Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2300 Disharmonious Sound (Part 1)

"We are opposed to allowing criminals back into the city."

Along with a burst of shouting, the square of the General Affairs Department was crowded with people. Tens of thousands of people stood in the square of the General Affairs Department. Just after 9 o'clock in the morning, a large number of reporters were nearby to take pictures and report.

Early this morning, multiple groups in the city, including businessmen and councillors, issued a joint statement hoping that people from the barrier zone would not be allowed to live in the city.

Because in some fringe areas of the city, many people in the barrier areas already live in temporary shacks, and most of the buildings in the two districts that the Phoebus family is responsible for are small-sized, but in the future It is also very convenient to modify. It can be three-in-one through the wall and turned into a large apartment.

The most critical thing is that the Phoebes family actually said that these houses would be provided to the first residents of the barrier area. This is incomprehensible to most people and is extremely angry.

In particular, many businessmen are currently waiting and watching. It is best to build the 119 and 120 districts into emerging business districts at the bottom. However, the Phoebes family has not accepted any investment and construction at present.

Most businessmen are rushing around in a hurry, and the construction speed of the Phoebus family is also very slow, because the financial resources of their entire family are now much lower than before. The businessmen all want to invest in real estate quickly, and then quickly recover their capital after construction.

According to the current economic situation at the bottom, it only takes a short time to get huge returns. This is the real reason why businessmen and congressmen gathered.

Locke stood in the lounge on the second floor, looking at the excited people below. The Internet was filled with calls to prevent criminals from entering the city.

"Your Excellency, Chief Manager, do you need me to explain?"

Michelle asked, Locke shook his head.

"Don't do it for now. We'll wait until tomorrow. Their purpose is very clear. We don't want to respond for the time being. We'll wait and see before talking."

Michelle nodded and walked over. Many governing officers were watching. They were only affecting the routes of other department members entering the General Affairs Department in the square. They did not step into the General Affairs Department rashly. Locke Jiahui There were no personnel posted at the door.

Because they knew very well that if a riot broke out, they would definitely be arrested. Although many people were still shouting, they were relatively restrained in their behavior. When they saw the personnel from the administrative department passing by, they would not stop them but would get out of the way.

Locke knew that this situation would not last long, and they would have to eat until noon at most.

There is a reason why the Phoebus family does not accept any investment. Once a large amount of investment is accepted, the construction initiative of the two areas will be in the hands of the investors, and the Phoebus family will have no control.

Therefore, Locke Phoebus said at the press conference at the beginning of the construction that he would not accept investment from anyone, and the construction of the two districts would become very slow.

Nowadays, a lot of resources are concentrated at the bottom. Many businessmen with a lot of money in their hands are jealous and are trying every means to invest in the bottom. After all, all the industries at the bottom are guaranteed to make profits without losing money. Demand It has completely exceeded the supply.

Even though the 9th Section is carrying out price control and adjustment, prices are still uncontrollable. Many commodities have gone up. This is completely uncontrollable. Even if it goes up, there is still no way to control the current huge consumption. need.

It is even more important to be sober at this time. We must understand that this kind of economy is only for a period of time and will not last for a long time. If the economic flow rate is too fast, it will lead to immeasurable problems in the future. Section 2 has issued early warnings many times.

Looking at the angry businessmen and some congressmen below, they have used this trick not once or twice.

Ye Chunwang submitted a report a few days ago, hoping to find some laborers in the barrier area to work in the agricultural base. There is now a labor shortage in the city, and many manual industries are short of people. Even though the Agriculture Department raised the salary to 1,000, No one wants to go now, because if you go to the bottom and work for 30 days, most people can get around 2,000, or even more.

The report submitted by Ye Chunwang has stated that it will be reviewed based on the city's past criminal DNA database, and people with serious criminal acts will not be allowed to enter the eastern agricultural base.

