Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2143 The End of the Past 2 (Part 2)

Chapter 2143 Past. Ending 2 (Part 2)

Half an hour ago, 8 o'clock sharp

A wisp of smoke was flying in the air. Jean flicked the banquet and looked at the serious Alpha in front of him. Her expression had begun to change and became a little ferocious.

A slight hint of black was exposed from Alpha's skin, and Gene felt a strong sense of oppression.

The Alpha in front of him gradually seemed to be a different person. Gene looked at the half-smoked cigarette in his hand, and a vague airflow began to push away everything around him.

Waves of cold breath came towards him. Gene looked at Alpha at this time and smiled helplessly. He threw away the cigarette butt in his hand.

"can we start?"

Alpha asked, Gene nodded, and then closed his eyes, blue particles instantly overflowed.

There was a loud buzzing sound, and the air around Jean and Alpha experienced violent friction. Black and blue could be seen intertwined, and the two alienated cells were violently colliding.

There was a creaking sound, and the metal ground seemed to be boiling. Under the huge pressure, it sank, while particles of liquid metal slowly rose.


Alpha punched. The moment Jean opened his eyes, Alpha's right fist flashed past him. At the same time, his left arm was raised. Before the power of Alpha's punch was maximized, it changed its trajectory and headed toward Jean like a stick. Smashed it over.


The moment Jean blocked it, he flew sideways to the right. With a loud bang, a groove appeared, and then the groove expanded. With a loud bang, the metal ground seemed to be split open. The squeezed metal on the side looks like a rising ocean wave.

Jean slid violently on the ground, his leather shoes making a sharp and harsh squeaking sound. He kept tapping the ground with his feet, and finally stopped.

Alpha did not pursue him, but stood up straight and walked towards Jean step by step.

Everyone present was shocked. This was almost impossible in everyone's eyes.

"Eh? What's wrong with you?"

Le Xiao looked at the faces of the people around her with confusion and became more solemn. Zi Yuer said with a serious smile.

"Idiot, you won't try to punch me hard, but before your hand is straightened, you will suddenly change the trajectory and direction of your fist attack."

Le Xiao tried it and found that it was indeed a bit difficult. Her arms were beginning to get tired. The moment she tried for the third time, she screamed and hugged her arms. Gu Ningning pressed Le Xiao down.

"Lele, you are really stupid. Hitting it with such force and changing the trajectory before reaching the impact point and hitting it with the same force will definitely strain your muscles."

Lexiao covered her right arm in pain and continued to look. Alpha had already arrived in front of Jean, and Jean took off his shoes directly.

"Have you become that strong already?"

Jean laughed helplessly. He knew better than anyone else that the power of this blow could already tell Alpha's true strength, and she also had two kinds of divine power in her body. Jean grinned slightly.

"It seems like we have to go all out today."

Alpha nodded, and the moment he bowed down, there was a loud bang, and it was ejected in front of Jean. Jean quickly dodged away, and then continued to dodge and move in the air.

Holes of about half a meter appeared on the ground one after another. Everything inside seemed to have been burned down, and black smoke was rising.

After landing, Alpha pursued him this time, waving his fists and hitting Jean continuously. Jean quickly blocked and retreated.

Continuous whistling sounds came towards me, and when I heard the sound, my fist was already in front of me.

This speed has completely caught up with Gene's speed. He dodged as much as possible, but gradually the direction of dodging began to be blocked by Alpha's fist.

Alpha's strength and speed are still rising. Her speed and strength at this time are far greater than Jean's. Blood marks are constantly appearing on the surface of Jean's body. Now he can only try his best to avoid Alpha's direct attack.

"Aren't you going to take action yet?"

Alpha said something abruptly, and Gene continued to retreat. After catching Alpha's fist with a bang, Gene flew back and slid out again. After stopping, Gene took out a cigarette.

After lighting it, he looked at Alpha quietly and said with a smile.

"Didn't you also fail to use your full strength?"

Alpha stopped and did not attack. She knew that Jean was adapting to his strength. Then Alpha said with a slightly crazy and ferocious smile.

"Mr. Jean, even in the third stage, you are still no match for me."

"You've become much more confident Alpha."

Jean said as he put a hand on his chest. At this moment, there was a burst of explosion sound, and a hole was opened in Jean's heart.

Lexiao in the distance exclaimed and looked at Jean in shock. He pierced his hand into his heart. A spider-shaped machine was pulled out of Jean's chest, and then Jean threw it into the distance. past.

The flesh and blood wrapped around the spider-shaped machine was instantly peeled off, and then returned to Jean's chest. The wound was quickly repaired, and dark blue particles were floating around Jean's eyes.

"Is the warm-up over?"

Gene nodded.

Le Xiao opened her mouth in shock and looked at Gene completely at a loss. Gu Ningning pressed Le Xiao down again.

"Lele, can you please stop being so surprised?"

After Le Xiao sat down, she didn't believe what she just saw.

"What is Gene doing? What is he?"

There was panic on Le Xiao's face, and the secretaries around him acted very calmly, as if they had already become accustomed to it.

"Lord Jean is a god."

Zi Yuer muttered, and Le Xiao became confused for a moment.


Le Xiao was completely at a loss and her mind went blank. But after a while, Le Xiao stood up again in shock.

"Jean is a god?"

Gu Ningning covered Le Xiao's mouth, stopping the sound of her exploding.

"What? Didn't Lord Jean tell you?"

Gu Ningning muttered, Le Xiao shook her head and looked at Gu Ningning in surprise.

"Aren't there only six gods in Brilliant City?"

At this time, with a touch of bright blue particles, Tang Rao sat directly next to Le Xiao and pinched Le Xiao's mouth with one hand.

"If you ask me again, I'll tear your mouth off."

