Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2227 Crime and Punishment 2 (Part 2)

10:03 am

Zhao Zhen woke up from his sleep and smelled a scent. Taotao, who was tied next to the bed, was still sleeping. After getting up, Zhao Zhen immediately went to the kitchen and started to make breakfast for Taotao.

Taotao also woke up at this time. After she stood up, Zhao Zhen came over after a while, put a bowl of nutritious porridge on the table, and unhooked Taotao's handcuffs. She stood up and said thank you.

Recently, Zhao Zhen has taken care of everything about Taotao. Taotao also feels that such a man is really reliable. If he is not a rioter, he will be fine.

"Can't you stop?"

Taotao took a sip of the porridge and felt that it tasted great. Only people who are careful can make such a taste. It was just like the food cooked by their parents in the past. It was not only delicious, but also safe.

Zhao Zhen was silent. He just smiled. After Taotao finished eating the porridge, he came in with a glass of juice. Although it was made with fruit flavoring agent, it contained many nutrients that pregnant women needed. .

Taotao looked at her slightly bulging belly. She had experienced less morning sickness recently, and the restlessness in her heart had also lessened a lot.

Taotao's parents passed away when she was still in college, and she had to rely on herself to do everything after that. With her excellent language skills and innocent and cute appearance, Taotao was selected by CBV after graduating from the Journalism School. .

Later, because of his relationship with Pan Hua, he soon became a first-line anchor. Originally, his next step was to enter the entertainment industry to participate in TV series or movies, or even release a song album. However, this unexpected pregnancy disrupted his career. Peach for everything.

Now that she has reached this point, Taotao is also very clear that whether she can survive is still a problem, because Zhao Zhen is a rioter. Every time she thinks of Zhao Zhen, Taotao always feels warm in her heart, but in reality, there are riots. Various cruel incidents caused by elements brought Taotao back to reality.

Taotao didn't know what Zhao Zhen wanted to use her for, but it was definitely not a good thing. Taotao wanted to have a good talk with Zhao Zhen today for some reason.

"Am I going to die?"

Taotao asked, and Zhao Zhen, who was tidying up the room, stopped.


Taotao lowered her head and hummed, then turned on the light screen and watched the morning news. Pedestrians were allowed to go on the streets in many places, but the time for each person to go on the streets was limited. The whole city was now under martial law.

Except for some companies that ensure the normal operation of the city, other companies have gone out of business. Congress also announced that it will give all citizens a subsidy in the future. According to the region, people in each region will receive a subsidy of up to 50 yuan a day. .

The introduction of this policy made the people interviewed in today's news report applaud. Such a decision is quite heartwarming during the period of martial law.

“Isn’t the current city bad?”

Taotao asked, and Zhao Zhen smiled.

"I don't belong to the present, I only exist in the past! And the past has passed, so everything in the past should end, and so should all the hatred in the past."

Zhao Zhen's slightly ferocious expression made Taotao shudder. Taotao no longer planned to ask anything, because no matter what he said, Zhao Zhen would act according to his plan.

Zhao Zhen doesn't care whether the city is good or bad now. He only needs to know the pain he suffered in the past and the despair and powerlessness of the past.

The creators have not sent any message until now. Zhao Zhen can probably guess that most of them should be gathered underground at the Reed Theater, but Zhao Zhen does not intend to have any further entanglements with them.

The creators are just tools for their own revenge. Zhao Zhen's revenge plan has been basically laid out. He just needs to continue to be patient and wait for an appropriate time to vent his anger and hatred to the entire city.

No one needs to pay for everything in the past, but someone must put an end to everything in the past. This is what Zhao Zhen thinks. He must put an end to his past.

However, at this moment, a special program appeared on the TV screen, with Zhao Zhen's name clearly written on it. Taotao exclaimed, and Zhao Zhen was soon attracted to it, because K in a white suit appeared on the screen. , is the object of Zhao Zhen's incomparable hatred.

The program directly announced everything about Zhao Zhen and that he was a rioter, and K served as a special invitee for the program. The program was based on the serial bombings caused by Hydera more than 30 years ago as the background.

"First of all, I want to express my most sincere apology to all those who died in the subway bombing!"

K stood up and bowed to the screen. Zhao Zhen's expression was completely frozen, his eyes were bloodshot, and Taotao sat aside in fear.

The ratings of the TV show began to rise all the way, and K also said that he would announce some details of the investigation of the subway hostage-taking case that year.

The program supporter first explained the origin of the Hydra case more than thirty years ago and how Hydra appeared. After a series of brief explanations, the supporter began to ask K.

"May I ask Mr. K, how did you discover Hydera's last action?"

K started talking to the camera.

There were a total of 57 consecutive bombings in Hydera that year. The last one occurred in three locations, the Trung Building, the District 30 subway station, and the No. 3 Metal Plant in Hossen in the west.

The first problem to arise was the Truong Building at the beginning. The administrative department used all its power to quickly seal off the surrounding area and planned to rescue the hostages in the building. In fact, Hydera and the others also captured the boyfriend of Mo Xiaolan, who was still the room director at the time. And half an hour after the Trump Tower hostage incident began, they hijacked more than 100 people in the subway station, and then placed bombs in the subway.

The rioters at that time planned to rush the subway full of bombs all the way to the area where the Congress is located and explode underground.

The three actions started together. The reason why the problem on the subway was discovered was because Mo Xiaolan repeatedly reiterated when the incident in the building occurred that the other party's approach was not that simple this time.

In the last two cores, only C, who was still the secretary at the time, listened to Mo Xiaolan's suggestion, so C immediately discovered the anomaly in the subway, and the hijacking incident in the factory occurred ten minutes after the incident in the building. It's just to divert the attention of the department, the real purpose is the subway.

