8:29 pm

Clone Frye sat quietly in the office, feeling extremely torn and tormented in his heart. He didn't know what would happen next, but what was certain was that he would have no chance to continue his life.

The Executive Branch has uncovered a cadre, and now the creators are likely to start taking early action. Clone Frye has lost his best chance.

Lolita didn't come up from the ground, and Frye didn't go down either, because the people from the medical department were in the hospital, pretending to be patients, and Gu Lin had been transferred away by them.

"What's wrong? Do you feel a little uneasy?"

At the door, C walked in with wine and some food, and clone Frye laughed helplessly.

"It's just that I haven't encountered anything like this in a long time."

C walked over and laughed jokingly, patting Frye on the shoulder.

"You will be like this too. Really, how old are you? You have experienced so many things. Don't worry. I am here and there won't be any casualties in the hospital."

Feite has been completely exposed. He is currently wanted in the city. The subways and areas near where Feite lives have been sealed off. Everyone has returned home. The business department is conducting a thorough investigation and found Feite. A matter of time.

Frye could imagine that even the underground water crossings were guarded by people from the Xingke Branch. It was basically impossible for Fite to escape. The Shixing Branch had issued a wanted order for the whole city. This wanted list was released at noon today for the hostages. It was released less than 2 hours after being rescued, and everything was unexpected.

Although Fit was ready to escape the city, this time Xingke was ahead.

Fry also said that he had seen the man come to the hospital, but he was not here to visit Gu Lin, so he didn't pay attention. Fit was also mentioned in some visit records.

Now the people from Section 2 have set up defenses in Frye Mental Hospital. As soon as Fite comes back, he will be arrested. The clone Frye is sitting on pins and needles. He thought about a showdown with C before, but finally held back.

"What's wrong? You look so serious."

C said and poured a glass of wine for Frye. He had not had a drink with this man for many years. C and Frye had a good relationship in the past. From time to time, C would come to Frye to chat and have a drink like this. In the past years when C was dismissed, she would often come over to visit, bring something to Frye, and buy some supplies to send over.

Many classmates have supported Frye Mental Hospital in this way over the years. C happily raised his glass and took a sip with Frye, and the two started talking and laughing.

Clone Frye just made a gene complement today using the raw materials sent by Huashen early this morning. His body has regained its vitality, but it will not last for a week at most. If the creators and Xingke now If an all-out war breaks out, clone Frye will have no chance to continue researching technology to make his clones survive longer. Now that the raw materials are available, it only takes a few months.

"What's wrong? You seem to be worried."

Clone Fry smiled.

"It's okay, let's have a drink."

Frye raised his glass and looked at the takeoff and landing aircraft flying across the sky, his expression becoming serious.


R sat quietly in the District 59 Public Security Office. District 59 had quietly completed the blockade during the day, and everyone who wanted to leave the area would undergo extremely strict identity verification.

Moreover, Feite's appearance and characteristics have been known to all the verification personnel in advance. People from Section 2 have been guarding Feite's home for a long time. It is a pity that Feite was still allowed to run away. When the wanted order is officially announced, the action will be taken. The department has completed the lockdown and has asked people to stay at home. There are currently more than 10,000 personnel in District 59.

Moreover, more and more section officers will come over later, and they can investigate every corner of the area. Although they want to catch more rioters, it seems impossible, so in Mo Xiaolan and others, they start the section chief secretary A lockdown was imposed before the meeting, and arrests began.

Where exactly Fit is is a question. It can be seen from the surveillance that Fit has indeed returned home and has never left the house. After that, Section 2 suddenly broke into the door and the Fit had disappeared. It is currently inferred that he It might be a mutant who should escape from the roof, but he can't cross the area.

The members of the special task force are already on standby on the roof outside the area. Once a slight heat source is detected, the mutant's location can be locked.

Didi didi

Mo Xiaolan called.

"Our meeting just ended, how is the situation?"

"Still searching, but it's only a matter of time before we catch Fite."

R said confidently, and Mo Xiaolan chuckled.

"Don't screw it up."

