Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2260 Rewriting (Part 2)

"real or fake?"

At 8 o'clock in the evening, many people on the bustling streets were looking at a message. Several passed bills had just been announced. The most eye-catching one was the establishment of an agricultural base in the barrier area.

Many people at the bottom cheered. The most eye-catching aspect of the bill was the recruitment of a large number of workers. Many people felt that an opportunity had come, and everyone felt that the times were undergoing drastic changes.

And once this bill starts to be officially implemented, it will be a huge benefit to the people at the bottom, because the resources of the whole city will be concentrated on the bottom, and with another large-scale bill on the bottom, many people at the bottom feel that they are It seems that the best times are coming.

Nowadays, many middle-level companies have directly moved their companies to the ground floor. The martial law has just been lifted this morning. Now, the bottom floor has become completely lively. Compared with the deserted before, the streets and alleys are now full of people. On the contrary, except for the middle-level companies, Outside some commercial areas, there are no people in other places.

Everyone is discussing this bill, because there are lessons from the failure more than fifty years ago. Many people are skeptical about such a large-scale bill that can affect the entire city. The specific implementation of the bill It has not been announced yet and is still being revised under discussion.

However, many people have heard that people from Section 12 have already started transporting truckloads of soil from the barrier area to the edge of the city early this morning, so many people are not surprised that this bill was passed.

The key is how to implement the proposal. At this time, on a street located in the southern guard station, a large number of people watched a group of mutants walking by. There were nearly 40 people. Everyone was surprised. After all, they were mutants of the Lightning Skull Guild. people.

A bunch of officials from the administrative department were also discussing something with their president, Xiong Dabiao. There were people from departments 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12, and a bunch of people were heading towards the southern guard station.

Angus's engineering team was also spotted following suit, and it seems the bill is indeed being implemented.

Eric smiled helplessly, and he couldn't help but mutter to Olivia beside him.

"Are you in that hurry? It would be great to come back tomorrow."

Olivia glanced at him.

"If you don't want to go, just go back."

Eric laughed and talked with several other friends. It was a bit surprising that Section 12 gave their guild the full responsibility for such important experimental base construction facilities.

But the entire guild is still relatively happy. After all, this is for the people of this city and those in the barrier area.

Soon a group of people entered the eastern guard station, and the waiting vehicles started, pulling hundreds of people towards the experimental base.

Xiong Dabiao decided to go there tonight, intending to experience the environment of the barrier zone with everyone. After all, to establish an experimental base town in the barrier zone, many factors need to be taken into consideration.

On the one hand, the temperature in the barrier area is really not conducive to work, so when building a house, you must consider the overall cold and sand-resistant structure. The people of Lightning Skull have very rich experience in this regard.

Because they have worked in the construction industry for more than 20 years, even now their guild will occasionally take on some construction jobs.

Xiong Dabiao yawned and looked at the dark barrier area in front of him. The vehicle quickly passed the bridge. The engineers from the Phoebus family had already gone to the barrier area and would plan a road directly into the southern alert area from the experimental base pilot area more than ten kilometers away. Station, and then to the highway to the southeastern soil cultivation base, in order to facilitate car access.

The AI ​​navigation system that has been hidden in the past will be activated again. In a semi-artificial way, each vehicle will be equipped with an inspector who can switch to manual driving when the vehicle encounters problems while driving.

This road construction plan must be fast. Once established, the Phoebus family plans to build the road in up to 10 days. They have sent a professional team to select some workers from the people in the barrier area, and also Some workers will be recruited from the city.

This is what most people at the bottom want to see. Xiong Dabiao is very happy and hums a few words from time to time. Olivia puts her hands on her chin, the windows keep clicking, and the wind and sand have begun to become stronger.

"Finally the day has come."

Xiong Dabiao said, his voice a little choked, Olivia patted his back, nodded and said.

"Those pioneers who were on this land in the past may never have imagined that this plan would be realized 50 years later."

Xiong Dabiao hummed. They had already seen the information given to them by Section 12. Many people in the Lightning Skull Guild thought that this plan could be successful. Others who felt that there was still a problem also felt that if they continued, it would be successful. success.

Things are different now than they were fifty years ago. The solid system has begun to loosen. This is the most obvious change they have seen.

The base scene could already be seen in front of them. The car slowly stopped. Xiong Dabiao and Olivia put on their cotton coats and got out of the car. Immediately, several directors from Section 12 came over, including Larry.

"thank you."

Larry stretched out his hand, and Xiong Dabiao slapped him in the face.

"No, we will do our best to build the house, just pay."

Xiong Dabiao said with a smile, and Larry nodded. Although it was already night, the trucks of soil were still being transported, because after a while, the wind and sand would completely stop, and the work efficiency at night would be higher than during the day. Although The temperature is a bit low now, but such a low temperature is nothing to people in the barrier area who are used to such severe cold.

Tonight, Xiong Dabiao plans to discuss a specific plan with the business department, Angus, and the Phoebus family to start construction as soon as possible. The Lightning Skeleton Guild has already negotiated with several more efficient construction teams in the city. As long as it is established, they will come as soon as possible.

Houses will be erected around several experimental bases as quickly as possible, so that people working in the barrier areas of the agricultural experimental bases do not need to travel more than ten kilometers every day.

Although the Phoebus family has planned to speed up the production of a batch of cars, it will not start until at least half a month later, because many car production facilities, including personnel training and employment, etc., need to be solved step by step. Automotive technology has not gone unused in the Phoebus family over the years.

Xiong Dabiao stretched out his hands to feel the problem. He already knew what grade of cement to use. Because of the cold climate in the barrier area and the lack of sunlight, hot-drying cement could not be used. Only condensing cement could be used. of cement.

