Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2172 Confrontation 4 (Part 2)

4 a.m.

On the balcony of Le Xiao's house, at a round table, C and K looked at each other, holding wine glasses in their hands. They had not sat and drank together for many years.

Because of the past incident, C and K had a disagreement. The person who led everything was C, and the person who implemented everything was K.

"If I were you, I might stop you, but you wouldn't listen. But in fact, I was at the scene and you took the lead in the round-up plan."

That incident back then left no room for thinking. It only lasted a few minutes. If it failed, the train loaded with high-mass bombs would rush straight into Area 1. Even if it exploded somewhere along the way, it would affect everyone. The scope is also extremely terrifying, at least five to six square kilometers will be affected, and more than 100,000 people may be involved.

A total of 164 hostages were taken hostage, and the final number of real deaths was 79. Most of them were killed by the criminals who were cornered, and some were killed by K when he led the people of Section 2 to fight back. .

In less than 5 minutes, everything was over. After knowing that the plan failed, Hydra detonated a building, and the collapsed building turned into dust.

"I've often thought over the years that this might be a punishment for us, a punishment for us who clearly have the opportunity and the ability to do everything."

C smiled and blew out the smoke, took a sip of wine, and shook his head.

"Punishment? When did you become so indecisive?"

K waved his hands and looked at C slightly bitterly.

"We are no longer young. Judging from the result, that incident was good, because we saved so many people, and at the last moment we were aware of Hydera's true intention, and thus prevented it from happening with a small-scale tragedy. It prevents a large-scale tragedy from happening, but what can this do?”


After K drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, he was pressed on the table.

"Can't you bear the condemnation in your heart?"


K answered without any scruples. He has been tortured by his conscience that suddenly emerged over the years, because the people he killed were ordinary people, including men, women, old and young. The tragic situation at the scene was far beyond the imagination of others. Those criminals are willing to die together.

Even though several gods were already on their way, five minutes was still too short. In just a few seconds, K made a choice under C's command.

There was always a picture in his mind of a woman crying in despair after seeing him rush over, her head being shot directly through. He still clearly remembered the splattered blood.

"If you do nothing, it will only get worse."

K shook his head.

"I come to you tonight not to argue about what is right. What I want to say is what should we and them do."

"It's useless even if you think about this kind of thing."

K smiled sadly.

"Zhao Zhen is still alive, I can be sure."

C's expression became serious. K opened a light and shadow screen, which was a photo. C looked at it, but did not find any Zhao Zhen. The photo was of a candy shop owned by L.K. This shop has been around for many years. From the logo on the store, C immediately recognized that this was originally a store run by Ye Lai, the store of Ye Jiao's father, who is currently the secretary of Section 7.

Since the explosion on the upper floor, I have been going outside this store every day and taking photos. Because so many things have happened in the city, if we trace it from a technical perspective, it will definitely involve Zhao Zhen, because this heart rate machine Technology is what he is best at, and the medical machinery he developed during his time as a researcher is still in use today.

Then C enlarged the light and shadow screen, and a photo appeared. After looking at it for a while, C immediately discovered that in the photo, there was always a man wearing a gray trench coat who came to the store to buy candies.

"According to the few words I got after I went to the hospital to find Zhao Zhen, Zhao Zhen's wife used to work in this candy store, and Zhao Zhen was a small workshop operator at that time, and would use some open technologies to make some The goods were sold and promoted, and it was in this candy shop that he met his current wife.”

The photos of the man in the gray trench coat were taken one after another. Soon C called up the surveillance, but soon the AI ​​system found no such person. The man was not captured in the surveillance. What is certain is that This man's record in the AI ​​system is already dead.

This was indeed an important discovery. Then C looked at K and asked.

"You didn't take these photos alone, right? Because the angles and methods of taking them are different."

K laughed.

"It's true that I hired someone from the shop opposite to take pictures for me every day. One day I did see this man following me. Unfortunately, I didn't follow him. He seemed to have disappeared out of thin air."

"Quantum mobile technology?"

