Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2142 Ending the Past 2 (Part 2)

Chapter 2142 The End. Past 2 (Part 2)

8 o'clock sharp

"Sir, how long will you stay with me?"

Hydera smiled slightly, stopped, and stared sideways at the sneaky man behind her.

The man seemed a little panicked, and Hydra turned around directly. Many people passing by focused their eyes on Hydra. This girl who looked young, but looked enchanting, sexy, and cute, with exquisite and beautiful features. face.

This is Street No. 1 in District 1. Hydra was going to the General Affairs Department today. She set off from Ran Zai's cemetery at around 7 o'clock, changed cars and had breakfast along the way, and then came to District 1.

Hydra put her hands on her hips, her face showing confidence and a sense of charm. The man behind her hurriedly came over and took out her mobile phone and opened a light and shadow screen.

"Miss, I'm sorry. I'm a producer at Nebula Entertainment. Can you talk to me? What do you do, miss?"

Hydra thought for a while and then said with a smile.

"I'm a hero from the past!"

The producer was stunned at first, but then he laughed knowingly.

"Miss, if you have time, you can come to our company and have a look. You have great potential. How about we talk about it in the coffee shop over there? I'll treat you."

Hydra chuckled and shook her head.


The producer said very insistently.

"Miss, you have a very good temperament. You will definitely be able to make a difference in the entertainment industry. Please."

Hydra turned around and waved her hands.

"No need, if I enter your company, maybe your company will be in big trouble."

The producer was a little confused, Hydra raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and then said.

"I am the daughter of that bomb madman Hydra! Hydra II."

The producer's expression froze for a moment, and Hydera walked quickly and freely.

Hydra looked at the General Affairs Department, which was getting closer and closer, and smiled even more. She had only one purpose for coming today, to get back her father's ashes, the ashes of a father she had never met.

Since she was very young, Hydera has heard her mother mention things about her father from time to time, and she always talks about the happy things she had with her father.

But as Hydera grew up, she wanted to understand her father more and more, but her mother had already said everything she could. She always said that her father died because of an accident.

Hydra really wanted to know about her father's past. When she was in high school, Hydra saw some cases with only fragmentary records, and the mastermind of the case was named Hydra.

Hydra was very strange at first, but in the end she could only continue to ask her mother about it. Finally, her mother cried and told Hydra everything.

More and more everything about her father began to emerge. Hydera didn't know why her father committed such a crime. After entering college, Hydera obtained some sealed information from a classmate.

The image of his father became clearer and clearer in front of Hydera, and the father in his mother's mouth, in the reports, and in the legal world gradually began to overlap.

Hydra also gradually got to know the man named her father. The strange thing was that Hydra didn't hate or have any other bad feelings towards her father. Instead, she really wanted to know everything about her father.

Relying on the relationship with this classmate with a family background, Hydera learned a lot about her father, and even everything that her father encountered during those years in prison.

It was at this time that Ran Zai found him, and Hydra learned the full story of his father from his mouth. Then Hydra began to have frequent contact with Ran Zai, and little by little Hydra also learned more about everything in the city.

After Hydera understood everything about the past, she began to follow Ran Zai to carry out some secret activities in the city.

After stepping onto the stairs of the General Affairs Department, Hydra raised her hands to cover the sun, looking at the General Affairs Department wrapped in the sun, she smiled happily and walked over quickly.

"I am late?"

Hydera stood at the door. Many staff who came in and out looked over. Wu Lei stood at the door of the hall.

"Just right, beautiful girl!"

Hydra walked over with a smile. After Wu Lei turned around, Hydra quickly followed.

"Really, you only work all day long and don't even know how to get together?"

Wu Lei smiled helplessly.

"It's not like you don't know where the General Affairs Department is."

Hydra followed Wu Lei into the elevator, and the two reached the third floor. Wu Lei took Hydra to an office. This was Wu Lei's office. After entering, Hydra sat down comfortably, and Wu Lei poured her a glass. water.

