Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2245 Crime and Punishment 8 (Part 2)

What exactly am I longing for, what am I longing for? No one can understand me, and no one needs to understand!

Zhao Zhen stood quietly in front of the bathroom glass, looking at himself in the mirror. His eyes were bloodshot and blood was still dripping from the corners of his mouth. His physical condition almost made him faint.

However, Zhao Zhen endured such pain. He had stopped taking the medicine a few days ago. Even though there are medicines that can relieve the pain of the body, he still chooses to endure it. Zhao Zhen knows very well that he does not have much time. Now, his life is passing away in seconds.

The CBV employees passing behind him all had their heads lowered, with fear on their faces. At this time, Zhao Zhen stopped two staff members coming out of the bathroom.

"What are you going to do if the business department doesn't agree to reveal the truth?"

One of the stocky men laughed.

"What else can we do and wait for death? Is it possible that you will let us go?"

Zhao Zhen laughed.

"How many years have you been working?"

The two replied that they had been working for more than 20 years, and Zhao Zhen shook his head.

"Have you never thought that everything you have now is really what you want?"

"Mr. Zhao Zhen, it is meaningless to discuss all this. Even if this is not what we want, at least it is what we like. The two of us have been working at CBV for more than 20 years, and we have seen many ugly things. , no less than you."

Zhao Zhen nodded.

"Indeed, you have seen no less than me, but you have chosen to remain silent, and I don't want to remain silent."

Zhao Zhen turned around and walked away, not noticing that the two of them were winking at each other. After Zhao Zhen left, the two of them quickly turned on the light and shadow screen, got the slowdown device, and started heading to the designated escape location.

After Zhao Zhen left, he did not return to the studio. Instead, he started walking in the corridor. There were many staff members who had just had dinner gathered in the corridor. Some of them were discussing the future programs. Zhao Zhen did not talk to anyone anymore. get in a word.

He was still gradually confirming the number of hostages in CBV. The AIs had accurately fed the numbers into Zhao Zhen's consciousness. He only needed to close his eyes to see the situation in the cafeteria.

There are many people queuing up in the canteen to receive lunch boxes. This time, there are a total of 4173 people in CBV. If there is one less person, Zhao Zhen will definitely activate the bomb without any hesitation.

There are currently 1,039 people monitored, and the number is still rising. The business department should be thinking about a rescue plan, but there are no loopholes in this hijacking.

Zhao Zhen had arranged everything in detail before executing the plan. Although he could escape from the rooftop, it would be too late in a short time. Once it exploded, it would only take 30 seconds for the building to collapse, and the structure of the building would be destroyed. Completely destroyed.

All this is thanks to the engineer Tang Ye. The explosion will destroy the structural stability of the building in an instant, and the building will collapse directly. Even if the acting department uses air rescue, it still cannot save everyone, and Zhao Zhen has already said , only Niya is allowed to enter the CBV building alone, and it seems that the business department has not taken any action at present.

From the moment he threatened the executive branch to let them reveal the truth, Zhao Zhen knew the outcome. No one would agree to reveal the truth. This was absolutely impossible.

Although Zhao Zhen had considered that the individual combat aircraft of Section 3 could be used for air rescue, it would not be able to rescue too many people in just 30 seconds after the explosion. There were currently more than 100 people on the rooftop, all drinking tea. Zhao Zhen didn't care too much about the rest. After walking around for a while, Zhao Zhen returned to the studio.

More than a dozen previous staff members in the studio returned, and Niya was still sitting on the chair, sleeping with her hands folded.

From the beginning, Zhao Zhen planned to show the whole city that the final decision of the department would be the same as before. They would not consider the lives of more than 4,000 hostages, because the hidden truth was far more important than these 4,000 lives.

Zhao Zhen walked over with a smile and did not wake up Niya. He sat at the table and took a sip of water. The severe pain in his body was now relieved.


Mo Xiaolan looked at the numbers on the light and shadow screen. This was the number of hostages in the building who had obtained the slowdown device. It had reached 2,371. It would only take a few more hours for the plan to be successful. Noah was standing aside. Housed with nano blasting robots.

