Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2035 The fluttering butterfly 1 (Part 2)

April 5, 2247

The annual business examination has started again. This year's examination is on the 10th. The number of applicants has increased a lot compared to last year. Last year, many people failed to pass because of the sudden temporary change of the examination. This year's examination is also subject to a lot of discussion. Started in the sound.

The exam questions are the same as last year. They are not set by other departments. Instead, Michelle, the secretary-general of the General Affairs Section, selects 6 secretaries and 7 people to set the questions. Like last year, the exam questions are not fixed. There are 10 in total. As for the question, there have been news reports about cheating in the business exam before, but since Michelle started to interfere in the exam, no one has reported these things anymore.

District 120, located in the far west, has a population of less than 20,000. Most of them are old people, children, and fathers and daughters. Many people have moved to districts closer to the factory area.

"Miss, do you want to buy some handmade products?"

An old woman came over with a large bunch of red and green luminous products. Yincai pursed her lips and smiled, and asked the price. They were all from 5 cents to 5 yuan.

"No, I'm just going to take a look."

Yincai refused. She knew very well that once she bought something, it would be endless. Many people with shops on the street would come to sell it. Yincai had already met many people who came forward to sell it.

Just after noon, Yincai came here after eating at the construction site. Although the food here is cheap, the quality is not very good, even the liquid food. Many of them are made in small workshops, and they don’t know what they have added. What.

In front of you is an area of ​​dilapidated wooden houses. The materials of many houses have been demolished by local scavengers. Except for those that cannot be taken away, all other useful materials have been taken away.

An upward dilapidated street, with these dilapidated houses on both sides. This time Yincai came back and found that these houses were even more dilapidated than before. District 120 has been ignored, and it has become the first slum area in the city. , Yincai took the exam for the business department for the fourth time. This time she didn’t know why she persisted.

Tutors from multiple training institutions had tried to persuade her, but there was no way she could pass the exam. Her scores in several mock tests were not ideal, and the exam content had changed since last year.

Yincai, who was originally very upset, planned to give up the exam and work hard to save money. When he saved enough money, he would find a place to open a small shop on the ground floor, or go to Luneng to help out, but the unwillingness in his heart drove him away. I continued to apply for the exam.

Yincai walked quickly on the road, heading towards the top of the mountain. Many childhood memories kept appearing in his mind. Yincai spent a good childhood in this orphanage, but the end of the memories It was the news that director Lu Qi committed suicide a few days after he left the orphanage.

Soon Yincai came to the entrance of the orphanage. The bridge deck was seriously damaged. Yincai pulled the steel cable and walked over little by little. The door was completely opened. After entering, the scenery was still the same as before. Yincai looked at She walked over and touched the graffiti on the wall gently, and an uncomfortable feeling filled her heart.

There are many places like this in the city. Yincai clenched her fists. Her purpose of entering the business department was to change something, but now she was told that changing would make even the exam difficult.

Yincai is 29 years old this year. She has no higher education. In the eyes of many people, the only thing she can do is manual labor. Yincai also tried to work in some clothing stores, but she would be fired in just a few days.

Yincai has rarely communicated with others since she left the orphanage. She is not too smart and is often scolded by her employer for being clumsy. Although Yincai wants to refute, because if she is given more time to adapt, she will definitely be able to Well done, but most employers won't give a chance to someone without a higher education, and basically don't want someone who is not an experienced person.

Now Yincai can only continue to work in the industry and help at some construction sites. Fortunately, all parts of the city are undergoing renovations recently, and this kind of work basically happens every day. Yincai has been working for three consecutive months and has already saved up to 100%. With a little money, I can definitely cope with this exam. The new round of exams will start in 5 days.

Yincai is now in a very calm mood. No matter what the result of this exam is, she will enter the practice department. On the one hand, she really wants to do something, and on the other hand, Yincai feels that the work in the practice department is at least stable. This is consistent with Most people in the city thought the same thing, and Yincai also decided to give priority to subjects 3 and 5 as long as he could pass the exam.

You can't even think about other subjects, especially the four popular non-professional subjects 1, 6, 7 and 9. Most people who want to get into the professional subjects want to get these four. Go to each department, and the number of faculty members recruited each year is limited. Those who are not recruited can only choose between subjects 3 and 5. If their scores are higher, they can directly enter the medical school under the 4th department or the medical school under the 8th department. Law School.

Stepping into the former orphanage, Yincai came to the hall, which was full of dust. As soon as she raised her head, Yincai saw a piece of rope that had not been removed. This was where the director, Lu Qi, committed suicide.

At that time, Yincai clearly noticed it, but never asked anything. Yincai walked upstairs on the old stairs directly opposite. When he arrived at the second floor, it was also a mess. Everything in all the rooms had been moved. empty.

But at this time, Yincai saw some footprints on the ground of a house, which looked very fresh. She didn't know who had been here recently. She remembered many people in this orphanage, and the one who impressed her most was Ai Lun, and the friend from the barrier area named Black Spot Face, but everyone has lost contact, because everyone left the orphanage one by one, without any contact information.

In this city that is neither big nor small, it is easy to find someone, but it is also very difficult at the same time.

Yincai would come here immediately every time she took a break, and would also ask people on the roadside if anyone had come to this abandoned orphanage. She really wanted to find her parents, but the only information she knew was when Yincai left. At that time, the dean told her that the person who sent her here was a woman. The woman claimed to be Yincai's aunt, named Guo Lian.

Yincai once went to the 5th Department to inquire, but in the end it all came to nothing because 4 of the 5 women named Guo Lian found were dead and 1 was over a hundred years old. It was impossible for Yincai to be Yincai. The aunt I'm looking for.

Yincai didn't want to find someone to rely on, but just wanted to see his parents, but it seemed impossible now because the city was completing the population registration issue at that time.