"I have some time today. If you have nothing to do, you can take a stroll in Area 1. I will treat you this afternoon and call a few others."

"It's really a sight to behold. Is there anything wrong with eating alone with me?"

Wu Lei laughed and nodded.

"Okay, let's have a date between men and women."

Wu Lei said as he took out a square box from the cabinet on the side. Inside was Hydra's urn. Hydra walked over, touched it and sighed helplessly.

The reason why I was able to know about my father was all thanks to Wu Lei. The two were college classmates. If Wu Lei hadn't quietly provided Hydra with some sealed information, Hydra might not have been able to know about her father in her life.

"By the way, what happened today? I can't see the secretary or the section chief."


Wu Lei said directly, and Hydra made a boring face.

"My dad went there too, so I'm not qualified."

Wu Lei smiled helplessly. He had finished all his work today last night. He would wait to see if any important reports would be submitted today.

Neither the general manager nor the secretary-general are in the General Affairs Department, and many departments are relaxed and happy. Even if this relaxation and happiness is short-lived, for many people in the General Affairs Department, it is good to have some free time to relax.

"Hydra, don't do anything dangerous."

Wu Lei reminded that he had known since college that Hydra would come into contact with some secret people from time to time. He was not worried about Hydra suffering a disadvantage. After all, her grades in college were even better than his own.

Hydera has a very good mind, and Wu Lei learned about it when he was a student.

"What dangerous things can I do? Really, you are too worried."

Hydra then stood up and said.

"This is a rare occasion. I have to go to Li Ji Pastry Shop to buy a cake. You go with me."

Wu Lei glanced at the time, and now that he had nothing to do, he got up and followed Hydra. Hydra temporarily put his father's urn back.

The two of them walked out of the General Affairs Department. During this period, many colleagues came over and asked Wu Lei if the beautiful woman who appeared next to Wu Lei was his girlfriend.

Wu Lei didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either. He and Hydera were like this. They were in the same class since college. After a brief exchange, they found that they had similar interests and hobbies, and it didn't take long for them to talk about everything. friend.

"Wow, it's only after eight o'clock."

Haidela looked at the long queue at Li Ji Cake Shop. Wu Lei had no choice but to go there and queue up. Haidela looked at a shop nearby, which was full of people. She went directly to find a seat and sit down.

There are many such shops on this street, and many people who come to buy cakes will go together in pairs, taking turns to queue up to buy cakes.

Because each person can only buy one, there is such a long queue.

At this time, there was a burst of yelling from behind the cake shop.

"You bastard, if you don't want to do it, get out of here."

Then there was the sound of a lot of things falling to the ground, and many guests smiled helplessly. At this time, a man with a head full of flour came out.

Many regular customers know that he is a young man who has recently worked under Li Fu, but he is not an ordinary young man. He is Michelle, the fourth son of the Ablon family.

"Smelly old man, didn't you just make a mistake? What are you doing?"

Michelle couldn't help but replied. At this time, he saw Wu Lei outside the store. Wu Lei smiled at him. Michelle flew out of the store and walked towards Wu Lei who was in the crowd.

"Is it okay if you don't go back to work?"

Wu Lei has not seen Michelle for a long time. It is said that he works everywhere and never goes home. Sometimes he even secretly goes to sleep on the sofa in the rest area of ​​the General Affairs Department.

"It's really similar to our Lord Le Xiao."

Michelle laughed.

"That stupid woman."

Wu Lei smiled.

"That's not a good idea. Besides, you and him are evenly matched."

At this time Hydra came over.

"He's your friend. You guys go over there and chat. I'll line up."

Michelle's eyes lit up as soon as she saw Hydra, and she immediately acted like a gentleman.

"Miss, are you free? Let's have lunch together later."

Hydra raised her middle finger and grinned.


"That's your girlfriend? She's so fierce."

