Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2246 Crime and Punishment 9 (Part 1)

"Can't you wait any longer?"

Niya stood up, put out the cigarette butt, and looked at the time with a serious expression. It was just 8 o'clock. Because Zhao Zhen had just gone out for a walk, the original plan of 8:30 could only be postponed, and it might not be until 9 o'clock. Okay, there's still 1 hour left.

Niya was thinking about how to hold Zhao Zhen down. At this time, there was a violent cough. As soon as Niya looked over, she saw blood spraying from Zhao Zhen's mouth and nose. He looked extremely weak.

"I'll call the doctor."

Zhao Zhen raised his hands, his eyes filled with despair. After a while, Zhao Zhen wiped the blood from his mouth. He looked extremely weak.

"Have you not used inhibitors these past few days?"

Niya asked, and Zhao Zhen smiled.

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Niya sighed, then sat down and looked at Zhao Zhen quietly.

"Just wait a little longer."

Zhao Zhen didn't speak, his expression was a little distorted. He was enduring the pain. Although cancers like Zhao Zhen's are difficult to cure, there are ways to suppress the activity of cancer cells so that people will not be infected. Cancer kills.

"It's stupid to do that."

Niya said, and immediately took out the phone and asked people from Section 4 to send some inhibitors. Zhao Zhen was in unbearable pain. Niya got up and walked out. Zhao Zhen raised his hands and said nothing for a long time. Not coming out.

"Look at him and write down if you need anything."

Niya said, turning around and looking at Zhao Zhen.

"I will be back later. Just wait a little longer, Mr. Zhao Zhen. Even if I decide not to reveal the truth, I will definitely answer you."

Niya left the studio, then leaned against the wall, lit a cigarette, and pressed the sides of her forehead tiredly.

"Just keep it this way!"

Niya muttered, and she was sure that Zhao Zhen didn't know the current situation. Just now everyone received their lunch boxes. Now, due to the postponement of some programs, many programs as a whole need to be adjusted, so half an hour has been added. rest time, this time is extremely precious escape time for the hostages, and for the business department, it is related to the next half hour.

I could only drag him as far as possible and watch the people walking slowly in the corridor talking about something. It was completely impossible to tell that they were about to flee.

Regarding Zhao Zhen's past incident, Niya didn't think about right or wrong, because no matter it was right or wrong, the bloody things were right in front of her now. Such things had nothing to do with right or wrong, but caused the consequences that led to Zhao Zhen. Hydra, the culprit of all tragedies in life, is the same.

From the day the Hydera issue occurred, there was an extremely fierce debate throughout the city. Because the system and laws at that time were incomplete, there was no way to prove that Hydera was innocent because he did kill a person. There is no evidence that Hydera is guilty because he abided by his duties and did not turn a blind eye to the women who were molested and harassed by drunk men on the street.

This kind of thing is quite common at large New Year gatherings. There are always dishonest people who take advantage of a special festival like New Year to cause trouble on the streets under the pretext of being drunk. The attitude of the managers at that time was It is laissez-faire, and most people who cause problems will be released the next morning.

Loose management and unreasonable legal system eventually led to the tragedy of Hydera. In the end, he could only be imprisoned for 30 years when almost everyone in the city believed that Hydera was guilty.

In prison, Hydera always claimed that he was innocent because it was his first day at work. As a newbie, when encountering such a thing, his mind would indeed go blank. However, no matter how Hydera explained it, it would still be a blank. It doesn't help anymore.

The incident in Hydera became the most hotly debated issue in the legal community in the following years. After the Legal Affairs Department was formally established to take over the city, Alpha began to promote the reform of the system so that there would not be a second one. Hydra.

The starting direction is good, but it is a pity that during the implementation process, the crude and crude methods have made many people feel disgusted. Once such emotions appear, it is difficult to reverse them.

Because people always shut out annoying things, regardless of whether they are really that annoying.

