Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2224 Crime and Punishment 1 (Part 2)

"Cheer up, mom. Don't be careless in the slightest."

Niya stood in the abandoned area, holding the phone in her hand and shouting. After all, these biochemical mechanical modified people can fly into the sky. They have already asked Section 10 to send people to check the underground cave they just discovered. If those biochemical transformations are stored in it, If there are mechanically modified people, then there will be too few biochemical mechanically modified people attacking the family area.

What Niya is most worried about now is that these biochemical robots who have entered the city and are hiding will suddenly launch a large-scale attack. In this way, many innocent people will be involved, and there will definitely be casualties.

Although they are only at the level of B-level mutants at best, their lethality is far greater than that of B-level mutants. Their actions can be stopped with mutant-specific restraint bombs, but they should react faster than humans. Exact data has been obtained from previous encounters.

Niya is most worried about this matter now. She has ordered the five departments in various places to be on strict guard. Once there is a problem anywhere, they must rush there as soon as possible, especially the people from the special management team. Arrive at the scene as soon as possible.

The contact was quickly made. The first group of family members had been successfully escorted to the Congress. Niya felt a little more at ease. At first, she thought that the enemy wanted to attract the attention of the business department through a small amount of mechanically biochemically modified people. Waiting The family members gather together, and when they are gathered together, they will use a larger number of biochemically modified people to attack, which will definitely cause a large number of casualties.

However, the enemy did not do this. Niya stopped and jumped to the top of a building. She thought quietly and looked at the city with lights in the distance. Section 10 has urgently launched countermeasures. If there is a big disaster, When the problem arises, the artificial sun will directly illuminate the city.

There are less than two hours until dawn, but if a big problem occurs during this period, the artificial sun will light up immediately.


Tianhen looked quietly at the base in the mountains in front of him. There was no one inside, and many things were made of scrap metal. Fighters had just piled up in the nearby area for carpet bombing, and now the people from Section 3 were carrying out carpet bombing. Searching for clues everywhere.

It has been determined that the missile was launched from this mountain base. I wonder how many such mountain bases the rioters have. They will not be so lucky next time. If they continue to launch, the optical nuclear weapons will be activated immediately. , destroying the missile directly before the missile approaches the city.

The city's defense system has been activated. No one expected that the creator would hold such a weapon. People in Section 10 have preliminary analyzed the type of missile, which is consistent with some high-quality missiles used in the past Hydra bombings. Bombs have similar ingredients.

Tianhen plans to take people to investigate the nearby mountains, and has arranged for people to walk in the barrier area to get news. If the criminals' base is found, those who can directly enter the city.

Now the people in the barrier area are also moving. Tian Hen looks at the information on the light and shadow screen in front of him, a little helpless. He looks at the dark wilderness in the barrier area. There are many lights because many people have participated. To find the base of the rioters, we can only rely on huge manpower in such a place.

"It's really ironic that just a few months ago they were enemies."

Tianhen muttered, and a director came over.

"Section Chief, maybe many of the bases of the rioters are temporary bases like this. They may be used to launch missiles or store some kind of weapons. They only need to be used once and then abandoned."

Tianhen thinks this conclusion is correct. Tianhen has no plans to go back in the past few days. He must conduct a thorough and large-scale investigation of the barrier area.

The people brought out are all elites within Section 3. They have participated in many clearing operations in the barrier area and participated in many marches. Many of them are squad leaders with rich combat experience.

The investigation soon yielded results. A small warehouse was found less than 2 kilometers away from the cave where missiles were launched. Tian Hen immediately ran quickly. A few minutes later, Tian Hen arrived at a small cave warehouse. .

There are some raw materials stored inside, which are used to make explosives. Many of the raw materials seem to have deteriorated, and some are intact. There is a warehouse full of raw materials. After preliminary judgment by several people from Section 10, they have accumulated in this place. The raw materials can make at least hundreds of bombs that can destroy a house.

In another place, some old weapons have been found, some are still in normal use, some are rusty and damaged, and there are also many original bullets.

Tianhen realizes that he has given these rioters too much time by not carrying out a tough raid on the barrier area in recent years, and if he is tough, he will definitely pay a heavy price. Tianhen knows this, so over the years, Except for cleaning up the area to a certain extent when encountering an attack during the march, at other times they always maintain a subtle relationship with the barrier area.

And I am afraid that many people in the barrier area have joined the rioters. These people grew up in the barrier area, and their hatred of the city is probably innate.

The most troublesome thing is not weapons and ammunition, nor strength or weakness, nor development and backwardness, but the shadow. This thing will be passed down from generation to generation, and those who grow up in the shadow will inevitably continue to pass on the shadow. .

Everyone knows this truth, but if we want to eliminate these shadows, reality does not allow it. The shadows will only continue to expand and eventually swallow up the light.

Tianhen has been aware of this problem a long time ago, especially in the years when Owen was still alive, he has thought about this problem repeatedly, so many times Tianhen chooses to stand aside.

But it was the countless people who had thoughts like Tianhen that eventually caused the shadow to grow bigger and bigger, and Owen was also killed by these people who grew up in the shadow.

Soon some contacts came over. It was people from the barrier area who had found the base of the suspected rioters. Tianhen immediately arranged for people to go there to investigate.

Nowadays, the attitude of the barrier zone and the city can be relaxed only because of the short-lived light that fell in the barrier zone a few months ago and the promises given the next day. However, if these cannot be realized, everything will return to the past, and Falling into a worse situation.

Everything should be moving in a good direction, but the rioters were disrupting everything. Tianhen looked at the bright city in the distance with cold eyes.

