for the family, including the business department, but the key is that no one can guarantee that things will go smoothly in the future.

"We still need to solve the food problem now, Niya, take it step by step."

Niya sighed, walked past the swimming pool, came to the window and lit a cigarette. Soon there was a sound of footsteps, and Locke hurried over.

"What's going on? Why didn't you tell me about this in advance?"

"I'm sorry, steward, it was us and my husband who brought this up without permission."

Avano said, Locke sighed, sat down and listened to Avano continue talking.

"The north has completely lost its vitality. If it continues, the north will become a no-man's land. There is nothing left in that area except some old people waiting to die."

Locke nodded. Indeed, many problems can be completely solved by letting the people in the barrier area slowly integrate into the city, but it must be done after the agricultural base is steadily constructed. But now that the family has put forward such conditions, it is tantamount to telling Everyone in the city must let people from the barrier zone enter the city. If there is chaos in the city at this time, it will be bad for the city.

"We will soon officially establish diplomatic relations with Tianji Space Country. If something goes wrong, we will be in big trouble."

Violet knew it well, she spoke.

"But is there any way you can solve the food problem in a short time?"

Locke sighed. He really didn't have the ability to solve this problem now. According to the estimates of Section 12, the planting areas of the races can provide 30% of the food output for the current city. This is nothing more than providing help in times of need.

"Now we can only gather everyone together and then have a meeting to discuss it."

Locke planned to hold an impromptu city meeting tonight. He went out of the room directly and planned to let Michelle arrange everything as soon as possible. Businessmen were not allowed to participate in this meeting.

Near 6 o'clock

Le Xiao stood in the office of the chief of Section 7. Li Ang looked solemn, and Ye Jiao beside him was calculating some data.

"If this plan is really launched, the current resource supply in the city is absolutely not enough, and it may also cause deflation. No matter what method is used, it will not work. Secretary Le Xiao, why didn't you think carefully before agreeing? Where's next?"

Both Li Ang and Ye Jiao knew that the current food problem must be solved so that the underlying economy, which has begun to improve, can have continued vitality and allow more people in the barrier areas to invest in construction.

The current shortage of urban labor force is unprecedented. Many factories have raised wages several times, but it is still difficult to recruit people. The entire underlying economic trend is experiencing explosive growth.

Only if we can stabilize food can we be able to sustain the current excessively fast economic volume.

"Jiaojiao, if the family's planting land is put into supply, how much can it be reduced?"

"It can probably reduce the inflation rate by more than 80%."

Li Ang scratched his head. Inflation has already occurred in some places in the city. This is difficult to control because of the surge in demand. In the past, it was because many people at the bottom had no money, so they could not consume at all, but now everyone suddenly has money in their hands. When you have money, consumption will naturally increase.

However, the corresponding production capacity cannot keep up. This is the biggest problem at present. On the one hand, it is caused by the lack of labor force and on the other hand, it is caused by the lack of food. Therefore, only under such a good situation can the people in the barrier area be subtly affected. Working in the city will slowly allow these people to enter the city.

The plan was supposed to be slow, but now the storms provoked by Le Xiao have changed the city day by day. The speed of improvement is amazing and scary at the same time.

Li Ang and Ye Jiao are very busy every day now. Originally, Ye Jiao, Leti and Xima were responsible for the waste treatment plant proposal. Now Letty is responsible for it alone, and Xima is also very busy at the guard station every day. .

What the two of them are most worried about now is that once they agree to the family's conditions, if they start construction immediately, the city's reserve resources will be violently consumed. Although the mines in the north still have reserves, the harm to the city will be caused by continued mining. is huge.

"There simply aren't enough mineral resources."

Lexiao scratched her head and said.

"Aren't there a lot of mineral deposits in the Ala Tan Ula Mountains?"

Ye Jiao frowned slightly. It is true that that area is rich in various mineral deposits, but mining is also a big problem. There are not enough manpower now, and in such a harsh environment, it is very difficult to mine.

Li Ang pressed his forehead, having received the message from Locke Jiahui. Now that Le Xiao had really messed with him so suddenly, everyone could only move.

Li Ang knew what Niya meant by letting Le Xiao come over. Everything had to be done from an economic point of view to be tenable, and he probably expected it from this girl. Li Ang laughed helplessly.

"You go to the General Affairs Department first. Our 7th Department will produce a detailed economic chart before the city meeting."

Le Xiao nodded with a smile.

"I think the Angus couple's idea is very good. The north should have been well constructed long ago, and many elderly people there feel too lonely many times. I have asked many elderly people, and they all think The North is dying and forgotten.”

Ye Jiao hesitated for a moment and then walked to Le Xiao and helped her tidy up her clothes and hat.

Le Xiao blushed in embarrassment.

"Don't you think about the consequences?"

Le Xiao groaned.

"This, that, I think it has to be solved. Anyway, people from the barrier area have been allowed to enter the city."

"Haha, your ideas are really simple, but maybe you can succeed again and again just because of simplicity."

After Le Xiao left, Li Ang quickly called up the map of the northern region, as well as the current economic situation in the north. Indeed, the entire northern region combined is not as good as the middle-level area in the south. The economic flow inside has not fluctuated for more than 10 years. , and since the mines in the north stopped mining, the flow of people has also decreased.

