Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2346 What did you see! (middle)

"I think it's okay for people from the bottom to come and live there."

A food shop owner said cheerfully that it was already past 3 p.m. and the shop was already preparing for afternoon meals. In the past, the business of this small shop in District 113 was very poor. Only regular customers would come every day, but now it is open every day. The snack shop was packed with people.

In order to make more money, the boss will ask his wife to visit the store in the afternoon, and then set up a stall on the opposite side of the newly built highway. He can earn three to four hundred with a few snacks in one night. Adding the current income of the small shop, he can earn three hundred or four hundred in a day. Earning thousands was unimaginable in the past.

In the past, the boss's small shop could earn up to 100 yuan a day, which would make him laugh. Now the income has increased tenfold.

"Indeed, my wife and the others now go there at night to sell some daily necessities, and they can basically sell everything."

A worker who helps in the store said that his salary is now 3,000 a month. Both parties are very satisfied with the current situation. If people from the barrier area come in, the underlying economy will increase a lot.

Section 7 did not issue excessive currency, because the wages settled to the people in the barrier area were paid by the Agriculture Section, so even if all the people in the barrier area came in, as long as they were engaged in some agricultural work arranged by Section 12, there would be no consequences. inflation.

Several members of Section 5 patrolling the street entered the store. They were also regular customers of the store.

"If you want something to eat, there are jelly and tofu curd."

Several people looked shabby. They all asked for something. The boss gave them a very generous portion. In the past, when they were on patrol, they would come over to have something to eat at noon. It would look very relaxed. They would just sit down. Two or three hours, but things are different now.

"Hurry up, Lao Luo. We need to finish our meal quickly and continue patrolling. There are too many people on the street now, so we are afraid something will happen."

"Okay, just wait a moment."

The boss and workers are busy, and several people in Section 5 are miserable. Especially recently, a lot of things have happened. After all, there are too many people, and there are more people at night. The orders given by the superiors are as much as possible. Persuasion and education, it is really no longer possible to arrest him.

This is the first time that most people in Section 5 have been so busy since they entered the Business Section. Many people have not had a break for more than two months. The food they want comes quickly. After a few people finish eating quickly, they replenish the food. Got some hot water and left.

Occasionally, you can see some department staff who have just graduated from school and been assigned to the department on the street. Most of them actually don’t want to enter the 5th subject, but they have no choice but to enter the other subjects. They can only work in the 5th subject first. Unexpectedly I encountered such a severe situation as soon as I came here.

"You should take a good look at the internal management regulations of the business department."

On a street, a squad leader looked at the 29 team members under his command. They were all assigned just after graduating from the Academy of Behavioral Science. Many of them were somewhat dissatisfied, including 20 men and 9 women.

"Everyone has clearly remembered the areas we patrolled. Later, a group of 5 people will patrol these 5 areas. Fishing is not allowed during this period. If you are hungry or thirsty, you can buy something to eat, but you are not allowed to sit for a long time. .Do you have any other questions?"

"Captain, when will it end?"

The squad leader smiled helplessly.

"In the current situation, there is no way to end it early. We have to patrol until 0 p.m., and we can go back to the cafeteria to eat at 6 p.m., and then rest until 8 p.m."

The squad leader smiled helplessly. He could see that these new officers were a little dissatisfied. These 29 people just arrived yesterday and would start patrolling today.

"I will take you with me every day these days, rotating each group until you are completely familiar with it. I hope you can take your work seriously."

The team began to leave according to the divided groups. At this time, one of the four newcomers following the team leader seemed a little uncomfortable. He was born in the middle class and basically never came to the lower class. He only came when the school was about to graduate. He went to a lower-level company for an internship, but in the end he applied for the administrative department at the request of his parents.

"Captain, I would like to ask, what is the use of such a patrol? You can just watch it in the monitoring room."

"There's so much nonsense. This is only the first day. Didn't we teach you in the course that patrolling is to prevent crime and effectively curb potential criminals. You will slowly understand it later."

Looking at the newcomers behind them, they looked a little nervous. Along the way, the captain explained to them what they needed to pay attention to during the patrol. Of course, the captain knew that this kind of patrol was very tiring, especially patrolling day after day, but because of this Patrols, there have been very few crime cases in society in recent years.

Along the way, the team leader was surprised to hear them talk about today's news in the barrier area. The team leader did not interrupt because many very one-sided views could be heard from their words.

"I don't think it's necessary to let them in. Wouldn't our workload increase a lot?"

"Yes, and the city can't produce so much food to supply to the market. Resources will be severely consumed in all aspects."

The team leader has been working in the area for almost 20 years. He has heard too many discussions about the barrier area throughout the day. Most people's opinions are probably the same as these newcomers.

The squad leader has seen many people who were taken away and deported, and he has also dealt with some people. Most of them have completely lost hope. The one that stands out most in his memory is an alcoholic neighbor who lived near him eighteen years ago.

At that time, their family also helped a little to pay their taxes, but their family still couldn't pay the taxes every month, even the minimum income of 50 yuan.

This 50 yuan seems to many people to be just one or two days' salary, and it can be paid easily. But what many people don't know is that this 50 yuan is extremely difficult for many people whose citizen level has become 1. of.

These people no longer have any competitiveness in society, because many of them did not receive any decent education in the early years and could only do some physical work. They will always have physical problems for a long time. the future.

This is the case with the alcoholic neighbor of the squad leader's family. The woman is also trying her best to save money and do some odd jobs, but the overall economy at the bottom is very bad. It may be difficult for their family to earn even 20 yuan a day, and even more so I owe some foreign debts, and my two children are not in school, so they can only play near home every day.

The squad leader still clearly remembers that when he and the captain went over to announce the deportation that day, the man roared angrily about why they had to suffer such misery. They had worked very hard, but in the end their family was still deported. .

