Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2173 Confrontation 4 (Part 2)

Le Xiao yawned. It was just after 8 o'clock and she had not eaten breakfast yet, but on her itinerary today, she needed to go to the selected address in District 117 next door to see a large movie theater that would be built in District 117.

I had almost forgotten about this matter. Le Xiao was walking hurriedly on the street, followed by a bunch of people from Section 5. Very happily, Xiao came to District 117. Several section officers and a large number of members of Section 5 were already waiting.

"Sorry, I'm late."

The streets are full of people, and Jiang Xing, the project leader of the Jiang family, has been waiting with his team for a long time.

"Master Le Xiao, good morning, we have prepared a complete plan."

Le Xiao hummed, and several Jiang family planners came over and opened the light and shadow screens. Le Xiao looked at the dense design drafts and design plans, concept drawings and other personnel and construction methods, etc., and her stomach couldn't help but growl. cried out.

Jiang Xing immediately raised his hands and said.

"I didn't eat either, Master Le Xiao, let's talk while eating."

Le Xiao casually walked into a small shop on the street, and then a large group of people walked in.

The large cinema in District 117 will be built next to the central square of District 117. There is a large building there. It used to be a casino, but due to previous investigations, the casino was involved in upper-level black market transactions and money laundering. The person in charge He has been arrested and the casino has been sealed.

The owner of this building is currently awaiting trial for various reasons, and the land has been bought by the Jiang family.

Looking at the concept map, this cinema has 4 floors. The four middle floors are screening halls. There are eight screening venues, each of which can accommodate 500 people. There are leisure areas on both sides and areas that provide accommodation for more convenience. Evening guests.

Speaking of movie-related things, Le Xiao is very interested. When she was a child, her father took her to the cinema on the middle floor. The shock is still fresh in her memory. When she grows up, Le Xiao will also go to the cinema in her free time. , after all, the ticket price is not bad, as long as you don’t watch the movie when it is first released, it usually costs 5 to 10 yuan a ticket.

Watching movies in the cinema is completely different from watching it on your mobile phone at home, especially horror movies. Le Xiao likes to watch movies in the cinema the most because there are people around her, so she doesn’t have to bear the fear of the coming horror alone. This feeling of both anticipation and fear makes Le Xiao extremely comfortable every time.

Soon the food came, and Jiang Xing said directly.

"Lord Le Xiao, I hope that we can have a happy cooperation with each other regarding this movie theater construction proposal. If possible, I hope that construction can start today."


Le Xiao looked at Jiang Xing in shock. The planner on the side pulled up a concept map and then explained it.

Because it would be too difficult and expensive to repair and build according to the original layout of the casino. The cost of reconstruction after demolition is relatively low. If construction starts, it is expected to be completed in 15 to 20 days, and then it can be put into operation immediately. middle.

This is also the most critical pilot of this bill. Once the cinema obtains the data, all aspects of future pricing will be based on the large cinema in District 117.

Cinemas will play some movies with good reputations in the past ten years. Those movies need to be purchased one-on-one on mobile phones, ranging from a few cents to a few yuan, and the ticket price is initially priced at 5 to 10 bucks.

The final cost of watching a movie is no more than 20 yuan. The price looks very attractive, but Le Xiao thinks it may be too high for the lower class. But then she thought about it, many people at the lower class now have jobs, and At the bottom level, several large-scale bills are being implemented and the economy is getting better, so there should be no problem.

After breakfast, Le Xiao followed Jiang Xing to the central square of District 117, where a large amount of building materials and disassembly equipment had been moved.

The planners nearby are still saying that if there are no problems, they can explode and disintegrate today, then directly clean up the ruins and start construction early tomorrow morning.


Le Xiao walked over doubtfully and looked at the engineering team who were placing explosives in front of him. He looked at many things in the casino. Only the furniture had been moved out, while some things on the walls and some small objects remained untouched.

"This is such a waste."