Only the TV production team will go there when filming. There are many old people living there. They repeat the same thing every day. Basically, there will be no changes throughout the year except for the Chinese New Year. Although the congressmen are trying to change the situation in the north, But the overall structure in the north is aging, with many buildings over a hundred years old.

When the north was most prosperous, only when the mines were still being mined, Ye Jiao looked at some economic figures and started to make a table, while Li Ang considered the economic flow rate.


As large takeoffs landed at the Capitol Square, Wu Qun was already waiting with most of the congressmen. He saw many family members looking excited, because as long as the construction of the north was handed over to them If the whole family does it, many small families that have declined will have a way to survive, and those big families will naturally be able to make a lot of money in such a passive situation.

Field has even proposed to build some light industrial factories in the north, which would allow continued and stable economic flow in the north.

The congressmen walked over one after another. The door of the Congress had been opened. Michelle was standing at the door. The family members ran in one after another. For many of them, it was just a matter of taking a hot bath and changing into clean clothes. Have something to eat later.

Everyone is immersed in this kind of happiness. As long as the Congress agrees to the family's conditions, there will be no competition in the construction of the northern region in the future. It is impossible for ordinary businessmen to enter. This is no different. Yu allows the whole family to eat this big piece of cake in the north.

Coupled with the fact that they have to cooperate with Tianji Space to build a transportation company, the future of the family is bright.

Even the patriarchs of many families feel that the rent on the planting land can be waived or lowered, as long as the development rights in the north are given to the family.

After Wu Qun listened for a while, he finally understood.

"You guys are really good at taking advantage of others' misfortune!"

The MPs who heard the situation were shocked, especially the MPs from the northern region. Many of them couldn't help being ecstatic, because many northern MPs have been marginalized over the years and can't say anything at all. The only thing they can do is All you do is vote on motion issues.

"This was proposed by Mr. and Mrs. Angus."

Wu Qun was a little surprised, because this was not in line with the situation of Angus and his wife. He sighed, everything was really mobilized.

As people from the family entered one after another, Wu Qun saw the section chiefs, secretaries and directors of the administrative department also coming up. It seemed that there must be results tonight. The problem of food is the fundamental problem of the city. This problem If it is not resolved, all walks of life will be affected.

"I didn't expect things to develop to this point."

As soon as Locke came over, Wu Qun said, Locke was the same. He didn't expect things to develop to this point. Everyone agreed to this, but the problem was that it was too difficult to implement.

At 8 o'clock, the top executives of the executive branch, the congressmen, and most of the families were sitting in the hall of Congress.

Li Ang first brought up a light and shadow screen and began to gradually explain to everyone the current situation in the northern region, as well as the resources that would be consumed if the northern region was really built in the future.

Although the city is now capable of construction, its human resources are insufficient and some mineral resources are still available.

Today's mineral resources can only be supplied unconditionally to the waste treatment plant, so it is impossible to start construction immediately.

"That's the situation. Our administrative department agrees with this plan."

As Li Ang spoke, everyone in the family nodded excitedly and clapped their hands. At this time, Wu Qun, as the representative of the congressmen, stood up and said.

"We councilors also agree with this plan."

The people in the family could no longer restrain their joy and cheered. They stood up one after another and burst into thunderous applause.

"But I have to explain one thing in advance. This plan cannot be started immediately. It has to be done when the city is ready, so I hope everyone can stay calm, especially regarding the issue of mineral resources. We plan to build a project in Alatan in the barrier area. When building a mine near the Ural Mountains, interested businessmen can participate.”

Many family members have already guessed that the current mineral resources in the north are simply not enough to build a mine. It was unrealistic to build a mine in the past because there were too many teams in the barrier area, but now it can be done because there are countless teams in the barrier area. As long as the labor force is exhausted, their food, drink, warmth and health can be guaranteed.

"In this case, I think there is no need for everyone to discuss the future risk situation. Let's directly discuss all aspects of the plan. In a few days, our 7th department will draft a formal economic proposal, and then we will have a more detailed discussion. "

Le Xiao looked at everything in front of her and felt that she was doing the right thing. It was not a temporary idea. In fact, she had long thought that these people should be allowed to go outside and see, especially in these barrier-free areas in the city. People who don’t understand anything at all will only think about something if they see it for themselves.

"We have to work harder."

Ye Chunwang muttered, Larry smiled and looked at Le Xiao relaxing next to him. Someone had already stood up and put forward opinions, and Michelle was responsible for recording.

Although there are still voices of debate, this time the debate is no longer like the past, where everyone was full of gunpowder. Instead, there is a sense of wanting to make the plan more complete, and the language is much more relaxed.

King Xue wiped his glasses. The situation had completely changed. He glanced at Le Xiao who was talking and laughing with Larry. It was really incredible when he thought about it now.

"I think we should talk about the issue of planting land first, everyone! We must increase the city's production capacity as soon as possible."

Locke said, and everyone in the family nodded.

"Tonight, please send me the production of food that your family has produced exclusively within the family in the past year. Then a part of the planting land will be left for you. Tomorrow, people from Section 12 can go over to actually measure it, and then start the renovation. land."

Michelle glanced at the family side, and many people nodded happily. She looked towards the area where the congressmen were not far away. She still clearly remembered that her mother used to stand there and talk loudly.

This may be what you want to see! Mother.

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