Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2077 House of the Sun 4 (Part 2)

April 1, 2250

Lewen anxiously carried a large bag of things. As soon as he arrived at the door of District 41 Hospital, several children suddenly ran over, and one of them said anxiously.

"Uncle, can you help us?"

Le Wen immediately looked around. As soon as he saw someone from Section 5 on the street, he asked the children to find someone from Section 5. After all, today was the day Su Xin gave birth, and the labor pains had lasted for three hours. Le Wen Wen just bought some necessities needed after the birth.

However, the children still surrounded Lewen. They insisted that they needed Lewen's help. Lewen couldn't help but was dragged away by a child. He also began to ask what happened, but the children kept insisting that Lewen You'll know after it passes.

Each of the children looked very anxious, and Le Wen also felt that something terrible might have happened. However, Le Wen was led by the children into the hospital park and walked around the path, and the children He kept saying it was almost there.

At this time, Lewen noticed that many patients in the park were smiling around him. Lewen suddenly woke up and showed an angry look. The children also felt it and hurriedly said sorry, and Lewen put away his angry look.

"Sorry kids, my wife is going to give birth today, I have to hurry to the delivery room and wait."

Lewen realized that today was April Fool's Day. It seemed that these children had fooled many adults, and they all succeeded. Lewen smiled and turned around and ran, and soon arrived at the delivery room on the 6th floor of the hospital. He was anxious was standing outside the delivery room waiting.

Le Wen moved in with Su Xin two days ago. The labor pains started at 7 o'clock in the morning this morning. It's now past 10 o'clock, and Le Wen was pacing around anxiously.

There was more excitement than anxiety in my heart. Le Wen was going to be a father. At this time, Le Chang came from the corner of the corridor.

"How's your cousin?"

"It should be soon."

Le Chang put down the things in his hands. Le Wen took a look and saw that he had already bought many things, but his cousin still bought another one.

"I'm not the careless kid I used to be."

Le Wen said, and Le Chang snorted. Le Wen used to be careless when he was a child. This problem didn't change until he was in college. I just heard that Le Wen didn't take his coat because he was drunk in the store. , that’s why I met Su Xin, and it was in the very cold weather.

"Are you really not planning to move to the middle floor? The environment of our community is very good, the greenery is good, there are dedicated people to take care of it, and the housing area is not small. Why don't you consider it?"

Lewen smiled and shook his head. Indeed, the garden community where his cousin and the others live is one of the few green communities in the city. After all, it takes a lot of manpower and material resources to take care of many flowers, plants and trees, and the climate in the city is not ideal. It is more difficult to grow flowers and plants.

If you want to get soil for planting large-scale greening, you can only be a family member who has your own private planting land and transport the soil from the private planting land. Otherwise, if you want to get soil from the city, you can only get it from the agriculture department. After purchasing some flowers, you can get the soil that comes with it. Otherwise, it is impossible for private individuals to own soil for planting.

Planting soil is only allowed to appear in the market in small quantities, and is not allowed to be held in large quantities. Basically, planting soil is used to serve the crops in the agricultural base.

At this time, Le Chang's wife Mei Di also came over with her baby Le Ying in her arms. Le Wen called her cousin affectionately. The three of them were quietly waiting for the birth of the child, but it didn't look like it was going so well.

Although medical technology is very advanced nowadays, childbirth still uses the most primitive method. Only when dystocia occurs, doctors will take measures. At this time, the door of the operating room opened, and a female doctor came out. Holding a baby in her arms, Le Wen immediately ran over happily. After taking a look at the child, he gently touched her soft little face and ran into the delivery room.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Le Wen held Su Xin's hand. She shook her head and looked extremely tired. Le Wen gave her a kiss gently. Another doctor was helping Su Xin treat the wound. After more than three hours of labor, she finally it's over.

The doctor also said that when the child came out, he didn't scream at first. He thought something was wrong. After slapping him several times, the child finally started crying. It turned out that he was asleep.

"Lord Jean!"

At this time, the female member of Section 4 outside bowed and saluted, and the couple turned their heads. Jean was already standing at the door, looking at the child with a relaxed smile, while Su Li walked in carrying some things.


Le Wen said thank you. He didn't expect Jean and Su Li to come over. His only family was his eldest brother's family. Le Wen didn't have much impression of his parents. He only learned about his parents from his cousin Le Chang after he became an adult. They are both businessmen, and their families are relatively well-off. Lewen has been brought up by this brother since he was a child.

Le Chang is almost 20 years older than Le Wen, and he has been involved in work very early and has not finished college. Over the years, he has a very good relationship with this brother. Other than that, Le Wen and Su Xin have no real relationship. relative.

"Look at her smiling."

Medi said, Le Wen stood up and walked over. Le Xiao, who was in Le Chang's arms, was smiling, and his eyes were fixed on Jean. Jean stretched out a finger and touched it gently. Le Xiao smiled even more happily and made a loud noise.

Looking at the baby, Jean smiled easily and even made a face, which surprised many people around him. Jean's finger was held by the baby.

"What's your name?"

Gene asked, and Lewen said next to him.

"Her name is Mr. Le Xiaojin."

Jean smiled and nodded, then let go of his hand. Le Chang returned the child to Le Wen, who carried Le Xiao to his mother's side, but the child always wanted to fixate on Jean.

"You know how to tell a handsome boy at such a young age."

Su Li said with a smile, Gene put down the things in his hands, turned around and started walking.

"Wouldn't you like to have a drink with us, Mr. Jean?"

Lewen returned to the corridor, looked at Jean who was walking away, and shouted. Jean tilted his head and turned back and said.

"Okay next time."

After Gene left, Su Li immediately proposed to treat them to a drink today. Le Wen agreed this time, but Su Xin could not be discharged from the hospital yet, and it would take at least two or three days.

