Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2297 Focus on the future (Part 1)

10 at night

In a mechanical field with an area of ​​nearly 2 square kilometers located near the 10-kone metal city, a large number of robotic arms are working carefully. In front of them is a huge behemoth, like an insect with many legs.

Noah is debugging the data on the light and shadow screen. The Pioneer 6 is about to be completed. All the internal core construction has been completed. Now it only needs to continue to reinforce everything on the outside and conduct multiple rounds of actual tests. , after getting all reliable data, you can set sail.

In less than a month, this octagonal carrier spacecraft with a length of 800 meters and a width of 800 meters is about to be completed, and the staffing has been completed. It is a relatively ideal plan.

After the actual operation, some slight adjustments will be made according to the situation. Noah has thought of everything and is going to the center of the Pacific Ocean, which is about 15,000 kilometers away. If it is a safe flight, it will only take about 10 days.

After finding the light and shadow material, the maximum weight that the carrier can bear is 30 million tons. If it is full, the speed of the carrier will be greatly affected, and it can only move slowly at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour. Forward.

You may encounter the influence of those creature-like creatures on the road, but the route for the previous few times has been delineated. Although there will be some changes, all the creature-like creatures within 20 kilometers of the route must be cleared away.

Tang Rao was also following the mission this time, and Tang Rao was able to escort them when they came back. Tang Rao's perception ability could maximize the detection of plant-like plants on the route, and then Jean would quickly go over and clean them out.

Once 30 million tons of light and shadow material are transported back, it will be enough for the city to use within the next 100 years. If a larger amount is added, the artificial sun can completely cover the barrier area for 50 years.

Most of the data needs to be debugged by Noah himself and calibrated based on the field data obtained from several past searches for supplies.

This petal-shaped carrier will directly atomize the light and shadow material after finding it, and then condense it into a corpse. It is continuously pressurized and polymerized, which can make the density of the light and shadow material extremely high.

For the sake of stability, the middle carrying compartment is closed, and the light and shadow materials will not be exposed to the air like before. In this way, a lot of light and shadow materials will be lost over time.

Noah has also heard about the recent events, but he has nothing to do with it. Now he must ensure that the carrier ship can set sail smoothly. Time is very tight, and it must set sail before the meeting with the Sky International Space Country.

It may take more than two months for the carrier ship to return, which is too long for Brilliant City. The establishment of the agricultural base in the barrier area urgently needs sunlight, but there is not enough light and shadow material now, so Noah does not plan to take this risk. , because there is no opportunity for trial and error.

At this time, the door of the room behind Noah opened and Gene walked in.

"How's it going Noah!"

"Don't worry, principal. You can start the test in up to ten days, and the test can be completed in up to three days. You can set sail on the fourteenth day."

Jean took out a cigarette, lay down on the guardrail, and looked at the carrier ship. All the scenes in the past were in his mind, except for the memory of eight months. This was a problem that Jean could not figure out for the time being. .

"Principal, those behemoths in the ocean are still a big threat, but the maximum height of this carrier ship cannot exceed 2,000 meters. Once it exceeds, it will be affected by the adsorption magnetic field."

"Don't worry, I have a lot of experience this time, and with Tang Rao here, I can know the danger in advance, so there should be no problems."

"I hope so."

Noah said and glanced at Gene. He was really leisurely now, which was impossible in the past.

"Are you really not going to care about the city's current problems, principal?"

Jean shook his head.

"Now is the time for young people. I have retired, hopefully forever."

Noah laughed, and there was an alarm sound. Noah immediately called up another light and shadow screen and looked at the wrong part. After quickly identifying the situation, he continued to adjust the values.

"By the way, aren't you going to see Alpha?"

Noah laughed.

"It's best not to let her see me like this. I don't plan to have anything to do with her anymore. After all, I can't get along with her anymore."

Jean smiled helplessly, and he exhaled a puff of smoke softly. The big problems that have appeared one after another recently really shocked Jean, but Jean did not interfere. These things were done in a way that Jean seemed absolutely uncomfortable. solved in possible ways.

So now Gene is relieved that the future has begun to change and everything will be fine.

"By the way, the old man who was the first to receive mechanical and biochemical modification can be discharged from the hospital today."

Noah hummed.

"Don't worry, the principal will be fine. This technology is already too mature. Fortunately, the Huashen guy agreed to include mechanical medicine in the medical school's curriculum. Now this technology is completely mature."

Noah saw the worry in Gene's eyes and he laughed.

"If you're not worried, go and have a look now, principal."

After putting out his cigarette, Gene smiled, turned around and walked to the door.

"I won't go. I'll go check on their situation."

After watching Gene leave, Noah felt a little helpless, because he knew Gene's worries. After all, this was not a small matter, one had to have two, and it had to be coherent to make everything succeed.

As long as the transformation of these elderly people who have no one to rely on can be completed, the elderly people in the city who have lost their labor force and are suffering from illness will gradually respond. The number of elderly people in the city is about to exceed 8 million.

This is an extremely scary number, and in the next twenty years, this number will climb to about 15 million, and most of the elderly will lose their labor force. This will undoubtedly cause huge damage to the city.

However, mechanical and biochemical transformation can completely control the problems of an aging society. These transformed old people can survive with very low consumption. Noah settled the account very early, and a man who was full of pain and no longer had any labor force. An old man needs at least 100 yuan a day to meet all his needs and allow him to continue living.

But after the transformation, except for the brain, which needs nutritional supply, no other mechanical parts are needed, and many mechanical parts are constructed from biological substances, which have a long service life.