Alpha completely changed some of the problems left by the management in the past. Unfortunately, she made the wrong decision at the wrong time and everything collapsed.

After going through a series of changes, Niya finally entered the administrative department. Niya still clearly remembers that on her first day at work, she encountered a street fight. The local low-level clerks didn't want to take care of it. After all, Both sides are gang members.

Niya's approach at that time was very crude and simple, asking people on both sides to fight as hard as possible until they were satisfied. As a result, both parties shook hands and made peace, but Niya wanted to arrest them.

Later, people from both gangs came over. That night, Niya beat everyone from both sides to the hospital. Two of the gang leaders almost died.

For the first time, Niya felt that beating someone was so effective. She was often beaten by her mother in the past, but it didn't work very well. Only then did Niya realize that it was her own skin that was too thick.

After that, Niya started a crazy journey of beating people up until they refused. Niya's madness successfully frightened the gang members at the bottom.

This approach made Niya both good and bad. The senior management had talked to Niya more than once or twice. However, because of Jean's protection and the fact that many senior executives in the business department were her sister's classmates in the past, Niya was even more confident.

Niya felt a lot more energetic when she thought about that time. Although the result was such nonsense, the crime rate at the bottom was significantly reduced. After Niya became the section chief, the gang members at the bottom supported Niya. Many reform measures.

Life is so wonderful, every point in your life will one day be connected to a line, and this line will lead to the future.

There are certain limits to chaos, such as age and position. After Niya became the section chief, although she made troubles for many years, most of the time it did not get serious. She also knew very well that ever since the collapse of the Hillman family, Cities that have begun to enter a miserable state urgently need time to settle, or at least return to their past levels.

The more mature a person is, the more fearful, serious, and self-aware they tend to be. Niya has also experienced countless things and reached this day, but she is much luckier than Zhao Zhen among them.

Niya has been in the Angus family since she was born. She has strong financial resources and such a powerful sister. The longer she stays as the head of Section 5, the more Niya understands the truth that only stability is the best. , only stability can achieve relative fairness.

In the past, the wealthy and powerful class could easily get away with committing crimes, but now, before committing a crime, the wealthy and powerful class have to consider how many years they will be sentenced and whether they will be deported.

Once anyone commits a crime, Section 5 will never be polite to him. Niya lit a cigarette, leaned against the wall with her hands folded, and looked at the employees passing by. Many of them looked a little embarrassed.

It was already 8:23, and as it got closer to the action time, many people became more and more nervous. At this moment, the elevator door opened, and K walked in wearing a white suit.

Niya looked at K with a solemn expression, and he raised his hands with a smile.

"I'm not a professional person."


Niya grabbed K's collar, pressed him against the wall, and lifted him up.

"You bastard, who let you come in at this time?"

K laughed.

"I have obtained Mo Xiaolan's permission, Niya, let go first, I will find a way to hold Zhao Zhen down."

Niya looked at K blankly. After a while, she let go of K, and the two entered the studio. At this time, K took out some cancer cell inhibitors and walked over.

K directly placed a bag of inhibitors on the table, and then sat opposite Zhao Zhen.

"Good evening everyone, I am Director K who led the subway hostage-taking case in the past 2 cores."

Zhao Zhen froze and K said with a smile.

"Hurry up and inject, at least you can stay awake before you die. Judging from your situation, the cancer cells have spread to many places in your body. If you continue like this, you won't even be able to survive for an hour. If you die, This building is going to explode."

Zhao Zhen tore the clothes on his chest and looked at Zhao Zhen angrily. He raised a hand. Zhao Zhen walked over, took out an inhibitor and injected it into Zhao Zhen. Zhao Zhen pushed it away. K, raised his head in pain.

After a while, Zhao Zhen calmed down and smiled bitterly.

"What? Come and see my final fate?"

K stood up, bowed and said.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

K was not going to say anything unnecessary, who was responsible, whether there were loopholes in the rescue process, etc.

Zhao Zhen snorted coldly and pointed at the door.

