10 at night

Le Xiao and Gu Ningning stepped into the hospital in District 1. The personnel from Department 5 followed behind them and stood outside the hospital. The local officer from Department 4 came out immediately.

"Two adults, follow me. Ms. Gu Lin has already gone to bed."

Gu Ningning said yes and followed the department officer. After a while, the two of them arrived at the third underground floor. For the sake of safety, the people from the 2nd Department arranged Gu Lin on the third underground floor. As soon as they went down, there were all the people in the corridor. It was the people in charge of Section 2 and Section 5. Everyone bowed and saluted immediately when they saw the two secretaries.

Soon Gu Ningning saw a woman with disheveled hair in a large ward. She looked sallow and thin. But after just one glance, Gu Ningning was sure that this was indeed her biological mother. Le Xiao looked at Gu Lin and then looked at her Looking at Gu Ningning, they had similar outlines and expressions.

"I won't disturb you two adults."

The medical officer bowed slightly and left. Gu Ningning pushed open the ward and found that Gu Lin's hands and feet were restrained. She opened her mother's case, a mental illness with violent tendencies.

He has been in Frye Mental Hospital for more than thirty years. He was discovered by people from Section 5 on a street. Gu Ningning used his authority to call up the previous scene scenes and records.

Gu Lin's identity was not confirmed at that time. She suffered serious injuries, including blunt force trauma, a skull fracture, and suffered from various inflammations, which were caused over a long period of time. Some bones in her body had become necrotic.

Looking at the shocking medical records, Gu Ningning's expression became angry.

Le Xiao only glanced at it from time to time, without deliberately looking at it.

And the most important thing is that Gu Lin had undergone plastic surgery. It was not until she was treated in the hospital for half a year that her identity was finally confirmed. After that, Gu Lin was sent to Frye Mental Hospital for treatment.

Gu Ningning looked at the treatment situation in Frye Mental Hospital again. Gu Lin can now take care of herself. The frequency of attacks is about twice a week. She has cognitive impairment and memory loss.

According to the testimony of the member of Section 5 who discovered Gu Lin at the time, Gu Lin was found in a former sewer outlet near an abandoned area. Afterwards, Section 2 conducted an investigation into the sewer and found a place containing a lot of discarded medical supplies. 's basement.

A harmful drug that endangered the city was once produced in this basement. At that time, Jean was responsible for investigating the case. In the end, the drug disappeared overnight. In the end, the criminal who produced the drug was not caught, but it was discovered that this After entering the basement, it can be determined that the drug was produced from this basement.

Gu Lin didn't remember anything and her consciousness was unclear, so naturally there was no way to learn anything from her.

After watching everything, Gu Ningning turned off the light and shadow screen, sat on a chair nearby, and fell into deep thought for a long time. Le Xiao yawned. Although she was a little sleepy, now was not the time to sleep.

"Ning Ning, what are you going to do?"

Gu Ningning raised her head and looked at her mother on the bed.

"Whatever his reasons were, he was just a criminal now, a real criminal."

Gu Ningning stood up and Le Xiao walked over.

"Come on Lele, let's go to the scene."

Le Xiao hummed.

"I'm going to arrest him myself."

10:03 pm

Fit leaned against the wall quietly. The couple in front of him looked at Fit in horror. The woman was crying silently. Both of them were naked. Although the man was calmer, he could not hide the fear on his expression. meaning.

A crystal bomb was placed on both the man and the woman. It only takes an instant for both of them to be dead. This kind of crystal bomb is not the directional impact type used by the previous creators, but a high-quality energy type. , this is an improved version of the single crystal bomb developed by the Hillman family in the past, and was later improved and upgraded by Hydra.

Once it explodes, the hotel will collapse. Fit is still waiting for the opportunity. He must find an opportunity to escape.

When he got home today, Fitt didn't think about anything at first, because Akimi had already sent a message and he would go and deal with it personally. Later, he also received the information that Chen Yong had been dealt with. Fitt was so careless for a while that he changed his mind. Like this.

When Fett realized he was surrounded by agents, he used the invisibility function of the liquid suit to escape from the apartment, but the suit did not have the ability to fly.

