Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2149 Why not ask? Why don't you say it? (Down)

"Are you sure you really want to do this?"

Le Wen looked at Su Li in disbelief. Su Li smiled and nodded. The two of them moved away from the crowd. It was Su Li who came here on her own initiative. After hearing the decision that Su Li was about to make, Le Wen was shocked at first. Yes, but after thinking about it carefully, I don’t have much objection.

Le Wen knew what Su Li wanted to do. When she told this, although Le Wen was shocked, he still thought that if the current city was to change, a stronger impact would be needed.

Although Le Xiao has already begun to loosen the originally solidified system, this is far from enough. More powerful force is needed to loosen the already cracked system and change everything in the city.

And this is also to take on the larger plan that can save everyone in the city. If the abandoned land over there wants to be reclaimed, it is absolutely not allowed according to the current urban structure.

This plan has been continuously blocked decades ago. Jean has proposed such a plan many times, and Section 12 is also preparing, but the city does not allow such a plan to appear. Once it appears, Businessmen's interests will suffer huge losses, and the city's economy will suffer heavy losses.

No businessman is willing to put money into such a plan that is almost impossible to realize. Once the executive branch launches this proposal, businessmen will be forced to participate. If they do not participate, their existing interests will be damaged.

"You should know better than me what consequences this will have."

Su Li hummed.

"Of course I know, but there is such a good opportunity, wouldn't it be wasted if I miss it?"

Le Wen smiled helplessly and looked at Su Li in front of him, a little strange. Le Wen had never seen Su Li like this before.

"Why did you misunderstand me? You used to hate me."

"Can you see it?"

Su Li smiled and nodded.

"Of course I can tell. Every time I go to your house, you always show disgust when watching me chatting with Su Xin. Of course I know you hate me."

Le Wen looked a little embarrassed and said sorry.

"You don't have to apologize to me. I'm a businessman. I only do this for the future of the Su family. If I continue, the Su family will have no future."

Perhaps many people are not aware of the crisis, but Su Li realized ten years ago that the Su family would be doomed in the future, so she chose such an opportunity to break everything in the city. At this time, Le Wen seemed to want to understand .

"Could it be."

"That's it. Since you have thought of it, I won't hide it from you."

Le Wen raised his hands and shook his head. He didn't need Su Li to explain that he was very clear.

Nowadays, many of the Su family's businesses seem to be extremely stable, but these businesses are all based on light and shadow materials, and the resources have been exhausted unknowingly. There are still 20 years at most, and Congress will definitely try every means. Stop the rental of light and shadow materials.

In other words, within twenty years, convenient things like light and shadow materials will begin to be recycled one after another, because the next era of cold-blooded machines is about to begin.

Although the amount of light and shadow materials used in clothing to make jewelry and clothing is minimal, the wear and tear is very serious. There have been many small workshops on the ground floor that use raw fiber materials to make clothing and shoes, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology allows such workshops to exist. .

Lewen had seen before in 10 that the amount of light and shadow materials rented out was decreasing year by year, which is why the black market is so rampant. As for the public facilities used for light and shadow materials, these facilities have been declining since the last large-scale black market transaction problem broke out. They began to be recycled by Section 10 one after another, and new high-density bonding technology was used to make some public facilities out of broken plants.

As well as replacing them with metal, Section 10 has begun to gradually recycle these light and shadow materials. Once there is a problem with the supply of light and shadow materials, the Su family will definitely be the first to suffer.

Because the Su family needs to maintain a huge size, and once the light and shadow materials they rely on for survival are cut off, it will be a disaster for the Su family. Other industries are not like the clothing industry, which completely rely on light and shadow materials for survival.

The lifeblood of a businessman is in someone's hands, so he should really consider the future. In recent years, among the eight major families, only the Su family has relied on Su Li to grasp the general direction, so that the Su family can survive many times. During the urban crisis, we survived unscathed and were able to firmly control all market trends.

"You are indeed an excellent businessman, Miss Su Li."

Su Li laughed helplessly.

"I am indeed a businessman, that's why I took decisive action in this matter. You don't need to think about what starting point I am standing on, debt? There is no such thing."

Lewen nodded with a smile.

"I think so."

Now other families are anxious just because they are afraid that after Su Li steps down from the position of patriarch, some previous cooperation may change, because once Su Li leaves and the new patriarch takes over, some projects of the Su family in the past will have good reason to proceed. Adjustment.

Such an adjustment would be a disaster for the entire city, and many companies under the Su family can legitimately carry out so-called "adjustments", especially on the issue of cooperation. For those who did not want to continue to cooperate in the past, but had actual cooperation If you contact the partners, you can use the reason that the clan leader has been replaced and the family needs to make adjustments to carry out comprehensive rectification.

This is the reason why most families are worried, because many business terms are relatively flexible, such as personnel changes in the family, and business adjustments can be made based on this. Although this cycle has a time limit , but the maximum period is one year.

Le Wen looked at some family members not far away. Their faces were not very good-looking. At this time, Jean and Alpha, who were still talking about something in the distance, walked towards everyone.

"it's over!"

Su Li laughed, and everyone present stood up in confusion. Le Xiao looked at the two people walking over strangely.

"The winner hasn't been decided yet?"

Le Xiao muttered, and Gu Ningning on the side pushed her. Le Xiao immediately followed Michelle and walked over. Everyone gathered around Jean and Alpha, both of them had expressions on their faces. Smiling, Niya ran over with a smile and stood in the middle to host Jean and Alpha.

"Okay, okay, it's over. Let's have a drink later."

Jean looked at everyone, and everyone seemed to know what Jean was going to do.

