Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2073 House of the Sun 3 (Part 1)

Early in the morning, Su Xin was tidying up the bedding at home, carrying the beddings to the roof to dry, and then beating them with a board.

Nowadays, many families on the ground floor use solid cotton products, and there are very few families that can afford light and shadow materials. Su Xin and her neighbor chatted for a few words across the alley, and then sat on the balcony. Go up and quietly look at the lively streets below.

I have to continue later and do some manual work. These are all jobs taken from some nearby shops. It is basically impossible to find a decent job at such a low level.

Su Xin has worked in many middle-level companies before, but not for a long time. She has followed Le Wen for so many years. She used to serve as Le Wen's assistant, following him to some places to repair machinery.

Su Xin sat quietly on a recliner, enjoying the morning sun. Today is December 1st, and the year will be over soon. Lewen has rarely come back this year, it seems because of research into great difficulty.

Su Xin often thinks about something, especially when Su Li came over and invited Su Xin to work in the Su family's company. Su Xin actually wanted to agree at the time. It didn't mean that she was tired of the bottom class. Relaxed and happy, having a great time every day.

Su Xin still felt a little bit of regret in her heart. When Su Li invited her to return to Su's house, she was actually a little tempted, but ultimately refused.

Next year, the couple plans to have a child by the end of the year, and Su Xin is already ready. Her face is filled with a happy smile. The birth of the child will definitely bring some different colors to her current life.

But every time Le Wen came back recently, Su Xin saw that Le Wen was in a bad state. This was not caused by research. No matter how difficult and difficult the past research was, Le Wen was always happy.

Su Xin asked Le Wen what it was about, but Le Wen didn't elaborate. He just told Su Xin that Section 10 gave them a more difficult research task.

Ran Zai no longer comes over recently, but Jean will come over from time to time, bringing some gifts and flowers. Su Xin looked at the pots of flowers placed on the edge of the rooftop, which were given by Jean when he came over.

Su Xin also told Jean about Le Wen. Jean did not promise anything. Su Xin also knew the current situation. Le Wen and the others were conducting some extremely important research. Although he realized it later, But Su Xin also understood that everything about them was being watched by the people in Section 2.

This feeling is indeed very uncomfortable, but there is nothing we can do about it. We can only wait until the research is completed, and maybe it will get better. Le Wen said the same.

Soon Su Xin directly opened a light and shadow screen and clicked on a TV show. After watching it, she found that the recently released TV series was quite interesting, and Su Xin especially liked the title song. She thought this newly debuted TV series was named Tian. The little girl I love has a very nice voice, and I heard that the little girl wrote the music herself.

"It's fine."

Su Xin murmured to himself.

11:03 am

Le Wen sat in a newly opened restaurant opposite the company with a solemn expression. Although Chen Zhi looked relaxed and smiled, in fact he was just as uncomfortable.

The research on biomass had made a substantial breakthrough last month, and they had successfully used biomass to make a chip, but Section 10 immediately ordered them to proceed to the next stage of research.

This kind of thing caught the nine people off guard. Chen Zhi had expressed his desire to quit many times and he couldn't stand it anymore.

"what to do?"

At this time, Chen Zhi said something coldly, and Le Wen shook his head. He didn't know what to do. Section 10 had already transported the experimental materials, and they were already placed in a research hall on the 12th floor. , then they will directly conduct brain control research.

This research is extremely undesirable for the nine people. Section 10 has promised that as long as they complete the research, they can get all the generous benefits they want in the future even if they do not enter Section 10.

Their company's current operations have completely stagnated, and it has become nothing more than an external experimental base for 10 Sections, because even if they don't need to make a profit, they can often receive generous bonuses from 10 Sections, as well as what they need. Everything, 10 subjects will provide.

Everything today is completely different from the original intention of the nine of them to establish the company. All nine of them have varying degrees of resistance, but the research must continue.

Section 10 has promised that as long as they complete the virtual reality technology and brain control technology, they will no longer need to conduct research according to the requirements of Section 10.

These two technologies are similar, but completely different. They both use chips made from biological matter to achieve the purpose of controlling humans.

The former is to connect human consciousness into the virtual data world, while the latter is to install a brain control chip directly behind the human brain to control all aspects.

Such research is extremely dangerous in the eyes of 9 people. At this time, the food was served and the two began to eat. They were surrounded by people from Section 2. They looked like ordinary office workers, but they always Stare at them closely.

Early this morning, they held a research seminar. Although they were reluctant, the research had to continue.

The two of them had a meal soon, rested for a while and then returned to the company. Now the product showroom on the 10th floor of the company is basically a decoration. All the employees that the company originally recruited have resigned, and all the existing employees are 2 subjects.

Soon the two returned to the door of a newly constructed research laboratory on the 12th floor. The biomaterial chip is still in the research and development stage. The chips produced are defective, but they can still only start brain control research.

At around 1 o'clock, nine people put on the latest research uniforms provided by Section 10, put on their masks, and opened the door with the number 000 in front of them.

With a crunching sound, and accompanied by an overflow of cold air that was visible to the naked eye, 9 people walked into a very large research room, which was lined with research experimental benches, and corpses were placed on them.

These corpses were brought in one after another by people from 10 departments. There were ordinary people and mutants, male and female. The corpses were divided into two types, one was the corpse of a normal human being, and the other was a corpse that had been processed by machinery. Modified human corpse.

With the arrival of this batch of corpses, a large amount of research data also came over. Le Wen didn't know how these people ended up in the material library of Section 10 before they were alive.