K talked about some details, but basically what happened was what happened. Many people had seen some reviews of the case, but what most people were most concerned about was what actually happened in the subway case.

"It was too late at that time. If the subway was activated, even if it did not explode near the Congress, it would explode on any street. By then, the number of people dead would not be more than 100, but tens of thousands."

"Then you were"

Before the host finished speaking, K said bluntly.

"We selected most of them. Many of the hostages died in our tough exchange of fire, but we successfully stopped the subway from running. Although it still exploded in the end, everyone in the area has been evacuated, and there were no casualties on the ground."

"you liar."

The moment Zhao Zhen saw this, he roared angrily, because Zhao Zhen learned after entering the Creator that the three explosions caused by Hydera would not have caused any casualties. Their rashness and choosing the majority of people ultimately led to this result.

The bomb in the factory was not remote-controlled, but timed. There were more than ten people held hostage at that time, and most of them left the factory under the evacuation of the intruding administrative department. However, the administrative department did not carry out any The strong tactics are just waiting.

As a result, the time came and the bomb exploded. Hydera had left very obvious clues and told the people in the department that this was a time bomb. If they worked hard to investigate, they would definitely be able to find it, and the time would be enough for them to defuse it.

The same goes for the building incident. Hydra let everyone go at the last moment and perished with the building. The same goes for the subway incident. In the end, the executive branch made an arbitrary decision in the last few minutes and attacked directly.

Although the subway exploded in the end, such an explosion could only spread to a range of more than ten meters. There was no powerful bomb at all. All the truth had been subverted and covered up back then, and the person who did all this was Gods.

Hydera's last attack was to prove something, but Xingke knew it, but still did it as always. Zhao Zhen didn't believe it at first, but finally came to visit K and told the truth. .

The strong attack of Section 2 made the rioters take action. In the end, a large number of hostages died in the exchange of fire. In the end, the subway was stopped by the people of Section 2, but the power of the explosion was very small. K also blamed himself for this incident. He left the business and became a beer merchant.

Zhao Zhen kept talking about everything that happened at that time, and every sentence was refuting K's words. Taotao on the side looked at Hydera in shock.

"It's all your fault. If you had chosen to endure it, you would have won. No one would have died. Giving up the minority for the majority was your choice. So what should the minority do? They should Suffering from such pain?"

Zhao Zhen smiled sadly, because he knew that this problem was unsolvable, but Hydra had already given enough hints to the Xingke Department. In the end, only Mo Xiaolan found these hints, but no one heard her voice.

In the end, Mo Xiaolan could only rush to the factory alone, looking for the bombs. Although she dismantled some bombs, she could not dismantle all the bombs with her own strength. In the end, the explosion occurred, and Mo Xiaolan also became It looks like this now.

Before that, Mo Xiaolan had been warning C and K, telling them not to do anything, even if the subway left, because it was a lie, and it was Hydera's lie.

However, in the end, C and K made an irreversible decision and took action. As a result, tragedy occurred. The incident in the factory was the same. After seeing someone holding a detonator, the administrative department evacuated most of the people and left them alone. There were more than ten hostages inside. If they entered, they would be buried with them. This was what most people thought at the time.

"Hahaha, liar, are you still lying? At this point, do you still want to pretend to be righteous?"

Zhao Zhen sat on the sofa in despair, slapping his forehead. Taotao wanted to say a few words of comfort, but she swallowed the comforting words as they reached her lips.


Mo Xiaolan sat quietly in the office, looking at K on the light and shadow screen who was still talking about the incident more than 30 years ago, and she laughed helplessly.

They originally thought they would win Hydera at the last moment, but in the end they still lost completely, just like what happened when Hydera was sentenced to prison.

At that time, Gene happened to go to the barrier area to deal with some matters. Although Gene returned to the city, he rushed to the factory as soon as possible because the factory was closest to the barrier area.

Mo Xiaolan carefully recalled everything that day. She had noticed it a long time ago, ever since Hydra started to create bombings. Those who died in the bombings all hid some ulterior secrets. Hyde There is no reason why they were selected.

In the past thirty years, Mo Xiaolan finally figured out what Hydera did two years ago. He knew many secrets during the thirty years in prison, and from these secrets, he found many hidden secrets. Among the sinners in the city, he targeted the bombings.

Two childhood friends who died in an explosion that Niya witnessed in the past had completely different identities. One was a star and the other was a woman in the special service industry. However, the two had no contact with each other. They had conspired together when they were students. Robbery and murder, but the matter was never exposed.

It was only after Mo Xiaolan conducted a comprehensive analysis of the case and heard something from a criminal in prison that he determined that the two women who were killed in the bombing were the criminals.

Mo Xiaolan knew why Hydera did this, because he just wanted to prove that he was the winner. Indeed, he was the winner. He was a winner who was full of lies. He really won. At the moment of death, he As the collapsing building fell together, it was already proven that she had won.

Recalling this past event, Mo Xiaolan only felt inexplicable sadness. The person he loved most died in front of him. At the last moment of his life, the man chose to pounce on him. As a result, he was only severely burned. That man lost his life forever.

A tear slipped out, and Mo Xiaolan hurriedly wiped it away. Lilian behind him patted Mo Xiaolan on the shoulder.

"He made himself look extremely dangerous and terrifying, but what is truly terrifying is the human heart, or the human heart that is unwilling to believe it, because Hydera made it clear from the beginning that this was just a punishment game. At that time, many people only saw Punishment without seeing the word game!"

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