"I'm very good at this kind of roundup. Don't worry, I won't mess it up this time."

R hung up the phone. He had seen all the surveillance cameras leaving the area, and there was no sign of Fit. He was 100% sure that he was still in the area. He just needed to investigate as time went by, and he would be able to find him. Get Fite.

8:41 pm

Gu Ningning sat in Locke's office with a serious expression. Locke folded his hands and looked at Gu Ningning helplessly.

"Ning Ning, are you okay?"

Le Xiao is also in the office. Just now, Gu Ningning got the information about her parents, which may be difficult to accept for a while.

"Girl, please stay with him and have a good rest tonight."

Locke picked up his hat and put it on and walked out of the lounge. After closing the door, Gu Ningning closed her eyes. Her parents' information was on the light and shadow screen.

At this moment, the door to the room opened, and Wu Qun and Yin Xianglin walked in. Gu Ningning looked over for a moment.

"Ning Ning!"

Yin Xianglin shouted, and Le Xiao quickly stood up and motioned for the two of them to sit over. Yin Xianglin pushed Le Xiao back, and she sat opposite Gu Ningning.

"I'm sorry Ningning, I didn't fulfill my responsibilities as a foster mother in the past."

Gu Ningning shook her head. At this time, she just felt a little uncomfortable, and an inexplicable sadness emerged from the bottom of her heart. Her mother had been treated in Frye Mental Hospital for a long time and was a lunatic, while her father was a rioter who committed heinous crimes.

No matter who it is, it is difficult to accept it for a while. Facing the past adoptive parents in front of her, Gu Ningning is actually a little angry in her heart. Wu Qun is okay, he will greet her from time to time, and even take Gu Ningning with him Go out to play, but Yin Xianglin basically doesn't care about herself every day, just trying to maintain the image of a foster mother as much as possible.

Gu Ningning has felt that she does not belong to this family since she was very young. Looking at the loving couple, Gu Ningning can only look at it. She has not integrated into this family, especially when she was ten years old. When she was 2 years old, Yin Xianglin decided to have a child. From the moment she became pregnant, Gu Ningning knew that she had no place in this family.

That's why Gu Ningning studied hard, especially in medicine. She had a very good talent. When she was only 10 years old, she had already received an exceptional admission notice from the medical school. Under the envious eyes of everyone, she entered the school without hesitation. Attended medical school.

The medical school is not far from Wu Qun's home. You can get there in half an hour by taking the subway, but Gu Ningning resolutely chose to stay in school.

It wasn't until one day that she was called into the office by the principal Hua Shen that she felt warmth for the first time, because Hua Shen looked at her very seriously. After that, Gu Ningning followed Hua Shen. No matter where Hua Shen went, he would Take her with you, remember her birthday, and take her out to play when she loses her temper.

His parents gave Gu Ningning life, his adoptive parents kept Gu Ningning from dying, and Hua Shen was his true father. Over the years, Gu Ningning occasionally said a few words to his adoptive parents, but most of them They were quite distant sometimes, and Gu Ningning didn't blame them. Instead, when their son Wu Lei entered the business department, he took the initiative to congratulate them with gifts.

Gu Ningning knew very well that they had no obligation to give her everything a child should have for free. Both of them were very busy at work. This was also a fact. They could not spare too much energy. After Yin Xianglin officially resigned, After getting rid of everything, she became pregnant with the child with peace of mind, but after that, her love could only be given to her own son.

Because Yin Xianglin didn't even know his parents, which Locke just said, Gu Ningning just felt a little sad.

What kind of parents are they, Gu Ningning has considered this issue before, but now the facts are in front of Gu Ningning, she doesn't know how to deal with her current mood, all this is too sudden, Gu Ningning never Never thought about it.

"Ning Ning, your mother used to work in the restaurant I owned, and she liked me, but I rejected her."

Wu Qun said, Gu Ningning nodded slightly, Le Xiao hurriedly stood up and wanted to run away. Because of such a heavy family topic, it would be a bit uncomfortable for her to be an outsider, but she was held back by Gu Ningning. Ningning's hands were full of sweat, Le Xiao hurriedly sat down, hugged Gu Ningning and patted her waist comfortingly.