"I am announcing now that I will retire indefinitely. In the future, the affairs of Section 13 will be handed over to secretary Le Xiao. She will also serve as the acting section chief of Section 13."

In an instant, the faces of everyone present became extremely serious. Le Xiao exclaimed. Everyone looked at her. Michelle glared at Le Xiao.

Jean walked towards the secretary. Le Xiao blushed with embarrassment. She was extremely panicked at this moment. All this was too shocking for her. She looked at it completely at a loss. Jean looked at Jean pleadingly and asked her to serve as the acting section chief. Wouldn't that be more troublesome? Le Xiao was now completely messed up and her head was buzzing.

"I leave it to you for Section 13."

Le Xiao looked at Jean seriously.

"It's not good, section chief, like this, like this, what should I do?"

Jean stretched out his hand and pulled Alpha over.

"Ask Alpha if you don't understand anything. I don't have much time to stay in this city."

Le Xiao's expression became serious, and there was a sense of sadness in her heart. She didn't know where Jean was going, but what Jean said was probably true, but Le Xiao always felt that it was a little difficult to adapt to the current situation. Feeling a little sad.

"Do you remember what I said the day you took office?"


Le Xiao said in a low voice, lowering her head, feeling so sad that she couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She hurriedly wiped them away, and Gene pressed his hand on Le Xiao's forehead.

"It's okay, it's completely okay. No matter what you will do in the future, no matter what will happen in the future, or what you want to do in the future, you are free and you just need to make decisions according to your own ideas."

Jean said, and Alpha nodded beside her. She already knew very well what Jean wanted to do next. I am afraid that Le Xiao in front of her was still difficult to accept for a while. Seeing her crying, Alpha thought of her past self.

Alpha didn't remember whether he cried when he was young. Maybe he did, so when he looked at Le Xiao, he thought of himself when he was young. But everything was a foregone conclusion. Jean would never get involved in anything in the city again, and Jean had always been The plan to establish an agricultural base in the barrier area fell entirely on Le Xiao.

The burden on Lexiao became heavier, and Alpha couldn't help but become a little worried. Looking at Lexiao who was still crying, Gene turned around and glanced at everyone.

"I just hope the city can be sunny when I come back."

Gene didn't say too much and turned around to leave. Le Xiao grabbed Gene's clothes.

"Where on earth are you going?"

"I have to go outside the city to help the city find resources. After all, don't you really want to realize the agricultural reform plan in the barrier area?"

Le Xiao looked at Jean in surprise. The two looked at each other. Although it had only been a few months, Jean had seen it very clearly and was very relieved. Now he could leave with peace of mind.

Gene turned around, smiling gently as always, and Le Xiao gradually let go of his hand.

"Mr. Jean."

Looking at Jean walking away, Le Xiao shouted, and she ran over quickly.

"It's okay, everything will be fine, as long as you always believe that everything will be fine."

Jean did not turn his head this time. Everything over the years ended today. It has been more than a century. Jean knew very well that he might be the culprit for the solidification of this city.

During today's battle with Alpha, Jean thought about many things clearly. There was no winning or losing in this battle for both of them, and winning or losing was meaningless.

"Then when will you come back."

Le Xiao was still wiping her tears, and Gene smiled, raised his head, and lit a cigarette easily. As the smoke filled the air, Gene said.

"Maybe in a few years."

Le Xiao looked at Jean who was raising his hands and waving, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable, but she felt happy at the same time, because she couldn't see any restraint on Jean at this moment. His back looked very bright at this moment, and his whole body The man was disappearing like a warm breeze, and everyone behind him bowed to Jean.

Alpha came to Le Xiao and patted her shoulder comfortingly.

"It's fine."

Le Xiao hummed, and she saw Jean running quickly and walked into a door that appeared on the opposite side.

"Will he really come back?"

Le Xiao felt an inexplicable fear in her heart, and Alpha hugged Le Xiao comfortingly.

"Yes, definitely."

Alpha exhaled a long breath and looked up. She now felt completely relieved. Today was the longest time she had chatted with Jean. Jean answered many of her questions. Those questions that Alpha had in the past were very important to her. The question I wanted to ask but never asked, and Gene never answered.

Everything came to an end today. Alpha knew that there was still a long way to go, and she had been stagnant for 50 years and officially started to move today.

Jean returned to a small metal room. Tang Rao on the side had already poured the wine, and the other guys would come down later.

"Congratulations on your resignation. It's much easier now."

Gene hummed, took the wine from Tang Rao and took a sip.

"Maybe I am the reason why cities are solidified today."

Tang Rao did not answer the question, but said with a smile.

"Everyone has things they can and cannot do. Even if we try hard to reverse some things, nature will be the biggest obstacle that prevents us from reversing some things. If we can really reverse some things, then we will It’s not us anymore. People have shortcomings to be called human beings, and we are just people in the name of God.”

Jean smiled easily and nodded in agreement. Although the other guys always regarded themselves as gods, in the end they were just another form of human beings, gods.

Jean glanced at the time. It was just 9 o'clock. Today's time made Jean feel a little slow. Maybe he was finally able to rest after so many years.

People often ask Gene, isn't he tired? Gene has never answered this question, but today he is very clear that he is very tired, very tired. He needs to worry about this city every day. The problem is always in front of him, and he can only be in this whirlpool forever. Unable to deal with some problems.

Gene held the wine glass and drank the wine in one gulp. Then he put it down and Tang Rao filled it up for him.

"I feel really tired, Tang Rao."

Tang Rao laughed heartily.

"I've been waiting for you to say this for almost two centuries, Jean. If I were you, I would be exhausted."

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