This technology has developed rapidly after Lewen entered the 10th subject. It has completely gotten rid of the past practice of using metal to build the human body. The life span of biological materials is more than 5 years, and the cost of technology does not need to be calculated at all. Go up, because the current mature technology can produce this kind of material quickly.

This is a great benefit, and it is not troublesome to replace. According to various calculations, the cost of a body constructed of this kind of biological material may be less than 20 yuan a day.

However, the value of the old people who have regained their labor force can produce far more than 20 yuan a day. As long as this transformation technology can be implemented, the city will have very bright prospects in the future.

Although reconstructive surgery differs from person to person, the speed can be increased as long as all aspects of the surgery are continuously coordinated and the doctors become more and more familiar with the process.

According to Noah's expectation, at the fastest speed, all the transformation procedures can be completed in about five days, and the patients can be discharged from the hospital to work normally. At the maximum limit, 500 to 600 such transformation surgeries should be performed in one day.

As long as this operation has collected extremely huge data, AI can complete part of the operation on behalf of the doctors. The efficiency of this operation will instantly increase to a higher level. Ultimately, what Noah wants to achieve is to be able to transform more than 3,000 people a day.

In this way, the city can have a steady stream of labor force. Noah is currently focusing on the elderly in the barrier area. When the time is right, Section 10 will launch this kind of biochemical mechanical transformation. As long as the people in the barrier area are willing to accept the transformation, , after transformation, you can officially obtain the city’s citizenship.

In Noah's view, the future prospects are really too bright. The most critical point is that when Noah started designing the body, he left a lot of interfaces that can be directly connected to light and shadow materials. This is for the convenience of being able to These mechanical biochemical modifications are equipped with weapons and flight systems, including AI combat systems.

This is the policy set by Noah from the beginning. Huashen mainly opposes this, using these transformed people as weapons, but there is nothing that can be done about it. Those plants and creatures outside the barrier, in case One day, a drastic change occurred. If the attack came in, it would be difficult to fully solve it by relying on the business department alone.

That's why Noah came up with such a method. In the end, it all succeeded, and the successful method made Noah unable to understand. It was too accidental. The person who promoted this point was Le Xiao.

In Noah's view, once a breakthrough is opened, it will continue to expand, especially for creatures like humans. There are still voices of opposition in the city, but it is obvious that these voices will disappear.

Because it is the habit of most people to focus on the present, this old man who was the first to undergo transformation has already used the type III lifespan vaccine. Depending on the individual's genetic profile, it can extend the lifespan of up to a hundred years, and even longer for mutants.

At this time, a call came through, and Noah immediately turned on the light and shadow screen. He looked at Noah in the video with a smile, and the two of them gave thumbs up in the air.

The old man in the video is already doing various transportation calculations and other things, and there is no problem at all. The reason why most people’s brains become slow is because of aging. In fact, the most important reason is that the brain is affected by abnormalities in the body. Drag, dealing with physical ailments every day, so the brain will age rapidly, and eventually the person will become slower and slower.

But things are different now. With a young and energetic body and brain cells that have been replaced, this old man used to be a supermarket salesman. He now remembers a lot of things and can use some machinery skillfully. His hands and feet are also extremely flexible.

This body can carry five to six hundred kilograms of things without any problem, and its speed can exceed that of ordinary people. Noah took a look and saw that in the actual test of one hundred meters, the old man ran 7.1 seconds.

This has greatly exceeded the limits of human beings. Although mutants can be faster and reach within 5 seconds, they are just a 130-year-old man. The high jump can reach a height of 4 meters, which is far beyond the limits of normal people.

"Everything was a success and everyone will know tomorrow."

Noah said in the video, Noah clapped his hands.

"I wish you good luck and our cause will one day be understood."

After the video call ended, Noah's hanging heart relaxed.

"Everything will be fine tomorrow."

Now Noah is extremely excited. Tonight, those old people who have signed the agreement and are willing to undergo transformation will enter the medical school and undergo various physical numerical examinations. They can accept it without waiting for people to see the actual results. Transformation, completely away from the torture of illness.

The old people who have no ability to work, but have to endure pain and torture every day and live a difficult life, what they desire most is youth, and this biochemical mechanical transformation should be welcomed by the old people.

Now there are some guys in the family who are inquiring about the transformation through the council members. They will be the next batch of body transformers for the elderly in the city.

In order to make them more normal, Noah plans to install artificial skin bags for them that look like they were when they were young. This will be more realistic and can even help them install some things that the human body normally needs.

This will also need to be tested in stages. Once successful, people in the city will flock to this renovation project, and the city can be transformed more quickly.

The real mechanization era will come subtly. Although some people have expected it, no one can stop it. The real mechanization era has begun.

Those who are still clamoring for human rights will soon lose their voices.


Le Xiao pressed her dizzy head and sat in the cafeteria of the General Affairs Department. Looking at the various instructions that would be given to the whole city tomorrow, she still felt a little unsure. After all, she was still worried about whether the old man who had completed the transformation tomorrow was normal.

A bottle of wine was put over, and the head chef came out with the dishes.

"Master Le Xiao, please eat early and go to bed early. There won't be anything important tomorrow morning."

Le Xiao hummed, unscrewed the wine bottle, took a big gulp, and then started eating and drinking, when Wu Lei came closer.

"Do you really think it's okay? Mechanical and biochemical modification."

Le Xiao blinked and said.

"What's the problem? Anyway, as long as those old people have hope now, no matter what the problem is, we'll talk about it later. Come have a drink with me!"

Wu Lei could only smile helplessly, take off his hat, and ask the chef to bring another bottle of wine. He knew very well that this girl didn't think about what would happen in the future.

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