Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2074 House of the Sun 3 (Part 2)

January 4, 2249

Just after 0 o'clock

There are a few drunkards singing songs on the street and discussing where to go next. Such people can be seen everywhere. This New Year is even more popular than the last one.

The city has been releasing some new technologies since last year, and the city is undergoing transformation everywhere. With the dual help of technology and construction, the city's economy has begun to take off.

"real or fake?"

In a restaurant, several young people watched the promotion of a game company. The game company claimed that a virtual reality game that exceeded players' imagination would be launched, but it currently needed to recruit some testers.

The basic concept of the game has also been released. By converting human consciousness into quantum signals, entering the virtual game world is like sleeping and dreaming, but it can be extremely real.

Nearly 3,000 people have signed up. If you want to become a tester, you need to go through strict review and training. The most important thing is that if you become a tester, you will get a monthly salary of 5,000, and after helping to complete the test, , and also get a bonus.

This is the reason why many people signed up, but some people still have a skeptical attitude, because in the imagination of many people, is this kind of thing that only exists in novels and movies really possible in reality?

This was released by Deep Sea Technology, a well-known game company in the city, on January 1st. So many people signed up in just 4 days, and the first round of registration only lasted until the 5th.

"How about we join in too."

A woman said, and several other people looked at some things in the game in detail. Many things are very attractive to young people, but the test showed certain dangers, which may cause insomnia and a certain amount of anxiety. If there are medical problems, the game company will fully bear the medical expenses.

This item made people look a little uncomfortable. Although the possible risks of experimental testing have been explained above, and the risks are very low, a young man immediately said with a smile.

"If it can be tested for one year, there will be 60,000, or even more."

Soon several people signed up decisively. After all, the rewards were generous, and if there were problems, they would not recruit experimental testers in such a pretentious manner.

Le Wen had just come out of the cinema with Su Xin and his cousin's family. The whole family was discussing how to have barbecue next. Le Wen was a little drunk today and he hadn't been so happy for a long time.

He had completely given up on research since the end of December last year. The same goes for everyone else in the research room. It’s time for everyone to take a good rest. At this time, cousin Le Chang said.

"By the way, cousin, have you seen the recruitment test of the Deep Sea Company?"

Le Wen was a little suspicious. His cousin-in-law and Su Xin were taking care of the newly wet baby. This little niece Le Ying was very lively and was just over 2 years old.

"What recruitment?"

Le Wen asked unclearly, and his cousin Le Chang looked at a hot barbecue restaurant in front of him and pointed to it.

"Go and take a seat first, sit down and talk slowly."

Everyone was already hungry, and after a while they finally got a seat on the second floor, close to the window. Su Xin happily said how lucky they were.

After sitting down, the four of them ordered something first. Le Chang then brought up a light and shadow screen and opened the website of a game company. Le Wen rarely plays games on weekdays and rarely pays attention to things in games, but The moment he saw the latest game plan of Deep Blue Company, Lewen's head buzzed, and the sound in his ears suddenly disappeared.

"I don't know if this kind of virtual reality technology is good or not. Cousin, you are a scientist. What do you think of this technology?"

Seeing Le Wen's dull look, Le Chang shouted again, and then shook Le Wen. Le Wen suddenly woke up and stood up suddenly.

Seeing that his cousin Le Wen seemed to have suffered a severe blow, Le Chang stood up in a hurry. Only then did Le Wen realize that his movement was a bit big, and everyone in his family looked at him in confusion.

"It's okay, I just thought of a more important place to study."

At this time, Le Wen was furious, and he tried his best to restrain his emotions. This virtual reality technology was an important technology that their Bincai company was researching, and it had not been successful at all, but it was obvious that this deep-sea technology company, Nowadays, the recruitment is done as experimental subjects, which seems to be very unacceptable to Le Wen.

If the next 10 subjects ask them to conduct direct human experiments, Lewen will decisively refuse. He cannot start such an experiment without any safety guarantee, and this technology has no safety guarantee.

