Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2055 The fluttering butterfly 8 (Part 1)

"Captain, this patrol report cannot be used."

The hot afternoon sun was a bit dazzling. Zi Yuer was sweating and standing under a shack. The members of the team were sitting on the tables and chairs outside the beverage shop, waiting for the waiter to bring the refreshing drinks. , they finished drinking and rested for a while before continuing to patrol.

The other 15 people of the 30-person team were still on patrol. The captain took the remaining 14 people to the beverage shop. They could rest for half an hour at most, and they did not dare to stay longer. After all, things are different now. They might just watch on the street. Up to Niya, and then they were finished.

"Zi Yu'er, it's up to you to make any changes you want."

"Captain, we are no longer primary school students. Many problems can be brushed aside, but we are"

The captain seemed a little impatient. He would accept all the so-called opinions and suggestions put forward by Zi Yu'er in the team. After all, he could only provide for this little girl whose parents were the section chief's secretary.

At first, everyone in the team was very happy because they wanted to take the opportunity to get close to this girl. She could only continue to rise in the future, and they also hoped to get some care by then. But in fact, after Zi Yuer came over, the atmosphere in the team changed. It got very bad, this little girl had a bit of a poisonous mouth.

"I know Zi Yu'er, just get it done."

Zi Yuer frowned slightly, but she still sat down and started to make today's patrol report. Today is October 17th. It has been half a month since she arrived in Area 50. Niya was directly deployed here from the headquarters office. Zi Yuer didn't ask any reason, because she would never bow to Niya.

No matter what job Niya gives Zi Yuer, she must do it well and be the best.

Zi Yuer has a very strong personality and refuses to admit defeat. For more than a year, Niya has been constantly arranging Zi Yuer to do various tasks. These tasks are not difficult, but they are very tiring and require special tasks. After putting a lot of thought into it, Zi Yuer completed everything one by one.

After all, these things are not difficult for Zi Yu'er. At this time, the captain and the others have started talking and laughing and drinking drinks. Zi Yu'er looked at the refreshing drink at hand, although she really wanted to take a sip. , but still held back.

These drinks on the market had too much sugar added. Zi Yuer then stood up and called the waiter, asking her to give her a glass of ice water, and then handed the drink to the captain.

"Sorry Captain, I didn't want to cum too much sugar."

From a very young age, her mother has strictly taught Zi Yuer that she must be self-disciplined. Only those with self-discipline can become stronger. Although Zi Yuer is still very young, she has seen too many people and it is meaningless. They waste their time without understanding the importance of moderation and self-discipline, and the result is that their lives become a mess.

The most self-disciplined person Zi Yuer has ever seen in the city is Secretary-General Michelle. Zi Yuer feels very respected for everything about Michelle, and the principal, Xue Wang, will take rice when giving lectures in the school many times. Cher as an example.

Today's era has completely changed. It is completely different from Zi Yuer's student days. This era is an era of elitism in the true sense. It is no longer an era where one can easily climb up by relying on some nepotism in the past.

Zi Yu'er knows this very deeply, so Zi Yu'er must strictly discipline herself. Only by constantly moving forward with self-discipline can the trajectory of life be achieved step by step according to her own vision.

At this time, a quarrel broke out on the street not far away. In such a hot weather, it was inevitable to get a little angry. Zi Yuer ran over quickly. People on both sides were pushing and shoving, and they quickly started to fight. .

The 5th Section members on the street came over immediately. After a while, the people on both sides stopped. A man was punched and his mouth was bleeding.

"Really, didn't we just bump into each other? Why are both sides so angry? Do you want to go in and squat for two days?"

The captain said, but at this moment Zi Yuer took out the handcuffs and planned to take the people on both sides back. The captain persuaded with a solemn expression.

"They are just a little too angry. There is no need for Ziyuer. Let's go."

Before the captain finished speaking, a man who wanted to resist was pinned to the ground and handcuffed by Zi Yu'er.