"Then she met your father, Fit, and the two of them got together very quickly. They often came to our restaurant to eat. It was just because Fit was held hostage by the Hillman family at that time. He probably didn't want that. You brought your mother into such danger, so you resolutely broke up with her, and Dr. Huashen was there that day."

Gu Ningning remained silent, and Wu Qun continued.

"In the end, the two of them chose to be together. After that, everything about the Hillman family was exposed, and tragic things happened inside the company building. We thought your parents also died together, but one night, at that time, Xiang Lin and I were still Before she was married, she was still working as a secretary in the General Affairs Department. Your mother came to my house holding you as an infant, hoping that I could raise you."

Gu Ningning hummed, and Wu Qun smiled and stretched out his hand, but in the end he took it back. He knew that he was not qualified to comfort the child. He agreed at that time just because he knew that Gu Lin might have been desperate. Yin Xianglin originally said that that night Wu Qun wanted to report this to the administrative department, but Wu Qun stopped him.

The two people who had no experience in raising children were naturally unable to do everything well, and this matter could not be exposed, at least not for the time being. After having this child, their lives were completely changed. Until the child was three years old, I finally got the adoption identification certificate, and it was with Gene's help.

What happened next gave the couple a headache. The existence of this child completely disrupted their lives. A sense of strangeness and alienation from the child made the couple rarely communicate with the child after hiring a nanny. This child The child also became taciturn and very silent in life.

Because Wu Qun also knew that he was somewhat repelled by this child because he disrupted their lives. Moreover, he and the child's mother had only known each other for a short few years, and their relationship was not good enough to help each other take care of the child.

"Sorry Ning Ning!"

Wu Qun stood up, and Yin Xianglin stood up next to him. The couple bowed deeply, and Gu Ningning hurriedly stood up with a smile and supported the two of them.

"You don't need to apologize. It's me who should thank you. It's so late. I've been tired all day today and I want to rest. Lele, let's go. It's rare that the manager has allowed us to have a good rest tonight. Let's go to bed early." ."

Gu Ningning pulled Le Xiao and ran away with evasive eyes. Le Xiao could only smile awkwardly with the two of them. Wu Qun nodded and looked at the two people leaving. Yin Xianglin pressed his forehead.

"If we could have cared a little more, maybe this child would be hurt less now."

Wu Qun put his arm around his wife's shoulders and said.


As soon as she got out of the elevator, Gu Ningning ran towards the room, with Le Xiao chasing after her.

"Slow down, Ning Ning."

Seeing Gu Ningning enter the room, Le Xiao chased after her. After closing the door and walking in, she saw Gu Ningning with tears streaming down her face. She burst into tears. Le Xiao went over to hug Gu Ningning and kept saying Comforting.

After a while, Gu Ningning was still sniffing and wiping tears, and Le Xiao didn't know what to say.

"By the way, Ning Ning, I know how you feel. My dad left home when I was four years old, leaving me and my mom behind. It was a very sad time."

Gu Ningning raised her head slightly, and Le Xiao wiped her cheek with a handkerchief.

"Don't you hate him?"

"I hate it. When I heard what my mother said about my father, I felt itching. He wouldn't come back for so many years. But I had already figured it out. It must be because of something that prevented him from coming back, so I wasn't angry anymore. , but I feel that if he is still alive, he must have secretly visited me one day. Thinking of this, I feel less angry. In the past, I often heard my mother say that my father said that I was not very smart and stupid. , Huh! Now I am finally a secretary, I have all the power, and everyone else has to support me."

Gu Ningning grinned slightly.

"I think there is no parent in the world who doesn't love their children. Although there may be some exceptions, I think most parents should be the same. Go Ningning!"

Le Xiao pulled Gu Ningning over.

"I'll accompany you to see your mother. If she sees you, maybe she will get better."

Gu Ningning sobbed and nodded, and Le Xiao pulled her and ran to the bathroom.

"Please tidy it up first, otherwise it won't be good if others see it!"

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