Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2056 The fluttering butterfly 8 (Part 2)

Near 6 o'clock

The investigation was still continuing, and Zi Yuer told the captain about her doubts. The captains of several teams were sorting out some fragmentary clues from nearby residents.

Why did someone only discover the body this morning? Because there are many nearby people in that alley who throw garbage every day, but the body was discovered this morning. The surveillance in some areas has been called out, especially the only one near where the body was dumped. those monitoring.

But nothing was found after searching again and again. Some people from the forensic team were still busy on the roof, and people from Section 4 had already made preliminary judgments.

Glowing mutated cells were detected from Lu Yuan's wound. It is certain that the person who killed Lu Yuan was an S-class mutant. A comparison with the city's DNA library is currently underway.

Because the case is relatively serious, Section 4 has transferred the DNA comparison work to the Medical University, and the results will be available tonight at the latest.

The robbery that Lu Yuan investigated before was a robbery that occurred three years ago against a technology company. The case was silent for three years. This technology company is a company that researches and manufactures running-in mechanical parts.

Lu Yuan is not the only person responsible for this case, but more than 50 people from Section 2 are responsible for it. They all investigate independently and submit investigation reports regularly. Then the several heads of the department in charge of the case will conduct various aspects based on the investigation reports. Analytics and staff scheduling.

The robbers stole the technology company's latest technological research results and more than 1 million in cash. Originally, most of the special investigators obtained it from the black market, but this emerging technology did not circulate in the black market. The stolen money did not circulate in the black market, but it did circulate in the market.

Through the serial numbers of the banknotes, they found some clues, but many of the things purchased with these banknotes were materials or food, and no trace of the buyers was found, because the buyers of these things were monitored by some It is consumed in small shops that are out of reach.

The case once fell into a maze. Now everyone is discussing what Lu Yuan discovered that led to him being killed, and he didn't even have time to call for help. Nowadays, the mobile phones in the business department have a help function. Once activated, A mobile phone can send a high-frequency signal, and members of the nearby operations department can immediately go to provide support.

Zi Yuer was still thinking, looking at Larry who was looking at the light and shadow screen on the street, and he was also thinking. At this moment, the forensic team came over and the crime scene had been found.

Soon, Zi Yuer and Larry followed the forensic team to the crime scene, an old-fashioned rental apartment in the center of the old city, and the suspect was also identified, a man named Thom.

The landlord provided a photo of the tenant and a false form of identification, and the case reached an impasse that is likely to be extended indefinitely.

Because the identity information of the man named Thom is false and cannot be found in the population information, and there is no match for his appearance, the next step is to see if the DNA data collected by the city can be found.

In addition to the bed for sleeping, there is only a small table in the apartment with a lot of leftover food packaging bags. After comparing it with some previous consumption records, it is certain that the man who robbed the technology company's achievements and cash is here. lived for a while.

The case became a little clearer. It can be inferred that Lu Yuan found this man and was later killed by him. There were signs of a fight in the room, but the fight ended quickly. This S-class mutant was quite powerful. .

It was extremely difficult to find such a powerful mutant criminal in the city. However, at this moment, as light and shadow screens appeared, everyone quickly stopped and raised their heads.

The picture gradually appeared, it was a live press conference between the two.

"I don't care who you are, where you are, or for what purpose, but I can tell you, just run away, we will arrest you within a week, there is no place for you in this city, and you will not be killed until you kill our department." Starting from the department members, there is no place for you in the barrier zone. If you dare to resist, you will be killed without mercy! Above."

In a few short seconds, Mo Xiaolan ended the press conference, and the takeoffs and landings from Section 2 were coming towards this direction. Within a few minutes, a large number of Section 2 personnel entered the scene of the incident directly, and then The case was also handed over to Section 2, and Mo Xiaolan was already here.

"Call that section officer over."

Mo Xiaolan shouted as soon as she got off the lift. She had just woken up from a deep sleep. At this time, she was extremely angry. She would never let the criminal go, no matter who he was or what his motives were. This is a blatant act of provocation against Section 2 for such a purpose. I have already given up my words. The murderer of Lu Yuan must be arrested within a week.

Soon Larry was called over by Lilian, and Mo Xiaolan asked directly.

"When you spoke to Lu Yuan recently, did he say anything about the contents of the investigation?"

Larry shook his head, because Lu Yuan only said that he had found some clues, but soon Larry thought of something.

"By the way, Mr. Mo Xiaolan, Lu Yuan told me when he called me a week ago. He said that he had found some clues and should be able to identify the suspect soon."

Mo Xiaolan thought about it, and Larry continued to talk about what he had said during the recent phone call with Lu Yuan. Mo Xiaolan had arranged for several department heads to go directly to the medical school, and the results should be available soon.

It has been many years since such a serious case occurred. If this matter is not solved well, the reputation of the 2nd Division will be damaged. After all, the 2nd Division built over the years has formed an inherent impression among the people. The 2nd Division is It must never be disobeyed.

Some media have already begun to make a fuss. Mo Xiaolan knows very well what will happen next. The majesty of Section 2 will never allow anyone to challenge it. Now Mo Xiaolan is probably confident, but where did the prisoner escape to? Big problem.

In just a few hours, Mo Xiaolan already knew clearly the scope of the prisoner's activities, as well as the time when the body was dumped. Where did the prisoner escape to and for what purpose did he escape three years ago? The technology company was robbed, and according to the current investigation, only 10,000 yuan in cash from the technology company was robbed entered the market.

He seems to be a very cautious criminal, and the most important thing is that his identity information has not been entered into the city's population information. This is the most difficult thing to deal with. It has been at least 15 hours since the body was dumped, and As an S-class mutant, it is not difficult to reach any area within 15 hours, and you can also find the next hiding place.