Le Xiao opened her mouth wide and watched as the secretaries around her stood up and bowed to Tang Rao.

"Are you a god too?"

Only then did Le Xiao react, and Tang Rao pressed Le Xiao's head.

"Kid, I think you still have time to move your little head and let your rusty head sober up."

Le Xiao looked at Tang Rao with some fear. Tang Rao waved his hands, and the secretaries all sat down. The reason why Tang Rao came here was just to see Le Xiao up close, the eighth divine power that had been awakened in her.

Tang Rao has never mentioned this to anyone except Jean and the others, not even Huashen. This power is extremely special. Ellie used to have such a power.

The specialness of this power is incomparable to the other seven divine powers. So far, no one in the city has awakened to the eighth divine power, except for the little girl in front of him.

Tang Rao didn't know when she awakened this power. When she first met this girl two months ago, she didn't feel anything, but now Tang Rao can feel the same energy fluctuations as Aili.

This kind of energy fluctuation is gentle, just like the sun in early spring. It shines warmly on people, not too hot.

Le Xiao was much quieter at this time, and something kept popping up in her mind. She was now more convinced that the person who visited her home back then was Jean. Since he visited, no one from the business department has appeared again. .

Jean kept blowing out smoke, and the smoke was rising upwards, as if there was an invisible wall in front of Jean.

Alpha's eyes were completely dark, with only a little white in the middle. Some black lines had appeared on the surface of her body.

"Have you completely controlled this power?"

Alpha nodded slightly. Gene threw away the cigarette in his hand and was at Alpha's side in an instant. At this time, Alpha turned his head. The moment Gene's fist came close to Alpha's cheek, Gene immediately caused particles to explode beside his body. Allow the body to deflect.

There was a loud bang, Alpha raised his fist, and Gene was spinning in the air. A large piece of his left shoulder had disappeared, and the bloody shoulder was exposed. After landing, Gene immediately stood up.

Looking at the large black patch on his shoulder, although he could feel it, he couldn't avoid it. His heart had begun to beat and strength was filling his body, but he still couldn't avoid Alpha's fist.

"This is the power of violent alienated particles."

Noah said, and Huashen nodded at the side. The two looked at the various values ​​​​on the panel. The battle between the two will be recorded accurately to the number of cells.

Nowadays, mutants have reached a point where they have to move to the next stage of development, although vaccines can still be used to suppress the growing alienation genes in some mutants.

But such methods will eventually fail. Once the mutant's alienated genes grow, the mutant cannot control these alienated genes in the body, and will go berserk. Once those black particles appear in the mutant's body, , most mutants will eventually die.

Starting from Alpha's battle, observing the number of violent alienated particles she uses and how she uses them, we can see a lot of things. We first collect the original data, and finally conduct verification in all aspects.

Finally finding a way to control this power is what both Huashen and Noah want to do. One is for medical treatment, and the other is for science.

After Jean's shoulder recovered, Alpha moved forward again. She did not move, but walked towards Jean step by step.

Gene bowed his body and turned into a blue light in an instant. The moment he approached Alpha, he punched him with his fist, but the next second, Alpha grabbed Gene's wrist.

Jean felt his hands were tightly clamped, unable to move at all, and blue particles were rushing toward Alpha crazily.

Alpha grinned slightly and suddenly let go. Black particles overflowed, and blue particles were instantly swallowed up. Before Gene even hit the ground, Alpha's fist had already reached his chest.

There was a loud boom, accompanied by a violent black light. In an instant, a large hole was punched through Jean's chest by Alpha. The metal on the ground was instantly dissolved, and a huge dent appeared.

The black substance was like a flame, continuing to rage and impact. As it approached the edge of the square, green hexagonal substances formed a wall.

With a loud bang, these green substances were directly swallowed by black flames, and then layer after layer of green walls were burned through. After a while, these black flames disappeared.

Alpha retracted his hand, took out a cigarette from Jean's trouser pocket, lit it and looked at Jean who was retreating step by step. The area on his chest was slowly recovering.

"You can't defeat me with your current strength. Hurry up and start the third phase."

In Alpha's mind, he clearly remembered that that night, Jean activated the third stage of the power of God. Alpha knew very well how powerful this power was. She could not dodge or avoid it. No matter what she did, it was useless, because she was unable to Beyond this power.

During the years in prison, Alpha often fell into that night and fought against this power countless times, but only failed.

Now that Alpha has eliminated her fear of this power, she is confident that she can defeat the third stage of divine power.

After Gene's chest recovered, he took out a cigarette again. Alpha's power had shocked everyone in the stands.

Everyone knows how strong Jean is, but at this moment no one thinks that Jean can defeat Alpha.

"It doesn't look like Phase 3 is going to work either."

Gu Yi muttered, and Rose slowly appeared on the metal ground beside her. She nodded.

"You should feel it."

Gu Yi hummed. When he had just used his own power to block the blow, he had clearly felt that the black alienated particles released from Alpha's body, which she had completely controlled, had seven kinds of powerful energy. Hundreds of times the mass of the red particle, the largest in the power of God.

"This can't go on like this, Rose. You have to reinforce the entire venue. Otherwise, we won't be able to guarantee this battle."

Rose snorted and sank into the ground like mud.

At this time, Gene laughed, and then looked at Alpha, who looked confident, and he raised his fingertips.

"Then I'll use the same power as you."

Alpha looked at the black particles coming out of Jean's fingertips in surprise.

"Mr. Jean, why would you."

"After all, it was me who taught you everything, Alpha. You will still lose today, and I will be the last one standing."

Alpha laughed and attacked again in an instant, but Jean was obviously different at this time. He raised his hand and grasped Alpha's fist. There was a loud bang, and two black rays of light instantly engulfed the two of them. .

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