"Now that I have arrested you for violating public security regulations, you must accept a one-month agricultural labor penalty."

The captain froze on the spot, and the other team members could only gather around. People on both sides were scared at this time, and they were all defending. But in the end, under Zi Yuer's tough attitude, people on both sides were arrested. .

After a while, more than ten people were brought to the Public Security Management Office. At this time, the captain's face was a little sad, and then he could only report directly to the local officer. Soon the officer from District 50 came down directly from the office.

"Zi Yu'er, why did you arrest them?"

The officer was a little speechless, after all, it was such a small matter.

"Lord Zhang Ting, people are all angry. Indeed, they let it out today, and it was a street fight. What does it look like in the eyes of other people? If this kind of street fight is allowed to go unchecked, what is the next step? This is the beginning of street crime, because everyone thinks that such a fight is harmless, just a trivial matter, and the person involved only needs to be educated and let go, but what about next time? What if someone dies during the fight?"

Zhang Ting could not refute Zi Yu'er's words, and then waved his hand, indicating that they should follow the normal process. Many people present did not refute Zi Yu'er's words. After all, it is not the past now.

Moreover, if the superiors knew about this kind of thing, Zhang Ting would be in great trouble. The biggest headache for Zhang Ting now is to report problems within the region every month. Once any problem is discovered, the section chief may come over in person, and he will end up being removed from his position. Get out of here.

At this time, the captain looked a little helpless. Street fights were quite common. Their general method of dealing with them was to educate them on the street and then release them.

If this kind of street fight violates the public security management penalty regulations, there will be no need for a lawyer. Unless there is a physical disease and is examined in Section 4, you can be exempted from labor punishment, and each person needs to pay 500 Block of fine.

Those who were arrested were all shrugging their heads and recording confessions. Officers were conducting surveillance. If there was a dispute, the person who tried to persuade them would not be punished, but those who participated in the dispute would be punished. punished.

The results came soon. The 11 people who were arrested all needed to be punished, because no one tried to dissuade them during this period, but both sides took action.

After handling everything, the captain led the team members back to the street, when Zi Yuer spoke.

"Part of these fines will be divided into the welfare funds of the officers who handle the on-site teams and those who handle the cases."

As soon as Zi Yuer finished speaking, the captain and the other team members seemed a little happy, because they had never heard of this matter, and Zi Yuer came from the headquarters after all, so what she said should be true, and the captain also heard about it. I have said that a few friends have received more welfare recently. Although it is only a few dozen yuan, it is already very good.

"These things are implicit."

Zi Yu'er said, the captain nodded, and then the team members separated in twos and threes. Zi Yu'er looked at the map. She and the other two were going to patrol the old area.

At around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the hot weather began to cool down. Zi Yu'er looked around casually, and at this moment, with a burst of shouting, a woman hurriedly ran out of the box.

"Sir, come with me, there is someone dead."

Zi Yu'er was stunned for a while, but the two clerks around her had already followed her. Zi Yu'er immediately took out her phone and pressed the emergency notification button.

After walking into a dirty alley, Zi Yu'er jumped over some puddles of water. Soon they were at the end of the alley, in a place full of garbage. They saw a pair of outstretched hands and a wave of The disgusting stench hit her nostrils instantly. Zi Yuer covered her mouth and looked at it with some fear. This was the first time she had witnessed a crime scene.

Immediately, a female staff member handed over a mask, and Zi Yuer said thank you. In less than three minutes, the team leader ran over with someone, and some patrol teams nearby also came over. After 10 minutes, The local forensic team came over. Zi Yu'er stood outside the alley, swallowing continuously. She almost vomited out just now.

The man must have been dead for many days, and he looked miserable. Zi Yuer saw the rotten wound on the man's neck.

The man's DNA information was quickly identified and the results were obtained.

"He's from Section 2."

The captain said with a solemn expression. For a moment, all the department members present were stunned. Soon Zhang Ting came directly and the entire area was blocked. Zi Yuer also looked very shocked. The 2nd department is extremely special except the 13th department. They are secretly investigating some difficult cases.

