Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2066 No One Knows 2 (Part 2)

"I see."

5:29 am

Gene hung up the phone and stood quietly on the rooftop, overlooking the dark night sky in the distance. The lights were still flickering and the city was still bustling with people. On the first day of the New Year, many people would party all night long.

Every New Year, Jean would stand quietly on the top of the building before dawn, waiting for the sun to light up the night sky. Just now, Niya told Jean what happened, and Jean just listened and did not say anything. Opinion.

In today's era, Jean no longer needs to express any opinions. Jean knows very well that it may be time for him to retire, but there is still something about to happen in the city. This is when Jean has been handling some cases recently. Perceived.

Should he continue to watch the times until dawn, or choose to live a carefree life like the other six guys? Gene has been thinking about this question recently.

Obviously there is no need for Jean to work so hard now, but Jean doesn't know why, he still stands at the intersection of darkness and dawn.

This is not attachment or uneasiness about something. If the industry continues to develop, it will become better and better. The younger generation is already enough to take on everything. In Jean’s view, today’s younger generation Much better than in the past.

As the leader of the younger generation, Niya has already told everyone what the future of the industry will look like.

“How about handing the problem over to the next generation!”

Gene smiled and lit a cigarette, but immediately rejected such an idea in his heart. Gene still wanted to find something, and only when he found it would he leave with peace of mind.

But what Jean is looking for has never been clear. This may be Jean's own answer.

Time passed by, and at 6 o'clock, the city instantly fell into darkness, and at the same time, a flame ignited in the distant sky. This is a sight that can be seen every morning.

Gene faced the sun and closed his eyes slightly. When he opened his eyes again, it was dawn and the city was once again bathed in bright sunshine.

At this time, Jean's originally relaxed expression changed, and he looked behind him slightly.

"I knew you'd be here."

Li Chu gradually revealed his figure in the sun, and he slowly came to Gene's side.


Gene was a little surprised that Li Chu would say such words.

"It's quite harsh coming from your mouth."

Li Chu smiled and sat next to Gene.

"Are you surprised! Things will only happen again and again. Even if I don't do it, I will have to deal with it one day. I don't mean to find reasons or excuses for myself. I said a long time ago that human beings are the most difficult to control. of."

Gene's expression became serious. He knew what Li Chu wanted to do when he came to him.

"Didn't I tell you to give me a little more time?"

Li Chu shook his head.

"30 years? 50 years? Or a century?"

Jean did not answer. Although the city today seems to be developing in a good direction, big problems may arise one day.

"We are all young, Gene. If we continue to struggle, we will only make the same mistakes again."

Gene smiled easily.

"Mechanization technology is already very mature and will only take up to 10 years. Now we have an experiment here, an experiment on virtual consciousness access."

Jean's expression changed. He knew what this meant. The core part of the mechanization era was to implant brain-control chips into the heads of all humans, and then use special means to transform the information into something that the human brain can receive. signals, thereby directly implanting something into the human brain.

There is only one purpose for doing this, to completely control human beings and allow them to survive in a perfect situation, true mechanization, and transformation from 0 to 9.

The number of humans will be completely controlled by AI at a level, and all walks of life will reach an unprecedented balance, because it will be determined based on the IQ of humans after birth, or the ability to respond after receiving the implanted information. low to high.

In this way, human society will become extremely stable, as is the case in the so-called Utopia. Human beings will no longer have disputes, and there will be no class gaps. The entire human society will become a machine produced by science and technology, constantly moving forward.

"If it really turns out like this, don't you think it's too cruel?"

Li Chu didn't answer. He stood up, turned his head, and walked away with a smile.

"I'll give you another 30 years at most Gene. Next time we won't discuss anything with you and will directly start the era of mechanization."

Li Chu said, Gene nodded slightly, and when he looked behind him again, Li Chu had disappeared.

In Jean's opinion, 30 years is neither long nor short.

"I hope I can find it!"

6:29 am

Ran Zai opened his eyes, yawned and got up from the bed. He opened a corner of the curtains and opened the window. Immediately, the noise from the street came in. After only sleeping for more than 2 hours, Ran Zai got up. .

Ran Zai will not sleep for too long, because if he sleeps for too long, he will easily have nightmares. Every nightmare will make Ran Zai extremely uncomfortable after getting up.

After opening the door, Ran Zai looked at Robert and Wang Yi who were still snoring on the sofa in the living room. There were many empty wine bottles and a lot of leftover food on the table. Lian and Kent were also still sleeping.

"It's obviously New Year's morning, how long do you want to sleep until?"

This apartment is located in District 47. Lian and the others bought it for more than 360,000 yuan. It is 180 square meters. Ran Zai walked through the living room and went directly to the large balcony. Looking at the pots of flowers on the balcony, he walked over Started to take care of it.

During this period of time, Ran Zai has been planning some things, things to make money, and some things that need to be completed in the future. Ran Zai has already planned it. His studies must continue, his career must continue, and he must continue to add more. Only my subordinates can do that.

Nowadays, Ran Zai teaches them that the only way to make money is gambling. They visit different casinos every day, whether openly or secretly. They don't win much each time, only a few thousand yuan. A few thousand yuan is the amount of money a casino can make in one night. It's just a drop in the bucket, and the most important thing is that it's not easy to be discovered.

Ran Zai has taught Lian a lot in a short period of time. Although there will be losses every night, there will be more wins. In this way, after one month, he will earn 60,000 to 70,000 yuan, which is completely enough. At present, the expenses of these three people are over.

When Ran Zai turns 16 in a few months, he plans to register a funeral company. This business will be very profitable in the future, the market is very broad, and the most important thing is that it will help these three people hide.

