Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2067 House of the Sun 1 (Part 1)

February 1, 2248

The Bell Tower Square was crowded with people early in the morning. February 1st every year is the time when Section 1 accepts some new qualifications, as well as some people whose qualifications have expired and need to re-apply for qualifications.

The spacious square was full of small vendors, and with the large number of people, the originally spacious square seemed much narrower.

Many hawkers come here early in the morning to set up stalls because of the huge crowds during this period. Most of the hawkers mainly sell food, because the things they sell are much cheaper than those in nearby shops. There are many varieties, but most of the people from the lower floors choose to eat at these stalls.

Some middle- and upper-class businessmen will still choose some nearby restaurants with good environment and delicious food. Lewen is in a long queue. Those who need to apply for qualifications need to apply at such a small post first, and then the qualifications will be classified. You will need to wait nearby, and Division 1 will notify you within the same day.

After receiving the notice and entering Section 1, you need to provide relevant materials. The results of Section 7 will be given within the next week, and then there will be an on-site qualification review.

Lewen has prepared all the information. The company operation application from Section 9 has been passed, and he has obtained the relevant scientific and technological qualifications from Section 10. Now he only needs to pass the operation qualification review from Section 1.

From the safety issues of the company's location to the quality of the items produced, as well as the review of personnel qualifications, all need to be reviewed one by one.

A better thing now is that academic certificates are no longer necessary. Even if you don't have an academic certificate, you can pass the professional qualification review as long as you show professional skills under the review of 1 subject.

Lewen recently established a technology company called Bincai with many classmates, specializing in the production and research of biomechanical products. This is a career that Lewen has always wanted to pursue.

Over the years, he has been working as a senior mechanical engineer. During this period, he was also doing research in the laboratory on the middle floor with several like-minded friends. Over the years, their research has made great breakthroughs, and their research has also been recognized by 10 subjects. recognition, 10ke even opened up some technologies to them as a guarantee for their company to continue to make better breakthroughs in the future.

Lewen's heart was hot, and everything he had imagined for many years could finally begin.

Finally it was Le Wen's turn. Le Wen immediately took out some materials. After the member of Section 1 in front of him classified them, he asked Le Wen to wait nearby.

Just after 9 o'clock in the morning, Le Wen found a stall selling drinks. After sitting down, he ordered a drink and turned on his mobile phone, bringing up a light and shadow screen to watch some news of the day.

Many people have advised Le Wen to move from the bottom to the middle class, but Le Wen has not done so because he feels that life at the bottom is very happy, and his wife Su Xin also thinks so.

In the eyes of many people, the bottom class is dirty and messy. It was the same in the past as it is now, and the public security is not very good. Although it is better now, most people still hold prejudice against the bottom class.

Even in the past, although the public security at the bottom was poor, ordinary people's lives were not too uneasy. There were indeed some crimes, but the people at the bottom were already poor. Crimes for money were very rare at the bottom. Fights and fights were rare. Often, those gang members are also the main reason.

But as long as they don't take the initiative to mess with gang members, they generally won't attack ordinary people. This was the same in the relatively corrupt era of the past five disciplines. Once a gang member breaks through this bottom line of attacking ordinary people, If so, Section 5 will definitely take action.

And this is even more true now. Although there are still many gang members, when they have disputes with ordinary people, they will not take further action, because if they cause trouble and are arrested, they will all be finished.

Le Wen heard from many gang members that Niya had summoned gang members who were engaged in gray industries many times. If they cause trouble, the whole gang will be finished.

The world does not seem to be black and white to Lewen. Gray, as the interface between gray and white, also has a need to exist.

In the past, fights were very common, but now even fights are rare. Nowadays, fights are not as simple as criticism and education. They will be sent directly to the Agriculture Department for reporting the next day and will be accepted for three months. labor punishment.

At this time, a message was sent. Lewen opened it and drank the water in one gulp, then stood up directly. He received a notice from Section 1 and went to Office No. 2098 on the second floor.

Le Wen bypassed many people and came to the gate of Department 1. After showing the information, he went in.

After a while, Le Wen came to Room 2098 on the second floor. A director was already waiting. Le Wen walked in with a smile. After taking out the prepared information, the director looked at it for a while and signed directly. , Le Wen passed it on the spot. Such speed surprised Le Wen.

"Mr. Lewen, you have prepared sufficient information. When you have time, I will send a review team of seven people over."

Lewen thought for a while and then said.

"See if it works today."

The director immediately agreed, and Le Wen immediately said thank you happily. Now the efficiency of Section 1 has been improved, which Le Wen did not expect at all.

Then Le Wen called several partners, who were already at the company. Le Wen waited for less than half an hour before members of the review team came over. They had already seen the information documents submitted by Le Wen.

Le Wen was in the company all day long, and the seven examiners continued the review until the afternoon. Basically, most of the qualifications were passed. There were still some parts that needed detailed review, which could only be left until early tomorrow morning.

"I said, Lao Le, let's have a drink together?"

Lewen said with a smile.

"No, I have to go home. My wife is still waiting for me to eat."

At around 6 o'clock in the evening, Lewen declined the invitation from his partners and went home directly. It only takes less than 20 minutes to get home from here.

After getting on the subway, Lewen closed his eyes after being tired for a whole day.

When he woke up again, he had already arrived at the station, and there was another important reason why Lewen went home early today, because Mr. Jean would be coming.

Gene also helped with some qualification reviews for the establishment of the company. Lewen was very grateful to Gene and hoped to buy him a drink.