Zi Yuer felt that this case was unusual, and why the Section 2 member named Lu Yuan was a B-level mutant, died tragically in the alley.

Half an hour later, a helicopter from Division 2 came over here. Everyone became nervous. The interrogation had already begun. The middle-aged woman who was the first person to make the discovery said a lot because she had to throw away the garbage. It is a long way to go to places with garbage disposal outlets outside, and it also requires garbage disposal fees. Therefore, many people in the old city just throw garbage directly into some alleys. Finally, the district rights in these garbage areas The association will appoint someone to handle it.

Zi Yuer didn't dare to look at the photos of the scene, but she still took a look. From the photos, it appeared that Lu Yuan was pierced through the neck by a sharp object, and he died of heavy bleeding.

Several people from Section 2 went directly to the alley, and the body had been taken away by Section 4. They would conduct a more detailed analysis directly, find all the information from the body, and then hand it over to the people handling the case. The forensics team from Section 5 The members of the team were still carefully investigating all the clues nearby, and the entire area was directly blocked.

Some DNA information extracted from the ground can be used to determine where the body was moved.

At this moment, a member of Section 12 from outside the blockade hurried over. He showed his special ID and came over immediately.

"Where is Lu Yuan?"

It could be seen that the man was very anxious, and Zi Yuer recognized the man. His name was Larry, and he was a member of Section 12 who had been following Gene frequently recently.

The personnel from Section 5 at the scene explained the situation to Larry. At this time, Larry was extremely uncomfortable. People from Section 2 also came over because they found out that Lu Yuan’s recent phone calls were all with Larry.

"I met him and had a drink with him a week ago while he was investigating a robbery."

Larry's expression was a little sad, but there was anger in the sadness, and Ziyu'er saw his clenched fists.

The people in Section 2 naturally knew what case they were investigating. They didn't ask. Instead, they asked Larry if Lu Yuan had said anything recently. Then they took Larry to the lift alone and showed him directly. The investigation report submitted by Lu Yuan a week ago, as well as the previous investigation report.

Larry and Lu Yuan got along very well. After the last case, the two often met for a drink together and talked about many things other than the case. Larry carefully read Lu Yuan's investigation report and recalled this period of time. Come to Lu Yuan and everything he said.

"The only thing I know is that last week he said that the case has been drawn up, and some suspects have been identified. He is investigating them one by one. Once the suspects are found out, he will close the case immediately, and he can finish it after he returns. rest."

Larry said, unable to restrain his emotions. He really wanted to know what was going on. After answering some questions from Section 2 personnel, Larry went out directly and looked at what the Section 5 forensic team had discovered. The evidence shows that the body was thrown directly from the wall at the end of the box. It is certain that the person who killed Larry was a mutant, and the DNA of the prisoner who threw the body was also found at the scene.

If you just need to search the city DNA bank in the next few days, you may have results.

At this time, Larry was sitting on the side of the street a little distracted, with his hands hanging down, looking blankly at the members of Section 5 coming and going on the street. They were still conducting house-to-house checks. Some reporters were already outside, and Zhang The court was answering some questions from reporters.

"Is he your friend?"

Zi Yu'er asked, looking at the sad man, she took the initiative to talk, because in Zi Yu'er's view, Larry was good enough, and being able to stay with Gene was enough to prove it, and the most important thing was that she After seeing some cases, Larry solved two cases on his own.

"I think the murderer probably acted after he was discovered."

Zi Yuer said, and Larry hummed. Larry planned to stay here. He just wanted to know who killed Lu Yuan.

What he was seeing was something Larry had never experienced before. Today he lost a friend, although they had only known each other for a few months.

"I will definitely find the murderer."

Larry said and walked towards the forensic team of Section 5. Zi Yuer quietly thought about why it took so many days for the body to be discovered.

"That shouldn't be the case. After so many days, the corpse would already stink."

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