C asked, and K shook his head uncertainly.

"Now the enemy does have this mobile technology in their hands, but what are the results of your investigation?"

C shook his head.

"What is certain so far is that this technology is related to the kidnapping of a group of physical science researchers by the Hillman family last year. Any science and technology must have a direction and a certain foundation, and the group of kidnapped scientific researchers happened to be Have both of those things.”

"Very important information, thank you."

K stood up, poured himself another glass of wine, then carried the bottle to C's side and filled her glass.

"I'm just informing you about this, and I will deal with Zhao Zhen."

C was a little surprised, K said with a smile.

"Can you leave it to me?"

After C hesitated for a moment, he nodded in agreement. After K drank the wine in one gulp and put it down, he turned around and jumped to the rooftop opposite, quickly disappearing into the night. At this point, the lights on the ground floor were still bright. They are all in one piece, and construction is still going on in some places. After all, it is very difficult to clear the entire area on the edge of the gully.

During this large-scale cleanup of old and abandoned facilities, there were some unexpected gains. Many criminals hiding in ravines were discovered. As of today, more than 500 criminals have been captured. They will be arrested. Sent to prison after trial.

Time waits for no one, and speed often determines many things. Once the waste treatment plant for resource recycling and reuse in the ravine is built as soon as possible, the next bigger plan, the plan to establish an agricultural base in the barrier area, will be realized soon. .

The two plans play an extremely important role in complementing each other. There are many renewable resources in the ravine. These resources can be fully used in the construction of the agricultural base in the barrier area, so that the resources in the city will not be over-consumed. C has stayed in the barrier area for a long time, and she knows exactly what kind of place it is.

At this time, a burst of emergency calls came over. When C opened it, it was a surveillance screen. Several personnel from the 5th Department on night patrol found a woman on the street and started interrogating her directly. The woman said that her husband was sick and she had to go to the hospital to buy medicine. Let's go. It's closer here, just across the street.

It was a very common thing. C ignored it and turned around, planning to get up after three hours of rest. After all, it was already past 4 o'clock in the morning.

The woman who was interrogated at this time refused the help of the members of the 5th Department. She claimed that her husband just had an old problem of stomach pain and because the medicine was gone, she could just go to the hospital and get some medicine.

After the people from the business department left, the woman did not go to the hospital. Instead, she directly touched the outside of the mechanical ball rental shop. She entered the alley next to her, stretched out her hand, and pointed it at the wall. As the doors opened one by one, The nail shell, along with a strong substance spurted out, the wall began to slowly dissolve. After a while, a big hole appeared, and the woman got directly into it.

"Intelligence error, intelligence error!"

The woman repeated twice, and then her eyes flashed with pink light. After a large string of numbers and characters flashed across, the woman turned and left the store. There was no mechanical ball inside that they wanted to get.

As of yesterday, this mechanical ball was still on the display cabinet, but tonight it disappeared. The AIs have promised the creators to have further in-depth cooperation. This kind of mechanical ball is very much wanted by the creators. thing.

The woman who returned to the street took out the medicine she had prepared and met the person from Section 5. After saying hello, she quickly disappeared into the street.

5:19 am

Ma Tao woke up in a rush of contact, and the woman next to him was also woken up.

"Old Ma, what's wrong?"

The lights came on, and the sleepy woman took a cigarette, lit it, and looked at Ma Tao with a look of horror on his face.

"What the hell do you do for food? I have already told you to guard outside the mechanical ball rental shop 24 hours a day, but you turned a deaf ear to what I said."

Ma Tao hurriedly stood up, quickly changed into his uniform, and rushed out the door.

A few minutes later, Ma Tao was completely sleepless. He looked at the big hole in the wall. People from the 5th department were all nearby. People from other departments were also awakened. There was nothing on the surveillance camera. It was obvious that this There is surveillance in the alley, and there are no blind spots in 360 degrees. Only a big hole can be seen slowly appearing, and no one is seen.

"Let me check all the people who passed by this place last night, everyone."

