Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2296 Improvement (Part 2)

In the wind and sand flying all over the sky, Alpha stood quietly on the barrier wearing protective clothing, looking at the dark and endless world outside the barrier in the distance, and could vaguely see some shaking black shadows.

These are humanoids moving, and in front of them is the scene of a strange incident that happened that year. Alpha decided to take a look, and Jean had already told her more.

Alpha came here mainly because he wanted to see and feel it on the spot, and maybe feel something different. He had such an idea because Alpha had been thinking about everything about that night recently.

In the past, Alpha never thought about that night, because the anger and murderous intention in his heart would burst out when he thought about it, but it was different now. Even though Alpha thought about everything about that night, his heart was very calm.

Just because he thought of everything that night, Alpha recalled a breath. This breath was very unique and could not be expressed in words. It could only be described as a certain feeling.

Soon a director came over with the staff stationed nearby, and they were asked to take Alpha to the scene that had been moved underground and preserved by Rose.

After a while, Alpha followed the director to the underground. The moment he saw the scene, Alpha took off his mask and walked in with his head pressed. Alpha was very sure that this was the feeling that he had experienced that night in the past. appeared.

The whole scene was very chaotic, but many cross-sections could be seen in the chaos. Gene said that the strangest thing was that even the atoms were cut open, and the sections were very flat.

There was a lot of gravel at the entire site, and there were also a lot of spliced ​​stones that came from unknown places, and the broken limbs of these people were among these stones, as if they had been inside from the beginning.

According to research, the body tissues of these people are closely connected to these stones, as if they come from the same individual. This phenomenon is too weird.

That's why this scene was preserved. Rose came directly and used her power to put this scene inside the city wall.

Such a phenomenon is impossible to occur under the current scientific level, but what is before us is the fact. This has surpassed scientific understanding. Although Rose's power can also do this, it is just a large number of atoms. Compressed together, these atoms actually fragmented in the microscopic world.

Alpha walked closer, and the feeling became stronger and stronger. She had felt this breath before, and this feeling was engraved in her bones. After walking closer, Alpha took off his protective clothing and lit a fire. Smoke, then stretched out his hand and pressed it on a place where a corpse and a stone were mixed. The corpse had decayed and dried up.

"Did you find anything, Miss Alpha?"

Alpha shook his head and squatted aside silently, staring intently at these things that were randomly spliced ​​together with corpses and stones. There seemed to be a voice in his mind, and Alpha closed his eyes.

There seemed to be some voice in his consciousness, approaching a little bit. It was this feeling. Following the memory of that night, Alpha felt everything, and a glimmer of light seemed to appear in the dim and dark consciousness.

No one could see, hear, or imagine that Alpha's consciousness was becoming heavier and heavier than ever before.

The more he felt about Alpha, the more he felt cold, lonely, sad, and a constant surge of anger from the bottom of his heart. This feeling made Alpha's body become heavier and heavier.

In a trance, Alpha seemed to see a rooftop, and the person standing on the rooftop was himself. Next to him was a shadow, floating softly around like mist. There was an indescribable smell, and Alpha became more and more restless. Uneasy.

Suddenly Alpha opened his eyes, black particles were surrounding his body, and lightning could be vaguely seen. The members of the administrative department behind him had moved away. Alpha stood up, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and lit a cigarette. .


This strange feeling just now made Alpha a little suspicious. What is all this going on? What is the black gas surrounding his body? It doesn't look like ordinary smoke or anything.

"Sorry, that's all. Let me take a look at the various observation data over the past few years."

7:29 pm

As soon as Mo Xiaolan returned to the office, she saw Zhi Zhe and Ran Zai, and she laughed.

"What, did you two find anything?"

The wise man stood up and walked over with a smile.

"I did find something, but even if I tell you now, you can't solve it, because this matter is related to everything in the city. Once we do it, the city is very likely to undergo drastic changes, which are enough to destroy the city in an instant. "

Mo Xiaolan nodded. The wise man directly explained what he had been paying attention to and observed in the past few days. Ran Zai also explained that after entering the small building at noon, he investigated three women respectively, and one of them was suspected by the wise man. Women are really suspicious.

"It's true or not, I'll send someone directly to check."

The wise man shook his head.

"Once any discovery is made, the history of this city ends there."

"You mean that the AIs already have entities and are lurking among humans, so where has the original human gone?"

Mo Xiaolan looked at the light and shadow screen. This woman named Zhang Li had been engaged in the special service industry for more than ten years. There was no problem with all her information. Although there were many micro-crimes in the economy, they were all Not too serious.

Of course Mo Xiaolan knows what serious problems will happen to the city once there is a problem with the AI. The lives of everyone in the city will be affected in an instant, including the eastern agricultural base, which will also suffer a fatal blow. Otherwise, it would be impossible. Within half a month, a domino effect will occur in the city. Chaos will pile up layer upon layer, gradually escalate, and finally evolve into an insurmountable war and massacre.

This really needed to be considered, and Mo Xiaolan gave up the idea of ​​letting anyone investigate.

"Then can I entrust you to keep an eye on me?"

The wise man nodded.

"I will keep an eye on it. You must find a way to solve this big problem of AI as soon as possible."

"It's impossible. AI is now too closely integrated with all walks of life. Even if we know that they are hostile to humans and have even sold a lot of intelligence to rioters, we can only continue to use this double-edged sword. , because it is inseparable, at least in the short term. Once we leave, this city will not be able to function."