Jiang Xing looked at Le Xiao with some confusion. Le Xiao stepped into the huge casino hall and saw that many things had not been moved away. Many of the things looked good and many people should be willing to buy them.

"It's better to dismantle everything inside and sell it on the spot."

Jiang Xing looked at Le Xiao in confusion. At first glance, there was nothing valuable inside. These things would be cleaned and thrown away as soon as the house was blasted. They had no real use at all.

"Master Le Xiao, if you want to dismantle everything inside and sell it, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time, and manpower is a problem."

Le Xiao said with a smile.

"Just send a message and ask people in need on the ground floor to come and dismantle it themselves. If you sell it at a discount, you will still make a lot of money."

Jiang Xing smiled awkwardly. He took a casual look and realized that the maximum price of the dismantled items could be sold at a discount of 200,000 yuan. This amount of money was a drop in the bucket for the Jiang family, and it would also waste a lot of time.

But looking at Le Xiao's appearance, Jiang Xing didn't dare to say anything if he really wanted to do this. After all, whether this bill can be implemented or not depends entirely on Le Xiao.

Lexiao remembers that when she was a child, her mother and father would take her to some construction sites. Many people would go there, because there were still many usable things in the demolished houses. These things were often very cheap and very practical. Things are actually good for many people on the ground floor. It would be too wasteful to dismantle them directly.

Manpower was not a problem at all. Jiang Xing called a planner over. According to Le Xiao's request, the planner began to record it and just publish it later.

Many lamps, accessories, cups, ornaments, paintings, musical instruments, etc. that are not made of light and shadow materials should be sold.

Just after 9 o'clock, the planner immediately released the news according to Le Xiao's request. Within a few minutes, many people came nearby, and more and more people came. Jiang Xing was a little surprised. He immediately ordered the finance and several planners to go to the casino. The gate looked on while the construction team went inside.

"See, it's no trouble at all."

Jiang Xing hummed. He didn't expect that less than 10 minutes after the news was released, people nearby who saw the news had already come over, and some people even pulled old carts over. The whole square became lively.

Many items can be found online, but some have been discontinued, but they can still be used if you bring them to your home.

Many people from Section 5 came over and began to maintain order at the scene.

I watched as people took out items one by one. Some small items cost a few yuan, while large ones ranged from more than ten yuan to dozens of yuan.

"Can't this money be used to hire a few more people? If it is blasted directly, many things will be unusable and it is not cost-effective at all."

Jiang Xing hummed.

Before she came out, Honghong told Jiang Xing that Le Xiao would do everything. No matter what kind of request she made, after all, the proposal to build a movie theater was very important to the future of the Jiang family.

Le Xiao looked at the construction plan and other things. Although she was not very clear about some things, she had already understood some things in advance. Le Xiao would take the time to understand them in the past few days.

Alpha said that if something is unclear, you can do it step by step. Start with the simplest things and gradually understand that if you just put in effort, you won't be able to learn it.

Le Xiao looked at the long queues that had formed around him. Some people who had bought things even started selling them a second time. Le Xiao smiled helplessly. This is indeed a problem. In the past, before many places were demolished and rebuilt, most people would The reason why I arrived in the first place was that I wanted to buy something valuable from it. After taking it out, I could sell it immediately after adding one or two yuan.

Le Xiao found that she was just like them in the past, very impatient. She had been running around in this society since graduating from school. She had only one idea: to quickly gain a foothold. She was very busy every day. Many times, she was busy until late at night without any thought. Results.

However, many things cannot be accomplished overnight and must be done step by step. Looking at the planning proposal, Le Xiao felt that it was too impatient.

Because it is not only the construction of the cinema that is led by the Jiang family, but also most businessmen in the entire film and television area have participated in the investment, and all the businessmen want is to quickly build the cinema and then quickly recoup their capital and make stable profits.

Le Xiao looked at the plan very seriously, word for word, while the two planners on the side were talking.

