Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2148 Why not tell? Why not ask? (middle)

Sometimes growth is not very important to many people, but sometimes it is particularly important. Wu Qun quietly looked at the two people taking a break, thinking of his son in his mind.

Today's battle gave Wu Qun the most profound feeling of growth. He saw the shadow of his son Wu Lei in Alpha. Wu Lei's current situation is very similar to Alpha.

From a very young age, Wu Qun has often taught his son how to get along with others, because in this era, getting along with others is the way to climb to the top in the future. Wu Qun knows this truth very well, So intentionally or unintentionally, through some father-son games, he took Wu Lei to some banquet venues and taught Wu Lei with his words and deeds.

From childhood to adulthood, Wu Lei was likeable in the eyes of others. He was well-behaved, sensible, and smart. But when he reached a certain age, Wu Qun began to take his son Wu Lei to places where the power circles were intertwined. , allowing him to witness everything with his own eyes.

Wu Qun knew that there was always a restless factor in his son's body. He had been aware of it in the past but didn't pay attention to it. However, at the first city meeting attended by Le Xiao, who had just become secretary, Wu Qun noticed that this factor was unknown to him. Before I knew it, it was about to break through the hard and cold earth, and sprouts were sprouting.

Wu Qun gradually felt uneasy, because such uneasy factors would have a great impact on a person's future. The Alpha in front of him was an example. Wu Qun watched Alpha grow up little by little.

In the past, the city was always filled with everything about Alpha, some from the power circles and some from the public. In the eyes of many people in the power circles, Alpha was an obstruction.

Wu Qun once viewed Alpha in this way, because she would always do annoying things. In the eyes of people in the power world, these things were all unflattering because they violated the principles of the power world.

When Wu Qun wanted to climb up when he was young, he also behaved like Alpha, but this kind of behavior hindered Wu Qun for many years. He climbed up to change something. However, when Wu Qun really climbed up, he found that he Nothing can be changed anymore.

Change means that the city will suffer from one storm after another. Such storms often come from top to bottom. It only takes a moment to stir up everything in the city. After the storm, there is a wailing, and in the end, the city that bears everything Still at the bottom.

The reason why the people at the top want to be as stable as possible is because they know very well that all this is in vain, and all Alpha's actions are to make the city brighter.

Countless people have tried this approach, but in the end they returned to the starting point. Alpha also failed. Freya was the same in the past. She wanted to do something for the city's medical system. However, when she came to her senses, Everything is back to where it started.

This starting point has been tried by most people in power. If you want to stabilize, you need to pay a price. Such a price is the unity and integrity of rights. If it affects the whole body, no one wants it. After taking a new step, you will face a lot of complicated problems.

Usually these problems are caused by the unknown pace, but after these years, Wu Qun feels that everything Alpha did in the past was correct, because the starting point was good, and the city at that time had just begun to solidify.

Alpha has already seen the problems in the city, so she wants to eradicate some things, and in her tough customization framework, she has already seen what the Brilliant City will look like in the future.

So Alpha has been working hard to reverse everything, but she failed. Maybe she once had a chance to succeed. After discovering everything about the Hillman family, she could have changed everything. However, in the end she was disturbed by the uneasiness in her body. Factor, and did such a thing.

Because the glorious era started by Alpha also collapsed and withered because of Alpha. Until now, a series of chain effects caused by the collapse of the Hillman family are still continuing.

In order to maintain the stability of the city, the seven major associations had no choice but to divide the city. In the end, the city stabilized and Brilliant City was completely solidified.

Wu Qun looked at Alpha, and the shadow of his son Wu Lei kept appearing in his mind. What he was most worried about now was the uneasy factors in Wu Lei's body. If these uneasy factors broke out one day in the future, Wu Lei might Suffered unprecedented setbacks.

His son Wu Lei's journey has been smooth sailing since he was very young. Wu Qun felt this immediately after playing the game with Michelle.

Michelle is a completely different existence from her son and Alpha. Although she is hailed as a genius, her journey has not been smooth sailing. She has encountered many setbacks.

Her mother passed away at a very early age, and she had matured even earlier, and she had taken care of her two younger brothers and one younger sister. Michelle, who was in a big family, did not obey everything Charles said. , but walking according to the path he can see.

All of this has its origin, and Michelle’s origin is pure. Like her mother Freya, under the framework of Alpha customization over the years, Michelle has continued to improve everything in this framework. Because In this way, the power community in Brilliant City can completely get rid of those corrupt things in the past.

Nowadays, Bright City has ushered in a real bright future in terms of the system, but everything left over from the past is very terrible. Although there are still things outside the system, it seems to Wu Qun that it is much better than in the past.

Wu Qun looked at the six people around him and really had to have a good talk with them. Over the years, the administrative department has been promoting reforms in various aspects, but the parliamentarians have begun to become more conservative and have better relations with businessmen. .

Businessmen need to maintain their own interests continuously and stably, and cities also need businessmen to stabilize the economy so that more people can have jobs and feed everyone. Reform and stability are coexisting, but at the same time they are very opposite. Relationship.

Such a paradoxical relationship makes it very difficult for legislators to handle it, because they know very well that reform means that problems will arise in the original stable interests, which businessmen will never allow.

If the interests of businessmen change, it will directly affect the interests of the parliamentarians and the economy of the region. Such reforms are not allowed in front of the parliamentarians.

Wu Qun also joined such a camp, but now Wu Qun's mind has changed. Such a rapid change only occurred in just a few months because of the appearance of Le Xiao.

