Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2225 Crime and Punishment 2 (Part 1)

Nothing happened all night

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the sun officially rises. In accordance with the provisions of martial law, many people stay at home unless necessary. This situation is terrible for everyone. A few days will be fine, but if it exceeds If it takes a week, many people will not be able to bear it.

Wu Lei breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Le Xiao who was sleeping and drooling beside him. The two of them had already thought of a countermeasure. They would give a televised speech at about the same time. The supplies could only provide the minimum food, and the rest would not be provided.

Because he didn't know how long this kind of day would last, Wu Lei had already sent a list of supplies to 12 Branch to inquire. The food supplied could only start with the one with the largest inventory in 12 Branch, as well as the food with the longest shelf life.

The plan, including the phased opening of areas where citizens can go shopping on the streets, will also be implemented today. All this is to avoid too much foot traffic on the streets. If the rioters launch a large-scale attack at this time, it will be over. .

Wu Lei could feel that this was a competition of endurance. If he couldn't bear it any longer, the rioters could cause big problems in the city with just one opportunity.

Wu Lei had obviously just eaten more than an hour ago, but Wu Lei felt a little hungry again. He planned to go downstairs to eat something, and then bring some up to Le Xiao so that she could eat it directly when she woke up.

When Wu Lei just walked out of the office, he bumped into Michelle. She still looked very energetic.

"Secretary-General, plans for people's daily necessities have been made. We will make a televised speech later."

Michelle nodded, turned on the light and shadow screen, and after a few glances, she spoke.

"The routes for citizens to take to the streets in batches must be planned well to avoid crowding out."

Wu Lei hummed, and Michelle left quickly. Wu Lei smiled helplessly. He knew that Michelle had not rested for many days in a row. She only took intermittent rests and would take a nap for half an hour to an hour. , and then continued working, as if she were a tireless machine.

Wu Lei came to the cafeteria and soon found many people sleeping on the table. Some people only ate half of the food before falling asleep, but most people took a nap.

Last night's missile attack caused 23 deaths and 1,987 injuries, while the attack in the family area resulted in 587 injuries and no deaths. All thanks to the special management team's presence in the family area early in the morning, and Niya, the chief of Section 5, has strong combat power and can kill those biochemically modified people in an instant.

What everyone is most worried about now is that some biochemical and mechanical modified people will suddenly pop up in any area of ​​the city and carry out massacres. According to the calculation of the calculation model, if 100 mechanical and biochemical modified people are in a crowded area, , can kill thousands of people in 1 minute.

In a daze, Wu Lei fell down as soon as he reached the food table. When he woke up again, he had fallen asleep for a while, and the chef said with a smile.

"Eat more so you have the strength to work. You'd better rest for a while."

Wu Lei smiled and shook his head. After taking the food, he realized that he had fallen asleep for seventeen minutes.


6:23 am

Mo Xiaolan rubbed her eyes. She had just woken up and came here more than an hour ago, but Noah was still sleeping.

"Hurry up and call that bastard, and call Li Chu over."

Soon a sleepy Noah came out scratching his head.

"I ask you to delete all permissions for AI control in the city."

Noah was completely stunned, and then looked at Mo Xiaolan in confusion.

"Did you take the wrong medicine? This will cause the city to fall into chaos."

"If we don't do this, the AI ​​will give us a fatal blow."

Noah looked at the report that Mo Xiaolan had written. It was true that when Ran Zai was attacked last night, the surveillance camera captured everything but did not call the police. The nearby Department 5 also suffered a rupture of a water pipe on the main road of a street. I immediately went over to check and found out that Ran Zai had been attacked.

"It has been investigated and it is caused by a short circuit in the power supply."

"It can't be because of the power supply."

Mo Xiaolan said, Noah sat down and said.

"Can you please be serious? If the AI ​​system really stops running, how many people will you have to arrange to monitor the situation day and night? And how long will it take to complete the identity check? Including patient care in the hospital, how many people can be fully staffed? Watching patients 24 hours a day?”

Mo Xiaolan also knows that this is unrealistic, including some AI-assisted production programs in the factory. Once they are stopped, it is unrealistic for everything to be completed by humans and automatic systems, because AI has the ability to automatically troubleshoot and verify production. For so many years, it has relied on Basically, there have been no big problems with AI.

The failure rate of machine operation is also one aspect. If it is an old machine that has been programmed to run in the past, it will be very troublesome once the machine fails. However, the AI ​​system has an early warning mechanism and can accurately and intelligently find problems. Early warning.

Including network management is also a big problem, and many tasks require AI to complete.

"Then at least the AI ​​will not have any monitoring authority."

Noah shook his head.

"Impossible. If you do this, how will you investigate the rioters? Wouldn't that be equivalent to allowing the rioters to dance in the streets easily?"

Mo Xiaolan gritted his teeth and patted the wheelchair, when Li Chu came over.

"I have checked all aspects and there is nothing wrong with the AI."

"You two idiots, it will be too late by the time something goes wrong."

Li Chu smiled helplessly.

"If you knew about language programs, you wouldn't say that."

"Then tell me, why are we so passive? Those rioters always seem to be able to get ahead of us. Is it possible that we are dumber than them?"

Li Chu did not answer this question, Noah scratched his head and said.

"After all, those two bastards Archimi and Marcus know us so well, don't they?"

Mo Xiaolan was speechless. Although there are indeed reasons for this, the more reason lies in AI. Mo Xiaolan is now 100% convinced that AI has already sided with the rioters. If not in time, If the use of AI is curbed, once the AI ​​starts to rebel in the future, the blow to the city will be devastating.

The city would fall into hellish chaos in an instant, which was extremely fatal to the city. Mo Xiaolan put away his anger.

"How about letting go of your prejudices?"

