Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2299 Focus on the future (Part 2)

Dust was flying in the air, and Charles couldn't stand this environment. People from the barrier area in the eastern guard station could be seen everywhere. Many of them really looked like insects.

This is the unanimous view of most people in the upper level towards the people in the barrier area. Soon a large truck stopped with 12 seats inside. Charles took the protective equipment sent by a director officer and put it on. After getting on, I got into the truck.

Many directors from Section 3 felt quite new about Charles' arrival. Locke and Angus sat in the back seat with Charles, and the truck started. As they drove out across the Weeping Bridge, Charles glanced at the traffic below. Gully.

This is the first time that Charles has set foot on this land since he was born, and why he came here is because he just wants to hear Locke's opinion, because Locke must have a purpose for letting him come to see it.

Charles also knows it well, because their Abelon family is currently the main force in urban furniture products. Many of the furniture are real objects, not using light and shadow materials, but new furniture materials, including metal, stone and plastic products. They are all the main force.

The reason why Charles came to see it was probably because he wanted to discuss investment, because the base in the barrier area was being established. Once the house was built, a large amount of furniture would be needed as supporting facilities. This was Locke's purpose, but Charles still planned to wait and see. Let’s talk about it next time.

Although he had thought about investing in the project, Charles was indeed extremely worried because the risk was too high and the investment cost was too high.

The car began to become bumpy, and Charles silently looked at the barrier area where things could barely be seen outside. From time to time, people could be seen passing by, and a faintly visible road leading to the southern guard station was being built.

"It's incredible."

Locke smiled.

"They live in the barrier zone all year round, and a little bit of wind and sand is their daily routine."

Charles has already felt the cold. Although he has been wrapped in thick protective clothing, he can still feel the coolness. Being able to survive in such an environment with more than 7 million people seems really too great for Charles. It's too incredible.

"Charles, how do you feel?"

Avano asked, and he smiled helplessly.

"I can only say that it really shocked me."

Seeing that this road has begun to take shape, there are a large number of people and vehicles parked on both sides of the road. It looks like it has been there for a while. There are also some temporary wooden houses, many of which are close to each other, but it still looks like it is still there. It's fragile.

Sure enough, within a short while, Charles saw a shed falling apart in the violent wind and sand. A group of people were busy dealing with it. Soon, several mutants took back the large pieces of materials that had been blown away and fixed them in place. on the ground.

"Does this happen every day?"

Charles asked and Locke nodded.

"Mr. Locke, I probably know what you want me to see."

A tall wall appeared in front of me, and workers were standing around the wall. In the distance, you could also see the wall being built. The car drove smoothly behind the wall, and the wind and sand suddenly became lighter.

Charles saw the planting base in the distance. A separation wall had been built. There were many partially built facilities inside, and many of them looked a little crooked.

"It is too difficult to build against such violent sandstorms."

Charles said, although he was just looking at the wind and sand outside the window, after observing for a while, Charles probably knew that the wind speed was most likely to exceed one hundred kilometers.

After Charles got out of the car with a group of people, he looked around and saw that many workers were taking shelter from the wind. Many of them looked exhausted. However, there were bursts of mechanical sounds from the other side, and it could be seen that many people were still there. Working in the wind and sand, Charles listened to the introduction of a member of the 12th Section Council and followed him.

The scene before him made Charles extremely surprised. Many people in the barrier area were working hard. This seemed impossible to Charles.

"We can't invest alone, Charles."

Avano said, and Charles nodded. The base outside the barrier was still under construction, and people from Section 12 were also involved in the work. However, the number of people was too small. Without a large amount of investment, this proposal would not be possible quickly. stand up.

"I'll think about it."

As Charles said, a group of people were walking around. Charles noticed many children who were carrying rocks and soil, and they all looked at this side curiously. Without exception, these children were somewhat malnourished.

"If you think the risk is too high, you can make a small amount of investment first. This bill is in urgent need of investment. Although there are previous donations, for such a bill, a few hundred million is just a drop in the bucket and more work. The deployment of personnel is also an issue.”

Regarding Avano's words, Charles couldn't be more clear. The risks of this bill have been clearly seen. There is no need to look at anything else. Because of the harsh conditions, many newly built things have become dilapidated. To survive in such harsh conditions Working in an environment that is too harsh.

Maybe something that was built with great effort today may have problems the next day.

Then Charles followed a group of people to the agricultural breeding base. As soon as he entered, Charles felt that it was too warm. However, at a glance, he saw that most of the cultivated crops were of different sizes, and it was rare to see them growing normally. growing.

It is almost impossible for the bill to succeed. Charles has already been confident in his heart. The investment is actually just because of his daughter's relationship, and it is a symbolic investment.

Soon the group got on the truck and looked at the many people from the barrier area who came to watch. Charles looked at them with a very strong light, which was hope.

Bathed in the sunshine again, it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon. After the truck stopped, Locke suggested going to a nearby bar for a drink. The group entered the bar of the Southern Guard Station. There were many people from Section 3 at this point.

"How does it feel."

Locke asked again, and Charles hummed.

"I just think it's incredible. Will the sun really shine on that land in the future?"

No one could answer Charles's question because there was little hope of doing so.

"Thank you very much for today, Mr. Charles, could you come with me and have a look."

Locke held up the beer in his hand, and Charles took a sip. He felt vaguely uneasy in his heart, or he remembered something.

At nearly 5 o'clock, Charles returned to his mansion. He took a comfortable bath. Everything he saw in the barrier area was lingering in his mind. Then Charles walked towards the backyard and came to his wife's house. In front of the tomb, Charles sat quietly in a small pavilion, looking at the sea of ​​flowers around him.