Fite is now wearing a black one-piece metal black hard armor with many lines on it, which looks like the face of a demon.

dong dong dong

Feite immediately raised his hand to signal, and the woman hurriedly wiped away her tears, picked up the towel on the side and covered her body and walked to the door. When she opened it, it turned out to be someone from Section 5. They came to interrogate her for the second time.

"Is there anything strange about Miss?"

The woman shook her head and smiled sweetly, but her eyes were full of panic. This did not escape the eyes of the Section 5 staff member who came to interrogate her again. After that, the staff member bowed slightly and left.

Fit knew that this was only temporary, and the two hostages had to be fully utilized, but soon someone in the hotel would get sick. Fit had already put a deadly virus that could cause respiratory failure in humans into the hotel. in the water supply system.

The virus takes effect within four hours, and soon someone will realize that their throats feel like they are being burned by flames. The virus will quickly destroy the human respiratory system, and it only takes a few hours to make a healthy person collapse. Down.

This is also what Fite prepared. Ordinary people cannot resist this virus without a vaccine. Mutants are different, because the immunity of mutants is a hundred times that of ordinary people, and the alienated cells will kill everything. Pathogens that invade the body, so one advantage of mutants is that they are less likely to get sick, and even if they do get sick, they can recover quickly.

But compared to mutants, there were much more ordinary people. Fit smiled happily and looked at the coughing man. He took a big sip of water and coughed hard, and the woman also reacted. .

After realizing everything, Fite fled to a high point. After quickly analyzing the situation, he gave up the plan of forcing a breakthrough through the suit. He would definitely die if he did so.

So Fit came to the hotel before 7 o'clock in the evening and entered the room. The couple was enjoying themselves. Fit easily subdued the two of them and loaded them with bombs, which allowed them to reproduce quickly. The disease-causing virus was introduced into the hotel’s water supply system.

The virus will start to break out on a large scale as the crowd moves. Although Xingke is capable of developing the corresponding vaccine, it will be a few days later. If the city is in chaos, other creators should There will be some action, and Fit will naturally be able to escape.

Now you just need to wait quietly. Even if the business department has discovered that he is in this room, because of the hostages and their desire to capture him and make him explain everything, they will definitely not do it rashly.

"If you two want to sleep, please feel free to do so."

The couple was feeling a little uncomfortable now. Feite looked at them quietly. They were already suffering from a fever. If this condition was not treated in time, they would die in two or three days because the respiratory tract has been damaged by the virus and it will cause difficulty in breathing. , eventually died of respiratory failure.

Fite knew that he only had to hold on for two days, and after two days the creators would definitely try their best to start attacking.

"I didn't expect that the plan would start early."

Fit glanced at the medicine at hand. This is the only virus inhibitor that can suppress the virus. Once the virus is suppressed, the immune system can kill the virus.

Just in case, Feite had a hand in reserve. If two people died early, it would be troublesome. After all, if the hostage died, the business department would definitely come with force.


When a Section 5 staff member who had just checked the room reported to the team leader that the hotel room No. 1109 had just been checked for the second time, the woman seemed a little panicked, and at this time the staff member started coughing.

The team leader immediately ordered someone to go directly into the room to check. Although this clerk had entered the room to check before, but found nothing, he looked at the couple who seemed to be panicked, so he originally planned to go to the next place to check. But in the end, he went back to check again and confirmed that the woman was indeed panicked.

This news was soon reported to Section 2. The people from Section 2 came directly to the room with their equipment and found three people in the room. According to the outline of the third person, they were suspected of being arrested. Fit.

dong dong dong

The clerk knocked on the room door for the third time, but this time it was not a woman but Feit who opened the door.

"I have two hostages in my hands. High-energy crystal bombs have been installed on them. If you are tough, the bombs will explode immediately."

In an instant, the entire hotel was in chaos. A large number of guests were evacuating the hotel. Business people surrounded the hotel, but many people in the crowd were coughing.

Such anomalies attracted the attention of some members of Section 4. A director of Section 4 immediately stopped some people who were coughing and wheezing. After asking about their situation, he immediately determined one thing. There was a spread. The virus spread extremely quickly among the population.