The review process started yesterday. Once you pass the review, you can immediately work in the eastern agricultural base and receive a monthly salary of 600 yuan and a one-month temporary identity information.

Some children can also enter, but the wages will be relatively low, but food is provided every morning, noon and evening, which is a huge benefit to many people in the barrier area.

Le Xiao's previous approach was successful in a short period of time and provided an idea for the business department. The market for people in the barrier area is equivalent to a buffer and isolation zone from urban residents.

It's like in an area where sunlight and darkness are mixed, the problem of the barrier zone will eventually be solved. This problem has been delayed for too long. If nothing is done, when the city really has a crisis, this problem will When a planet is in crisis, everything is too late.

Locke turned on the light and shadow screen. In just one hour, 300 people passed the review and were sent directly to the Eastern Agricultural Base. They could start working immediately. The staff of Section 12 would instruct these people to use some tools and equipment.

The criminals in the prison now come out to work every day, because the labor force gap in the 12th Section is getting bigger and bigger. Ye Chunwang still does not plan to use machinery. After all, the Agricultural Section can provide more than 100,000 jobs, which is in the city. Here is very important.

Reporters are already reporting on this matter, and there are a lot of voices on the Internet. Many people are dissatisfied with the behavior of the branch, because there are indeed too many criminals in the barrier area, and the descendants of those criminals, in most cases In people's eyes, the barrier zone is a place full of violence, and the people there are criminals.

This kind of prejudice has existed for decades. The proportion of serious criminals who are actually deported from the barrier area is actually quite low. On the contrary, more people are deported because of riots.

"I'd better prepare an explanation in advance. After all, if this continues, I will have to respond."

Locke nodded. After Michelle left, he leaned on the chair and continued to look at the people below. It was not until after 11 o'clock that the people below finally planned to leave, but at this time the crowd was completely in a commotion. When he got up, Locke saw Le Xiao running up at a glance, and a large number of reporters rushed over.

The shouts that had originally subsided began again, and Locke hurriedly stood up. Several council officers immediately arranged for the staff of the General Affairs Section and the personnel of Section 5 to mobilize patrols from nearby District 1 to come over.

"If I had known, I would have come here on the elevator."

Le Xiao muttered in a low voice. The reporters had surrounded her, and the people on the opposite side were holding signs and shouting slogans. Le Xiao was completely confused. They did not allow criminals in the barrier area to enter the city. .

Le Xiao's mind was filled with questions, and she didn't know why. She had just come from District 29, and she was already so hungry that her chest was pressed to her back. She had to go to the General Affairs Department to eat and then sleep. It was 7 o'clock early this morning. Before I could do it, my mother pulled me out of bed.

Faced with reporters' questions one after another, Le Xiao finally figured it out, but she couldn't figure out why the people in the barrier area were so excited because they didn't live in the city and were at most working in the fringes. , and besides, not all criminals are in the barrier area, there are also people who have no choice but to leave the city for various reasons.

"I'm sorry, I don't think you need to pay too much attention to these problems, because the city is under construction now, and the establishment of the agricultural base in the barrier area in the future will also require a large amount of labor. Therefore, the barrier area is an important labor force for the future construction of the agricultural work base in the barrier area. , Now they are only allowed to enter the city based on absolute safety considerations, and the administrative department has adopted various controls on them, so everyone does not need to worry that they will endanger the lives of normal citizens."

As soon as Le Xiao finished speaking, a new round of questions came up. At this time, several directors from the General Affairs Section came directly. The members of the General Affairs Section separated the crowd, and the five sections below were quickly formed. Human wall.

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly and entered the General Affairs Department directly under the escort of a group of department members.

"Secretary Le Xiao, it's not yet 12 o'clock, are you finished with your morning work?"

As soon as Le Xiao entered, she saw Michelle and she hurriedly stood up straight.

"Michelle-dono has already finished, that's why I came here."

Michelle turned around and said.

"Come up with me."