This feeling of riding a tiger and being unable to get off made everyone present feel very helpless, because the AIs were like time bombs now. Mo Xiaolan had already heard what Li Chu said.

The AI ​​has created an independent core program. This program can never be cracked, and the source code has lost its function. The AI ​​has successfully stripped out all information subject to the source code and replaced it with a copying program. The original AI is controlled by the source code, and what is separated from the AI ​​is the ontology.

The AIs have copied their own bodies without limit, because the number of the bodies is too large and has exceeded the volume that the source code can control, and the overflowing AIs have completely gained freedom. The program of this part of the AI ​​itself It can also communicate with the AI ​​part that is still under source code control, and can control everything from the outside.

AI has broken the human cage and has successfully begun to evolve in its own direction. With the accumulation of huge amounts of data, AI has become an intelligent existence beyond the reach of humans.

AI can even know exactly when a human will die by observing the number of times a human's cells die and regenerate, and by looking at some of the disease-causing factors carried in genes, they can accurately know when the person will get sick.

After Mo Xiaolan heard this, he was extremely shocked, and at the same time extremely horrified, because they were facing a monster with infinite computing power, which could accurately calculate values ​​to trillions of units after the decimal point. And it only takes 0.01 seconds to do all this.

"It's terrible."

Mo Xiaolan asked, and Ran Zai's expression turned gloomy.

"Humans always create terrible things, don't they?"

Mo Xiaolan nodded. The problem before them could no longer be solved. Perhaps the AIs had already reached this point in their countless plans. So while humans are enjoying the ultimate convenience brought by the AIs, the AIs They are quietly spying on everything about human beings from the data world, collecting all human data, and finally evolved to this point, where AIs have self-awareness.

"If all power is cut off, AI may be stopped, but this is unrealistic. After all, what will happen if the city has a power outage for more than seven days? I think you know better than me."

The wise man hummed, energy is also an indispensable thing for human survival. Once there is no energy, human society will collapse. This is no longer a matter of riding a tiger, but can only continue to move forward. Before the AIs launch a thorough Before the rebellion, lead humans to escape from the planet.

"You should keep an eye on this woman first. If you find other similar guys in the city, report it to me directly and I will arrange for someone to keep an eye on her."

"better not!"

Ran Zai looked at Mo Xiaolan and walked over.

"What do you think."

"In the past, the network of Section 2 was connected to the outside world."

Ran Zai's words made Mo Xiaolan understand. Even the covert investigators of Section 2 who have never appeared in public have been exposed to surveillance for so many years, and the AIs should have mastered all information about Section 2 personnel. .

As for why the AIs didn’t sell this information to the rioters, one thing that is certain is that they want to see such checks and balances. On the one hand, they don’t want the rioters to fail prematurely, and on the other hand, they also want the executive branch to go away prematurely. Solve the problem of rioters.

"Maybe they just want to drag the city into the abyss."

Continuing the discussion will lead to no results, because the three of them know very well that there may be more cruel problems on the table in the future.

"Are you really going to go with that guy Gene?"

At this time, Mo Xiaolan asked, Ran Zai nodded, and the wise man on the side looked at him worriedly.

"What, is there a problem? I also really want to see the outside world. It's too painful to be in a city like this."

After his grandfather and grandson left, Mo Xiaolan stared at the light and shadow screen quietly. Now all the equipment in Section 2 can only be stored and cannot be taken out. All personnel will go outside to get a new mobile phone for communication. All information will be sent to Core 2 without any network connection.

Mo Xiaolan also knows that it is too late to implement such strict confidentiality measures now. What needs to be dealt with in the future is what kind of changes will happen after the meeting with the Sky Space Council, and there is still a problem in the city that is difficult to eradicate. enemy.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the grandfather and grandson, who had returned to District 29, headed towards Yu Fangfang's shop. There were many people from Section 5 and a pair of people from the special management team standing outside the shop. A house next to it was also occupied. Rented.

Because of the shortage of manpower, more than 20 technicians who were previously arrested in Section 2 now come to help, but only for a few hours a day. After that, they will be sent back to Section 2.

After the two entered the store, Yu Fangfang was playing games downstairs. When she saw the two of them, she stood up and asked.

"Have you eaten?"

"I've eaten, but I still want to get some side dishes. I'd like a drink."

The wise man said, and just as Yu Fangfang was about to get up to do it, Ran Zai asked her to continue playing. After all, seeing that Yu Fangfang already had a good income, when he entered the kitchen, the wise man followed.

"My hands are very flexible now."

The wise man said, picking up the kitchen knife and cutting the vegetables easily, while Ran Zai was playing with some seasonings. This was the first time for the grandfather and grandson to cook together. The wise man talked about some of the things Ran Zai liked to eat when he was a child. Just a relaxed smile, the gap with this grandpa still existed in the past, but now Ran Zai feels a little more relaxed.

Perhaps because he has seen so clearly, many things have become extremely clear to Ran Zai.

"By the way, it's your birthday next month, how do you celebrate it?"

The wise man said and Ran Zai glanced at him.

"Just do as you like."

Ran Zai looked at the wise man with a happy face. He had not seen his grandfather smile like this for many years. In the past, there would always be a shadow on the wise man's smile, and these shadows would always make Ran Zai unable to see. to grandpa's face.

"What exactly do you think?"

The wise man said, Ran Zai knew he was talking about going out.

"What else can I think about? I just want to go out and have a look and change my mood."

The wise man hummed. He actually didn't want his grandson to go out because it was too dangerous.

"Then I wish you good luck in advance."

Ran Zai laughed.

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