In less than 5 minutes, the 4th Department had already responded. Huashen immediately ordered the isolation and treatment. All people in the area were determined not to step out of the area, and they immediately arranged for the outer 4th Department to carry out thorough carpet cleaning around the crowded area. Type disinfection.

The emergency epidemic prevention and air defense measures of Section 4 were immediately launched. In less than 10 minutes, the lifts from Section 4 landed and machines for making light and shadow protective masks were transported one after another.

The Business Department immediately issued an early warning to everyone in the area, asking people staying at home not to come out unless necessary. If they come out, they must go to a nearby mask distribution location to collect protective masks. People must keep distance between themselves. Those with symptoms were gathered in squares in the area.


Le Xiao took the mask from Gu Ningning, who had already stepped into a makeshift light and shadow research room in the square.

"What on earth should I do? Ning Ning."

"You go to the headquarters and have fun."

A large number of members of Department 3 are carrying some medical equipment. Huashen is already standing in the research room. Each container contains body fluids collected from the patient's respiratory tract. Huashen has analyzed and determined the type of virus. It is a A synthetic NDA virus.

Gu Ningning immediately noticed the patient's symptoms, and a large number of directors from Section 4 came in with people from the virus research team.

"Ning Ning, you are responsible for testing the drugs. You must find drugs that can inhibit this virus in the shortest possible time. I will be responsible for analyzing the NDA of the virus."

Gu Ningning nodded, and everyone got busy.

11 o'clock sharp

Feite looked at the situation below with some surprise. All the office staff on the street and some people in the distance were wearing masks, and in the distance, you could see brightly lit lights in the regional square. This was Feite. What I didn't expect was that the department was so fast. It took less than an hour from the discovery of the spread of the virus to the implementation of protection and then to isolation and treatment.

"Did you fail?"

Fit murmured, because this was beyond his imagination, but Fit had noticed when the hemangioma broke out in a large area, and the coordination and dispatch of the start-up of Department 4 was very fast.

At this time, the city had directly issued a warning on the news that a virus was spreading. Fit pressed his forehead and laughed. He looked at the two people who were already weak on the bed. The woman was obviously being eroded too quickly. , breathing has become rapid.


Le Xiao entered the command center and looked at the people in the command center. No one was wearing a mask. Le Xiao asked awkwardly.

“Is it okay if everyone doesn’t wear a mask?”

Lilian glanced at Le Xiao.

"Unfortunately, I haven't been sick in thirty years."

Qin Dong said with a smile.

"I haven't been sick for a long time, because we mutants have a special constitution. We have a powerful alienated genetic antibody in our bodies, which is completely different from ordinary people. Our defense rate against foreign viruses and bacteria is almost 100%."

Le Xiao smiled awkwardly. Everyone was still looking at the situation on the screen. The suspect was standing by the window, sitting on a chair and watching the news, while the two hostages looked in very bad condition.

At this time, the door of the room was knocked open again, and several people from Department 4 threw some medicine in, hoping that Feite could give it to the two hostages.

Feite smiled, picked up the medicine and threw it away, but he understood instantly when he saw the medicine. He didn't expect it to happen so quickly. This antibiotic was indeed effective against the virus. At least it could delay the virus's impact on the human body. Erosion speed, inhibiting virus division.

"Am I the loser? You're really good!"

Feite couldn't help but sigh that his daughter Gu Ningning was indeed a very good pharmacology expert in the city. There was no doubt about this. Feite felt a little helpless at this moment, but at the same time he was also excited.

"It's just that we should be able to buy some time."

There was a splashing sound, and Feite was a little shocked. He looked at the water in the hotel's water supply system, which was directly connected to the underground sewage treatment port, and people from the 4th Department were constantly spreading some dry disinfectant powder.

"So fast! It's so fast!"

Feite didn't expect that the source of the virus had been discovered. He sat down helplessly, then walked to the door and said.

"Bring me some food and wine. Don't even think about adding anything to it. If I find out, I will kill a hostage immediately. I am also an expert in pharmacology!"

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