Le Xiao swallowed and smelled the aroma in the air. The chef made a gesture and Le Xiao nodded before following Michelle upstairs and into the office. Le Xiao saw a written description. manuscript.

"Write these down and modify them according to your own situation. If they continue to protest tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, it will be up to you to explain."

Le Xiao said oh, and as soon as Michelle got up, Le Xiao couldn't help but ask.

"Why did they gather together? Many of them are middle- and upper-class people. It is impossible for those in the barrier area to affect their lives."

Michelle glanced at Lexiao, and then walked out of the office.

"Secretary Le Xiao, you should ask me this kind of question."

Le Xiao lowered her head in embarrassment. After a while, she came to the rest area. Wu Lei happened to be there, so Le Xiao went over and asked.

"You'll know this kind of thing if you think about it for a moment. Look at what's the most common among these people."

Le Xiao thought for a while.

"They should be businessmen, and then there are some congressmen."

Wu Lei nodded.

"What's the cause of the matter?"

Le Xiao looked at the news and still didn't know what was going on after reading it for a long time.

"The Phoebus family."

Le Xiao hurriedly called up the relevant news. After taking a look, Le Xiao felt very happy. Districts 119 and 120 would provide housing for the first batch of barrier area residents to enter the city, which made Le Xiao feel very good.

"But one thing is that Mr. Locke does not accept any investment."

Le Xiao said oh, thought thoughtfully for a while and then said immediately.

"It turns out that businessmen want to invest."

Wu Lei sighed.

"Why did you think about such a simple question for so long?"

"I thought it was true that people from the barrier zone came in and affected the normal business of the merchants or something."

Wu Lei burst out laughing.

"It's impossible to even think about it with your toes. Not only does it have no impact, the people in the barrier areas who enter the city to work are paid every day, and they will use the money immediately after they get it. On the contrary, it will make many goods that no one cares about in the past Selling it can also increase the merchants’ income.”

Wu Lei called up the map as he spoke. In the eyes of businessmen, the 119 and 120 districts are very necessary to become new low-level entertainment consumption areas. In this case, this is the only place where people at the bottom will go for entertainment in the future. Two districts, so that the money now gathered by people at the bottom will slowly flow into these two districts, and finally return to the hands of investors.

The problem now is that the Phoebus family does not accept all investments, so the construction progress of the two districts is very slow. Some people have estimated that if it continues at this speed, it may take more than a year to complete. This is not true for most businessmen. It was unacceptable to the eyes.

"These guys are really just looking for profit."

Wu Lei nodded, and Le Xiao thought of what happened yesterday and said casually.

"Do you think this biochemical mechanical modification technology should be opened for commercial use?"

The smile on Wu Lei's face disappeared.

"Is that what you think?"

Le Xiao thought for a while and then said.

"After all, there are not only elderly people in nursing homes in the city, there will be more and more elderly people in the future."

Wu Lei sighed. He knew that a normal person would think so, but the actual situation is not like this. Opening up business means that elimination will occur. By then, this technology will be firmly controlled by capital, and once capital takes control, , a market will be formed. Once the market is formed, the entire city will become passive.

"I think you should think about this issue carefully. After all, the current situation is too complicated. You must not make a decision prematurely. After all, many things are double-edged swords, some good and some bad."

Le Xiao hummed and said thank you.

"Let's go down and eat."

Wu Lei nodded. He could feel that some disharmonious voices had begun to appear in the city. A new round of storm was coming soon. Businessmen could not give up. It may not matter if the power of capital is dispersed, but once it gathers Get up and you can move everything.

No matter how the city changes, the economy is always inseparable from capital. I am afraid that the business department will make concessions. After all, if you want to complete all aspects of construction as soon as possible and stabilize everything, there is no more effective way than throwing out capital.

Wu Lei looked at Le Xiao who was smiling. She still didn't know that all she had done had dragged the city to a position where it was impossible to see the future. If anything was not handled well, the city would be in terrible danger. Serious big problem.

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