Li Chu turned around and started walking.

"Section Chief Mo Xiaolan, please continue to work hard. I still have many values ​​​​that need to be calculated and tested."

Li Chu instantly turned into red particles and disappeared into the air. Mo Xiaolan was so angry that his teeth itched, Noah waved his hands and said.

"I'm also very busy. I have to conduct a thorough splicing and analysis of some of the things used by the rioters, especially the brain-control chips."

Noah turned around as he spoke, and Mo Xiaolan pushed the wheelchair and came to Noah.

"Trust me, at least turn off the monitoring control first."

Noah sighed.

"You have no choice but to be lazy. If the authority of AI is really turned off, big problems will occur in the city immediately. Even if AI really betrays us, we can only find a way to solve it when it betrays us. After all, we have been tied to AI for too long. It is probably very good for the rioters to cause riots in the city in advance. Use your brain to think about what is more important!"

Mo Xiaolan's eyes widened, and soon she realized it. A surge of electricity rushed straight to her forehead. In an instant, Mo Xiaolan understood the purpose of the rioters. They shouldn't do anything in a short time, because they wanted to What we want to see is the chaos of the city, the riots caused by martial law, and if the AI ​​control authority is really turned off at this time, the city will fall into further chaos.

Soon Mo Xiaolan woke up, Noah flipped his hair and smiled slightly.

"Any technological product is a double-edged sword. I have understood this truth from the beginning. If there is a good side, there will inevitably be a bad side. There is no way around it, because people can never control everything. , and everything we do can only control everything under relative circumstances, not absolute circumstances.”

Mo Xiaolan looked at Noah silently. He didn't expect such words to come out of the mouth of this man who was laughing and joking all day long.

"Human beings continue to live in such self-contradictions. On the one hand, we denounce some products and things, but in fact we benefit from these things, and the cycle continues. This is the commonality of mankind. Unlike machines, which only have initial functions and final effects, people may have a purpose at the beginning, but later on, these purposes will diverge as the environment changes with age! It’s amazing, isn’t it?”

Mo Xiaolan nodded.

"Don't think about these useless things, lazy guy. You are too impatient. Go back to the starting point and think about why you are in this position. If you are just angry and hating, you will not be able to see clearly. There are many things, and you have never let go of the pain of the past.”

Looking at Noah who was about to leave, Mo Xiaolan grabbed the corner of Noah's clothes.

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

Before Noah could finish speaking, Mo Xiaolan punched him in the abdomen. Noah bent over in pain and grinned.

"Idiot, I have let go of everything in the past. My anger is only because they attacked Section 2."

Mo Xiaolan turned the wheelchair and pushed it slowly towards the wormhole. Noah stood up and laughed.

"As long as you understand."

After Mo Xiaolan left, Noah sat at the table and poured a cup of coffee. He needed to think carefully about what Mo Xiaolan said. If the AI ​​really rebelled, the turmoil created in an instant would be enough to completely collapse the city. , how to stop AI is a big problem.

Today's AI technology is no longer comparable to that of 20 or 30 years ago. AI has obtained larger data and more room for evolution. It is not as simple as destroying core servers.

If the AIs are willing, they can build a living place anywhere in the city, as long as it can accommodate digital symbols and have a storage space of sufficient size. Even if it is a cable on the street that can be stored, the AIs can Able to move around inside.

This is the power of today's Bright City AI. The reason why it can handle tens of thousands of things at the same time is because the AI ​​can have countless clones at the same time. As a result of the clones working at the same time, things will be processed according to the difficulty. To determine the number of clones of AIs.

The more clones the AI ​​has, the faster it can check information and process events faster. Noah sighed helplessly.

"It seems there's nothing we can do."

At this time Guoguo came over.

"Idiot, hurry up and get back to work. Everyone is so busy, but you still dare to sleep and sit here leisurely drinking coffee."

"Guoguo, let me ask you a question, if the AI ​​rebels, how will we respond?"

Guo Guo glanced at Noah suspiciously.

"Cut off the energy source that AI relies on for survival."

Noah laughed.

"This is indeed a solution."

Guoguo kicked Noah.

"You idiot, all you have to do to stop an appliance is unplugging it. Even appliances with built-in power supplies will always run out of energy."

Noah nodded immediately.

"Guoguo, you guys are busy first. I'm going to draft a paper AI problem countermeasure report and distribute it to all section chiefs and secretaries first."

"Are you that anxious?"

Noah started running, and Guoguo smiled helplessly. At this time, she thought of Heimo, although she only had a vague feeling that Heimo might not be crazy.

7:09 am

Located in Frye's Mental Hospital, Alpha sat quietly at Frye's desk, while C yawned next to him.

"That's almost all the information. President, please take your time and read it. I have to go inspect the wards."

Clone Frye stood up and left as he spoke. He looked at the large pile of information on the mental hospital that he had just sorted out, including some paper information from the past. It was a full pile. Alpha now wanted to take a detailed look at these mental hospitals. Information about the disease, hoping to find something from it.

Because some patients had been treated at Frye Mental Hospital and left after recovery, Alpha was very suspicious that these guys were using Frye Mental Hospital as a cover to plan something inside.

There is almost only Fry alone in this place, as well as some volunteers who come here from time to time. It is out of sight, making it easy for some secret plans to be carried out.

And Frye also mentioned that in the past, when the rioters on the list were admitted to the hospital, someone did come to visit them, but the records at that time have long since disappeared because the workload was too heavy and the hospital was not very good. equipment, some old records Frye has deleted.

Clone Fry came to the corridor and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He did not expect Alpha to come suddenly, and his expression was serious. Now clone Fry knew very well that the next step was crucial for him. If he took the wrong step, If he takes one step, he will be doomed, and the city will reach its most turbulent moment.

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