After looking at it for a few times, Xiong Dabiao began to discuss it with other people in the guild. Several people from Section 6 were responsible for taking notes. The difficulty of construction was unprecedented.

But fortunately many years ago, in order to cope with the cold climate at night and in some places where there is insufficient light, condensable cement technology was developed by a certain company.

In order to cope with the construction in places where the temperature is low and the light is insufficient, this condensable cement is hot at first, but when it encounters cold air, it will harden quickly. The strength of the building is different from that of the past hot and dry cement. Like cement.

Olivia looked at the people who were still digging and transporting soil in the barrier area. She felt a little sad. She had been to the barrier area several times in the past. These people who lived in this dark place like insects seemed to have been Abandoned, many of the tragedies of the past still continue to this day.

This is a problem that the city has to face, but in the past time, the city has long forgotten this place. I saw many children still helping Olivia walk over and saw several children pushing heavy boards. Olivia walked over and helped them push the car.

At this time, a smell of aroma came, and several people from Section 12 came over and asked those who were still working to stop working first, eat something, and then rest until 10 o'clock.

Many people ran over excitedly. After Olivia followed, she saw dozens of large pots of potato, meat and vegetable stew. Many people started queuing up with bowls in their hands. There were some simple windproof shacks nearby. They all looked satisfied.

"Want a drink?"

A clerk asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"We've already eaten, just leave it to them."

Olivia returned to Xiong Dabiao and the others. At this time, a bunch of people gathered in a simple shed. An engineer from the Angus family was talking about something. When the building was built, all the supporting facilities They all have to keep up.

In order to cope with the cold in the barrier area, each house will be equipped with air quality heaters that can quickly heat up the house, as well as electromagnetic heaters, so that people in the barrier area can boil water and heat liquid food.

Including the issue of water supply, this is a big problem. If it is built underground, it will obviously have to go through gullies, which will conflict with the construction of the waste recycling and treatment plant.

"How about from the air."

Eric stood up and said with a smile. Everyone in the room was silent for a while, and a director of Section 12 said.

"Although it is feasible, it will be a bit difficult to build."

At this time, an engineer from the Angus family said with a smile.

"It's unrealistic from the air, so we established a plan early on. We just hope to hear your opinions. Maybe there is a better way."

Soon the engineer came up with a design drawing, a cylindrical machine, a water reducing machine, which directly put heavy water into the reducing machine, and then supplied water to the residential area, and a water reducing machine was built in the residential area. Set up a water molecule extractor so that water can be recycled and used repeatedly.

Heavy water only needs to be transported from the city regularly and put into the water reduction machine.

In this way, the water problem can be ensured. As for electricity, just build a large bacterial battery factory. This is currently the most effective method. The Angus family has the technology to completely prevent carnivorous bacteria from corroding the inside of the battery.

Xiong Dabiao laughed.

"Then discuss it quickly and we'll start tomorrow."

Everyone in the room laughed, and Olivia looked at the lights outside the window. She felt that this day was really extraordinary. This was something she had never felt before, and certain powers were gathering together.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, the door of the Congress Hall opened, the city meeting ended, and the discussion on the construction of agricultural bases in the barrier area was basically completed. It will start with 10 large experimental bases. According to the current progress, it will take three months There will definitely be results within.

Starting tomorrow, Congress will begin to allocate funds for bill experiments, and the whole city will be mobilized. Le Xiao smiled happily and held hands with Gu Ningning. The two planned to go to the canteen of the General Affairs Department for a drink.

The council members are discussing, because of the scheduling in all aspects, not only the administrative department, the council members must also coordinate the scheduling in the region, in order to implement this bill more quickly.

"It really felt like a dream."

Pullman smiled helplessly, and Wu Qun hummed. He looked at the brightly lit ground floor in front of him and laughed.

"By the way, you have to defend that little girl tomorrow."

Pullman hummed.

"My opponent this time is Letty."

"Father and daughter duel."

Wu Qun said with a smile, while Wang Ying behind him shook her head helplessly.

"Really, I don't think your daughter will be merciful."

Pullman said yes. At 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, everything the female anchor Taotao has done before will be tried in the Law Hall. She violated many laws, including assisting Zhao Zhen and interfering with the plan of the Acting Department. The facts about the perpetrator are already known to everyone in the city.

This trial is very important to the entire legal system of Brilliant City. Although Pullman has dismissed the meeting, he still needs to rush to the Bar Association immediately to make various arrangements for tomorrow's defense.

The prosecution has sent various prosecution materials. If this lawsuit is followed, Taotao will be imprisoned for at least 20 years.

Pullman has arranged for several top lawyers in the legal profession and formed his own defense team. Their purpose is to do their best to save Taotao from prison punishment.

"Come on tomorrow, we'll go see it."

Lin Xiao came over and patted Pullman on the shoulder. Chris and Beckinsale on the side also nodded. The seven of them stood quietly on the stairs, looking at the city in the distance. They did not leave immediately. Want to stay for a while.

"This may be very similar to what we saw in the past, isn't it!"

Beckinsale muttered, Wu Qun hummed and sighed helplessly.

"It's a pity that Freya is no longer here."

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and everyone turned their heads. Michelle and Locke came over. Michelle bowed slightly to the seven of them.

"Thank you for your support, thank you!"

Wu Qun laughed.

"It's very difficult."

Everyone fell into silence, looking at the city in the distance.

"The history of Brilliant City is about to be rewritten today!"

Locke said, pointing to the General Affairs Department.

"Come and have a drink in my private sitting area!"

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