Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2076 House of the Sun 4 (Part 1)

October 21, 2249

2:03 am

Le Wen quietly looked at a glass cover in front of him that exuded a faint green light. This was a small reactor made by Le Wen, and it used bacterial batteries as energy source. The green crystals inside looked very beautiful, like gems. generally.

This is a private study by Le Wen, another form of crystalline material. Le Wen has not disclosed this research to anyone. He has taken time to conduct research in private. All the values ​​​​are in Le Wen. In Wen's head.

This kind of biological material is different from the biological material that is a connection between biology and machinery. It is more biological, and the manufacturing method is completely different.

The most critical point is that this thing can cause dead cells to undergo a reduction reaction. This is what shocked Lewen. This was discovered by Lewen in an abandoned reactor during his research.

The plant cells used as raw materials for the reaction underwent surprising changes. Lovin deleted the reaction data, which seemed wrong to others, and then began his own research.

At first, Le Wen planned to tell everyone this, but as Section 2 began to follow him more and more closely, Le Wen finally gave up. He felt that such biological substances would have a very big impact on the future.

The emergence of such biological substances appeared during a study after Lewen's body regained its vitality after having that strange dream.

Since the successful research on biological matter, basically the proportion of biological materials and metal materials that produce this material is larger than that of metal materials. However, the biological matter in front of us is composed of biological materials and metal materials. The proportion is relatively small.

These green shimmers are caused by chlorophyll in plants. At present, Lewen has not yet fully understood how these things act on organisms, but one thing Lewen can imagine is that if this kind of thing can be successfully used in medical treatment If you do, you will achieve a very big breakthrough.

This biological substance will produce a substance that can revive dead cells. Lewen temporarily calls it the revolutionary plasma. Tonight, Lewen plans to conduct an important experiment.

It was already 2:30. Looking at some of the values ​​​​on the panel, Lewen was still not sure whether this piece of biological material could achieve the expected effect.

Su Xin had gone to bed very early. Recently, her morning sickness had become more and more intense. Le Wen took care of her at home, and then discussed some research with Bincai's people through video communication, although everyone suggested that Le Wen find a nanny. , or send Su Xin to a nursing home, but Le Wen refused.

This is the most important time for his wife. Le Wen just wants to stay with his wife and wait for the birth of his daughter Le Xiao.

After sitting in silence for a while, Le Wen stood up and wanted to put away the reactor. He was somewhat resistant and repelled in his heart. If this thing was really developed and it would cause bad results in the future, it would be difficult for Le Wen. Take the blame.

However, his heart was always eager to study this substance. Le Wen was struggling, but he still opened the cover. At this time, the green light began to fade slowly. Le Wen swallowed a sip and picked up this piece of warm biological material. substance, and then took out a sharp blade from the side.

According to the current reaction theory, this piece of biological material should undergo some kind of change. Lewen immediately opened a homemade small medical measuring instrument. Then Lewen held the knife tightly, raised his left hand, and opened it directly. Lewen gritted his teeth and scratched the medical measuring instrument on his arm.

The sharp blade cut the skin easily, and blood immediately flowed out. At this time, specific and detailed values ​​appeared on the light and shadow panel of the measuring instrument. Lewen picked up the green biological material and placed it on the bleeding surface. place.

At this time, with the blood flowing on this piece of biological material, the numerical values ​​​​reacted. The medical measuring instrument manufactured by Lewen has very high accuracy and was created in the process of consulting Chen Zhi.

Sure enough, the value of cell damage and death began to stop, and judging from the total amount of cells and the production speed, it is certain that some dead cells are recovering, although it seems that Lewen's wound is still bleeding.

Gradually, the bleeding stopped. According to comparison with past medical records, it would be impossible to stop bleeding in such a short period of time without medication. Lewen continued to observe some values ​​on the light and shadow panel. The values ​​were changing. Change happens slowly.

At this time, Lewen felt a stinging sensation. This was the feeling caused by the bacteria in the air entering after the wound was cut and colliding with the immune cells in the body. Gradually, the stinging sensation turned into a burning sensation, and the wound While recovering, this was what shocked Le Wen.