The appearance of Le Xiao completely caused cracks in the solid system of Bright City. Such cracks were visible to the naked eye. Many people and things were dragged into the whirlpool by Le Xiao, and the city was bound to face an even more violent storm next. This storm It was still caused by Le Xiao. Wu Qun looked at Su Li. Chen Qiao was still trying to persuade her, but it was obvious that Su Li would never change her mind.

"Old Wu, what do you think?"

Pullman asked, Wu Qun smiled and shook his head, and Wang Ying spoke up.

"It depends on whether the head of the family will allow the Su family to continue as usual. If she makes some decisions that run counter to the businessmen, a violent storm will occur in the city."

Lin Xiao immediately answered.

"We have to do something. If we don't do anything, the city is likely to fall into a new crisis."

Baozhen laughed.

"No matter what decision she makes, the Fashion Association will continue to develop as usual."

Baozhen's words sounded a bit tough. Wu Qun looked at Baozhen and saw that this woman had also changed. The woman who used to be a bit upright had now become a duck to water in power.

Wu Qun sighed helplessly. Beckinsale took out a cigarette, handed one to Lin Xiao, and lit one himself.

"Hmph, it's true that if we don't do something, big problems will happen in the city, is that true?"

Beckinsale couldn't help but think of the past when Nia and Michelle conducted a thorough investigation of the film and television area. Beckinsale also wanted to do something at that time, but in the end she couldn't do anything and could only watch. There is a big problem in the film and television area.

But since then, the quality of many works in the film and television area has skyrocketed. In the past, this circle, which relied on various transactions, has become a place where no one can stand firm without ability. Even though there are still some transactions, it is obvious that , urban people will reject shoddy things.

"Things haven't been decided yet, have you already decided on something?"

Chris said with a smile, and Wu Qun looked at him. Chris is the only one among them who has not changed much over the years. He continues to contribute to basic education. Although he has to obey orders, Chris Always insisting on everything he had dreamed of achieving in the past, it was a pity that he was already alone.

Although Chris is nominally the president of the Education Association, in fact, what he says will fall on deaf ears. He has long been ignored. The reason why he can continue to be in this position is just because he knows more people. It is just because of some of the good things he did in basic education in the past that he is remembered by people who have grown up.

That's all. Wu Qun watched a few people start to argue. The reason why Pullman asked this question was that Wu Qun knew what he was thinking.

"How about we don't do anything this time?"

Wang Ying stood up excitedly.

"Don't be ridiculous, Old Wu. If you let that little girl mess around, there will be big problems in the city."

"Maybe it will be like what the little girl did in the business department last time. It may not be resolved smoothly."

None of the six people believed Wu Qun's words, including Chris.

"That girl is inexperienced and has already taken on such a position. She is lucky to be able to avoid any accidents till now."

Baozhen said, Wu Qun sat down helplessly. Pullman beside him was still thinking about something, so Wu Qun asked again.

"What method of doing things do you think can make the final result better?"

Lin Xiao shook his head.

"Old Wu, are you confused? At this time, elementary school students have come back to the problem. If there is no planning and foresight before doing things, including risk estimation, and you are crossing the river by feeling the stones when doing things, the success rate of such things should be low. To one percent.”

Wu Qun nodded, and Wang Ying immediately added.

"Just like the huge riot on the ground floor before, that girl was just lucky. The people who wanted to cause commotion, because they were afraid of being evicted, happened to find the steps at that time, so they stopped. The girl’s speech is meaningless.”

When Wu Qun recalled what happened that day, he laughed. It seemed that none of them had seen the truth. There was no truth in what they saw. Everything was arranged by the business department.

But Wu Qun didn't think so. After that, Le Xiao would indeed accept visits from some people every day when he was free. This approach was not planned.

"Perhaps this is why she has been successful so many times and is loved by the people."

Pullman took off his glasses and smiled helplessly, which seemed a bit bitter.

"Don't you understand such a simple truth?"

Pullman asked, and the others said nothing. Wu Qun glanced at Pullman and nodded in agreement.

"Many times when we think about the rights and wrongs of something, we are actually already heading towards the worst outcome."

Wu Qun said and walked slowly towards the secretary, Pullman also got up and followed.

"Old Wu, actually I didn't quite believe it at first, or I didn't agree with it, but now I understand a little bit."

"Yes, because that little girl is very sincere and doesn't hide her heart at all, so her voice can reach the hearts of the people. Although this is the same as the Alpha in the past, which has won the hearts of the people, it is completely different. "

Pullman nodded, and the two of them came to the front row and looked at Le Xiao who was still talking to Gu Ningning.

"Secretary Le Xiao, after today is over, I hope to formally invite you to my home for dinner tomorrow."

After Wu Qun finished speaking, Le Xiao looked at Wu Qun suspiciously, her doubtful expression clearly revealed.

"I dont go."

Le Xiao immediately refused, but it seemed that because her tone was a bit tough, she immediately said with a smile.

"That's not the case, Mr. Wu Qun, how should I put this? I am the secretary, a person in the administrative department, and you are a councillor, right, so it is better for us not to eat in private."

Pullman laughed from the sidelines.

"Then I'll go to the General Affairs Department for dinner. We can chat while eating. Remember the idea I told you last time?"

Le Xiao was a little stunned and took a long time to remember, but immediately looked back at Michelle. It wasn't until Michelle nodded that Le Xiao nodded.


Wu Qun bowed slightly and turned to leave. Pullman also smiled and signaled to leave.

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