Ma Tao looked angrily at the 10 teams responsible for patrolling the area. 300 people were patrolling 24 hours a day in rotation. It was more than enough, but there were still mistakes, and everyone felt panicked.

"I'm going to inform Mr. Le Xiao, please keep a good watch on me, clear the way for people going to the hospital, and never damage the scene."


Ma Tao knocked on the door of Le Xiao's house. The person who opened the door was C.

"I understand. People from Section 2 and Section 10 should be here soon. You go back to the scene first."

Su Xin also went downstairs at this time, and C asked her to wake up Lexiao, while he had to continue sleeping for a while.

Su Xin came to the room and patted Le Xiao, who was still sleeping soundly. It took a while for Le Xiao to open her eyes with difficulty, but she felt dizzy. After all, she drank half a bottle of wine last night.

"Mom, what time is it? Let me sleep a little longer."

"Something serious has happened, Lele. Hurry up and take a look. Ma Tao from Section 5 just came here."

Lexiao gritted her teeth and struggled to get up, but then lay back down.

It was not until 6:09, when the sun came out, that Le Xiao arrived at the scene. He had a black face and looked menacing. Many people in the 5th department felt extremely nervous. Ma Tao had already ordered people to set up shop in all directions of the store. The shack must be watched by at least 5 people 24 hours a day, and the eyes are not allowed to leave the shop.

Le Xiao swayed as she listened to Ma Tao's report. She walked to the shop and looked at the big hole and the 10 departments that were analyzing the materials that dissolved the wall. There were a lot of things that she couldn't understand at all.

"Anyway, I didn't lose anything. I just need to repair it. It should be fine now."

Le Xiao glanced at the Section 5 personnel sitting outside the store and then went directly upstairs.

"I'll go up and take a nap. I didn't go to bed until around 2 o'clock last night. Come on."

A bunch of people were full of doubts and were completely at a loss. Ma Tao was also a little confused. He originally thought he would be punished, but other staff members were even more uneasy. In the past, their wages would definitely be deducted for this kind of thing.

After all, someone, right under their noses, dug a big hole into a store with such an important proposal and ran away without finding anyone. This can be considered a serious dereliction of duty.

Ma Tao breathed a sigh of relief. People in Section 10 also said that the thing that burns through the wall is a super acidic substance. It is impossible for materials that can carry this kind of substance to appear on the market at present.

The most important thing is that no one was captured in the surveillance camera. At this time, a woman was brought over. She went to the hospital to buy medicine because of her husband's stomachache last night, and it was so late at night.

There are surveillance records of the woman's journey, as well as records of the drugs she has purchased. The reason she was brought here was to confirm whether she saw anything.

Ma Tao looked at the woman helplessly. Soon the woman shook her head, indicating that she didn't see anything. At this time, C came over, and Ma Tao hurriedly leaned over.

As soon as C arrived on the ground floor yesterday, he had already given advice to Section 10. Do not place the mechanical balls in the shop. If the enemy is really serious about breaking into the house and taking away the mechanical balls, they will not be able to do anything.

Therefore, after the store closes every day, it is the safest way to directly assign people to transport the mechanical balls back. Those rented mechanical balls cannot be captured by the enemy. Once any problem occurs, these mechanical balls that have been activated will It will self-destruct immediately.

Moreover, these mechanical balls are actually monitored by people in the 10th department. On the contrary, the mechanical balls placed for display in the store are most likely to be taken away. C is thinking about some blind spots every day. Sure enough, years of experience have made this The emergencies were near misses.

"Stop investigating. Since the enemy can achieve this step, it means that the enemy has very hidden methods that cannot be detected by ordinary interrogation. This will also cause panic among local residents, so stop the investigation immediately."

After Ma Tao turned around and walked out of the alley, he issued an order to cancel the interrogation. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After all, there was no telling when such a large-scale interrogation would end.

At this time, the woman who was brought over to assist was in the crowd, quietly looking at the mechanical ball on the display cabinet, with numbers, characters and letters constantly changing in her eyes.

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