Ran Zai has found a suitable place in the 100 area on the ground floor. The price is not high, only 100 yuan per square meter. Ran Zai plans to buy a few thousand square meters and make it a cemetery. He can also use the place as his own. secret base.

Recalling everything he experienced last night, Ran Zai laughed. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps behind him. Lian grinned and pressed his sore cheek.

"That bastard guy."

Lian cursed, and Ran Zai shook his head helplessly.

"We were lucky last night, otherwise we would have died."

Lian came to Ran Zai's side, looked at him and asked.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Ran Zai replied with a smile.

"Be a hero."

Lian pouted.

"Again, you are not a child anymore."

"Is there an age limit for heroes?"

Ran Zai asked back. Lian was too lazy to say anything to him. Half of her cheek was still sore. Lian planned to buy some medicine later, but she woke up after the pain was unbearable.

"By the way, can I ask you something?"

Lian put away her relaxed expression and looked at Ran Zai.

"If, I mean if."

Ran Zai hummed.

"If one day, the three of them"

Lian didn't finish her words. Ran Zai naturally knew what Lian wanted to say. It seemed that the situation last night made her a little uneasy. The three people behind her were still wanted criminals. If they were caught one day in the future, they would be finished.

"There is no if, Lian!"

Ran Zai still answered like this. He could see Lian's worry. After all, life now is hard-won. No one would want to go back to the hiding days of the past.

Ran Zai also knew that these four people believed in him so much now because they did what they said, and the result was the same as Ran Zai said. But if the result deviates or changes directly one day, this trust will be out of control. questionable.

And those three guys were not fools. Ran Zai could see that they were suspicious of Lian, and then Ran Zai laughed.

"Don't worry, I can handle everything, if you are willing to believe me!"

Ran Zai said, squinting at Robert who had woken up but was still pretending to be asleep on the sofa behind him.

7:29 am

Ran Zhi yawned. He had just woken up from a deep sleep and immediately turned on the light in the cave. Alpha was still sleeping and Quasimodo had woken up. Ran Zhi smiled and looked at the food left. Yesterday, He was a little drunk that night.

Ran Zhi stood up. He could go to the upper floor for a day and eat some food. This was what Latis promised him. Then Ran Zhi left the cave quietly. After leaving, most of the prisoners got up. They are all waiting for breakfast to be delivered today.

When we arrived at the excavation site, we could already see a large number of prisoners gathered here. Ran Zhi took out a cigarette, which immediately attracted some prisoners. They all hoped to get some from Ran Zhi, but Ran Zhi took out a cigarette. Zhi didn't mean anything to them, he just smiled and walked away minding his own business.

Although many prisoners looked at Ran Zhi covetously, they did not dare to take any substantial action. Now in the eyes of the prisoners, Ran Zhi and the two monsters were already in the same group.

All the prisoners feared Alpha, and although some new prisoners came in, it soon became clear who was the boss here.

No matter how fierce the prisoner is, he will tremble with fear when facing Alpha.

Looking at the food this morning, it was lean meat porridge, which looked good, and people in Section 11 made a lot of it today. After all, in this New Year, being able to eat such food is a luxury for most prisoners. .

Ran Zhi leaned over leisurely and waved upward. Soon the door opened and a ladder appeared slowly. Ran Zhi smiled and ran up.

"Master Wise, I really thanked you a few days ago."

As soon as they went up, a section officer held Ran Zhi's hand with a smile, and some other section members came over. Nowadays, most people in Section 11 line up every day hoping to ask Ran Zhi for advice. After all, Ran Zhi never fails to give advice to everyone, and will give very suitable suggestions.

Although the people above knew about it, they basically turned a blind eye.

Soon Ran Zhi arrived on the first floor of the prison tower. He directly applied to a director to work outside, and he quickly received approval.

Ran Zhi was then fitted with an electronic bracelet and left the prison tower under the escort of some members of Section 11.

"By the way, Master Wise, the thing you asked us to resell before was bought at a high price."

Ran Zhi immediately laughed and then spoke.

"This thing can only be sold once. Don't sell it next time, otherwise I may die if it is discovered."

Ran Zhi was talking in the car, and a bunch of clerks were talking and laughing. What Ran Zhi asked them to sell was seeds. They should select some usable parts from some fields, then cultivate them and turn them into seeds before selling them. to a good price.

And Ran Zhi even told them where and who to look for to sell it. The result was the same as what Ran Zhi said. These clerks made a profit of more than 100,000 yuan after selling it once.

"Really don't do this kind of thing again."

Because a clerk had just gotten married and wanted to buy a house, and money was tight, Ran Zhi came up with this strategy. This was the fastest way to make a profit in a short period of time, and the seeds would eventually be sold to the barrier zone at a higher price.

In the past, a large number of fugitives went to the barrier area with cash, and many armed forces in the barrier area had a lot of cash in their hands, and seeds were very important to them.

These people are absolutely willing to pay a high price, and they can buy it through black market traders in the city. In the past, Ran Zhi also asked some members of Section 12 to do this.

The car soon arrived near a middle boundary tower. Sure enough, as soon as he got off the car, Ran Zhi was called in by a team leader, and many members of the department gathered around him.

"Come one by one, don't worry, just give me some cold beer."

Ran Zhi smiled and looked at the expectant clerks, but soon he looked out the window. Recently, Ran Zhi felt that something was wrong outside, because he heard some things from some prisoners, especially some new arrivals. of prisoners.

"Who is it? The guy who plans to replace me after I'm done!"

Ran Zhi laughed. He looked at the city in the distance with solemn eyes. In those unknown places, many things were quietly brewing. Ran Zhi clearly felt that someone wanted to cause trouble in the city. Everything Maybe it’s in the planning stage, or maybe it’s already started.

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