Through external precision observation equipment, these nano-robots can be placed at precise locations on the external walls. These nano-directional blasting robots will explode in an instant. This is a very small-scale high-energy explosion technology.

Able to achieve extremely precise dismantling projects, this technology was pioneered by Archimi in the past. Especially in the blasting of old buildings, it can achieve extremely accurate results. However, this nano-directional blasting robot was not ideal after its launch. Because although the blasting was accurate enough, the cost of blasting was too high, so it was only on the market for a short period of time and then it was withdrawn from the market.

Later, this kind of nano-directional blasting robot was incorporated into the weapon equipment system of Section 3, but it has been used very few times now. Basically, this technology is in a semi-abolition state, but I didn't expect it to be used this time. It comes in handy for things like that.

Noah knew very well how difficult it was to complete a precise wall disintegration blast in an instant. He had already conducted an experiment at noon. The experiment was very successful. The nanomachinery technology led by Archimi was very mature.

Fortunately, we were very lucky this time. There is a mature template in reality, the slow-down device. Otherwise, such a large-scale rescue would not be possible. Currently, Section 10 is improving the individual combat aircraft carried by personnel from all three sections. , can connect and identify the signal of the nearest slowdown device, so that the rescue can reach the most secure level.

Everything has entered the final countdown, and the plan will be officially implemented around 8:30. This seemingly impossible rescue must be completed before Zhao Zhen is aware of it.

In the live broadcast room of CBV's main channel, Zhao Zhen was silent and motionless, while Niya was sleeping.

Time passed by minute by second, and Mo Xiaolan kept wiping her sweat. She had integrated all the ideas provided by everyone. It was not easy for the rescue plan to progress to this point, and in the last two critical hours, Whether they can succeed is unknown, but they must succeed. If they fail, no one knows what impact this incident will have on the city.

Now there is another issue that Mo Xiaolan is most worried about, which is whether other rioters will cause trouble during this period.

Even under martial law across the city, rioters could still rely on the information provided by AI to launch surprise attacks without warning. The calmness of the past few days made Mo Xiaolan feel uncomfortable.

"What's wrong? From the look of you, is something going to happen before you feel at ease?"

Noah came over with a cup of coffee and placed it next to Mo Xiaolan. Now the number of people who have received the slow-down devices has exceeded 3,000. After all, it was just after dinner. It is normal to go to the bathroom during this time. .

Because of the urgent need for chefs to start cooking in the canteen, programs on many channels have been delayed for half an hour. There are still more than 1,000 people waiting to receive their lunch boxes.

"Hopefully everything goes well."

Mo Xiaolan said, Noah smiled.

"Now that such a plan has been proposed, the only thing we can do now is to wait for the success of this plan, eliminate anxiety, and think carefully about the loopholes in such a plan."

7 o'clock sharp

Niya opened her eyes and stretched out. This was the most comfortable sleep she had had in the past few days. She hadn't felt so comfortable for a long time. After Niya asked a female staff member to serve some refreshments, she looked at He turned to Zhao Zhen, ate some and lit a cigarette.

"What did you do before?"

Zhao Zhen looked at Niya blankly.

"does it matter?"

"It's already the end. No matter whether you live or not in the end, you have to at least let us know your story, right?"

Zhao Zhen thought for a moment and nodded.

“I used to be a salesman, and that was a long time ago.”

"That's when you and your wife met."

Zhao Zhen nodded and briefly talked about some of his past events. He was lucky enough to be born in a middle-class family. His father was a school teacher and his mother was an employee of a company. The entire family's income was very high. Considerable, so Zhao Zhen had a good childhood.

Even though the city had many problems than it does now, Zhao Zhen lived happily until he was 20 years old. After that, Zhao Zhen went to university and chose the Department of Mechanical and Biological Engineering because it was the most popular subject in the city. Many people can be hired by companies immediately after coming out.

Zhao Zhen thought so too. The tuition for this major is high, but Zhao Zhen's family can completely afford it. However, something happened at home before Zhao Zhen graduated. Both his parents suffered from blight. This is a big problem for Zhao Zhen. Zhao Zhen was caught off guard by what would have been a terminal illness for people in the previous era.

