Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2261 No longer cold (Part 1)

Near 0 o'clock

Taotao stood up and bowed to Pullman. Pullman had just talked to her about a lot of things. The court hearing tomorrow morning was an extremely important moment in her life.

Taotao knew very well that it was impossible for her to escape imprisonment. Pullman had also said that he would try his best to avoid criminal punishment for Taotao. Taotao did not think that entering prison would cause any harm. At least in this life, she I made the only decision to follow my inner thoughts.

Taotao pressed her growing belly. She was not afraid of raising this child in prison. At least he could be by her side. The fears and haze in her heart had been swept away.

In the past, Taotao did not dare to face many things, and had no choice but to escape from many things, but now she felt like she had been reborn. The night was already very deep, and Taotao closed her eyes and planned to sleep, but at this time the door to the room was opened.

"Is something wrong, Lady Niya?"

Taotao stood up and Niya walked in.

"That guy wants to see you, one last time."

Taotao hummed and said thank you.

Taotao is currently detained in the headquarters, but Niya has arranged a separate room for her on the sixth floor of the 5th Section headquarters, and there are people guarding outside.

Niya took Taotao directly to the lift and drove the lift to the Medical University. Zhao Zhen is currently receiving treatment at the Medical University. He has also been prosecuted by Section 8, but Zhao Zhen's condition is no longer acceptable. Optimistic.

Soon the lift landed at the main building of the Medical University. Niya took Taotao down directly. At the door of the ward on the 17th floor, Huashen sat alone outside. He had been guarding Zhao Zhen these days.

Zhao Zhen has undergone two more surgeries, and his condition has now reached its limit. He is just hanging on for breath. It is a miracle that he is still alive. Almost all the organs in his body have failed.

Huashen asked Taotao to put on sterile clothes and then let her go in alone. As soon as Niya took out the cigarette, Huashen took it away.

"This is a hospital."

Nia looked around.

"If it doesn't matter, I'll smoke one."

Niya took out another one. Huashen said nothing more and looked at the cigarette in his hand.

"What exactly do you think?"

Niya asked. Huashen knew what Niya was asking. It was about the establishment of the mechanical medical department. This may be something that must be prepared in order to deal with the crisis 50 years from now.

During the section chief's meeting that day, Noah raised this issue and asked Huashen to consider it. Huashen nodded.

"I've thought it through very clearly."

"The results of it?"

Niya blew out a puff of smoke, and Huashen snorted.

"I will set up this department in the medical school. There is nothing we can do about it, right? Even though I am disgusted and repelled."

Niya hummed, and the two looked at the door of the ward. Taotao was sitting next to Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen was dying on the hospital bed. Taotao was sitting beside her. She called Zhao Zhen several times but there was no response. During this time, Taotao was very grateful to Zhao Zhen. As expected, Zhao Zhen was not the kind of evil person with no bottom line. .

Taotao had already felt it from the beginning. If he was really a villain with no bottom line, Taotao might be dead by now. She stretched out her hand and pressed it on Zhao Zhen's hand, hoping that he would wake up.

After asking to see Taotao for the last time, Zhao Zhen fell into a slumber. Taotao only hoped that Zhao Zhen could wake up and at least see her.

Taotao knew very well that she did not have any feelings between men and women towards Zhao Zhen. She was very clear about this, and she was more grateful to Zhao Zhen.

Time passed minute by minute, and just after 0 o'clock, Taotao felt Zhao Zhen move his hand in a daze. She hurriedly opened her eyes, and Zhao Zhen's cold hand was indeed moving. At this time, a beeping sound was heard.

Soon Huashen came in. He took a look at the values ​​​​on the eye shadow screen. Zhao Zhen's heart rate recovered. This is what people often call flashback. Zhao Zhen opened his eyes and opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say I ordered something, but I couldn't open my mouth.

Taotao wiped her tears and kept nodding. Zhao Zhen stared at Taotao and opened his mouth slightly.

"Thank you for taking care of me during these days."