As soon as he arrived at the door of his house, Le Wen heard a burst of laughter, coming from the living room. Several neighbor children were wandering around the door. When they saw Le Wen coming back, they greeted him enthusiastically. Le Wen took out the I bought candies and gave one to each child.

Some nearby neighbors have come over. The small living room is crowded with people, and the aroma is coming from the house. Gene has also come over, and Ran Zai is also there.

"Congratulations, Lao Le."

Immediately a neighbor came over. There were many congratulatory gifts at home. Everyone knew that Lewen's company was established. Lewen went to the kitchen, Jean was busy cooking, and his wife and some others The women were all talking and laughing with Jean.

Then Le Wen greeted everyone and began to return to their respective homes. He moved out some tables, chairs and benches and planned to eat outside. After all, so many people came.

"What you are researching seems to be quite powerful."

While setting up the tables and chairs, Ran Zai asked and Le Wen smiled.

"If this research is successful, it will bring about huge changes in the entire city in the future."

Seeing Le Wen speaking confidently, Ran Zai smiled helplessly. He was dragged here by Jean today. He went to the street to buy vegetables with Su Xin early this morning, and he helped with the ingredients when he came back.

Ran Zai looked at the cheerful atmosphere around him. This was the place where Ran Zai felt most comfortable. There was a smell called happiness here.

Soon after 7 o'clock in the evening, the shouting and cheering had already begun. Everyone was happily talking about some things. There was no distinction between high and low. Everyone was happily talking about some happy things recently.

Jean sat next to Lewen and listened to Lewen talking about many things. He kept smiling all the time. Jean heard many different things today. He had previously suggested that Lewen join the 10th subject. He would be able to do it immediately after entering. Enjoyed very generous treatment, but Le Wen refused.

The original intention of Lewen and others to establish the Bincai Biomechanical Company is actually very simple. There are many disabled people in the city. Today's mechanical technology can only be operated through neural sensing, which not only requires high costs, but also requires It is very troublesome to replace.

Lewen and the others are already conducting research on biological matter, a material between biology and metal, and it is very likely to be successful, especially after Section 10 has given them some related technologies, this technology can completely succeed.

In the future, this kind of biomechanical prosthetic limbs can benefit many people in the city. The disabled people in the city can be said to be more or less. Many of them have lost their hands and feet and have no ability to work. This is too harmful to them. Fair enough.

Especially after seeing some disabled people being deported because their citizenship level dropped to 0, Le Wen felt even more unfair. Although Congress later adjusted some things, disabled people can extend the time to pay citizenship taxes and reduce the amount, but There are still many disabled people who have no ability to work and it is too difficult to survive.

Many businessmen wanted to invest in Lewen and his company, but Lewen and other like-minded partners refused because they did not want the things they manufactured to become luxury goods, but to be able to Benefit the needy people in the city.

It was precisely because of this original intention that Jean made an exception and helped Lewen.

"By the way, Mr. Jean, I have a question. The scientific and technological achievements we develop in the future must be handed over to Section 10."

Gene nodded. Lewen did not object to this, because under this system where technology can be shared, as long as those who meet the qualifications can enjoy this technology, they only need to pay the corresponding taxes and the corresponding patent fees.

"If possible, I would like to ask you a favor, Lord Jean."

Gene smiled and nodded, and Levin even changed the title he called him.

"I don't want this technology to fall into the hands of some businessmen who just want to make a profit."

Gene nodded.

"I promise, this is better. You can go to Section 10 another day and discuss with the secretary of Section 10. All you need to do is issue a licensing agreement. You can independently choose who to license this technology after it is opened."

In Gene's view, Lovin's behavior of making money without making money is stupid. Although their company has just been established, as scientists, they are very famous in the industry, and many businessmen want to invest in Bincai Company. , but Le Wen rejected them all. The funds of their company are the savings of a group of them over the years.

"Won't you feel some regret in the future?"

Gene asked, and Lewen shook his head.

"No, Mr. Jean, the reason why I study is because I love my career, and as long as I can guarantee it in life, my wife and I are very happy and contented now. Now I just want to work on what I love." It’s enough to make a difference in your career and do your part for the entire city.”

Gene nodded, raised his glass and drank a drink with Le Wen, while Ran Zai sighed helplessly.

"I estimate that if you are really willing to sell your research to businessmen, you can collect hundreds of millions in patent fees a year."

Le Wen laughed.

"Cities currently have too many burdens on many people. In the past, many times, when a new technology was opened, it would add more burdens to most people. This is because these technologies fell into the It’s in the hands of capital who wants to make money, isn’t it?”

Jean laughed loudly and looked at Ran Zai beside him.

"Don't look at me, Mr. Jean, everyone thinks about money."

Gene's help to Lewen and the others not only allowed them to obtain some relevant technologies, but also provided unconditional free funding for all materials in certain experimental research, as if several very important All 10 subjects will provide mimics, but the experiment process needs to be fully supervised, and what they are studying must not be disclosed to any unrelated person.

The most important thing is that they all need to be investigated by Section 2 on a regular basis. This is the maximum that Jean can help, because if the things they study fall into the hands of someone with ulterior motives, the consequences will be disastrous.

Lewen and the others have accepted all these conditions, which seems to be very good to Lewen. Although such a company can make some profits, it is a non-profit company, and they can study it freely.

Everything was happy today. Le Wen held his glass of wine high and kept drinking with the neighbors, while Su Xin and some female neighbors were busy in the kitchen.

"If there were more people like them in the city, there wouldn't be too many problems."

Ran Zai sighed helplessly. Jean was already on the roof, quietly watching everything below.

Everything in front of him seemed extremely relaxing and comfortable to Jean. Whenever he came to this home, he could always feel the warmth.

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