Even the criminal was still hiding somewhere in this area, and soon Mo Xiaolan laughed.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation."

Larry nodded and bowed.

"This matter has been taken over by our 2nd Department. You don't need to get involved anymore. After all, the other party is not something you can solve."

Larry didn't answer, but nodded slightly. He was still feeling disappointed. After watching Larry leave, Mo Xiaolan seemed to have thought of something, and she immediately called Larry.

"By the way, you really want to catch the murderer. I have a way, but it may involve a certain degree of risk."

Larry stopped, turned around and looked at Mo Xiaolan resolutely.

"I'm willing to do anything."

Mo Xiaolan smiled and nodded. The easiest way is to let the suspect come out on his own, announce the progress of the incident that suits the suspect's thoughts, and use the method of luring the snake out of its hole.

"You have thought it through. Do you want me to give you a few days to think about it?"

Larry shook his head and Mo Xiaolan hummed. Lillian behind him seemed to understand what Mo Xiaolan wanted to do, and she gave a serious warning.

"Maybe your life will be in danger."

Larry still didn't shake his head, and Mo Xiaolan nodded.

"Very well, let's catch the prisoner. He may sacrifice himself in five days at most."

10:03 pm

Thom sat quietly in a high tower with food and water beside him. This was the tower next to the necropolis behind Frye Mental Hospital. It was a fortress tower during the war. Thom temporarily found it here. 's hiding place.

"Things are messed up."

Thom has been living a hidden life over the years. Fortunately, when he was in the Hillman family, he did not accept identity information registration, so it was impossible for the law enforcement department to arrest him, but now his appearance and the remains at the scene His DNA was exposed, and he was unable to move anywhere else in the city.

Since the fall of the wise man, Thom has worked as an underground middleman. He can live a good life in the city, but he can only rely on his feet no matter where he goes, because Thom does not have any identification and has to avoid a large number of people. Only the monitoring will work.

Three years ago, Thom accepted a commission from a certain company and went to a technology company to steal their results. The other party promised to give Thom generous rewards after the work was completed, and it would be cash spent through formal channels, without any Record.

Once he got the cash, Thom also thought about it. As long as he found a place to hide, he could still live comfortably, preferably on the ground floor.

But when he entered the company to steal, the security guard still discovered Thom. Thom killed all the security guards without any hesitation and took away 1 million in cash. However, when it was time to deliver the goods, the other party did not come. No matter how Thom contacted the client, there was never any response. It was not until last year that Thom knew that the client had been arrested.

Later, Thom also wanted to contact the company behind the client and try to give the company the things he grabbed. Unfortunately, when Section 5 started a large-scale crime investigation last year, the company was suspected of multiple violations and was directly arrested. It was shut down and the relevant people, including the company boss, went to jail.

And the most important thing is that after Thom did this case, he was targeted by people from Section 2. He always paid attention to the movements of Section 2. He knew that there were many hidden Section 2 investigators investigating this matter. .

Thom will be very careful every step he takes. He just wants to get about 10 million, so that he can at least live more comfortably in the next few decades.

I just didn't expect to get to this point. When Thom went to a store to buy something, he bumped into a young man who was asking the boss. Thom didn't pay attention at first, but then when he paid, the other person noticed him.

A few days later, when Thom went shopping again, he noticed that the young man was still wandering nearby and staring at him. Then Thom realized that when he paid, he used 100 yuan in cash. Usually in such a shabby neighborhood, not many people would use such a large amount of money, and Thom didn't dress like a rich man.

After returning home, Thom realized that something was wrong, because the cash stored in many companies was recorded with banknote numbers. Sure enough, Thom was being targeted. After that, Thom completely determined that the person who was staring at him was 2 subjects.

Then Thom took action a week ago when the opponent was still unsure. He deliberately let out some clues, and the opponent really took advantage of him. In the end, Thom killed him. During the week, Thom thought of many plans. In the end, I had no choice but to throw away the body, and I had no choice but to escape here. I may have to live here forever in the future, because once I go out, I will be easily identified by surveillance.

Tom is still thinking about future countermeasures. He has already read Mo Xiaolan's declaration that he will be arrested within a week. Tom also knows what kind of guy Mo Xiaolan, the chief of Section 2, is. In the past, Hydera was He fell into Mo Xiaolan's hands.

Thom has lived a very painful life these years. His life ended long before the end of the Hillman family, and what exactly did he want to do? Only in these years did Thom figure out that he had always been a shadow in the past. , live for others, but now it is different, Thom wants to live for himself, he has many things he wants to do.

Thom also thought about not going to the barrier area, but he couldn't stand the days without sunshine. Then Thom got up and went to the top of the tower, overlooking the brightly lit city in the distance.

However, at this moment, with the sound of footsteps, Tom became alert and immediately fell into invisibility. However, in the darkness, a man walked up, it was Frye, the director of the hospital.

Tom looked at him quietly, and he looked very tired at this time. It seemed that he was planning to come here to enjoy the night breeze and rest for a while. Tom did not dare to move because he knew very well that this ordinary-looking guy , is from the Academy of God, his fighting ability is definitely better than his own, and it looks like he can't stay here anymore.

"long time no see."

At this time, there was a voice, and Tom stared blankly at a bright white light not far away, which turned out to be X. He looked at it with some surprise, but after X fell, he immediately laughed.

"Come out, there's no need to hide."

Frye seemed a little surprised when Thom finally revealed his figure, but soon looked at Thom with a solemn expression.

"I happen to know this man, Dean Frye, Thom, you have been exposed."

X said, Tom just nodded silently.

"Do you want to join the gang? Tom, this is your only chance now, otherwise, we will kill you."

Tom looked at the two of them blankly, and finally nodded.

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