But everything came to an abrupt end. The green biological substance in Lewen's hand began to turn black, then began to harden, and finally cracked, like a dry clod of soil, which shattered into slag with just a touch.

Le Wen put down the things in his hands and started to pack them up. This was the underground storage room at home. Le Wen always did this secretly for a while every night and then went to bed.

Then Le Wen returned to the first floor. He went to the kitchen and turned on the light. Sure enough, his wife had prepared some food, which just needed to be heated before eating. Le Wen turned on the light and took out a bottle of wine.

After the research is over, Le Wen will drink a little, which will stop the brain that is still running rapidly. What to do if this biological substance is really successfully studied, this is the issue Le Wen is most worried about now.

Through tonight's experiment, Lewen is convinced that this biological substance can be successful, but the next step is the most important thing, what will happen once it is publicly researched.


At this time, the black round metal object in Lewen's pocket rang. He quickly took it out and put it to his mouth.

"Xiao Ran, why aren't you asleep yet?"

"I assume you're doing some research, right?"

Lewen hesitated for a moment and hummed.

"I don't think you need to worry about the issue of good and evil, because no matter how you think about this issue, there will be no result. Although there are standards for judging good and evil, there are no standards for prediction. No matter how you think about it, there will be no results. No matter how entangled you are, you won’t give up on research. After all, you are a scientist, right?”

Le Wen hummed and smiled helplessly. He would communicate with Ran Zai from time to time every day, and Ran Zai would also talk a lot.

"Xiao Ran, I will be a father next year."


After Ran Zai finished speaking, he continued.

"You don't mean to say that after you become a father next year, you will give up research."

Le Wen was struggling with this matter now, and he did not answer Ran Zai's question.

"You can't give up research. There is only one way waiting for you in the future, which is to constantly break through yourself and explore the limits of science."

Le Wen's expression became a little frozen, and at this time there was a slight knock on the door. Le Wen stood up hurriedly, stopped talking to Ran Zai, walked over and opened the door. He looked at the door with some surprise. Jean, Jean made a booing gesture, and Li Chu, who was standing across the street, snorted coldly.

"Why are you here suddenly, Mr. Jean? Is something wrong?"

Gene shook his head, glanced around, and took out a bottle of wine from the bag.

"Let's have a drink together."

Lewen nodded happily. After sitting down, Gene stood up and took out some side dishes from the refrigerator and started cooking.

Lewen was in a good mood. He didn't expect Jean to visit suddenly. He hadn't seen Jean for a long time.

"I've been busy in the barrier area recently. Your child is about to be born."

Lewen hummed, and Jean said congratulations. Lewen looked at Jean's back and recalled that when he first entered the door, he smelled a faint smell of blood. Maybe Jean had just experienced a battle in the barrier area. .

In Lewen's eyes, Gene is a friend who is easy to get along with and works tirelessly, but sometimes it is difficult to figure out. He should be old enough to retire, but he is still on the front line.

Le Wen still remembers that when he met Jean, he was in the management, and now he is the section chief of Section 13. There are more and more rumors about him in the city.

"What are your plans after the research is over?"

Gene asked and sat down with the freshly prepared side dishes. Lewen thought for a while and then shook his head.

"Maybe you will feel less stressed after the baby is born."

Lewen smiled bitterly and nodded.

"Maybe, Mr. Jean, do you know what's going on here?"

Gene nodded.

"Everything is clear, but I can't get involved in this matter."

Lewen hummed.

"By the way, Mr. Jean, have you ever considered the issue of good and evil?"

"Of course, no matter who you are, you will consider this issue. Sometimes there are clear boundaries between good and evil, but sometimes the boundaries are very blurred, or even without boundaries."

It was not difficult for Lewen to understand what Gene said, but he just felt that it was a little too involved.

"I would like to ask, what exactly is the barrier zone?"

Lewen said, and Gene smiled bitterly.

"It is a gathering place for people who cannot fit into the city and a gathering place for criminals."

Le Wen said nothing more, but he looked at Jean seriously and asked.

"Mr. Jean, if one day in the future, the barrier zone can completely disappear, do you think it is possible?"

Gene raised his glass and had a drink with Le Wen, then looked at Le Wen with his hand on his chin and shook his head.