Taotao said, Zhao Zhen closed his eyes and opened them again. His fingers moved a little bit, still struggling to say something. Huashen walked over and adjusted the value in the next injection machine. Zhao Zhen could move his hands. He grabbed Taotao's hand and spoke tremblingly.

"Finally. It's so nice to meet you!"

After a short sentence, Zhao Zhen closed his eyes with peace of mind. The last words in his mouth were sorry. His heart rate dropped to 0 little by little, and Zhao Zhen died at 0:07 soon.

Some students at school came in and prepared to dispose of Zhao Zhen's body. Hua Shen looked at Taotao who was sobbing on the side.

"I just want to check your body."

What puzzles Huashen the most is that Zhao Zhen had always claimed that he had put a bomb in Taotao's body, but in fact there was no bomb. This also shocked Taotao.

Soon Huashen brought Taotao to another room. After Taotao lay down, Huashen began to examine her and asked some questions.

"How about doctor."

Huashen hummed.

"The fetus is healthy."

Now Huashen doesn't know what to say to Taotao. She has broken the rules on two things. The first is to assist the rioters, and the second is to be pregnant without a birth permit.

Taotao will definitely be expelled from the city, but at this special time, no one knows how to deal with it, so they can only leave it to the law.

The city's laws will give the final answer, and the answer will be available early tomorrow morning.

The birth control law was originally enacted to control the population that has begun to skyrocket, but now the city has reached a point where it needs a young population. If this continues, the situation in the city will become very bad in just 10 years.

"Go back and rest first, Miss Taotao."

Taotao hummed, and after the two left the examination room, Niya had fallen asleep.

Huashen proposed to let Taotao spend the night here and send her to the Law Hall early tomorrow morning.

8 a.m.

Taotao had already entered the Law Hall in District 1 early in the morning. It was already crowded with people outside before dawn.

Many reporters have been stationed there early in the morning, and they will go over to interview people when they see someone entering the Law Hall. Many senior executives and parliamentarians have already come over, and CBV has obtained the broadcast rights for the entire city. .

Early in the morning, people in the streets were discussing today's trial. Most people are not surprised by this speed. In the past, the efficiency of prosecuting a case was relatively slow, ranging from a few months at most to at least one. Months and above.

But things are different now. As long as the factual evidence is clear, Section 8 will file a public prosecution immediately and the court will open the next day. Because in the past, during the slow trial time, many criminals even carried out many secret crimes during this period. Transactions, including issues such as scapegoating.

Now as long as a crime is committed, once evidence is found by Division 5, he will be sitting on the trial bench the next day, and no matter what he does, it will be too late.

Many people feel that Taotao will definitely be sentenced this time. Most people are still watching the page of Section 8 because they still don’t know what specific crimes Section 8 will prosecute Taotao for.

However, most people have already seen many lawyers discussing on last night's program what crimes Section 8 will probably prosecute Taotao.

By 8:30, the door of the Law Hall was closed, and some reporters who were allowed to enter the Law Hall for reporting had already entered. The Law Hall, which can accommodate nearly 3,000 people, was packed with seats, and the surrounding aisles were filled with some or Squatting or standing reporter.

The strongest team of defense lawyers in the city, headed by Pullman, was already in place, people from Section 8 were also preparing, and the five justices were still discussing something among themselves.

Many people were still looking at the materials on the light and shadow screen. Le Xiao, who was sitting in the first row, looked at the defendant's dock on the right with some uneasiness. After a while, Taotao was brought out. She glanced at Le Xiao and said, Xiao smiled and nodded, and Taotao also smiled.

9 o'clock sharp

The trial officially began. As the representative of the prosecution, Letty stood up and briefly confessed several of Taotao's crimes.

The most important of them is assisting the rioter Zhao Zhen. If he assists a criminal who commits a crime that endangers the city, it will be treated as the same crime, as well as Taotao's decision to leak the rescue plan of the administrative department to the rioters during CBV. These two points were enough for Taotao to be sentenced to more than 30 years in prison.