After the two sat down on the street, Michelle asked, and Wu Lei shook his head.

"No, she is my college classmate, Hydra."

Michelle was a little confused, but he didn't ask any more questions. He leaned back on the chair comfortably.

"Life is hard."

Wu Lei smiled.

"It seems wrong for a big man like you."

The two met at a banquet and became familiar with each other after many contacts. They started playing together when they were more than ten years old.

"Aren't you supposed to be working in the General Affairs Department at this time? Where is my eldest sister?"

Wu Lei took a sip of something easily.

"Our Secretary-General is not in the General Affairs Department, and I have already finished the work at hand. But you go to work in a cake shop like this. I heard that the salary is only 800 yuan a month, which is not enough for your meal."

Michelle scratched her head and said disapprovingly.

"My whole family is stone-headed. I have nothing to say to them, and even if I say it, they won't understand."

"You're such a big man. Really, do you want me to help you find a job? I still know a lot of people here."

Michelle stood up, picked up a drink and drank it in one gulp.

"Sorry, I'm quite free now."

At this time, Li Fu's angry curses came from the cake shop, and Michelle hurried back.

Work will become extremely busy in the next few days, and Wu Lei will have to go to the ground floor to help Le Xiao conduct various construction reviews. The proposal to build a cinema on the ground floor is about to begin.

"I don't know how dad works tirelessly for so many years."

Wu Lei took the hat off. He is still very young, but he is actually a little tired. Working in a high-pressure environment like the General Affairs Department will be really tiring.

Looking at Hydra in front of him, Wu Lei thought of the surveillance list of Section 2 that he had seen before, and Hydra was among them. He was actually worried that if Hydra caused a problem one day, he would be arrested by Section 2.

This kind of monitoring started five years ago. Wu Lei didn't know what Hydera had done and was put on the monitoring list by Section 2, but what was certain was that it was definitely not a trivial matter.

Wu Lei also asked Hydra some questions in a roundabout way, but Hydra cleverly avoided them every time.

Seeing that the queue was still very long, Wu Lei turned on the light and shadow screen. The headlines were about poisonous food.

Now the edge of the ground floor, close to the southern guard station, has been fully constructed into a temporary hospital, and a large number of independent doctors in the city have rushed there.

Reports can also be seen that some people in the barrier area are still waiting to enter the city's wards. Now the eyes of the whole city are attracted to this matter.

The Action Department's actions in this matter have won praise from many people in the city, especially regarding Le Xiao. In the eyes of most people, she has now become the object of admiration for many people.

Wu Lei was actually a little speechless about Le Xiao at first, because he thought that such a girl would be kicked away in less than a week, but he did not expect that it would develop into the current situation.

When I returned home recently, my father would talk to me about Le Xiao from time to time, with a sense of ease in his words. Wu Lei had never seen his father talk about a person in power so easily, because he was too simple.

Any worries will immediately show on his face, and he will not hide his heart at all. Although he has some small thoughts, these small thoughts look really cute to Wu Lei.

"What are you thinking about?"

At this time Hydera came over and Wu Lei shook his head.

"Let's go back."

Looking at a small cake Hydera bought, she looked very happy.

"If you are tired of shopping, just go to my office and wait."

Hydera hummed and walked directly into an alley. Wu Lei once again glanced at Michelle who was packing bags for customers, looking a little helpless.

Early this morning, my father got up and left home. He had said last night that today he was going to end the past.

Wu Lei didn't know what it meant, but he was sure that something very important would happen in the city today. At this time, a call came through. Wu Lei looked at it with confusion. It was a room director. Some reporters had already arrived at the general affairs office. Ke, and people from the Su family.

"Sure enough, something big is going to happen."

Looking at the information sent by the director, the Su Family Club held a press conference in the General Affairs Department and invited many people. Wu Lei was a little surprised and he immediately started running quickly.

After all, those invited to the press conference were all family members and businessmen, and the press conference officially started at 2 noon.

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