But looking at the data provided by Section 10, many of them are surprising. These data were at least obtained after countless repeated studies. With the support of these data, their research should be able to start soon.

Today they are going to install a brain control chip into the head of an ordinary person's corpse to test whether normal nerve conduction signals can make the corpse move.

These corpses have been specially processed and sealed, and in such a low-temperature environment, it can ensure that the cells of the corpse are still alive and the brain in the corpse can still function. This kind of technology makes Le Wen and others feel amazed. These studies I don’t know when it started, but Le Wen came to the corpse that he was going to study today.

Toril and Chen Zhi began physical cutting, using the latest light and shadow scalpel to cut a small hole bit by bit. Others were preparing for the chip implantation, and Lewen was still there. In a place with a cover and a large number of mechanical walls, some values ​​on the chip are adjusted.

Soon after all preparations were completed, Le Wen took out the brain control chip from the cover and came to the body that had been processed. A small hole had been opened in the back of the body's head, and Chen Zhi and Toril had already I put a clamp of suitable size in and waited for Levin to insert the chip.

The chip is only the size of a fingernail. They have tested it many times with the brain in experiments. The brain is fully capable of recognizing the signals converted by the biological chip.

After inserting the chip, Chen Zhi put a metal cover on it. People on both sides were debugging various values. Toril quickly adjusted some medical machinery, and soon with the help of Chen Zhi and several other people Next, everyone pierced some tubes into the blood of the corpse. The next step was the reheating process, which took about half an hour to warm the frozen corpse and revive the dormant cells.

During the whole process, everyone was looking at the various values ​​​​on the corpse. Soon the corpse began to reach the normal level of a human. After several people signaled to each other, Lewen stood in front of a light and shadow screen and directly entered the command to let the corpse get up. .

Everyone stared at the corpse quietly, and at this moment, the corpse suddenly opened its eyes, responded to the instructions, and the corpse's hands moved slightly, but after a few seconds, the corpse fell into silence. , the first experiment ended in failure.

Lewen glanced sideways at the camera on the side, which was flashing red light.

"It looks like it won't be long before we can start building the mythical army."

Deguna said happily, picked up the wine glass on the side, took a sip, and laughed happily. Tang Rao on the side sighed helplessly.

"The mental condition of these people is not very good anymore. It is better to let them relax."

Vittor, who was sitting behind, nodded, but Li Chu on the side said.

"Relax? This research is at an important juncture now and cannot be stopped, right Gu Yi, when their research is mature, you can take over directly."

Gu Yi hummed, Rose stood up and said.

"This is not simple."

The control of Bincai Company was directly ordered by the six gods. The research on biological substances began thirty years ago, but there has been no substantial progress.

A few years ago, at some scientific seminars, this unknown scientific team published an academic paper, which immediately attracted Witte's attention.

In the following years, their research made a breakthrough, so when they planned to set up a company, Section 10 immediately provided all help, although it was all done under Gene's bridge lead.

These two technologies are extremely important for future humans. This planet will one day deteriorate to the point where humans cannot survive. If we want to withstand the harsh and harsh environment, humans can only evolve, and the direction of evolution is only machinery. .

At that time, humans will leave this planet and find another Earth. The largest project currently being studied by Section 10 is the construction of a climate circle. As long as we find a suitable planet with water, we can These techniques are used to build an atmosphere.

Brain control technology is designed to allow humans to learn something immediately in a short period of time. It can directly implant knowledge into the human brain, and then humans can start working immediately. There is no need to go through a long period of learning. This is also the beginning of the mechanization era. One of the links.

Another virtual reality technology is to prevent human beings from mental breakdown during the long and indefinite journey in the universe in the future. They can directly enter the dormant state and enter the vast virtual world, just keep dreaming.

Therefore, the gods attach great importance to the 9-person research team of Bincai Company. At this time, Deguna spoke.

"Who will do this?"

Deguna asked, Li Chu raised his hand and said.

"If you don't want to, I'll just go."

The next virtual reality technology requires in vivo experiments, and Li Chu's idea is to sign an agreement directly with some criminals. As long as he assists in completing the research, he will be exempted from prison punishment and will also receive generous funding.

The selection work is very simple. All you need to do is ask Section 2 to help, provide some lists of recent criminals, and recruit some people who are willing to participate in the experiment through open recruitment.

"What did that guy say, Gene?"

At this time Li Chu asked, everyone else looked at Tang Rao, she waved her hand and said.

"He will not interfere with these studies. After all, we have promised to give him another 50 years."

Deguna said with a sneer.

"No matter how many years it takes, human society will still make the same mistakes again. Entering the era of mechanization is the best solution."

All six people stood up and looked at the screen in front of them. The nine people who had planned to end today's research had already collected the values ​​they had just studied. They only needed to study the values ​​and fine-tune some places before continuing the research.

2:39 p.m.

Gene sat quietly in the temporary office of Section 2 opposite the Bincai Company building. Mo Xiaolan held up the wine and handed it to Gene, who took it and took a sip.

"What are you going to do Gene?"

Mo Xiaolan asked, and Gene shook his head. He didn't know what to do, and now he could only take one step at a time.

"By the way, Jean, let me tell you something."

Gene hummed, and Lilian on the side immediately opened a light and shadow screen, which showed the information of a staff member named Li Ang.

"I think this kid has the ability to change Section 7. Please help and transfer him back to Section 7's headquarters."

Gene looked at Mo Xiaolan in confusion.

"This is not what Niya asked me to do, but the economic variable report this guy provides every month, which is very useful."

Gene stood up, thought for a moment and then said.

"Let me give it a try."

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