Everything in the Barrier Zone reminded Charles of his wife. Freya had made a very important decision in the past, and the city's medical care had developed rapidly because of it. Now everyone in the city can afford medical care. , with the exception of some stubborn illnesses.

Charles thought of more things. The decision Freya made had indirectly led to the survival of the people in the barrier area. It can be said that everything in the barrier area was created by Freya and continues to this day.

Freya has been to the Barrier Zone many times. What Charles is thinking about now is that his wife’s original decision seemed crazy to many people because she wanted to use people from the Barrier Zone for drug trials and various new medical trials. But they were able to get free medicine, water and food and survived in that dark land.

But now there is a connection point in all this. Charles's heart is very confused. He doesn't know why after seeing the barrier area, more and more words that his wife had said in the past came to his mind, and It's becoming clearer.

This investment in the establishment of an agricultural base in the barrier area may also be due to his wife's relationship, because Freya said that one day the land will be better.

A distant figure came towards this side, and Charles stood up with a smile.

"Why did you come back so early today?"

Seeing his daughter walking over with a solemn expression, Charles leaned over and put his arm around her shoulders.

"Why would you go to the bottom and the ramparts."

"Did you see the report?"

Michelle nodded, walked to her mother's grave, lowered her head and remained silent for a while.

"Mr. Locke invited me there, and Mr. and Mrs. Angus are also there, about investment."

Michelle glanced at Charles and asked.

"what are you thinking?"

Charles shook his head.

"The risk is too high."

After Michelle sat down, Charles walked over.

"I can't take the risk with my whole family."

Michelle nodded.

"I just came back to ask you why you were willing to go down."

Faced with his daughter's question, Charles laughed.

"Maybe I haven't seen it before, so I took a look."

"How do you feel?"

Charles shook his head.

"It's truly a miracle that they've survived to this day."

Michelle stood up to leave, but Charles held her back.

“Do you want me to invest?”

Michelle hesitated for a while and then nodded.

"I want you to invest."

Charles laughed.

"I'll think about it."

Seeing his daughter about to leave, Charles held her back again.

"Let's have a meal together and then go back. You can eat in advance. You probably don't have anything important to do there right now."

"Sorry, I still have too much work today, and if the meal time is earlier, it will break the original rhythm of life."

Michelle left anyway, and Charles was a little helpless. He looked back at his wife's grave again. Charles felt something vaguely moving in his heart. He actually wanted to invest in this bill, or maybe it was because it was Fleur. Ya opened her head, but she could no longer see the result. This result may be what Freya wanted to see the most.

"What do you think? If I really invest, will it turn into what you want? Freya!"


Many people gathered in a shopping mall. On the table, Le Xiao was smiling. On the side of the table, there was an old man who had undergone mechanical and biochemical transformation, and the person in charge of the shopping mall.

All day today, the big news in the city has been surrounding this old man who has regained his vitality. He has no discomfort at all. He actually worked in the mall for a day today. He did a great job in all the work in the mall. Well, decades of work experience allowed him to do it better than most employees in the mall. The person in charge decided to hire him immediately and signed a three-year contract with the old man.

The basic salary is 2,000 yuan, and there are also various commissions, including bonuses, etc. As long as this old man works hard, he can get about 5,000 yuan in the future.

Everything has begun to change. Many people's perspectives have changed in just one day today, because they saw this old man who had undergone transformation and everything was normal. He himself also said frankly that now he no longer needs to worry about his life. The problem is, he still has some things he wants to do, and he can definitely have the time and energy to do them.

The only regret is that I can no longer eat or drink, but for an old man who has been eating and drinking all his life and is about to die, there is no regret.

But today Noah, the section chief of Section 10, mentioned that this technology will be continuously improved in the future and can add many functions.

Le Xiao looked at the reporters who were still taking pictures. She was so hungry that her chest was touching her back.

Finally, the ceremony was over. Surrounded by a large number of Section 5 personnel, Le Xiao went directly to a nearby restaurant. The boss had already prepared the meal. After Le Xiao entered, the local section officers and several governing officers stood up one after another. .

"Everyone, sit down and eat quickly."

Although this was Le Xiao's sudden idea, he didn't expect it to be realized so quickly. Soon more elderly people will receive the transformation. The question most asked by reporters today is whether this transformation will work. About business, but Le Xiao didn't know how to answer, so she could only answer with three words: "I don't know."

Le Xiao really wants to rest for a day or two now. After all, she hasn't had a good rest for a long time. She just wants to stay at home and watch some movies and TV series, and then spend it leisurely while eating snacks and drinking. One day, and then a good sleep, but this idea was quickly broken by the pile of work.

After a simple meal, Le Xiao planned to go back to the ground floor and drop by to see her mother tonight. After all, the business district she had advocated for people from the barrier zones who came to work in the city had begun to get on track. Le Xiao must go and see it.

Arriving at a commercial area that had been built on the ground floor, Le Xiao walked in accompanied by a bunch of people. Many people from the barrier area were shopping here, and the stall owners of many stalls were also very happy. After all, there were many The items are all discarded in the city. Being able to sell them is a good thing for many people. Even some old things can be sold.

Now Le Xiao is thinking more about the issues of the upper, middle and lower floors. This may be good for the city. There is no need for the bottom layer to accept new technologies. The bottom layer can be built at its own pace.

This idea was mentioned by a wise man before, and Le Xiao now thinks it is good.

"We'll have a chat with Wu Lei in a few days."

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