The human brain is not a machine. There is no guarantee of what changes will occur after receiving too much information, and how much burden these changes will bring to the human body and mind.

Le Wen absolutely cannot tolerate such a plan, and the person in charge of this deep-sea company is a man named Jess. This man Le Wen has heard of the AI ​​template assistive technology that was once popular in the city. The one who suffered the biggest loss was Jace, who took the lead. As a result, some accidents occurred, and Jace took the responsibility for it.

Le Wen immediately turned on the light and shadow screen, and soon saw some information about Jace. He had been sentenced to more than 30 years in prison. In order to make money, Jace would do anything to make money, and he also sold many users' information to many businessmen. And he is still trading the stock market, including gambling, etc., and such a guy has now become the person in charge of the new deep sea project, which makes Le Wen very dissatisfied.

This kind of cold-blooded guy who doesn't care about the life and death of others and just wants to complete the task is very annoying to Le Wen. Although his working ability is very strong, this recruitment test is very attractive and has now exceeded 4,000 people who have signed up. , it won’t be long before the upper limit of 5,000 people is reached.

Seeing Le Wen's frightening expression, Le Chang hurriedly made an excuse to buy something and asked Le Wen to accompany him.

"What's going on, cousin?"

Le Chang looked at Le Wen with a serious expression, and Le Wen shook his head.

"Cousin it would be in danger if you knew about this."

Le Chang also nodded understandingly. He had known from Su Xin that Le Wen's research was very important. Congress attached great importance to it and provided Bincai Company with all the things it needed. It seemed that they were a family. Everyone was being targeted. Even in such a festival, Le Chang could clearly feel that someone had been following them.

It was not luck that they got the window seat, but someone did it on purpose.

"Cousin, why don't you quit?"

Le Chang looked at Le Wen in confusion. He also knew that it would be impossible to withdraw now. After all, Section 10 would not allow such a thing.

Le Wen looked very uncomfortable at this time and clenched his fists.

Then Le Wen called Chen Zhi directly. Chen Zhi seemed very helpless at this time. He just told Le Wen to take it one step at a time. Everything now has completely deviated from their original intention of studying these technologies.

After adjusting their emotions, Le Wen and Le Chang went back. At this time, the dishes were served. Su Xin looked at Le Wen with some worry, and Le Wen smiled and shook his head.

"It's okay. Let's continue to play somewhere after eating."

The four of them started eating.

At this time, not far away, Lily was sitting quietly on the second floor of a drink bar. She was yawning and waiting for Qin Dong to come over.

No matter where Le Wen goes, there must be more than 30 members of Section 2 in charge. Lillian happened to stop by today because she had nothing to do. Now Le Wen is being watched to ensure that he will not leak some of the technical information in his hands. go out.

After a while, Lilian saw Qin Dong running up in uniform. He was responsible for some work in several districts here tonight. It seemed that he had just finished his work, and he couldn't rest all night. After all, during the New Year, the streets Something happens from time to time.

"Sorry for the long wait."

Lilian smiled and shook her head.

"Congratulations, you have passed the examination for the scientific officer."

Qin Dong hummed, sat down and let out a long sigh.

"I heard that you have been appointed as the secretary of Section 5."

Qin Dong hummed. Now basically everyone in the business department knows that the next secretary of the 5th department is Qin Dong, and Niya personally appointed him.

"By the way, what are you doing here?"

Lilian rested her chin on her hands and looked across.

"Do you want to know about this?"

Lilian asked playfully, and Qin Dong smiled.

"Really, is there anything I can't know? After all, I'm going to be a secretary soon."

Lilian hummed and said.

"It's okay to tell you. After all, I feel that there is really nothing we can do about this matter, at least from the perspective of our 2nd Department, there is nothing we can do."