Everyone knows that the moment of decisive battle has arrived. Since those rioters can use missile attacks, it is enough to show that they will definitely take action, because there is only one chance. Now that Bright City is on full alert, they want to launch missiles again. , it is impossible. The missile will be torn apart by optical nuclear weapons in the night sky before it approaches the Brilliant City.

"Instructions go on. Those who are tired can find a place to rest, or rest in the lift. Those who are still energetic can continue to search. The more we find, the more risks can be reduced."

Tianhen looked at the city in a daze. He once hated this city very much, but at the same time he also loved this city deeply, because not only were the years in the city bad, although there were many bad times, Tianhen was still there all the way. I have received help from many people since I came here.

Without the help of these people, Tianhen and his sister would have died long ago. Tianhen will always remember all this, so he has only one purpose in entering Section 3. What he wants to protect is not the city, but the kind citizens in the city.

Looking at the information that was constantly coming in on the light and shadow screen, many of which were still being confirmed, Tianhen continued to think about what the goals of the rioters were. This is what they need to think about now. If they cannot know their ultimate goal, they can only Can fly everywhere like a headless fly.

Tianhen walked outside a lift and looked at some of the section members who were sleeping inside. They were already very tired. In the past few days when the city had problems, many people in Section 3 had not had a good rest. Tianhen He took out a can of liquid food and walked out, opened it and ate it quickly, then jumped up. He landed on the top of a mountain and looked at the spots of light around him.

"What do they want to do?"

4:51 am

Le Xiao was in the canteen of the General Affairs Department, eating heavily. Although her throat was still a little uncomfortable, her stomach was even more uncomfortable. Although Gu Ningning asked her to help with medical issues, she couldn't help. , what Alpha said he could do was in his mind.

After just thinking about it for a long time, Le Xiao couldn't figure out what else she could do now.

The elevator door opened, and a large number of staff from different departments poured out, including Wu Lei. He ran to the place where he got the food, asked for a few pieces of food, and then went straight to Le Xiao.

"Ms. Michelle said that you will be responsible for dealing with issues related to people's lives later."

Lexiao swallowed, quickly stuffed the fried egg into her mouth, and then asked awkwardly.

"What exactly?"

"What is life?"

Le Xiao looked slightly embarrassed.

"The dispatch of many people's daily necessities during special periods requires the signature of a senior executive."

"Am I okay?"

This is the first time Le Xiao has dealt with this kind of thing, Wu Lei said.

"Hurry up and eat some. Lady Michelle has arranged for me to assist you."

While the two were talking, Michelle came down from upstairs, walked directly to the food table, took a piece of food, found a place to sit down, and was talking to someone on her mobile phone. She was not in a hurry. Eat slowly.

There were more and more people in the canteen, and there were voices everywhere. Many people were hungry. After working all night, some people even fell asleep while eating.

"I should be able to."

Le Xiao said and Wu Lei smiled.

"It's okay, it will get better."

Michelle said, and Charles on the phone sighed.

"Our home was also attacked an hour ago."

Michelle hummed.

"Feel sorry."

"You don't need to apologize Michelle, be careful!"

Michelle hummed and hung up the phone. After eating quickly, she looked at Le Xiao and shouted as she ran towards the elevator.

"Secretary Le Xiao, please take the dispatch of daily supplies seriously and don't miss anything."

"I understand, Your Excellency Michelle!"

Very happy, Xiao and Wu Lei returned to the office. After turning on the light and shadow screen, Le Xiao followed his memory and thought about the code. Wu Lei on the side could only come over and bring it. After quickly inputting the code, Le Xiao only needed to verify it. A large number of dispatch reports have been submitted.

The dispatch of a lot of materials has already begun, and where there is a shortage of materials, Le Xiao needs to negotiate with the merchants, let the merchants work overtime, directly sell the materials to the business department at a price below the normal market price, and then dispatch the materials.

The stored materials have already been distributed. Le Xiao only needs to confirm whether there are any problems with the material dispatch in these reports. If there are no problems, just sign them. If there are problems, just leave them unsigned and wait until the problem is over. Check again later.

Looking at the material dispatch documents one after another, many of them only required simple calculations to sign. After signing a few copies, Le Xiao became familiar with them. Wu Lei on the side was still helping Le Xiao look at the situation of all the scarce materials.

Many citizens are now queuing up to buy supplies, and businessmen are also running factories and opening stores to sell these supplies to the people. The department will purchase the insufficient parts and distribute them to the people, but they are only the minimum living support supplies.

Especially liquid food is difficult for many people to swallow, so most people are just willing to buy a lot of things and put them at home.

"Several supplies are already in short supply."

As Wu Lei spoke, Le Xiao hurriedly leaned over and took a look. Many of them were things needed in daily life, such as toothpaste, soap, washing powder, etc., including some cleaning supplies and even seasonings.

"Aren't these things available for purchase? Who reported it?"

Le Xiao looked at it suspiciously, and Wu Lei smiled.

"Everyone is queuing up now, and this daily necessities are written by the people on the page of the administrative department, and then the things that the people need most are screened out. After the complete formal martial law, these supplies will be directly distributed by the administrative department. "

"Isn't this letting everyone take advantage of each other?"

Le Xiao saw that there were many things in short supply. She immediately opened the page of the business department. After entering the code, she could quickly view all the things. There were many things ranging from towels to socks and clothing, but there was very little food.

"It's so outrageous, it even has underwear."

Wu Lei smiled awkwardly.

"The so-called daily necessities include food and drink, and liquid food is distributed uniformly."

Wu Lei laughed helplessly. It could be seen that this was not the first or second time, but the current situation was special, and there were people who really needed these supplies.

"We have to think of a way. After all, what if one of them needs it?"

Le Xiao hummed.

"When I think about it carefully, what should I do? It's good to have food and drink, but I still want this and that."

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