The economy at the bottom level at that time was very bad, and it was basically the same as before. Recently, the team leader has often been thinking about why the middle and upper classes were not willing to give the bottom class some resources before, but instead repeatedly exploited the bottom class in various ways. and squeeze.

"That's enough. Let's patrol well. These things will be known after the official notification from above."

"Captain, do you agree to let those people in?"

The squad leader took off his hat and laughed.

"We can never feel the same way, because we are a little lucky and did not fall behind in such cruel and fierce competition."

Several newcomers laughed. The team leader knew very well that they could not understand the situation at the bottom. Most young people were like this. Only people around his age would understand what kind of society the bottom was like, but it was much better now. , at least it can give people hope.


Le Xiao rubbed her frozen hands. There were more than two hundred family patriarchs in the room. It was crowded now, but fortunately they could all stand.

This room was previously used as a warehouse for storing some materials, but now the materials have been moved out.

The family members have just been asked to discuss whether to rent the planting land to Section 12. Le Xiao also knows that there are still many people in the big family who are not willing.

"What do you think?"

Le Xiao asked. At this time, people from several big families looked at each other, and Honghong sighed and walked out.

"Let me explain it on behalf of everyone."

Le Xiao hummed.

"First of all, there is really no guarantee in this plan. Secondly, the food that our entire family area can produce now is supported by a relatively high-profit high-end market. If we do this, many of our families will lose this income. After all, this income can amount to tens of millions a month. Although the rent is good, it is far from being comparable to this income. Another point is..."

"Does this mean we won't rent it?"

Le Xiao suddenly spoke. Just as Honghong was about to speak, Le Xiao sighed.

"Okay, okay, rent or not, just one sentence."

"Your Excellency Le Xiao, this is not a question of renting or not renting. First you have to consider us."

Lexiao sighed, shook his head and said.

"I actually envied your family when I was a kid. It's great to have land. As long as you have land, you won't go hungry. There are still many people starving in the city, and the same goes for people here. They only need to eat. The same food as everyone else can save many hungry people from starvation. Why does such a simple thing seem so complicated to everyone? We are all people living on this land together, and everyone outside is also a human being. In the past, it is true that these lands were obtained by your family's hard work. But now the city is in trouble, can't you all help? Once the problem of the barrier zone is solved, the problem of our city can be solved. "

Le Xiao's words silenced everyone present. Even Chen Qiao, who always liked to refute, stopped speaking. Honghong looked slightly embarrassed.

"Okay, okay. Anyway, if you don't plan to rent, forget it. We, the Su family, the Angus family, and Mr. Charles, what do you think?"

Many people looked at Charles, and he said slightly embarrassed.

"Leave some land for us, just enough to support the entire Eberron family. The rest can be rented."

Le Xiao nodded.

"As for the other people, if you don't want to rent, forget it. You can do whatever you like. I'll send you back after dinner later, or do you want to go back now? I'll make arrangements immediately if you want to go back."

Gu Ningning smiled awkwardly at the side. Le Xiao was directly at odds with the family members. She had already seen that many members of the family were a little angry. Niya, who was leaning against the door, laughed.

"Do you hear me clearly? If you don't plan to rent, I will send someone to take you back right away."

Le Xiao has been driven crazy all day today. This is not good, that is not good, this is wrong, that is wrong. Anyway, in the eyes of most people in the family, this plan will definitely fail. Many people are pouring cold water on it. Such an exciting scene is worthless in the eyes of the older generation of many families.

This is what makes Le Xiao so hot. They can't see at all how much the people in these barrier areas long for light, and how much people in the whole city long for a better future. They can't see all of this, so Le Xiao is now I don't plan to get involved with them anymore.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Le Xiao, it's not that we don't want to rent, we just have some problems to solve."

After Honghong said something, Jiang Hao hurriedly said.

"Yes, don't worry, little girl."

Wang Degui also hurriedly came over.

"Yes, we are not wooden people. Of course we know that. It's just that we have a problem today that we want to discuss with you."

Gu Ningning immediately realized that the family members wanted to make conditions.

"We all agree to lease the land to Section 12."

Le Xiao groaned, completely dumbfounded.

"Really or not? Aren't you dissatisfied with this and that?"

Niya looked at her parents. During her time as parents, she had talked a lot with people from several big families, but Niya wasn't sure what it was about.

Gu Ningning hurriedly got behind Le Xiao and gave her a warning finger. Le Xiao immediately realized that something was wrong.

"If you want to put forward excessive conditions, we won't rent it anymore."

Honghong said with a smile. She looked back at Angus and his wife. It was the couple who convinced the family members. Honghong said with a smile.

"There is one thing I hope the executive branch can guarantee."

"What's going on?"

Le Xiao scratched her head and asked.

"Each of our families only needs to keep the food our family needs, and the rest of the land can be leased to Section 12, and we don't need any land in the barrier area."

Le Xiao was stunned and had no idea what Honghong was thinking.

"What we need is to give the construction rights in the north to our entire family."

Le Xiao groaned, scratching his head at all, and looked at each family member with a smile on his face.

"Is there any construction in the north?"

Many districts in the north are depleted of people, there are a lot of elderly people, and many places are very old, but the city does not have any construction plans.

"We are saying this for the future of the city. Of course we also hope to see this city become brighter. You want people from these barrier areas to enter the city to live. Where will the population of more than 7 million be arranged? What? Isn’t it just the north?"

Lexiao swallowed.

"It seems so, but how would you know?"

Honghong walked up to Le Xiao with a smile and stretched out her hand.

"Let's have dinner here first, and then please summon the section chiefs and congressmen together as soon as possible. Let's talk about this matter."

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