The cost of care and treatment for blight syndrome is very high. There are several main treatments in the city that can delay the onset of the disease, but they will still die in the end.

Zhao Zhen dropped out of college. After returning home, he began to take care of his parents, and then began to work in some places. However, Zhao Zhen did not graduate after all, so he went to many companies that needed mechanical biotechnology for interviews, but failed.

In desperation, Zhao Zhen could only find some temporary jobs, work four or five jobs a day, and take care of his parents during the break between work. Although his parents had already said that they would not need any more treatment, Zhao Zhen felt that it would be good to let his parents live one more day. .

The burden of the entire family did not overwhelm Zhao Zhen. This situation lasted for three years. Seeing his parents finally passing away happily, Zhao Zhen had no regrets. It’s just that this kind of technical talent requires graduation qualifications. Completion qualifications include many things.

After interning in some related companies for more than a year and needing to pass multiple technical qualification exams, Zhao Zhen finally chose to work as a salesperson for a small technology company.

In order to be able to sell the company's technology products, Zhao Zhen traveled to every district in the city. Although he had little success, at least it was an area that he liked and understood. It was at this time that Zhao Zhen met the future in a candy store. Wife's.

"I still remember that the owner of the candy store of LK Company was named Ye Lai. He was the father of Ye Jiao, the current secretary of Section 7, right?"

At this point, Zhao Zhen laughed and Niya nodded.

Zhao Zhen fell in love at first sight with this female clerk who smiled and helped him when he was extremely tired. Since then, Zhao Zhen has gone to the candy store to buy a candy from time to time, and then took the opportunity to chat with her.

After in-depth communication, the two became lovers, and the woman quit her job in the store for Zhao Zhen, and followed Zhao Zhen to find a job where Zhao Zhen lived.

With Zhao Zhen's continuous efforts to promote, the technology company's products achieved good sales, and he also made his first pot of gold in his life. After that, he found You Zhen and married a woman.

Zhao Zhen did not continue to work in this company, but chose to go back to university, quickly relearned his past studies, graduated in just three years, and officially became a mechanical and biological engineer.

"It's very ordinary. I originally thought that this kind of life would go smoothly. After entering a big company, my income reached 50,000 yuan a month decades ago. This is for the people in the whole city. Humanly speaking, I was the one at the top, and my wife and I were lucky enough to get the remainder of the license, and then our baby was born.”

Niya nodded and exhaled a puff of smoke. Zhao Zhen's experience was the same as that of many people who strive for the top. Although there were relatively large ups and downs and sadness, many people climbed out of adversity and gained happiness.

"What happens after that?"

Zhao Zhen laughed.

"As you all know, I successfully invented the heart rate control technology, which made it shine in the medical field. I also received a dividend from the technology share. Even if I don't work for the rest of my life, this technology share will allow me to I wanted to live a stable life, but I still chose to move forward. It might have been better if I had chosen to live a peaceful life at that time, because I would have more time to spend with my family."

Niya didn't ask any more questions. Since the accident, Zhao Zhen began to go to the streets to demonstrate and protest crazily, demanding that Section 2 reveal the truth. In the end, Zhao Zhen was arrested for endangering public safety, because at that time Zhao Zhen had excessive behavior.

Until then, Zhao Zhen went completely crazy, talking crazy words every day, and completely reduced to a lunatic. Finally, Zhao Zhen was sent to Frye Mental Hospital. After being discharged from the hospital, Zhao Zhen's mental condition was still unstable, but he has completely improved. At this time, Zhao Zhen almost disappeared from the city. He had not received technical dividends for many years.

After that, people from Section 10 entrusted people from Section 5 to find Zhao Zhen in order to give him the money. But at this time, Zhao Zhen had fallen into a coma and was about to pass away. On his deathbed, Zhao Zhen said, give this money to him. All money is donated to families who have lost family members due to accidents.

Until now, this technological dividend is still serving these people, but no one knows about Zhao Zhen, because according to the records, he has long been dead.

"Okay, Miss Niya, please tell me your answer. Do you want to reveal the truth?"

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