Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2228 Crime and Punishment 3 (Part 1)

K sat quietly at the table, looking at the tea in the cup. Just after the program ended, K raised his head in contentment and stretched.

"That guy should have seen it."

K looked at the light and shadow screen and saw the voices of some people after the program was broadcast. This has been the case a long time ago. Lies are a good tool. Things from back then kept emerging.

K woke up from a dream after the bomb-laden subway exploded, and their attack had already caused irreparable consequences.

This incident in the past has always tortured K. He woke up from this nightmare countless times, especially after leaving the practice department, the situation became more and more serious.

Over the years, K has been in the beer agent business. Because he often needs to come into contact with all kinds of people, K has noticed something, and he noticed it five years ago.

K had talked to C, who had also resigned from Section 2, a few years ago, but neither of them took the matter seriously, so they did not tell Section 2.

One time during a business trip, K met the owner of a small factory who was responsible for manufacturing beer cans. At that time, a beer manufacturer owned by K was in urgent need of a large number of cans, so K negotiated with the boss. Order.

It's just that because it is a small factory, although the price is cheap, the output cannot meet the demand, and at such a critical time, K cannot temporarily find other people. The boss is also very interesting and said that he will find a way to complete it, but it needs to be done. Just get some raw materials.

At that time, the supply of raw materials on the market was based on qualification levels. The boss found a black market channel for K, which could obtain a large amount of raw materials needed for making beer cans. However, the boss was not able to come forward at all because he was afraid that the investigation would be investigated.

So let K, an employee with purchasing qualifications, purchase the raw materials and sell them to the boss at a suitable price, so that the boss can quickly produce the required beer cans.

The material control at that time was to ensure that no one would use these materials to make weapons. K followed the boss's instructions and quickly found a black market contact.

K was a little surprised by this contact person because the transaction was conducted in a large house. The trader first confirmed K's identity and then started talking. K originally thought that it was impossible to obtain such a large amount of materials in a short period of time. , but what K didn’t expect was that traders could get it in a short time.

Soon K was taken to a raw material company. What K saw was a lot of raw materials, which were purchased from large companies. This made K very puzzled as to how such a large raw material company could sell raw materials to the black market. inside.

The black market trader did not tell K exactly why, but the purchase was completed very smoothly, and the task of the beer manufacturer signed by K was also completed. With these raw materials, and the completion of the target task, K this time Made a lot of money.

What makes K most incredible is that the prices of these raw materials circulating in the black market are actually lower than those obtained through formal channels. K has never been able to understand this until he met C one day. After a discussion between the two, Only then did I realize that the fishiness involved was much deeper.

After a brief investigation, I found out that most of these raw materials were continuously hoarded by large companies in the years when they obtained the quantities, and the quantities were not generally large, and the companies had no way to convert these raw materials from the purchasing quantities. The part removed by Zhong Er can only be cashed out through the black market, so the price is lower.

This incident made K think about it with great horror. Although the current group of rioters did not appear five years ago, there were already some clues. Although large companies sold raw materials at low prices, in fact, when they purchased them, the price was If they don't sell the high-priced ones later, they can not only make a lot of money, but they don't need to pay taxes.

K and C both thought at the time that if there were criminals hoarding these raw materials and making weapons and the like, it would endanger the safety of the city.

It's just that the two didn't think so much at the time, because the city's raw material control was very strict, and a series of policies introduced by Niya had completely stabilized the city.

Until a while ago, K went to the trader's house, and as always, K bought something this time. He went to C that night and told C about it. After that, the trader was arrested.

The follow-up matter was when K was called to Section 2 yesterday. He learned that the trader had confessed some things, which were related to some big companies. The people from the company and family who were called to take refuge in the Congress last night had agreed to unconditionally. Turn over these hidden illegal raw materials and ensure that you will never do this kind of thing again in the future.

Everyone participated. This is what K feels most terrifying now. After so many years, how many raw materials have flowed into the hands of the rioters, so that they can produce a large number of weapons, as well as those biochemical machines that transform humans. , the quantity is so large, I am afraid that many raw materials are obtained from major companies.

By the time I realize this now, it is already too late, because the amount of raw materials required by these qualified large companies has a range index. According to the company's operating conditions and the revenue in its monthly financial statements, Ability to declare the usage of raw materials.

Most companies will deliberately report high prices. After successfully passing the test and obtaining a large amount of raw materials, the actual output will definitely meet the economic value that the raw materials can create, and the extra raw materials will be hoarded by large companies under other names. stand up.

At this time, the producer came in. After K talked with them for a while, he left and quickly returned to a nearby home. However, when K just arrived at the door of his house, he felt something was not right. Someone seemed to be watching him just now. Looking at herself, sure enough, soon the neighbor's door opened, and it was a woman who looked a little panicked.

"What's wrong, Miss Noel?"

K knew her and had helped this woman several times before. Noel hurriedly gave K a cardboard box in his hand.

"Someone asked me to give it to you."

As soon as Noel turned around after speaking, K's expression froze, and a ball of flames instantly burst out. Although K ran towards Noel very quickly, the soaring flames instantly swallowed up the space in the corridor and directly collapsed the wall. .

The deafening roar made K feel dizzy. Red scabs were wrapped around K's body. In front of him was a charred corpse. K's eyes widened. As the siren sounded, the people in charge came 3 minutes later. When we arrived, a landing plane passed directly by. The members of the special operations team ran down from the landing plane. There were shouts of terror everywhere.

K stood there in a daze, with smoke and dust everywhere. A person from Section 5 immediately handed over a protective mask.

"Sir, are you okay? Leave first."