Qin Dong's expression became more serious, and Lilian directly told him about Bincai. Those 9 scientists had been fully tracked by Section 2. Now Section 2 has dispatched more than 300 people to track everything about them and everyone who comes into contact with them. people.

"Isn't this a violation of their human rights? And"

"Don't get excited yet. Neither you nor I can control this matter, but Lady Niya may be able to do something about it."

Qin Dong hummed, and Lilian said with a serious expression.

"This is the highest order issued by the six gods."

For a moment, Qin Dong felt the seriousness of the problem. Not to mention their secretary or section chief, not even the Congress could do anything about this kind of thing, because this is the Six Gods King Seal, which is the highest authority in Brilliant City and is issued by the six gods. The order is absolute and no one can disobey it.

"I'm afraid even Lady Niya can do this kind of thing."

"Listen to what I have to say first."

Qin Dong hummed.

"The problem with this matter is that there are already several people who want to withdraw from the research, and once they withdraw from the research, they will be arrested. This is due to the agreement they signed with Section 10 from the beginning. It also involves the issue of Brilliant City’s technological secrets.”

Qin Dong hummed. He probably imagined how uncomfortable it would be for these scientists to be stared at every day, but if they were not stared at, problems might arise.

After Lilian showed Qin Dong some previous documents, Qin Dong felt a little powerless because someone had indeed contacted these scientists before and wanted to get a little bit of information from them.

"Just pretend that I didn't say anything about this, but you can tell Lady Niya."

Qin Dong hummed, and then he stood up directly, because he felt that this matter was not simple, and then Qin Dong asked.

"What did Sir Jean say?"

Lillian shook her head.

"Lord Jean has not expressed his position. He does not intend to express any attitude on this matter."

Qin Dong hummed, turned around and ran quickly. He planned to go directly to explain this matter to Niya. After all, this matter may be related to the future of the city, because he learned from Lilian's mouth that they were Research stuff.

Although Qin Dong is not a professional mechanical or medical expert, he has solid knowledge in mechanical and medical fields, which he took as an elective in college.

After entering the medical department, Qin Dong also studied systematically in medical school, and it was no problem to at least help people with a simple operation.

Lillian looked helplessly at the Lewen family who came out of the store. At this time, they seemed to be planning to go to the next place. Lillian also stood up directly. She couldn't do anything, because if someone could really take care of these things, they would go to the next place. In fact, if the scientists controlled by Section 10 can do anything, only Jean can do anything.

Lillian didn't know what Gene was thinking. He didn't have any words on this matter. This was a bit puzzling to Lillian, because Gene was not the kind of person who wouldn't save anyone, but he wasn't the kind of person either. Nosy person.

2:13 am

Le Wen took his wife Su Xin into the subway station. When he just entered the subway, a tightly wrapped man came over and sat directly next to Le Wen. Su Xin was a little confused and was about to speak. , at this time the man took off his mask, it was Ran Zai.


Ran Zai stretched out a finger to signal Su Xin not to speak. Le Wen looked at Ran Zai with some confusion, wondering why he suddenly appeared.

"This is the limit for me to be able to contact you like this. This thing you hold is a signal channel that cannot be searched by the current affairs department. If you have any questions, please contact me directly and I will find a solution."

Le Wen hummed, and then Ran Zai stopped talking. As soon as the subway arrived at the station, Ran Zai got off the train directly, while Su Xin and the others still needed one stop to reach District 118.

"What happened?"

The two returned to their neighborhood and were walking home. Su Xin couldn't help but ask, and Le Wen hesitated for a moment before saying.

"They are forcing us to do things we simply don't want to do."

Su Xin seemed to understand, and she didn't know how to comfort her anxious husband. At this time, Le Wen held Su Xin's hand and said.

"Don't worry, when these studies are completed, we will completely withdraw."

Although Le Wen said this, in fact, he had no confidence in his heart. Even if they completed the research, they might not be able to quit easily because they have mastered the technology.

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