At this time, there was a noise below. Yincai walked out of her childhood room. When she looked out, she saw many people coming up below. Many of them were holding filming equipment. Yincai was hanging on the window edge. , watching more and more people come up.

Someone directly used a light and shadow generator to create a bridge. At this time, a large number of people walked in, and many people came up to watch. After watching Yincai for a while, I realized that they were going to shoot a movie here, a famous movie. A movie called "The Last Lady".

"Miss Selena!"

Yincai looked at the female star who came in accompanied by some people in surprise. She went downstairs with some surprise. Unexpectedly, Selena, who had been to this orphanage nearly 20 years ago, came here again.

After going down, some staff members came over, glanced at Yincai a few times and told her to leave the shooting scene. Yincai left without thinking much. When he saw Selena again, Yincai felt that she had lost too much weight. At least she is much thinner than she looks on the TV show. In recent years, Selena has only participated in some entertainment shows, and rarely in movies or TV series.

Yincai turned on her mobile phone and after checking it, she found out that Selena was now involved in the filming of a horror movie, but she was not the heroine. At this time, in the back, Yincai saw a young and beautiful actress and An older actor walked in. They are all hot stars in the film and television industry.

Selena sat on a chair and was looking at the stage. She seemed lonely and lonely beside her. After thinking for a moment, Yincai walked over and bowed.

"Miss Selina."

Selena looked at Yincai as if nothing had happened, and then said with a smile.

"If you want to sign, you can."

"That's not the case, Miss Selina. You once visited this orphanage and gave a lot of supplies to the children here. I was one of the children who received your help at that time."

Selena looked up casually and glanced at Yincai, then said with a smile.

"How long ago it happened, I don't remember."

Yincai bowed formally again.

"Thank you for your help at that time, Miss Selena."

Selina looked at the child with some surprise. Yincai had already turned around and left. She wanted to get up and say something to her, but finally gave up. She was once a popular star in the city. She had previously filmed a special program on the orphanage, Sai Of course Lina remembered it, and she had a vague impression of this place, but it was that entertainment program that made her criticized. After that, although she switched to making movies, the results were not satisfactory.

Later, Selena could only participate in entertainment programs, and her popularity was dwindling day by day. In the end, she could only be reduced to a background for making jokes. Everything went wrong, which made Selena feel powerless. Some of the companies she invested in also suffered from the failure of the company last year. The five large-scale operations in China were affected, especially companies in the film and television area.

At this time, Yincai, who had originally left, took out a bottle of water from her backpack and handed it to Selina.

"Miss Selina, let's see if you are thirsty."

Selina smiled and took the water from Yincai's hand, said thank you, Yincai bowed again, and then left quickly, at this time Selena stopped Yincai.

"Can we talk, little girl?"

Yincai hesitated for a moment and then walked over. Selina brought out a chair. Yincai still looked a little uneasy after sitting down.

"Your name is Yincai?"

Yincai was a little surprised, she didn't expect Selena to still remember it, Selena explained.

"Because your name is very special, I also asked the dean why he gave you this name. Are you still singing now?"

Yincai shook his head. Although Yincai liked music, he basically just listened to it in his spare time. After all, he had to pay. Selena asked Yincai what he was doing now. Yincai seemed a little embarrassed, but it was still simple. Talked about some of his own experiences.

Selena still remembers that she was willing to fund the girl to go to school, but the girl refused and chose to stay. Although it was such a good opportunity, she decisively chose to get more supplies if she went to school. , the situation will be different now, and the resume that failed the business department three times has basically no chance. Selena did not explain.

"Why don't you come work here?"

Selena asked, Yincai was a little surprised, but there was still hesitation on her expression. Selina briefly explained the work content of the field staff. Although it was an errand, it was much better than the current job. Yincai After thinking for a moment, he agreed.

"But I have a test in a few days."

Selina nodded, and then left her number. Yincai happily accepted, and this time she did not refuse.

"I have never done such a job before, Miss Selina, can you let me get used to it for a while?"

Selena smiled and nodded.

"It's okay. I'll find some experienced people to guide you. After your exam is over, if you don't pass, just come over here."

Yincai stood up and bowed gratefully, and Selina stood up and patted her shoulder.

"It's okay, you don't need to be so reserved, show some confidence."

Yincai hummed. After chatting for a while, Selina planned to get up and start work. Yincai also left. Many people watching nearby were waiting for such a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity. The production cost of this movie is not low. But they did not choose to shoot in the film and television area. They heard that the current equipment that allows light and shadow environment construction is relatively expensive to use, so they chose to shoot on location.

The people from Section 5 were already outside the crowd. Yincai stood aside. They began to regulate the order outside the set. This was something that could not be seen in the past. The work efficiency of Section 5 was very slow in the past, but it is different now. It was last June that Yincai inquired about her aunt.

There is nothing wrong with going to Section 5. This is what Yin Cai thinks now. The current Section 5 is much gentler than in the past. Yin Cai seems to be very friendly. Many times when he needs help, Yin Cai will ask for help and patrol the streets. Members of the 5th Section, they will not refuse and will help. This kind of thing is happening more and more now.

Yincai glanced back at the orphanage behind her, turned her head and closed her eyes. Facing the breeze, she walked quickly, carrying the small cloth bag behind her. She planned to go to the headquarters of Section 5 now. This time She was fully prepared for the exam.

"It should be fine."

After remembering what Selena said, Yincai smiled and looked to the northwest in the distance.

"I wonder if I will see Mr. Jean again this year."

During the first three exams, Yincai would always meet Gene from Section 13. He would give her some encouragement every time after Yincai failed. Yincai felt that he was really good.

“Let’s work hard this year too!”

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