“I think it’s better to forget this part.”

Le Xiao pointed to one of the points in the bill. What she was thinking about was the issue of intra-regional economic mobility that Wu Qun came to her before. If there are too many of the same industries on the same street, it will inevitably lead to competition, and competition means Someone is out.

The construction of the cinema also comes with other catering facilities. Many lower-level merchants will definitely open some shops around the cinema after the cinema is completed. If the cinema has these built-in, it will easily lead to low-price competition. Alpha also said.

Once low-price competition occurs, individual merchants will not be able to compete with such huge capital. If there is no business for a long time, the surrounding stores will definitely close down. The closure of stores means the reduction of labor in the area, and many people will be lost if the labor is reduced. can not find a job.

Le Xiao has seen a more accurate and clear economic chart of the 7 subjects. In some of the most popular locations in many areas, there are basically no traces of self-employed households. Occasionally there will be but they will soon be acquired by corporate groups. So Over the years capital has been changing legal monopolies.

Although the law clearly stipulates that low-price competition is not allowed, capital can find other ways to regularly carry out some activities or provide related things on goods of the same price, so that for consumers Has a fatal attraction.

Many individual merchants cannot compete with such capital. Le Xiao thought for a while and then interrupted the two planners.

"Except for surrounding shops, all these catering shops will be removed."

Jiang Xing ran over immediately.

"Master Le Xiao, these are all integrated facilities attached to the cinema. If they are cancelled, it will be difficult for the cinema to maintain profits with such low profits."

Le Xiao looked at Jiang Xing suspiciously.

"Is it really that low?"

A planner next to you immediately came over and directly took out another labor salary price list that you had set. Le Xiao was shocked when he saw it. He looked at the per capita salary on it, which was almost over 2,000.

"Such a high salary?"

The planner on the side immediately explained.

"Although we are at the bottom, our company is a big company after all, and our personnel need to undergo corresponding training, so we have such high wages."

Le Xiao made a casual calculation and found that some cinemas built in the future only need ten people at most to operate, which is 20,000 a month. If there are four screening halls and the ticket price is 5 yuan, as long as people come in to watch every day, it is It is very profitable and can completely afford the wages of these workers. It is impossible not to make a big profit.

Le Xiao did not say anything clearly, but continued to watch. Jiang Xing wiped the sweat from his forehead. He was panicking at this time. He originally wanted to monopolize everything around the cinema through the cinema, so as to maximize profits in a short period of time. .

Just through a series of catering benefits attached to the movie, it is easy to monopolize everything around it, thereby achieving efficient profits in the future.

It is impossible for those individual merchants to compete with such huge capital, and it would not take long to completely squeeze them out. When this bill was passed, all the businessmen in the film and television area held a grand celebration banquet that day.

There are still too many gaps in the film and television industry at the bottom level, and once this gap is filled, super-fast profits will be achieved in the future.

"No, I can't sign. There are too many attached store facilities."

Le Xiao said directly, Jiang Xing panicked, and then hurriedly talked about the overall benefits of the community economy, as well as the fact that these facilities can provide a lot of jobs, and can bring greater flow of people to the neighborhood, etc.

Le Xiao didn't hear a word of it. When she was in school, there was a store with a good reputation on the middle floor. However, it closed down after a while. Le Xiao was very surprised. Later she learned that a similar company store had opened nearby. , and it came with a lot of things, and most students were attracted to it.

The figure of Jean came to mind again. Le Xiao knew very well that he was now the decision-maker. Le Xiao still remembered many things Wu Qun said that night very clearly.

Once this market is destroyed by movie theaters, those who cannot survive in this market will only go to another market.

"No, okay, if you can't come up with a valid plan, I won't sign it."

Le Xiao turned around and left, and Jiang Xing hurriedly came over.

"Master Le Xiao, how about we talk over dinner tonight?"

"No, I still have work to do."

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