"I don't know about this. This question must be left to the next generation to answer."

Lewen closed his eyes knowingly and laughed.

"I feel happy every time I talk to you Mr. Jean, next generation!"

There was a light in Lewen's eyes, which was what Jean often saw. Jean had witnessed this kind of light countless times. No matter what era, there would always be people like this. They looked a little different. You may be stubborn and admit death, but you will never obliterate the kindness in your heart, and the light reflected by kindness is extremely dazzling.

This is something that humans need in every era, because it can always bring hope to people, said Lewen, holding up his wine glass.

"If my daughter is smart in the future, leave this answer to her to answer what you think, Mr. Jean."

Gene hummed and asked teasingly.

"What if she's not too smart!"

Lewen shook his head.

"The result is still the same."

The two continued to chat.

It wasn't until about 4 o'clock in the morning that Gene left Le Wen's house, and Li Chu came over.

"What on earth did you talk about."

"Just a casual chat."

Li Chu said with a sneer.

"Don't place your hopes on those boring things Gene, you should be the most alert among the seven of us, and you have never changed."

Li Chu saw that there were still some tiny spots on Jean's uniform, which were blood stains.

"How many people were killed tonight?"

Li Chu asked with a sneer.

"313 people."

Jean's voice was a little cold. An emerging armed force in the barrier area began to plunder wantonly and killed 6 inspectors. It had seriously endangered the current peace of the barrier area. After making a judgment, Jean directly killed the killer. , leaving no one alive.

"Look, you know the seriousness of the problem better than we do. The balance cannot be broken. Once it is broken, the order may tilt, and the collapse of the order is not far away."

Li Chu looked at Jean, who was a little dazed, and then stretched out his hand to pat his arm.

"Would you like to have a drink together?"

Jean shook his head.


At this time, Li Chu spoke.

"That boy Tianhen looks more and more like me. Do you know the big things that happened a few days ago?"

Jean shook his head.

"I'll just ask Hawke later."

Watching Jean leave, Li Chu jumped onto the roof. A few days ago, there was an explosion in a club on Qinglong Street. Tianhen used his authority to block off the nearby area. What happened inside, Li Chu thought with his toes. all know.

Some businessmen in the film and television area have launched various plans for Tianhen's sister. Moreover, Tianhen's sister has now terminated her contract with the agency and has become an independent artist. She can also get so many promotion resources. It is certain that It has something to do with everything that happened in that store. Li Chu went to ask Hawke about it.

The agency arranged for Tian Ai to accompany him for a drink, but Tian Ai refused. Then the agent used some tricks to push away Hawke and forcefully brought Tian Ai over. After 10 minutes, people from Section 3 broke into the place. shop.

Li Chuxiang also knew what the situation was like at that time. Tianhen should have severely threatened those businessmen once, and those businessmen probably knew it well.

After all, Osman will officially announce his retirement in a few days, and the next section chief will be Tian Hen. This kid is becoming more and more interested in Li Chu.

“That’s how you do things.”

Li Chu said with a cold smile.

5:03 am

Gene gently stepped onto the balcony on the 26th floor of a building in the film and television area. A slight noise made the lights in the room turn on. Hawke, wearing a white dress, opened the door.

"Why are you coming here so late? Do you want to make love?"

Gene shook his head, and Hawke knew why Gene came.

Hawke directly explained the whole incident. After Tianai was forcibly taken there, those guys were going to do something. However, Tianai had already called Tianhen and threatened those guys if they dared to touch her. The hairs will be dead and ugly.

Tianhen arrived within 5 minutes, made a scene in the store, and tortured those guys severely, but no deaths were caused. The gold medal producer resisted all the blame.

"Did you go too far?"

Hawk said with a smile, taking the cigarette from Gene.

"It's okay, just follow that kid."

Hawke hummed.

"It was my negligence this time. Those bastards, even if Tianhen doesn't take action, I want to teach them a lesson."

Gene smiled and said.

"Even if they have power and money, they won't use it for evil. That's good."

Hawke sighed immediately.

"Ever since they were young, you have seen that the brother and sister are very kind at heart, so there is no need to worry."

Gene hummed.

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