Soon after, a director from Section 2 rushed over and looked at K sitting outside the apartment building. His expression was dull. He didn't expect Zhao Zhen to use such a method. He didn't know when Noel got this. Why would you listen to Zhao Zhen?

"Master K, are you okay?"

The director in front of him was K's old subordinate. K nodded, and after saying something to him, he walked out of the blockade, found a place to sit on the street, and leaned against the door of a store to look at the situation above.

The injured person has been sent to the hospital. K looked at the sky blankly, an indescribable feeling filling his heart. I am afraid there are many more bombs hidden in the city. This is what K can think of at the moment. thing.

Soon the director of Section 2 ran over, holding the light and shadow screen. K took a look and found that some preliminary investigation information from Noel had been uploaded.

This woman has financial problems. She went bankrupt three years ago due to failed investment and business operations. She is financially strapped. According to her friends, she owes a lot of money, and there should be loan sharks among them.

But most lending institutions are still normal. If Noel cannot repay the money, he will be sued and sent directly to the eastern agricultural base to work to repay the debt.

Noel worked three jobs a day, but her debt seemed to be a bottomless pit that could never be repaid no matter what. She spent three years under such pressure. K saw her looking sad many times.

"If only I had asked."

Over the years, K has never interfered with other people's affairs. He only focused on attending parties together. Only when he was at the events together did K feel a little comfortable. But everywhere in the city he could only feel indifference and helplessness. .

K knew very well that he had wanted to ask Noel if he needed help many times, but he never said this until Xianza no longer had any chance.

A single woman, she also interacts with men from time to time, but she is tired every day and has a sad face. K has obviously realized that she has insurmountable hardships and one day she will be unable to bear it.

Looking at some of the investigative information from Noel, K can now be convinced that it was Zhao Zhen who caught her weakness. People are always very helpless when it comes to debt. If someone comes to help at this time, , is tantamount to providing help in times of need.

This is how Noel agreed to K's conditions. Section 10 has entered Noel's house to conduct an investigation. So far, they have not found anything suspected to be a signaling device that controls the bomb.

But soon Noel appeared on the home surveillance. She seemed to be talking to someone, and then she took out the box from under the bed. When K went upstairs, she came over and handed it to K. The moment she turned around, the explosion happened.

K closed his eyes and pressed his temples tightly with both hands. He was already very tired. Originally, Mo Xiaolan came to him yesterday and asked him to use him as a bait to lure Zhao Zhen out. K was very repulsive at first, because he was no matter what. I didn’t want to go back to the same working situation as before, but in the end K agreed, and this matter had to come to an end.

No matter what the outcome was, K had thought about it, but he didn't expect Zhao Zhen to come so quickly.

At this time, many reporters came to the scene and began to report on the incident. K frowned slightly. He didn't know why Mo Xiaolan allowed reporters to report. After all, Zhao Zhen should have been laughing by now.

"Hahaha, you deserve it, you really deserve it."

Zhao Zhen clapped his hands in the room and kept letting out sharp laughter. Taotao huddled on the sofa in fear. She learned that the case that had just happened was related to Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen's expression became more and more ferocious, and he said crazily.

"Do you know! Do you know what kind of person the woman who died in that case was?"

Taotao swallowed.

"She once killed her child with her own hands. Although no evidence was found at the time, and she always said it was an accident, I know that she did it with her own hands."

Taotao covered her mouth, not daring to breathe out.

"She deserves it. This woman has lived a comfortable life with a large amount of insurance money. However, she seems to have no business acumen. She was defrauded of a lot of money by a man, which also caused the business to fail. She did not know how to repent after losing everything. , I still relied on borrowing money to maintain a glamorous life, but in the end I couldn’t hold it anymore and fell directly!”

Taotao swallowed. Even so, she felt that there was no need for Zhao Zhen to kill her.

"After I helped her pay part of the debt, she said everything. Even though she knew that what I asked her to do might be dangerous, she still did it without hesitation. After all, I made her live the same life as before. That kind of life. Do you think I’m cruel?”

Taotao didn't answer, just lowered her head, her heart beating violently, and then Zhao Zhen laughed.

"On to the next one."

While Taotao was still confused, suddenly there was a violent explosion from across the street. Zhao Zhen walked over and opened the curtains. A thick smoke came out, and Taotao covered her mouth.

"Have you noticed? The man living opposite your house secretly watches your life every day."

Taotao looked at Zhao Zhen in great surprise. Zhao Zhen snapped his fingers and quickly took out the phone and brought up a light and shadow screen. Soon Taotao began to cry. There were a lot of things photographed on it. At this time Zhao Zhen walked to the corner of the bathroom and easily took out an invisible surveillance camera from a wall.

"I noticed it when I first came here, so do you know why I never go to the bathroom? And I never open the curtains?"

Taotao whimpered and nodded. Zhao Zhen sat next to her and stretched out his hand to stroke Taotao's head. He laughed.

"Don't worry, someone has already taken care of everything for me."

Taotao sobbed. She heard the human character Zhao Zhen said with a very strange tone, as if he was not talking about a human being.

"Okay, the mouse has been dealt with. There is no need to worry now. Just rest peacefully. It will be fine."

Zhao Zhen said, picked up Taotao, carried her to the bedroom, then handcuffed Taotao and warned again.

"Don't even think about running away, otherwise, the thing cuffing you will explode."

Zhao Zhen turned around and pulled up his hood, laughing evilly and coldly.

"Where are you going?"

Taotao asked whimpering, and Zhao Zhen said in a loud voice.

"Of course I'm going to carry out my plan. My anger and hatred can only be put to rest by destruction!"

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