"Get out."

K smiled with his hands clasped together.

"After that incident, I often thought about how I would face the families of the victims, but no matter how I thought about it, I could never face it. Over the years, I have never seen those families once. The family members of the deceased, this is the first time today to meet Mr. Zhao Zhen. I am really sorry."

Niya stood aside, silent, looking at K. It didn't look like Mo Xiaolan told him to come in to complete something. He wanted to come in on his own.

"After that, I left the practice department and lived in confusion in the city. I can always think of the tragic scene after the exchange of fire with the criminals during the rescue. We did not hesitate, and neither did the other party. After seeing us attacking, he took action."


Zhao Zhen said, K hummed.

"I know very well that nothing in the past can be made up for, especially those who have lost their loved ones. I often went to the mental hospital to visit you, Mr. Zhao Zhen, in those years. I wonder if you still remember."

Zhao Zhen never answered.

"That's good, Mr. Zhao Zhen, I..."

"Give you one minute. If you are still in this building, I will detonate the bomb immediately."

K stood up, bowed again, said sorry, then turned and left.

Niya closed her eyes. She knew very well that no matter what K said, she could not change the mentality of this man who was planning to die.


The room door opened again, and Taotao walked in. She looked very haggard. Immediately, several staff members leaned over and motioned for her to go to the designated place.

Taotao glanced at Zhao Zhen, who was extremely weak. He was always holding on. He didn't know why Taotao always felt uneasy in his heart. The business department did not give Zhao Zhen a clear answer. They delayed it for so long, just for this. The rescue plan was successful.

Taotao hummed, turned and left the studio, but she did not go to the designated place, but returned to the empty lounge next door. The room was in a mess, and no one bothered to clean it up, because everyone was running for their lives now. .

Taotao touched her abdomen. During this time, she thought clearly that Zhao Zhen was a rioter and did not deserve sympathy. But at the moment when she saw Zhao Zhen, Taotao felt an electric current rush from the soles of her feet to her head and her stomach. The unborn child also moved.

A strong feeling drove Taotao to do something. She knew very well that if she did so, it would cause irreparable consequences. Taotao lowered her head and bit her lips, and she turned around and started to pack up.

The workroom was always very tidy on weekdays. After a while, Taotao finished cleaning up. She got up and left the lounge. She stood at the door of the studio. In the empty corridor, the dim sunlight shone, and Taotao looked at it in trance. .

Taotao kept taking deep breaths, her heart was beating violently, and the fetus in her belly also reacted. Taotao didn't know when to step in and what to do after stepping in.

"Is it really wrong to want to know the truth?"

Taotao asked, but no one answered. She lowered her head, her mind was very confused. Zhao Zhen did not make any excessive demands, but just hoped that the business department would reveal the truth.

However, everything now, once the business is successful, everything Zhao Zhen has done in the remaining years of his life will be in vain. This is his hard work. Maybe he wants to prove something, or maybe he wants to Let more people know the truth.

"What can I do!"

Taotao pressed the doorknob, her palms soaked with sweat. She knew exactly what he was going to do the moment she opened the door. However, what would be the consequences of doing so, but what Zhao Zhen had done in the past month or so came to her mind. Do everything.

Is he really a bad guy?

Taotao closed her eyes, pushed her hand forward slightly, and the studio door opened again with a creak.

Immediately, the director of the studio opened his eyes wide and hurried over. Seeing that Zhao Zhen had not spoken, he spoke.

"Why don't you go to the designated place? Go quickly."

Taotao shook her head, and she walked straight over. At this time, more than a dozen people in the studio noticed something strange about Taotao, but Zhao Zhen had already looked over, and they didn't say anything. Niya just turned around and Taotao Tao has already stepped onto the stage.

For a moment, Niya's mind went blank, and the sounds in her ears faded away. She only saw Taotao shouting and crying at the top of her lungs, while Zhao Zhen's originally calm expression became extremely ferocious!

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