"As well as another crime, violating the maternity law and conceiving a child without obtaining a birth license. These two crimes are already quite serious, but in view of the special situation this time, judges, we also do Appropriate sentencing considerations have been taken to try to keep the sentence under twenty years."

After Letty finished speaking, she sat down. At this time, everyone in the Law Hall was looking at the materials, and Pullman was still preparing.

Le Xiao is a little worried now. After all, 20 years is not a short time, and now Taotao is pregnant. At this point, Department 1 is already working on applying for a birth permit for special cases like Taotao. This is Le Xiao's reason. Unexpected.

Soon Pullman stood up and began to state some opinions, but most of these opinions revolved around the miraculous outcome of this incident. It was because Taotao contributed to such a result that there were no casualties. Therefore, we implore the judges to reconsider whether the sentence is too harsh.

At this time, there was a lot of discussion, and many people were discussing that this kind of trial was a bit strange, because both sides were trying to get sentencing considerations for Taotao at the same time, which had never happened before.

Some reporters were also whispering something. Soon the morning trial was over and the trial would continue at noon. In the morning, there were basically statements from the prosecution and defense.

It's just that such a statement can already explain a lot of problems. After the adjournment, the five justices called both Letty and Pullman into the office.

"Mr. Pullman, Secretary Letty, I hope that both of you can conduct the afternoon debate around the most basic aspects of the law, rather than mixing in some other things. This will be beneficial to the future." Judicial Reform."

Both father and daughter nodded. Letty looked at Pullman, took out a cigarette and lit it before laughing.

"I won't show mercy this afternoon, old man."

Pullman hummed, walked over, and looked at Letty in front of him. She was serious.

Pullman knew this outcome early on. His daughter would never have any feelings of sympathy, because once they stepped into the Hall of Law, they would be enemies.

In fact, Pullman still has some illusions. After all, for many people, they are unwilling to see the person who led to such a good outcome go to jail.

Most of the opinions in the city were overwhelming. Many of them felt that Taotao's approach actually got the best results this time, and Taotao's own approach was just to know the truth, and there was nothing wrong with it.

This time there will be such an astonishing consistency in the argument, and Pullman knows this very well. All of this is Le Xiao's sincere performance time and time again after taking office, and finally he is here, so Pullman is more aware of this debate. meaning.

The laws of Brilliant City have reached a point where they have to be reformed, especially the fertility law. This law should be revised once the agricultural base in the barrier zone is successfully established.

However, the fact that Taotao assisted Zhao Zhen cannot be changed, and Zhao Zhen was indeed the criminal who caused the urban riots, which is irrefutable.

Both Pullman and Letty knew very well that they could not interfere with this trial by interfering with their personal feelings. Both of them must block everything about themselves as legal professionals and use as much theory and factual evidence as possible. to refute the other party, and ultimately the five justices will give an appropriate verdict.

Pullman, who returned to his lounge, watched a group of lawyers discussing. Everyone had already discussed countermeasures last night, but whether such countermeasures would be effective depends on the debate at noon, because there were 8 subjects in this debate. I'm afraid they are very well prepared over there.

The purpose of Section 8 is just to make Taotao pay for the crimes she committed, and the price is to go to jail and receive punishment, while Pullman and the others' purpose is to make Taotao not go to jail.

In fact, such a trial seems meaningless to most people, because everyone's opinions are almost unanimous. Taotao's actions have brought about a very good phenomenon in the city, but the trial still needs to exist. This is the law. .

It is a relatively fair tool that mankind has found for thousands of years. If this link is skipped, the city's laws will suffer a huge impact, which is something neither Pullman nor Letty want to see.

"Thank you everyone, thank you very much for your help."

Taotao stood up and said gratefully, and Pullman walked to her side and said comfortingly.

"It's okay, Miss Taotao. We will do our best. There may not be any results today, but no matter how many times, we will do our best."

Looking at Taotao's smile, Pullman turned and walked away, his mind filled with the past Hydera case. That case was also due to public opinion, which ultimately led to that verdict.

"Times have changed, Hydra!"

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