Looking at Le Xiao lying on her mother's chest and sucking, Le Wen felt a little relieved. He had barely slept in the past few days, Su Xin said with a smile.

"You and your cousin should go have a drink."

Medi said.

"You two go and have a drink, I will take care of her here."

Le Wen said thank you gratefully. Su Li looked around and chose to stay, saying that they would celebrate together when Su Xin was discharged from the hospital.

When he walked out of the hospital, it was already close to 12 o'clock. Lewen had just completed some procedures, including various subsidies for subsequent babies, nutrition fees and other things.

The sun was a bit dazzling, Le Wen raised his head slightly, smiled contentedly, and felt very relaxed. This feeling reminded Le Wen of the time when he first entered college.

"People must learn to look forward, cousin!"

Le Wen hummed, and at this time, Le Wen's inner confusion about whether to continue researching also dissipated, and he decided to continue studying the biological substance.

The moment he saw his daughter, Lewen made a decision. New life can always bring great power to people and break through some haze. The biological substances developed by Bincai have been fully invested in research. This Research still has a long way to go.

The first phase of virtual reality research was considered relatively successful, and no experimenters were affected, except for slight insomnia.

Another research on biochemical robots has also made some progress. Although the progress is slow, everything has become clearer and smoother. Lewen also plans to stay at home for a few years after completing these studies and slowly live his life. Just conduct other research.

Today's sunshine was a bit dazzling. Lewen looked back at the hospital building. At this time, he vaguely saw some smooth flowing colors, but they disappeared immediately. Lewen looked around for a while.

"What's going on with all the light?"

Following Le Chang's shout, Le Wen stopped thinking and ran with his cousin. The two planned to have a drink in a restaurant opposite the hospital, and then Le Wen planned to rest until night.

12 o'clock sharp

After Su Xin drank some nutrient solution, she looked at her daughter on the crib beside her, who had fallen asleep. Mei Di was talking to Su Xin about the child, and Su Xin was lying comfortably.

All the good expectations for the future are in her mind. As a mother, she can clearly feel something after the birth of her child. These things cannot be described in words. Su Xin looked at the window not far away, and a touch of... Although she couldn't see the beautiful colors very clearly, she always felt that there might be something there. The bright color in the sunlight seemed to be something standing there.

At this time, her daughter woke up and started crying again. Su Li and Mei Di hurried over, but for some reason, Su Xin always felt that her daughter seemed to have seen something. What she was staring at was not the two people approaching her. But the faint color in the air.

Su Xin didn't know why she could see these colors. She had told others about them before, but they couldn't see anything. At this time, a breeze lifted the curtains. Su Xin looked at her daughter strangely, and her eyes moved with it. The curtains go away.


Frye looked at Lolita lying on the bed quietly. She was very weak now. Lolita had been suffering from unexplained weakness since a few hours ago, and she looked very painful.

Frye didn't know what happened. He had just checked Lolita's body. This Lolita had just been cloned less than a week ago. She should be in good health, but she had symptoms that Frye was helpless to do.

At this time, Lolita's expression was very serious, and she was in a coma, always whispering something. This was the first time Frye had seen such a situation.

All the values ​​​​on the light and shadow panel on the side did not change. Frye became puzzled and looked at the slowly growing larvae around him. It would take several months for the next cloning. If Lolita died at this time If so, it would be troublesome.

The research on memory cloning is still in its early stages. This was an important topic when they were conducting life-span medical research in the past, but it was finally abandoned because it was difficult to succeed.

But after decades of witnessing many mentally ill patients and studying their brains, Fry discovered that memories can be cloned. In the past, the memories of cloned bodies were obtained by cloning mature individuals, and the brains themselves were strangely transformed. Yes, but clones usually suffer from memory loss and memory confusion. This is because the brain cannot be cloned 100%.

After so many years of research, Frye has improved everything. Cloning people is no longer directly cloning themselves, but taking some of their own important cells, performing regenerative cloning, and then implanting memories.

There are many benefits to doing this, because it can ensure that the cloned human brain that has grown up from an infant will not be damaged by carrying too many original memories, and then the cloned memories can be directly implanted into the cloned body.

All this is thanks to Tang Rao's cells. Ever since Frye awakened, he has possessed this cyan divine power, and this divine power can do so many things. It seems that the gods have not noticed it yet. arrive.

"What happened to you Lolita."

Seeing that everything on the panel was normal, Frye planned to go up and do other things. After all, there were many patients in the hospital, and Thom, Crystal and Fite were too busy to stay close to each other.

Seeing Lolita struggling, as if she wanted to wake up, but was dragged by something in the dreamland, unable to wake up, Fry felt a little distressed, but all the values ​​on the light and shadow screen were normal.

"It's okay Lolita."

Frye gently touched her forehead, then turned and left the underground research room.

And just a few minutes after Frye left, Lolita suddenly opened her eyes, but her eyes were dull. A black air came out of Lolita's body, and gradually turned into a black smoke humanoid. , with a pair of scarlet eyes.

The temperature in the entire research room dropped sharply. After a while, Lolita stopped moving, as if she was frozen for an instant. This black smoke figure was floating in the laboratory, and it arrived. Next to a petri dish, a light and shadow screen was set up, and the values ​​on it were quickly tampered with.

Frye returned to the sunny courtyard and looked at the mental patients and the three people who were busy. He went over to join everyone. The sun was just shining at this point.

A large area of ​​green crops stretched to the wall at the far end. Frye laughed happily, and at this time there was a noise in the street not far away. Frye hurriedly walked to the gate, opened the small door and walked out After leaving, some personnel from Department 4 escorting a new batch of patients came over.

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